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��14�1414 <br /> �nspec�ion. Lender or i�s agen� may make reas�nable en�ries upon and inspec�ions of the Property. Lender sha�l <br /> gi�e Barrovver n�tic�at the�ime of�r pri�r to an inspection specifyinb reasonable cause far the�nspec�ion. <br /> �ondernnation. The proceeds of any award or�laim for dama�es, c�irect or cansequen��al, �n connec��on v�i�h any <br /> condemna�ian or other tal�inb of any par�af the Fraper�y, �r for con�eyance in lieu of condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be pa�d�a Lender. <br /> Zn �he even� of a�atal taking af the Properry, �h� praceeds shail be appl�ed�� the sums secur�d by this Security <br /> Zns�rumen�, whether or not th�n due, vvith any excess paid �o Bflrrower. In �he ev�nt of a par�xal �a.king of the <br /> Property in which �he fa�r xna�-ke� va�ue of�he Proper�y immedia�e�y before �he tak�ng is equal to �r greater than <br /> �he arnount af th� sums secured �y this Security �nstrumen� immedia�ely before the �ak�ng, unless Barrawer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing,�h� sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrument shall be reduced by the amount of <br /> �he proceeds multiplied by the follawing frac�ion: �a}�h��o�al amount af th� sums secured immedia�e�y b�fore�he <br /> taking, divided by �b} the fair marke� �alue of�he Proper�y �mmedia�ely before �he takin�. Any baiance shal� be <br /> paid t� Borrov�er. �n the event of a partial taking af�he Praperty in which �he fair marke� value af�he Property <br /> �mmediately bef�re �he �al�inb is less �han �he amaunt �f the sums secured immediately before �h� tak�nb, unless <br /> Borravv�r and Lender o�herwise agree in v�ritin�ar unless App�icab�e Law a�herw�se pro�ides, �he proceeds shall <br /> be app�ied�o the sums secured by this Security�ns�rument whether ar not the sums are then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Borrov�er, or if, after na�ice by Lender�o Sorrower tha�the condemnor offers to <br /> �nake an avvard or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to resp�nd�o Lender�v�thin �he minimum number af. <br /> days established by Appl�cable Law after t�e da�e�he notice is given, Ler�der is authorized to collec�and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at i�s op�ion, ei�her �a res�ora�ion �r repair of�he Proper�y or t� �he sums secured by th�s Secur�fiy <br /> Ins�rument,whet�er or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver fltherwise abr�e in wr�ting, any app�ication af proceeds �a principa� sha�l not extend <br /> �r pos�pone t�e due date of the payments du�under the Cont�-ac�or chan�e the amount of su�h paymen�s. <br /> Sorrower N�� Rel�ased; Forbearanc� Sy Lender No� a '�a��er. Extens�on of �he time for payment or <br /> modificatifln of am�rtiza��on of�he sums secur�d by this Security Instrumen� gran�ed by Lender to Borrawer or <br /> any successor in in�erest �f Borrower shall no� opera�e to re�ease the �iabil��y of the ori�inal B�rro�ver ar <br /> B�rrav�er's success�rs in in�eres�. Lender sha11 not be required to commence proceedin�s a�a�nst any successor �n <br /> interes�or refuse ta extend�ime for payx-nent or atherwise mndify amar�iza�ion of�he sums secured by this Security <br /> Ins�rument by r�ason flf any demand made by the ori��nal Borravver or Barrower's succ�ssors in interest. Any <br /> f�rbearance by Lender in e�ercisin� any ri�h� or remedy shali not be a Wvaiver of or preclude the �xercise af any <br /> r��h�or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and �e►veral Liabxli�y; Accammvda��on Signer5. The co�enan�s and <br /> a�r�ernents of�his Security Inst7rument shal 1 bind