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,_J.t� � .. <br /> �� , <br /> '; <br /> `.� �['}.1'. i'. . �W��Y�.K+Yi , �� - , . <br /> 'y�S'+f". � -...Wnl�l61�./�1��1MdAN' -v�� .� . .��.. �����we f- <br /> ... _ _ . 4'.._ <br /> . . g$- 11.2932 �__� <br /> : ��-,: <br /> � 18. Barrower'a Riqht to Reinatete. II Borroww meats certaln condkbna, Borrower shell have th� rlpht to h�w �F:�,� <br /> r.,' <br /> � enlorcement of lhfs Securily Insl�urnent disCOnlhued el any tkne prlor to ths eerlbr ol; (a) 6 daye (or auch oth�r perbd aa �pplfa�bb <br /> . } bw may spcicily lor reinstatemenl) belore ssle of lhe Property pursuenl to any powRr of sele contnined In this Securky inetrum�nt; or — <br /> t �b) amry ol n �udgment en}orckip ihis Security Instrument. Tho50 CondNbns ere thet 8onower. (a) ptYs Lender �H sume whbh then �;�� <br /> would be due undor th(s Security Inslrument and the Note as � no �ccelerl�tbn h�d occurred; (b)cures eny detaufl of any other ;i4- <br /> � co��enant or agreements; (c) pays a�� expenSSS Micurred h anlorcinp thls Sacurky Instrum�nt, Includinp, but not Iknft�d to, rsafon�bN ,_,�. <br /> . ; � I ectorneys' teea; and(d)t�kee auCh aCtbn aa Lender may rerson�Gly r�qulr�to a6eur!Ihat lhe Ikn of�his SecurRy Inatrumait, L�nd�� ��-- <br /> rqhts In the Property and �orrower's oblpatbn to pay tha sums secured by thls Securky Instrument ahdl contfnue unshanpsd. Upon �;� � <br /> reir�slatumont by Borrower, thfs Socuriry Instrument end the obligalbns se:ured hereby ehell remaln lulry eMACtive as N no eccebratbn <br /> '� , hed OCOUrred. Howev6r,lhts riqht to rehstate shell not epply {n Ihe c4se ol acceler�tbn under puapreph Tl. ��y, <br /> ,•� 19. St11C Of NOiO; Chenge of Loan SCfVICE�. The Note or a pnrtia� hterost k� the Note (topether wRh lhfs S�curky — <br /> � Instrument)may be sold one or more tknes wilhout prlor notbe to Borrowsr, A sale mey resuft In a chenee h thB eniky(known ts th� _ <br /> pA�M� "LOnn Servicer") Ihet coltects monthly peyments due under the Note end this SecurRy Instrument. Thero elso may be on� or more <br />.����` changes ol the Loen Serv�cer unrelated to a sale ol the Note. If therp is o ohanpe ol the Loan Servfcir� BoROwer wiM ba pN�n wrktan <br />' notke of lhe Change In ecCOrdance wfth parepraph 1b above and epplbabin I�w, The notiCe will stol� the nartw and �ddnaa o}►h� <br /> �' new Loen Servicer and the address to whbh payments should be made. The not�e wi11 abo cantain iny olher Intormatbn requlred hy <br /> � ePPliceble law. <br /> � 20. Hezardous Subatances. Borrower shall not ceuse or permk the qresence, use, dlsposal, storape, or rslease of eny <br /> Hezartlous SubstancAS on or in the Property, Borrower shall nol do,nor al{aw enyone eise to do, enyth{np aHecthO the PropertY lha� <br /> is in violation ol eny Environmental Law. 7he p�scedhq two sentences ahell not eppy tooth�te lo no�rtnal esidenttsl use8 end to <br /> � Praperty of sman quantit�es of Hazardous Substances that are peneralq recognlzed to be epp p <br /> maintenance ol the Property. a�ernmental <br /> Borrowor shf111 promptly pHe Lender wrNten not�e of any fnvestiqetlon,clafm, dernand, 4►wsuk or other actbn by eny p i <br /> or regulatory egency or private party InvoNing the Property and eny Hezardaus Substance or Envkonmental Law oi whiCf� Borrowsr has <br /> actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notilied by any governmental or regulatory authorRy, that Yny ramoval or other remedletbn <br /> of eny Hezardous Substance aNecting the Properiy is neressery, Borrower shall promptly teke nll neCeasary remedktl actbn8 k� <br /> accord¢nce wilh Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substences" ere those substances defined es toxic or heurdous substancss by <br /> . Environmental Lew and lhe tolbwinp substanCes: pasoline, kerosene,other flammeble or toxfc petroleum products, toxb pest�Ckbs and <br />� nerbicides, volatile solvents, meteriuls contahhg asbestas or tormaldehyde, end rodbactNe rtwte►iah, As used fn thfs pua�raph 20, <br /> "Environmental Law" means tederai 18ws and Isws of the jurisdictbn where the Property is bcated th�t rekte ta ha�kh, safstY ar <br /> ' environmental protectbn. <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and eqree es folbws; <br /> 21. Acceleratfon; Remediea. Lender ahell give notice to �orrower prior to ecceleretlon followlnp <br /> Borrower's breach of eny covenent or egreement in this Security InsVum�e=t (buw �II pao'ecih►: <br /> � � ' acceleretion under peregrsph 17 unless appiicsbie iew p������• �t��:�:�=r,. �---- <br /> - � (a) the def�ult; (b) the ection required