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<br /> To Protect tM S�curlty of thia Second a��d of Tro�t: 98-��.304�
<br /> � 1. P�ym�nt of Indebtednewr.Trustor shrN p�y wh�n du� tM princk��of, �na �h. h►K«i �^,����������N a�
<br /> aume a� provid�l in t1»Lan Inswm�nts. h�t th�
<br /> 2. T�XO�. Truetor �h�N p�y e�ch In�ulkrNnt ot aN tax�s and eP�c�l a�MStm�nt� of wery khd, now nr h��+ � �
<br /> Truat Eatat�or�ny part thoraof,ba(ora delinqu�cy,wRhout notfC� or dwr�lnd.
<br /> 3. Insurance snd Rep�irs. Trus�or ehaw mar,uh nr• u+d �nnd.d cown� tnsur.nc• �n�urr,p tM imrxo�TM^`c�y+"�
<br /> put of th�Trust��tat�fw wch amountc and on¢uah tsums rraaonAbly eetFslectory to B�nNbluy.So bnp as t BhaN�y����o silkiy `
<br /> rrst d.ed o�truai or monpap.,complfanc�wNh th�inwranc�raquY�t�of th� fts�d�sd ol trutt or mortpap�
<br /> th�nquk«+�enn ol thk pu�O��Ph 3 n�tin0 lo in�unna.
<br /> Tru�tor shaN prorr�ty npaY�nd nplace th�Tru�t Esuu or�ny paR lhK�of so lhRt,axc�pt lor ordinary w�r a�d�^��oT�t��„
<br /> ah�N not d�tKlor�t�• In no w�nt�haM th�Tmsta commN wut�on or to th�Trust E�ut�, or commk, euM�r or pKm
<br /> or upon th� Trust Eetat� In vbl�tbn of �nY I�w, ordlnanc� or rpulatbn.Truftor eh�M pay �nd prompty rtfso«� at Tru�tora cost end
<br /> ucpms�aN IMns,w►cumbnnc�t u+d charoa IrvMd� knPos�d or ascas�d Wahst Iho Tn,st EcU►t�or eeY W u ort to �fNct tM
<br /> 4. AcUon� Aifectiny Trust E�te. Trustor 1ha11 �ppN►� h and conlast anY actbn or procwdhp P �P �0
<br /> sacurRy hanof or th� riphts or powora ol BonNfclu'y or 7rusbe,u�d �htU p�y oW costs �nd w IpanNS�oh��to cme��o��Y�►t or to
<br /> ond attorneys'�oas� In ony suCh actbn or praceadinq h whfch Benefici�ry or TruetM�Y �PPN�
<br /> do any act as and fn th�rtunna►ProvkNd h �ny ol th� Lo�n Inttrum�nte, B�neNeMuY andlor TrustM,�oh fn th�k own d�`���
<br /> oblip�tbn so to do �nd wkhout noffee to a dmxnd upon Trusta and wkhout rN�asMp Tru�tor kom �nY obYpatbn, rrMy
<br /> sams in euch manner �nd to euch extent as �ilher may doem necoowY to pr�teet tha aocurky hKSOt Ttuctor shaN, WrMdlltsN �P�
<br /> d�nand th�rNor by B�n�ffcMry� P�Y aN cotls �nd �xPMS�s InCUrt�d by BaneiblvYaka�,au6rv�Y� and�ttCnuY�cMaby B�nMicluy ol tM
<br /> torpofn9 rfphts,fncludhfl wkhout umft�tbn eosri o}wld�nc�of tNM,couA oos1�, �pp b �� ���y �bYC
<br /> 6. Eminent Dorru�in. If the TNri Esuts, or any p11rt thw�of or hler�st theroin, bs t�ken or dutrMp�d Y
<br />_ knprovemont or cond�rtxutbn praaedhy,or in wnY othar mannen c�iudiny dwd fn li�u th�wf('Condsmnatbn"), a N io��haM b�t fW
<br /> natic� or othw Informatbn ropudinp such proc»dY►9�Tru�tor th�M phro prompt wrMton not�Ptherao}to B�nMblary. „�d ��a Mt
<br /> to�M compsns+itbn,�wuds�nd other p�yrtants or reNef thereol �nd sh�Y bs entNkd at Rs n tbn to commsna�� aPt��
<br /> its own nartw�ny actbn or proca�din9s•TNSt�r shaN 41so be entNl�d to mak�any compromi�a or sattlwnmt In conn�atbn wkh tuch Wc�W
<br /> or d�mapt+.
