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} ..:'k77X•� i , _____" __-____ <br /> � �j,����'x'2�•�...r��4er�_.:—��y�i�3F'",u,CSxc'f"'_'fi.��_YM''�s'C'+�v'���-,.zw-.:- <br /> , . �,_ . .. ._ <br /> . . . , _"_._._._ - � <br /> :'Z:,�_ ��...__.�_____— — <br /> 98- i�.�ais - <br /> abu►donal Property. Borrower ehall alsu be in default if Bosrower, dudng the toan applicution proce��, gave <br /> m�teri�lly fdte or icaccurnte informatton or atetements to Lender (or failed to providc Lender with any m�terial <br /> infarmation) In conncctian wlth che loan evidenced by the Note, �ncluding. but not limitcd ta, represeniatiotu <br /> concemin� Borrower's occupu►cy of the Propeity oa a principal residence. If this aecuriry Instrumcnt is on e . <br /> lwehold.Borrower shall comply with the provisloru of the lease.If Borrower acquires fa title to the Prop�rty. the <br /> leasehold aad fa title shall not be mergal unless L.ender agcees to the merger in writing. — <br /> 6.Condaanwtion.The proceeds of any award or claim for or consequential, in connxtian with <br /> any condetnnation or other taking of any part of the Properry. or for conveyance in place of condemnation, are <br /> hereby aasignod and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedneas that remaina unpaid <br /> under the Note end this Security Instrument. l.ender shall apply such proceed�to the reduction of the indebtedneu <br /> under the Note and this Security Instcument, fi:st to any delinquent :unounte applied in the order provlded In <br /> paragraph 3,and thcn to prepayment of principal. Aay application of the pracceds to the principal shall no[extend or <br /> po�tpone the due date of the monthly payments, which are referred t4 in paragrAph 2,or change the amount of such <br /> paymenUS. Any cxces�proceecis over an amount required to pay all autatanding indcbtedness under the Note and this <br /> Security Tnstrument ehall he paid to the entity legally entitled thento. <br /> 7, CharQes to Borrower pnd protoctlon ot Lender's Rlghts in the Property. Aorrower shall pay dl <br /> governmental or municipal chazges, fines and impositions that aze not included in paragrapli 2. Sorrower shill p�y <br /> thcae obligations on time directly to the entity which is owed the nayment.If failure to pay would advers�ly affat <br /> Lender's intetest in the Property, upon Lendar'e request Bonower shall promptly furnieh to Lender ttceipts <br /> evideacing those payments. <br /> If Borrawer f�ils to make these payments or tl�e payments required by paragraph 2, or fails to perfotm any othor <br /> covenuita and agramenU contained in this Security Instrument, or thore is a legal procading that may significantty <br /> affxt Lender'e righu in the Property(such a�a procading in bankcuptcy, for condemnacion or ta enforce Itwa or <br /> ngulation�). then Lender may do and pay whAtever is nec�ssary to protect the value of the Property and Lrnder's <br /> rights in tho properry, including payment af taxes,hazard insurance and other items mentloned in pazagraph 2, <br /> My unounta disbursed by Lender under this pazagraph shall become an additional debt of Bonower end be <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. These amounte shall bear Interesr,from the date of disburaement,at the Note rale. <br /> end at thc optton of Lender.shall be immediateiy due and payaLie. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dis�chatge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Boaower: <br /> (a) agrees in writing to thc payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; @) <br /> contests in gaod falth the lien by, or defends agalnst eaforcement of the lien in, legai procealings wbich in tha <br /> Lender's opinion operAte to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures fmm the holder af the lien en <br /> _ agreement satiafactory to Leader subordinating the Uen ro thia Security InscNment. If Lender determina that any put <br /> of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument,Lender may givo Bomower <br /> a aotice ideatifying the lien. Borrower shall s�tisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within <br /> 10 drys of the giving of notice. <br /> 8.Fas.Lcnder may collect fees and charges�uthoriud by tho Socretary. <br /> 9.Grounds tor Acceleration ot lkbt. <br /> (a) Ifefwult. Lender may, except as llmitM by regulations iasued by the Secretazy,in the cxse of paymart <br /> defaults. requin immodiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt if: <br /> (i)Sorrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security instrument <br /> pdor to or on the due date of the next monthly payment,or <br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by failing,for a period of thiny days,to perfurm any other obligations contained <br /> in this Security Instniment. <br /> (b) Sale Without Credtt ApprovAl.Lender shall, if permitted by appliaable law (including Section 341(d) <br /> of the Gam-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with the prior <br /> approval of the Secretary, require immediate payment in full of all sum� sxured by tliis Security Instrument <br /> if: <br /> _ ��4RINE)1seo�� Pp�4o16 INtla4:'— '! , <br /> =.�1 <br />_� � �er-_'.�°-. � ^ -_ -_ _.. <br />"_� . . . 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