to cure the deteult; (c) a dete, not le�s then 30 daya hom the <br /> ' date the notice fe given to �orrower, by which the defAUlt muat be cured; a��d (d) thet fsllure W cure <br /> � ' the default on or before the date speclfled In the notice mey reauit in ecceleraUon of the wms <br />_;... _� Aecured by this Security Instrument end sale of the Property. The notice shall further iniorm <br /> •• Borrower of the right to reinstete eiter acceleratlon end the right to bring a court action to �aen ths <br />=�. , :, non-existence of e defeult or eny other defenae of Borrower to acceleraUon end seile. If the defeult Is <br /> � not cured on or betore the date specifled in the notice, Lender a1 its opUon may requlre Immediate <br /> ` ` '' payment in full of ell auma secured by this Security Instrument without 1u�ther demand �nd m�y <br />-'� ��� invoke the power ot eale end any other remedies permitted by spplicable lew. Lender shall be <br />���. . ''� entitled to collect ell expenses Incurred in purauing the remodies provided In thia parayraph 21, <br /> �; �.{y,� including, but not Iimtted to, �easoneble attorneyt' fees end cosb of tltle evidence. <br />_�;,,,hw..•. If tl�e qower of sale fa invoked. Trustee slull record s noUca of default in each county in which <br />'�r��� ;�.n; any part of the Property ia loceted end ahall mall copies of such notice in the manner prescrfbed by <br />_-=--:w � appliceble law to �orrower end to the other peraona preacrfbed by eppllceble Iew. Aiter the Ume <br />=.;a;���, .-"., requfred by applicable law, Trustee shell give public notice of sale to the persons end In the manner <br />"`"`�""'� prescrlbed by applicable law. Trustee, wl1hout demand on Borrower� ahall sell the Property at publlc <br />•" � auction to the �ilghest bidder at the time and plece and under the terms desiqn�ted In the notice ot <br />-� sale in one or more parcels and in any order Truatee determines. Truatee mey postpone aale of ell <br />'=A"� � or any parcel of the Property by public announcement et the time and plece of eny previouely <br /> � "e scheduled aale. Lender or fts desi�nee may purchase the Property at any ale. <br /> j Upon receipt of peyment of the price bid, Trustee ahall delfver to the p�rcha�er Trustee'a deed <br />_���'�- ��' conveying the Properry. The recltels in the Trustee's deed shsll be pr ime f acle evldence of the truth <br /> of the stetementa made therein. Trustee ahall epply the proceeda of the �ele In the folluwin� order: <br /> � , � : � (a) to all costa end expensea of exerctaing the powe� of aale, end the sale, including the peyment of <br /> the Trustee's fees actuelly incurred, not to exceed 3 °�of the principal emount of the note <br /> � at the time of the declaratton of defeult, end reeaonable attorney's fees ea permitted by Isw; (b) to all <br /> � sums secured by thls Security InaVument; and (c) eny excesa to the peraon or peraons legally _ <br /> �• x entitled to lt. <br /> � 22. Reconveyance. Upon peyment ol all sums sacured by this Security Instrument,Lende� shall request Trustee to reconvay <br /> • . � the Proporty and shan surrender this Secunty Instrument t+�d all notos evidenchg debt sc�cured by this Securky Instrument to Trustss. F <br /> f 7rustee shall reconvey the Property without warre�ty and without charge to the per5on or perso��s IBgalty Bntitled to k. Such pArSOn or <br /> � I persons shall pay any recordation costs. ^ <br /> ' � 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at ds option, may trom tfine to tkne removo Trustee end eppoL�t a suCCessor trustee to <br /> _� any Trustee appoi�ted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in wh�h thls Securdy Instrument is recorded. Nlkhout <br /> _- _..--._ .___ ._._.__ _�..�� .........ea e., on rnw r�tb. oower and duties conterred upon Trustee hereh end by <br />------. ---l Convoyance oi Ine rroperiy, succnoa�� .���.w ..,..... ..______._ _ . . _ <br /> 1 applicabb 4�w. <br /> 24. Request for Notices. eo«owe�requeses thal copies o�the notSces ot defauit and sale be senl lo E3ortowers address <br /> I wh�c�� �s the Prope�ty Address. <br /> 25. RIdBfS l0 this Security Instrument. ir ono or mo�e ridors are executed by 8orrower and recorded topether wRh <br /> � 1 �n�s SPCUrqy InStrutn�nt. Ihp COV�n�n�5 nnd aq�eamonts oF oad� such rider shall bo incorporated 'nto and shall emend a�d supplernent i <br /> I u,o co�en��nts ond ac��ee�ne��is o� tn�s Secunty ��5[rum�nt as��tha nder(s) N�ere a part o� this Secu��ly Instrumpnt. i <br /> I <br /> Form 902E B/00 �' <br /> P�g��01 S <br /> ` 1�n:`JlA7ll 1�0.97� <br /> �'. <br /> 9�9 <br />