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�. <br /> .� , '�+�t!� r�s�.;.,,.,....j <br /> ..��fY � ._..ia.�aw�_ ._.. <br /> .. ' ���7�� 41 VMn�)e_•irn_la[�_ —_ __ �."s1_ __ _�1�' ___ <br /> ���n..r' --���WO — _--_ -- <br /> --vTs�r�icu�� ---_- <br />.._...z.- T��i,SSi--�-. ...7Y:��:l��. ., - - -�-= �- <br /> � 98-- 1130�1 <br /> 26.SUCCE.SSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficlary, at Heneficls►ry's optfon, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br /> euocaaor trutta by an inetrumrnt raorded in the county in which thle Lkcd of Traet is recorded.The succeas�r trueta, <br /> without canveyance of the Property,shdl succeed to 01l the dtle, power and duties conferred upon the Trustee 6y thi� <br /> peed of Truat u�d appliable law. <br /> 27.NOTICE. Ualea�otherwisc requlred by lew. any notice shell be given by delivering it or by mailiu it by ficst class mall � <br /> to the appropdate pany'e addce�+onpage 1 of this Deed of Truat,or to any other adAress designat�in wrlting. Notice to <br /> one trustor wlll be deemed to be notke to all truato�e. � <br /> 38.U.C.C.PROVdSIONS.lf chaked,the following are upplicable to,hut dn not limit,thls Uad of 1'rust: <br /> �Cunetruet(on Lo�n, Thb De�d of Trust secures an obligation incuned for the constructton of an irr�rovement on <br /> the Ptop�rty, <br /> ❑ Fixture Fflin�.Ttustor granu to Beneficiary a security interest in all goods that Trustor owns now or in the futute <br /> and that are or wUl become fiaturrs relatod to the Property. <br /> ❑ Crope; Timber; Minenls;Reuts, Issues, aud Prc►t�te. Trustor grants to Beneficiary a security interest in all <br /> crops,timber, and minerals locatal on the Property as well as all rents, issues, and profits of them including,but <br /> not limited to, all Conservetion Reserve Program (CRP) and Payment in Kind (PIK) payments and eimilar <br /> govemmental programs(all of which shall also be included in the term"Propedy"). <br /> ❑ Prr�onal Propaty Tn�stor gr�►ts to Beaeficiary a eecurity interest in dl pecson�l property locsted on or <br /> connxted with ths Property, Thle securiry interest includes all famn pmducts. uwentory, equipmM►t, accounls, <br /> documents. instiumente,ch�ttel paper,general intangibles, and all other tteim of personal pmperty Trustor owns <br /> now or in the future end ihat are u.sed or useful in the constn�ction, ownership, operation, management, or <br /> maintenanco of the Property. The term "peraonal property" specifically excludes th�t property describod sy <br /> "howehold goods" aecur�d in connxtion with a "consumer" loan as those tem�s are defined in applicable federel <br /> regulations governing unfair and deceptive credit prxtices. <br /> ❑ Ftiine Ae Financing Stwtement. Truaror agrees nnd acknowledgos thAt this Dad of Trust also sufficcs as a <br /> financing statement and as such,may be filed of ra:ord as a financing statement of purposes of Article 9 of tlie <br /> Uniform camn�ercisl Code.A carbon,photographic,image or other reproduction of this Dad of Trust is sufficirnt <br /> as a financing statement <br /> 29.OTl�R TEItMS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Deed of Trust: <br /> $8 Line of Credit.The Sxured Debt incluues a xevoiving Iine oi crcciit piurisi'v��. Aiu'�aug�;,h:,�u:td I?Pb!ma;!" <br /> reduced to a uro balance. this Dad of Trust will nmain in effxt until nleasod. <br /> ❑ Agrkultur�l Property.Trustor covenants and�vanants that the Property will be used principally for agricultural <br /> or fuming purpases and that Trustor is an individual or entity allowed to own agricultural lend as specifiod by l�w. <br /> ❑ Addltional Terme. .................................................................................................................... <br /> .................................,.....,...........,.....................,...................,...................... .. <br /> ...................................................,..........................................,................,... <br /> DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD <br /> Pursuant to the Fann Homestead Protection�Act,desfgnation of homestead C] is atuched to this Dad of Trust snd mrle A <br /> put hereof L7 has been disclaimed;the disclaimer is attached to thie Doed of Tiust w►d mad�a part hereof. <br /> SIGNATURES: By eigning Uelow. T�ustor agrees to the tern�s and covenants containod in this Deed of Trust and in u►y <br /> attachments.Trusror also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Deed of Trust on the date statod nbove on Page 1. <br /> ❑ Actual authorlty w�s granted to the parties sigaing below by resolution signed And dated ................................... . <br /> GIFNT�.T..�. .� A 1�F2ASIQ�1 LIMI'Tk� <br /> EnUry Nu►x:LIAE3,I, �...�....................... Entity Name: .........,�.............................................. <br /> BY' .��!�`.:'.. ... ........... ..... ....................................................��� <br /> ......:... .. . ..... ........ ..... .. <br /> turc) ITY IDII�'NP (D�k) (Sigruturc) <br /> — ................................... .......................,......,..... .........................� �te) <br /> .... .............. • <br /> ��� D <br /> (Slgntture) .�. .�....(D�te) (SigiuWre) <br /> — ❑ Refer to the Addendum whlch is attached and incorporated herein for additinnal 'frustors, signatures and <br /> acknowledgments, <br /> � ACKNOWLEDGA�NT: <br /> STATEOF ........................................... .COUNTY OF ,,.......,..,.,...................,,............ }ss. <br /> � cla of............... <br /> ° 'Thls instntment was x}:nowledgeci before me this .................... y ..................... ............ <br /> _ o„a�„wW� <br /> �a �(y commission expires:...,......................................................................................................... . <br /> :�� (seal) ......................... . ..... .................................. <br /> __ �(Notary Public) <br /> S'CATE OF ���}4a............................ �COUNTY OF.�rL,...... .. ... ... ..,. }ss. <br /> �' This�(�i'n'ys��tru�7n]��7e]nTtr�w.�as a{c�iprn�ow�l7c�dy�gc}'d7'�before me this.......��r� of......��•..19�8.................... <br /> ` liy.i`fl�F..i.r.'t'rhtii�.R..Ft":N•i'.-:4h.'f.............................................�....�....................�...�...........�........... <br />- (Budrct� TT ��p���/ ...............�.................... Ri�le(q) <br />.. u fniry ..� .. C . .....4.A`.'r'!�t'f:S1'i'�..Y.'.�''.+i i.�!:�r..H�`�''4H1. •:-:`r?::�S'Mlt.• .�....��........... t <br /> ' ..........C., ... <br /> ��!T...�.1..�. T� T� <br /> AcW�.kdN�� Of`YAii.t�...iieY.•...r.e. . . . .. . �m of Bwircff a�+iq) <br /> ................................................... ... ... .. ...... .. on behalf of the business or entity. <br /> I My coitunission expircs: --- �. �. . . ............................... <br /> (Seal) ,r. .�.-r**rr.-` <br /> �{ G4hCFL1l N01�1RY•SI�11 d MKpi1k1 (Not�ry Wblic) <br /> �I�j LOPI A.HENN <br /> � �ly Comm Exp.SeDI.t,2001 <br /> w . F <br /> I . ' G t 993 DuNC�s Systcros.ine.St C�oud.MN ii 80G J97434t1 Fam AG�CO Di NE �Ord0�97 p000 G o!6 <br /> 1 _ . _ . . _.. . _ . -� --- . . <br />