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��14�1195 <br /> �ompany �holly own�d and controlled by one or mor� <br /> nonprofit affordabl� hou�ing �rovid�r. <br /> 1� . �wn�r will comply wi�h the provi�ions of an� <br /> F�deral, Stat� or local la� prohibiting <br /> discrimination in housing on the grounds of race, <br /> color, religion or cr��d, s�x, handicap, familial <br /> status ar national origin, including the Fair <br /> Housing Act of 1968, as amended. <br /> 11 . The rent charged for each unit shall not exceed the <br /> upper limit af th� range shawn for such type af unit an <br /> a rental sch�dule approved in writing by HUD, and shall <br /> include th� reasanable use of all utiliti�s sho�n on <br /> said sch�dule, but in no �v�nt shall the total gross <br /> mon�hly rents for all d�elling units �x��ed the gross <br /> monthly dwelling incom� f�r all units approv�d by HUD on <br /> th� rental s�hedul�. <br /> 12 . No increas� �ill be made in the amount of the gross <br /> monthly dwelling income for all units as sha�n on the <br /> rental sch�dul� unl�ss such increa�e is a�prov�d by HUD, <br /> who will at any time �ntertain a �ritt�n request for an <br /> in�rease properly su��orted by substantiating �vid�nce <br /> and within a reasonable time shall approve ar deny such <br /> request . <br /> 13 . ��n�r shall maintain the premises and equipment, <br /> appurtenant thereto, in good repair and condition. <br /> 14 . Th� books and a��ounts of th� op�rations of the <br /> property and of th� proj�ct shall be kept in <br /> ac�ordanc� with the relevant HUD requirements <br /> r�lated ta the S�ction 2�2 and 2�z18 program. <br /> 15. �lithin ninety �9�} da�rs f�llowing the end of each f i scal <br /> y�ar� ��n�r shall provide a complet� annual financial <br /> report based upon an �xaminati�n of the books and <br /> re�ords of the proj�ct �re�ared in a��ordance with th� <br /> r�quirements af HUD and certified b� a �ertified Public <br /> Accountant, or other p�rson acceptabl� to HUD. <br /> 15. �wner further covenants and agrees that if �wner conveys <br /> title ta the project prior to th� Use Agreement' s <br /> expiration, ��rner �aill prior to transf�r �f title: �1} <br /> confirm the pur�haser has b��n approv�d by HUD and �2} <br />