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<br /> (d) � wrM ol �ot�CUfbn or �tlichm�nl of �tly �tMnllar procNl� thaW b� �nbnd �Whst Tru�tor whbh •h�N b�oortN� MMt On NN
<br /> ' Tru�t B�Iat� or u�y purtbn thKwl or {nl�rNt Ih1r�h Ynd �uCh �culbn, att�chrr�nt or efmlMr procN� o} Judpnwnt k not nMaNd�
<br /> bond�d, ��tlsflW, v�c�t�d or�I�y�d wRhin�bcty (b01 d11Ys �INr Ns�ntry or Iwy; or
<br /> (�) th�n h�s occurrod �bnach ot or dN�u1 undK �ny brm,cownant,�pnern�nl, condAbn,provfsbn, rpr�Nntatbn or wu�anty
<br /> cont�fnad in any prbr d�etl ol lrust or morip�po���hp th�Truat Eet�b.
<br /> 10.Aeceler�tlo� upon Defsult; AddNbn�l Remsdles. i� .� .vMi o� d.�aurt xcun, e.n.nc�.ry m.r deciu. ►►+�
<br /> Indebtodness secured hereby to be due end p�yabN �nd th� snm� ehall ther�upon brcome due and p4yabls withoul any pr�srntrn�nl�
<br /> dYm�nd,prot�st or notfc�of�ny khd.ThKMft�r, BinMichry m11Y:
<br /> (i) ekh�r In p�rson or by �p�nt, wRh or wkhout brinqinp �ny aotbn or proc�ihfl, or by � ncNw► WPolnl�d bY • cowt �nd
<br /> wkhout rp�rd to th��cNqu�cy of Na sacurRy, �ntK upon u�d ak�po�f�ssbn of thp TN6t�it�t�,or�ny put thawf, N ks owm m�w
<br /> or in the nama of 7rustea, and do �ny Rcts whkh R dsertis necsssary or deafrabb to pressrve th� velue, m�rkst�bNky or ront�blNtY o�
<br /> the Trust Estate, or part thereot or hterast theroh,hcre�se the fncome tharefrom or protect the aecurily h�nof�nd,wkh or wkhout
<br /> takfny posaeaslon o} th� Trust Est�t�, sus (or or otherwise colMCt ths rsnts, latuss and protRs th�r�of� hcludhp thos�past du� end
<br />- unpald, and appy tha same, Iess coas end oxponses of opa�atbn and collectbn hcludlnq attomays' ha�,upon �nY k+d�6►�dn��
<br />- secured heret�y, eh In such order a� 8eneflciery r►wY detertnhe. 7he enterhy upon end takhp posassabn of th� Truat Eft1t�, tM
<br />- colbctbn of such renta, issues and profils and the�pp�atbn th�oof as �fonsakl shall not curs or w�lw any dN�uk or notic� at
<br />= defeuR hereund�r or hv�lidats any aCt dona {n roaponse to suCh dsfault or pursu�nt to such notVice of d�huR�nd,notwRhstandhp th�
<br /> shalhbanent kd to ex cis� favKY rqht p o�vt►d�d lor�h any totnths L�n hst�msnts or by IYwsupoe occurt�n�sof�ny �wr►t of dMauk '
<br />- fnclud!nq the rqht to exercfaa th�powa'ol swk;
<br />__ (II) comrtwnc� an actbn to loncba� th�e D�d of Trust �� a mort{�p�, �Ppoint a ncalwr or sp�cifh.aly�nfuc� anY of th�
<br /> - covenants here�f;
<br /> (AI) d�liwr to Trustes � written decMustbn ot d�fAUlt and demand for s�b and n writter� notfce of d�huk �nd �Nctbn to caut�
<br /> Trustor's Interest in the Trust Estato to bo sold,which notfce Trustee shall cauee to be duy fNed lor racord In lh��ppropr�ato CMYCIq of
<br /> the County h whbh tho Truat EttatY is IoCRted;or
<br /> (Iv) exeraise suCh olher rphts or remed{es lt law or in equRy.
<br /> 11.Foraclowre by Power of Sale. II Benefblery elects to torecbse by exerolse of the PowK of S�I� hlr�ln aaltaM»d�
<br /> ' Beneffc4�ry ahall notHy Trustee and shall dspoaR wRh Truatee thfs Second Desd of Tru6t �nd any nots wldmcinp 1h� IndN�t�dn�ss auid wch
<br /> - recefpts and evidence of expendNures mede and secured hereby as Truatee may requke.
