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Any clstn�s and defenses to the contrary are hereby waived. <br /> •_:?���`%� rrvate or ublic <br /> ;=,-4,s�: 20.CONDENIIYATIOI�. Trustor wiU give &neficiary prompt notice of any sction,real or threarened, by p ', P � <br /> �-__,s� entities to purchase or take any or all of�h� Property, including any easements, through condenuia�ion,c►nincnt domain, <br />.�,..,. <br /> or eny other means.Trustor further agrea ta notlfy Beneficiary of any proceedinge institute�for the establishment o any <br />� sewer, water, conservation, ditch, drainege, or other district relating to or binding upbn the Property or any pact of it. <br /> __„�� Trustor authorizes Bene�ciaiy to intervene in Trustor's name in any of the above described actions or claims and to collect <br /> and receive all sums resulting from the action or claim. Trustor assigns to Beneficiary the procceds of any award or claim <br /> for datnages connecced with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Propeny. Such proceeds shall be <br /> z_�� con9idered payments and will be applied as provided in this Deed of Trus[. This assignment of proceeds is subjcet to the <br />"f-=""r'°"�' terms of any prior security agreement. <br />�:���� <br /> �,.a,�,,,� <br />°Y�'��`� 21.INSURANCE.Trustor agrees ro maintain insurance as follows: <br />- ,.��...�� A. Trustor shall kap che Property insured against loss by fire, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably ussociated <br /> —`.�°�..'�'-°� wlth the Property due to its type and location. Other hazards and rusks may include. for example,coverage against <br /> loss due to floods or flooding.This insurance shall be mAinwined in the amounts and for the periods that <br /> ����- I3eneficiary requires. The insu�ance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Tmstor subject to <br />'��'`;�� Beneficiary's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintain the coverage <br /> r_'—.��� descrlbed above, Beneficiary maY� at Beneficia�y's option, obtain coverage to protect�eneficiary's rights in the <br /> -_-•;-�.�� Property according to the terms of ttiie D�d of Trust. <br />'� �: <br /> _T;�� All insuraz�ce policies and renewals ehall be acceptable to Beneficiary and shall include a stendazd "mortgage <br />-- clause" and, where applicable, 'beneficiary loss payee clause." Trustor shall immuediately notify &neficiary of <br /> l- cancellation or termination of tl�e insurance. Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If <br /> ' Beneficiary requires, Trustor shall tmcr�ediately give to Beneficiary all receipts of paid premlums and renewal <br />-,k-».� notices. Upon loss,Trustor shall give inunediate notice to the insurance carcier and Beneficiary. Ben�ficisry may <br /> -'��� make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor. <br />_;=:-";n'_`�'� <br /> --- Unless Beneficiary and Trustor othenvise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restorauon or <br />-=_ : repair of the Property damaged if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Beneficiery's secudty is not <br /> lessened. If the iestoration or rcpair is not economicaliy irayibic or`c'ssr;'s s�uri�;wn��ld Ne lessened, the <br /> -�� insurance proceecls shall be applial to the Secured De6t,whether or uot then due, with any excess paid to Trustor, <br /> -� If Trustor abandone the Property,or dces not answer within 30 days a notice from Beneficiary that the insurana <br /> canier has offered to settle a cla�m,then Beneficiary may collect the insurance proceeds.Benefieiary rnay use tb� <br /> - proceeds to repair or restore ttie Froperty or to pay the Secured Debt whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod <br /> ____�� will begin when the notice is gi���n. <br /> � Unless Beneficiary and Trustor o�henvise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shsll not extend <br /> � or postpone the duc da[e of scheduled paymen[s or change the acnount of the payments. If the Propeny ie acquind <br /> by Benefic�ary,Trustor's right to any insurance policies and proceecis resulting from demage to the Propetty beforo <br /> --- the acqulsition shall pass to Aeneficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt lmmadiately before the acquleition. <br /> B. Trustor agrees to maintain