and benef��he successors and assigns of Lender and Barror�ver, <br /> subject t� �he pro�isions flf sectian ti�led Transfer �f �he Property or a gene�c�al In��re�t in B�rr�vver. <br /> Barrawer's co�enan�s and agreemen�s shall be j�in�and several. Any person vvho co-si�ns�his Security Instrumen� <br /> but has n� personal l�ability under �he Cont�rac� �"Accammoda�ion Signer"}: �a� is c�-si�ning �his Security <br /> Instrurr�ent �nly to martga�e, �ran� and convey that Accommodation Si�ner's interes� in the Prop�r�y under �he <br /> terms of the Security �pstrument; �b� is not per�ona�Iy o��igated �a pay t�e sums secured �y �his Securi�y <br /> Instrument; and �c� agrees tha� Lender and any other Borrav�rer may abr�e to ex�end, modify, forbear or make any <br /> accammodations wi�h re�ard to�he terms of t�is Secur�ty Instrument or the C�n�ract withou��hat Accamm�da�ion <br /> Si�ner's c�nsent. <br /> Laan Charges. �f�he Ioan secured by �his Secur��y Instrument is subject to a law which se�s maximum �oan <br /> Char�es, and that law �s fina�iy in�erpreted so tha�the interes�or o�her loan charges col�ected or�o be coll�c�ed in <br /> connecti�n wi�h �he l�an exceed the permi�ted limits, then: �a} any such l�an charbe shall be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary �o reduce�he charge �a �he permit�ed lim��s and�b� any sums a�ready coilected from Sorr�w�r <br /> which exc�eded permit�ed limits v�il� be refunded �o Borrov�er. Lender may chaase �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducing �he princ�pal ovved under �he Contract �r l�y mak�n� a direc� payment�o Borrov�er. If a r�fund reduces <br /> princ�pal,��e reduc�ion w�1��e treated as a par�ial prepaymen�under�he Cantrac�. <br /> No�ices. Any n���ce to Borrower prflvided for in �h�s Security �nstrument shal� b� biWen by deli�ering it or by <br /> mailin���by f rs�class mai� un�ess App�icable Law reauires use of another method. The no��ce shail be directed to <br /> �he Pr�pe�-ty Address ar any o�her address B�rror�ver desi�na�es by notice �o Lender. Borrov�er abrees �o pro�ide <br /> Le�d�r vvi�h Borrov�er's mas� current mai i in� address, as it may change fir�m �ime-to-�ime. Any notice to Lender <br /> shall be�i�en by first ciass mail to Lender's address sta�ed�erein ar any other address Lender desi�nates by notice <br /> to Borro�ver. Any n��ice pro�ided for in this Secur�ty Instrun�ent shal� b� deemed t�have been�x�en to Sor�awer <br /> or Lender vvhen gi�en as pro�ided in this parabraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�erability.This Securi�y Instrumen�shal�be gaverned by federal �av�and�he�aws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �ha� any pro�ision or c�ause of�h�s Security Instrumen� or the �on�ract �onflic�s v�ith <br /> Applicab�e Law, such conf�zc� shall no� affec� �ther provisions �f this Security �nstrument �r the �ontrac� v�hich <br /> can be bi�en effec�without�he canf�ictin�provis�on. To t�is end�he prov�sions�f�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�and the <br /> Can�rac�are declared to be s��erable. <br /> Borrovver's��py. Barrower shall be gi�en one capy of�his Security �nst�-umen�. <br /> Transfer�f the Proper�y vr a Bene�cial �nteres�in Barrower. If a�l or any part of�he Property or any �nteres� <br /> in �t is sold or �ransf�rred �or if a heneficial in�eres� in Barrawer is so�d ar �ransf�rred and Borrawer �s not a <br /> natural persan} vvithou� Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, a� i�s option, requxre immediate paymen� in <br /> �?��4-?41�Cornpliance Systen�s,I nc.8 EB3-D2CE-201>�.2.�.E 1.71? <br /> Consurner Rea[Estate-5ec�arity�nstrument DL2fl36 Pa�e 3 of 5 www.compliancesystems.corn <br />