<br /> 3
<br /> d. "D�clarativn of Default" �s defined in Se��ion 38.
<br /> e. "Displaced Persons or Fami��es" means a pers�n, family or families, displac�d
<br /> fram �i} an urban renewa� ar�a, �ii} as a result of government action, �r �iii} as a result of
<br /> a major disaster determined by the President pursuant to the Rabert T. Staffard
<br /> Disaster Re�fef and Emergency Assistance Act.
<br /> f. "Distribution" means any disbursal, Gon�eyance �r transfer of any portion af the
<br /> Mortgaged Property, Fncluding the segregati�n of cash or assets f�r subsequent
<br /> withdrawal as Surp�us Cash, other than in payment of Reasonable �perating Expenses,
<br /> or any other dis�urs�ment, conveyance, or transfer provided for in this Agreement.
<br /> g. "Eld�rly Per�on" means any person, married or singie, who is 6� years of age or
<br /> older.
<br /> h. "Fixtures" means all �roperty �r goods that became so related or attached to the
<br /> Land or the �m�rovements that an interest arises in them under real prop�rty law,
<br /> whether acquired now or in the future, exciuding all tenant awned goods and property,
<br /> and including but n�t I�mited ta: machinery= equipment , �ngin�s, bo�lers, incinerat�rs,
<br /> �nstalled build�ng materiais; systems and equipment f�r the �urpos� of supplying or
<br /> distributing h�ating, cooling, electricity, gas, wat�r, a�r, or fight; antennas, cable, wiring
<br /> and c�nduits used in conne�tian with radi�, tei�vision, computers, security, fir�
<br /> prev�ntian, or fir� det�ction or atherwise us�� to carry electron�c signals; t�iephone
<br /> syst�ms and equipm�nt; ��e�ators and related machinery and equi�mer�t; fire dete�tian,
<br /> pr�venti�n and extinguEs�ing systems and a�paratus; security and ac�ess c�ntrol
<br /> systems and ap�aratus; plumbing systems; wat�r h�at�rs, ranges, staves, mi�rowa�e
<br /> �vens, refrigeratars, d�shwashers, garbag� d�sp�sais, wash�rs, dry�rs and other
<br /> appliances; light fixtur�s, awnings, storm windows and storm d�ors; �ictures, scre�ns,
<br /> blinds, shad�s, curtain� and curtain r�ds; mirrors; cabinets, pan��ing, rugs and fl�or and
<br /> wal� c��erings; fen�es, trees and pfants; swimming po�ls; playground and exercise
<br /> equipment and classroom furn�shings and equ�pment.
<br /> i. "Goads and Serv�ces" is defrned in Se�tian �4.
<br /> j. "HUD" means the Unit�d States Department �f Housing and Urban De�elopment
<br /> acting by and through �he Secretary in his capacity as insurer ar halder �f th� Loan
<br /> under the author�ty of the Nati�na� Housing Act, as am�nded, th� Department of
<br /> Hausing and LJ rban D����opm�nt Act, as amended, or any �ther f�deral taw �r
<br /> regulation pertaining to the Loan �r the Mortgaged Property.
<br /> k. "lmpositions" and "Imposition D��os�ts" are defined in the Security Instrument.
<br /> Pr�vious editions are obsnlete; Regulatary Agreement HUD-9�465M�Rev.�41�1}
<br /> Replaces form H�D-92466�111Q2}
<br />