<br /> 6. Appalntmsnt O} SIICCQMO� Trus�es�sw�s`I�s CountY,„hwhbh tl»Tru t Es�t�eybeloCatMl and`by oth�rw�COmPy�
<br /> acknowMClpso ny 3ennci�uy,��KM,� ic .r�s.or..rs_ �--- . � h� e�
<br /> wNh th� provfsbns o} th� applfCabM 14w of tha ^utau ot Nebrecka substkut� a cuccessor or tucc�cson to th�_�+��"' "":'"•"
<br /> �►atiny MnundK.
<br /> 7. SIJCCOMOr� ��d Ati10n�.rnM S�COnd DMd of Tnist�pp�M� to, InurK to th�b�nMk o}and binds aN paRMs hM�tO�th�
<br /> hetrs, 1eWtvss, dsvkees� P�son�l��tatN�s,ot ncertwd af�B�ticWY hwln]`� •BsnaflcfuY" shaN ms�n th�owr►�r �nd hokbr of�nY
<br /> promktory not�0�^to b�nMbiuY� (
<br /> 8. Marqer, Conwlld�Uyn� S�lei or LeNes.rn,acor eor«+MC: tnae Truseor wW noc�,IMN or a«'�dMpos�o��nY
<br /> of tM Trust E�t�to.In tho av+nt thrt Ttustor s�kt, Iw�st or othuwise dkpoas ol�ny p�rt ot tM Trust Est�M� B�+�MfCMry^taY�� ���^
<br /> d�c4n tha IndWt�dn�ss a�curod h�oby knm�dkt�y due and peyabM, whither o� not uty dM�ut �tkts• ��� �� ��^�^t to a
<br /> ttui�„intll»TFkst�DMd of Truttr 7M C tov�n�nts con'ta 6YNdhh«Nn sluN �wNhh ihi ProP�tY Md�haN�k1 in tuN tOrO��nd NNCt 1MMr
<br /> s�t
<br /> ttw indwt�dn�sf la pald h lu�.
<br /> 9. EVEfl1�f 0�DIlIMJI�.MY ot tM folbwfn9 evM�ts shal ba d1MrNd Yn walt 0�d�uk harluntiK:
<br /> (�) delauk shaM W rrwdo h th�paym�nt of th�hd�bNdnoss cr �ny otMr sum acund h�rYbY M'Iw� d��
<br /> or
<br /> (b) Truator shaN Dato►m�ny�ct iri banlwptcy;or
<br /> (c1 R Court ot Comp�lMt �u►MdiCtion 6haA Onb��n ord�r, ludpmant or d�crM�PPro�� •�N���"��Tn,sta s+�krq�^Y
<br /> notp�nfution, db�olutbn or slmYU rwNM und�r sny Prsunt nr futun� hdK�l, stau or AtMr �utuM, rw o� npuktion nIM�O �
<br /> b�nkruptcy, hsoN�ncy or other nMl for dM�lors, u�d s�ch orda, Judpr►Mn
<br /> t or d�cn� sh�M nmah unwcabd �nd urntay�d for �n
<br /> �ppregl�ta ol sbctY (�) d�YS (whNMr or not cons�cutNe) kom IM fint dau of�ntry th4�ot or�ny WstM, �CNw� a�qu�a
<br /> Trustor or ot �N or e�ny part o( tha'frust Estate, or ol any or U �f the royaki�s, ��� n^K� �� « �� thNwf,thd b�
<br /> oppointW wkhout ths cons�nt or�cquNsc�r►c�ot T'rustor and auch �ppointm�nt sh�ll nmah u������d unaf�y�d for M� �M
<br /> 01 s6Ay(60)daYS(whethx or not Consecuthre);or
<br /> _ vap.�ol 6
<br /> �,aa.o.�Ma c�ra)
<br /> •.�i
<br /> ,��
<br /> ��_
<br /> ��
<br />, ��
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<br />' � 96B
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