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''.r� i':s�.� �".' _....._.,._. <br /> i..::,.� a �iH�"t�"I <br /> +�►. ;�:aw� arw,c�.�.., „ <br /> � 7��-rl�s�;1;S.�i�yi,kT::nt�tbl�r�:..,��,y«: r:y�.; :,.5.:_7-r.;.�r�'�'.:r���'_----_"���.-. <br /> -•�� —= n.u1eft — - - — —__ .�:. ..-. <br /> - - - -- - _ - — , ,�.,.v.:s�.—. <br /> �Vw ��Y��� <br /> (1)All or part of the Propeny. ot a beneficl� intereft in�tcust owning all or part of the Propeny,is sold <br /> or othenvl�e trAnsferred(o�her thui by devik or descent),and <br /> (ii) Tha Property is not occupled by the puroh�ser or granta a�his or her principal residence, or the <br /> purch�ser or gcentee does co ocet�py the Property but his or her eredit hns not be�n npproved in „ <br /> �ccord�nce wlth thc requir�mena of tho Saretary. <br /> (c)No Wplver. If circumstancea occur thoe would permit Lender to requin im�edlate payment in full, but <br /> l,ender doea not require such p�yments.. Lender doc�not walve i�s rights wlth respcct to subsequent events. <br /> (d)Re�ulatfone of HUD Sec►etwrY. In many circumstanas ngulaclons issued by ►he Scerctary will limft <br /> Lender'e rights, in the r,ase ot payment defaults. to requin immediate payment in full and foreclose if not <br /> p�id. Tnis Security Instrument does nat authodze acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations <br /> of the Secretary. <br /> (e)MortQAge Nnf Iasured. Botrower agrees that if thie Security Instcument and tha Note aze not determined <br /> to be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof, Lender <br /> may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of dl sums �ecured by this Security Instrnment. A <br /> wdtten etatement of any eutbodzed agent of tAc Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date hereof, <br /> declining to insun this S�curity Instrumont and the Note, shall be damed conclusive proaf of such <br /> {neligibility. Notwlthstanding the foregoing, cl�is option rnay not be �zercissd by Lender when the <br /> unavailability ot insurance is tolely due to Lender's failun to remit a mortgage insurance pnmium to the <br /> Secretary. <br /> 10. Relnstwtement. Borrower ha�a rlght to be reinstated if l.ender has required immediatc payment in fuU <br /> because of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due wder the Note or this aecudty Instrument. Thio right applies <br /> even after foreclosure procadings aue instituted,To reinstate[he Security Instrument, Bonower srall tender in a <br /> lump sum all amounts required to bring Borrower's account current including, to the eztcnt they ar�obligatione of <br /> Borrower under this Security Instn�ment, foreclosure cost�and reasonable and customary attorneys'fees end expenses <br /> properly asaociated wlth the foreclosuro praxding. llpon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securtry Instrument and <br /> the obligations that it secures ahall nmain in effoct as if I.ender had not required immediate payment in full. <br /> However. Lcnder ls not required to permit r�tnstuernent if: p) Lendar has accepted reinstatement after the <br /> commencement af foreciosure proccedings wituiu t-.�%�y�yo :�w!�=�; Fn`-'"!'�o!he commeneement of a eurrent <br /> foreclosure proceeding, (ii) ninstatement will preclude foreclasure on differont grounds in the future, or (iii) <br /> ninatatomeat will adversely affect the pdoriry of the liea crcated by this Secudry Instrument. <br /> 11. Horrower Not Released; Forbeannce$y knder Not� Wpiver. Extension of the time of payment or <br /> modification of amortizallon of the sua�s sceured by this Security Insuument grantal by Lender ta any successor in <br /> intereat of Borrower shall not operate to nieaise the Ilabili[y of the original Barrower or Borrower'a successor in <br /> intereat. Lender shall not be cequlred to wmmence proceedinga agvnst any successor in lnterat or nfuse ro extend <br /> time for payment or otherwisc modify amartization of the sums sc� this Sxurity Insttument by reason of any <br /> dom�nd m�de by the oriEinal Borrowec or Borrower's successois in interest.My forbearance by Lender in ezercising <br /> any right or cemedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude ttie eaercise of usy right or stimedy. <br /> 12.Successora and Ass1Q�u Sound;Jotnt wnd Several Ltabllity;Ca+5l�nere. 'The covenants and agroements <br /> af thls Security Inatrument shall bind u�d benefit the auccessora and aSSiBns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the <br /> pmvisions of paragraph 9(b). Borrower's wvenants md�greements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who <br /> ca-signs Wis Security Instrument but does not execute tt�e Nota: (e) is co-signing this Securiry Instnrment only to <br /> mortgage,grant and convey that Borrowor's interest in chc Properry ander the ternu of thia Securiry Instrument;(b) <br /> is not personally obligated to pay the sums secund by thly Securiry Instrument; and (c)agrces that Lender and any <br /> other Borrower may agra to extend,modify, forbeaz or makc any accommodations with regard to the terms of this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument or the Note without tha�Borrower's consent. <br /> �-4qINE1�96on hp�6of 6 INtiW:�M' <br /> _--- --— — .�i'.?.... .� "�sK° 'i�v,l�&= �- _ _ _��.� � <br /> � .. . . ....�_ . .. `.�,syY�k ., . 3'_J.'i_F� .�,.� __ __'- <br /> ., - .. -Z'•�• '{ .I, . �{ q �i�II'/Xii. _ ---_ <br /> _ , ,. . <br />_� -- ., . . . � .� ��1 � . ���i' +Yi �°��_�l�e .��+ _,`�bi?.«yi� •' — <br /> _.__. __. _-. .-.__.-_ __-__-___ _ -_.-_- :-.___ _ -:_•_�__ - , __ _� .. _ ._- _ _ � <br />.x _ ..� . � - �� �i. <br /> � � <br /> ; , . •:� ;�; t='a, �r T�.. _ � �„ � -- <br /> F ' ,. *'�^ `�r,�1t �c��Jl���' _y ,,-31 �*c�� „ <br /> �.X,,.....� �pyt •.-•-p":� <br /> � � . - . . .. . eri�� �S.'.A � _ ...� »S.Yy'i1 t�?='��°_-_ <br /> �' . „ �'� �f'� .,: ( i�.; � �'f' � '+�a . <br /> �f�' � tn,A�ry��� <br />. � .� .. . . , i .t`...ati��1.11R�'` <br />- �. . .. . .. ;�� • . � - . . . � ;:ID,',J�':a��• "��='' <br /> . � •�t°:._ ._ <br /> + �� . . . .. . ••.1' '•" �r"a . <br /> , - _, . ,� `r':`�k:1�•-'-.-~- � <br /> .. . . . , n-_ ' . � v ,,��� �u�.^t'�jYWiiF.:. <br /> . - .. 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