<br /> = rn) upon racelpt of sucli not�Ce hom B�nefbNry, Trustea shaN causa to be ncord�d, pubNsh�d �nd d�Mwr�d lo Truttor suah
<br /> Not�e of �ehuR and Notice of Sab ae thM requkW by I�w !ntl by th16 �sconu vub�+ �_ =�oi• Trs���=�-"�wNhn�it d.nund on
<br /> Trusror, aftar such tfms as maY thN� bo requkW by law and �Rar r�cordatbn ot wch Notfc�of D�fauk �nd�ftK NotkY of S�N havtq
<br /> b�n plwn as requfred hy law,Ssll tha Trost Eeuta rt th�tMrn and pkCa of s�M fbad by It Ir�suoh Notfc�of SaM,Ntha as �whoM,a
<br /> - fn sepuate bts or puc�ls or Rams as Trust�a shaN de�n �dMnt, u+d h wah order�� k may d�1K►nin�� �t P�bb ��^ to tM
<br /> hqhest blddK for caah In kwlul mon�y ot th�UnN�d Statsa paynbk at th� tYrN of sala. TrustM �hRM dNNe�to such purchas�r o�
<br /> purchasers thereof�s pood and suMl�ivnt de�d or dwd�conveyinp the property eo aold, but wkhout uiy cown�nt or w�mn�ty��eaprM+
<br /> or fmpli�d.Tho raCftala fn cuch da�d of�ny rtutlw�on c�ts �h�N b�conoludw proof ot th�trulhlulnus th�rwf.My pas
<br /> wNhout IlmRatbn Trustor,Truat�s or BenNicluy,maY purchaa�at such taM.
<br /> �q� ,qs rr�y ba pKmict�d by kw, �hw d�ducth� otl coste, fNe and �sa of Tru�tM and o} thN T�utt, i►elidkq cotft of
<br /> wid�nc� uf tNM in connactbn wRh saM,TnjstN sh�A �pply tha proCNds ol s�M to paymMrt ol(I) tM IndWl�dnMS (�)RN otlNr wm�
<br /> thm s�cur�d hwWy, and (W)th�nmafndK, M�ny.to th�p�rson or p�none Ip�ly�nikbd th�nto.
<br /> (c) Trustp may M th�m�nnw provk3od by Iaw po�lpon�saM of�M or any portbn of th�Trust Ettat�.
<br /> 1Z. Remedlsa Not E�cclusivs. Tru�ts�1nd B�neNCkry, and MCh of thmt, sh�N l»MtkMd to�niorC�WymM1t�nd P�n��
<br /> ol�ny hd�bl�dnas or abfipatbni s�cund h�reby�nd to eaKClse atl rphts and pow�rs untl�r thk S�cond DMd of Trust a uncMr 1ny Lo�n
<br /> - Instrumont or other wroanont or�ny I�ws now or harMltnr In facs;notwMh�t�ndhp, som� or nN of th�euch fndsbUdn�t�and ob�tb��
<br /> socur�d hwaby rnRy now or h�rsaR�r b� othsrwis� sacund, wh�th�r by mortpWo� de�d a� tr��t� Pl�dO�� MM�� ��b^^�t or othMwlM.
<br /> N�khW tha accaptana of thk S�cond Dsed of Tru�t na ka�nforown�nt,wh�thK by court �ctbn or punwnt to th�pow�r of s�M or otMr
<br /> powers hereh containod, shau pnjudko or fn any mannx aHect Truats�'� or B�nMfcluy'e ripht to rwlln�upon or�n1ac��ny otMr wcwMl+
<br /> now or hersafter held by Trustee or Bensficwry. R beinp apresd that Truste� and Bensficlery, and e�ch of thom,thal be mtRbd lo onlorc�
<br /> this S�cond D�ed of Trust and any oth�r srcurity now or h�naR�r h�ld by B�nM�clu1' or TrustM h suoh ordM�nd mmn�r as tMy o/NtMr
<br /> - of thMn may h th�k absoluts dkcretbn Wtermfn�•No nrtwdY h�rein conhrnd upon or nsen�d to 7rust» or B�n�ACMuy k int�nd�d to b�
<br /> exclusNe o} any oth�r�emedy herein or by lew provkied or permkted, but each sh�ll be cumuM�tive�nd sh�M be in�ddklon !o Mry othK
<br /> remedy ahran hereunder or now or hereaRer exfslhp at law or in squky or by etatute, Evory powK or rortNdy fliv�n bY�nY oi th� Lo�n
<br /> - Instrumants ro Trustee or Baneficlary or to whfch eRher of them rtwy be otherwlsa entkkd, maY be exKCbsd, concumnty or indpMd�ntly.
<br /> — hom time to time and as oken as may be daemad expedfunt by Trustee or Hanefbkry and either of thwn m�y pursu�Inconsfst�nt ran�dUs•
<br />= NOthiny her9fn she11 be construed as prohibNlnp Beneficlery from seelcfnp e detkbncy Judpment ayafnst the Truator to the at�nt�uch �Ctbn
<br /> -= is permRted by law.
<br /> �- ��s�+o.�nna�eroe� P�p��ot 6
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