comprehensive general llability insurance naming&neficisry a�an additional iasured in <br /> an amount acceptable to Beneficiary, insuring against claims arising from any aceidrnt or occucrence in or on the <br /> ��ny. <br /> C. Tcustor agcees tu maintain rental loss or business interruption insurance,as required by&nefietary,in an smow�t <br /> y � equal to at least coverage�f one year's debt service, and required escrow account depnsits (if agreed to separately <br /> in writing),under a form of policy accepteble to Beneficiary. <br /> -#•��� 22.NU ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agceenxnt. Trustor wlll not <br /> -- _�;;;�� be required to pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. <br /> �° 23,FINANCIAL REPURTS AND ADDTI`IONAL DOCUMEIV'I'S. Trusror will provide to&neficiary upon requast, any <br /> �.°�� financial statement or informltion Beneficiary may deem necessary. Trustor warrdnts that all financial statrnxnes and <br /> .,�„r,;�„�i inforniation Trustor provides to Eeneficiary are, or wil l be, aceurate, c:orr e c t, and co m plete. Trustor egrees to sign. <br /> —_;:-';,;�� deliver, and file as Beneficiary may reasonably rcqucst any additional dceuments or certifications that &neficiary tney <br /> '°-z,�k� consider necessary to perfect,continue,and preserve Trustor's obligations under thie Deed of T�ust and &neficiary's lien <br /> :=�"^+ status on the Property. If Trustor fails to do so, Beneficiary may sign,deliver,and file such documcnts or certificat�s in <br /> ?-,t'��:,. <br />::� k-�-•�..,. Trustor's tiame and Truston c�reby irtevocably appoints Bcneficiary or Beneficiary's agent as attorney in fact to do e <br /> '�' �'� things nccessary to comply with thts sation. <br /> '"�'�. <br /> ' 24.JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under <br /> this Dced of Trust are joint and individual. If Trustor signs this lleed of Trust bue dces not s�gn thc Evidence of Debt. <br /> - Trustor does so anly to tnortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured �ot this Doed�of <br /> •�� ' does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt,Trustor agrees that Beneficiary and any party <br /> �: Trust may extend, modify or make any change in the tern�s of this Deed of 'I'rust ar the 6vidence of Debt without <br /> .. �: Trustor's consent. Such a change will not relcase Trustor from the terms of this Deed of Trust.The duties and benefits of <br /> this Deed of Trust shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor and Beneficiuy. <br /> �J"� � If thic Deeci of T[ust secures a�uaranry between Beneficiary and Trustor and does nut dircetly secure the abligation which <br /> ___�_.. _.. _._ . <br /> _.c�1.««..:.... otiv orfinn nr rlaim aeainst <br /> -l - r 15 Sll3T3ri11C(�, Trustor agn�:s to waive any rights tnat may prevcni nc��a►�c�ar aav..,�....e...e..-.� --..----- -�- .. <br /> Trustor or any parey indeUted under the obligution including,but not lintited to,anti-deficicncy or one-action laws. <br /> 25.APPI.ICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. Tliis Deed of'Crust is governed by the laws of the <br /> jurisdiction in whieh Bcneficiary is laated, except to d►e extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where <br /> the Property is loc:ated. This D��c�d o(Trust is compiete and fully integrated,This Deed of Tcust may not tx amendc�d or <br /> maiified by oral agrecment. Any sation ur clause in this Dc��t of Trust, attachments, or uny agrcement related to thc <br /> Seeurecf Dcbt that contlicts�vitl�applicable law will not be effective, unless that law expressly or impliedly permits the <br /> variations by written agre,�cment. [f any scction or clause of this Dced of Trust cannot tx:cnforccd according to its tern�s, <br /> that scction or clause will Ue severcd �id will not affect thc enfon:eaUility of the rcmainder of this Decd of'fnist. <br /> ' Whenever used,the singulrs shall include tiic plur;il and thc plural the singulu. 'Ci►e captions a�id headings of the s��etions <br /> of this Deecl of Trust arc for convenience only and are not to be used to i�uerpret or detine tt►e tenns of this Deeci of Trust. <br /> Time is of the essence in this Dc��i o(Trust. , �aoe so�s <br /> � e 1993 Danke•e Sv� Goua.MN 17 800]97-23at 1 Fo��»AG�GO Di NE fOr30,97 . . — <br /> � <br />