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Protectton o1 Lender's Fllyhts In the Property. u F3orrowsr r�na �o p�rform �na oovenancs �nd aore«n.nn <br />: '� r� q/ contekted h thls Securky Instrument, or there Is a kAal proceedinp thet rtuiy sqnHfc�ntly�Msct Land�r's rlpht� fn th� PropKty (�uch u _ <br /> • e proceedhp in benkruptcy, probate,for c�ndemnatbn or lor}ANurs or to enforc� kwe or rspuktbn�), thm Land�r rrvY du ind p�y br — <br /> ` "� whetever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lendx's rfphts h th• Prop�Ay Lsndar� �ctlons rrwy hclud�p�yYq <br /> ' any sums secured by e Iien whfcn has prlarfty over thls Securey Instrument, appearhp In court, payhp reasoneble attom�y's fMt �nd <br /> ' • �•� enterinp on Ihe Propeny ta make repaks. ARhough Lender may take actlon undtr this poraqnph 7,Lend�r doef not h�vi lC do Io. _ <br /> . Any amounts disbursed by Lendc;r undor this paragreph 7 shall become additbnel debt of Borrower aocursd by lhia S�CUrry <br />"� � ' �j Instrumont. Unless Borrower end Lender egroe to othor terms ol paymsnt, theso amount� ehall bsu fnt�r�it Rom tha d�t� ol <br /> ' disbursemenl et Ihe Note rale and shall be payable,wfth hteresl,upon notbe Nom l.ender to Borrower requestinp p�yrtNn6 = <br /> Y •, ;. •" 8. MortQeqe Insurence. If Lendsr requYed mortpape kisurn�ce as a condltian of rr�akinp tho loan sacured by Ihls fecur�ty � <br /> Instrument, Borrowsr ehall pay the premlums nquY�d to malnuh th� mortq�p� h�unnc� h ���� ��� �or any nafon, th� mortprp� <br /> �==�` ` Insurance coverepa requked by Lendsr I�pses or ce�ses to be h sMect, Borrower ehall p�y ths pnmium6 nqulnd to obkin covK� <br /> =_,-. <br /> suhstantlally equNale�t to the morty�pe fneuranCe prevbu6ly in rHect, Bt �cost substantkliy equN�bnt to the coat to Bortowar o 11 <br />— mortgape fnsurence previously h eBect, from an aMemate mortpape hsurer approved by Lender. It aubstantlalfy equHaqnt mort� <br /> � .�,� . insurence coverage Is not avaftable, Borrower chall pay to Lender each month n sum equal to one-twaHth ol th• yeuy mortp�pl <br /> j, , - � �nsurunce premium baing pnid hy Borrowar when the(nsurence Coverage lepsed or r,9ased to be In eHect. La�der wiN BcCSpt, usa �nd <br /> '• � '' retein these payments as a loss reserve in lieu ol mortgege Insurence. Loss reserve payments may no bnper bn requked, at Ihe <br /> ��-'•;•��� opt�on ol Lender, if mortgnge (nsurance coverage (� lhe amount flnd lor the period thet Lender requkes) provlded by an hsurK <br />; ��;y., ,. <br /> .�,, approvad by Lender ag2in becomes aveilable and is obtained. Borro�vor shall pay the premlums requked to mahtlh mort� <br /> ���'���`` Insurance In eHect, or to provide e loss reserve, until the requkement for mortgage Ins�+rence enda h eCCOrdance wRh any wrMNn <br />•,y�r;��,��'' sgreement between Borrower and Lender or epplicable lew. <br />�!�,,r-+� 9. IIISE1CCtlOt1. Lender or Rs epent may make reasonable entrNs upon and InsRectbns of the Propaty. Lender shall pi» <br /> '"=`��� Borrower notfce at the tkne of or pr'ar to an inspection specftyb0 re�son�bis c�uae for the Inspectbn. <br />;„�:;��. 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of eny award or c'aim (or danwpes, direct or consequentfel, In conneclbn wkh ay _ <br /> ..,�;,;}�' condwnnatbn or other takfnp �f any p�rt of the Property, or fa convsy�nce In Ileu of condemnatlon, ue hx�by asepn�d and ehaYb� <br />° paid to Lender. <br /> .,.�.eL�� In the event of a totel tekhg of the F'roparty, the proce�ds shall be applfed to the sums secured by this SecurAy InatrurtNnt, <br />-:.."'v�� whether or noi then due, with eny excess pald to Bortower. In th� event of a partfal takinp of the PropeRy fn whiCh the hir rtea�k�t <br /> �: � <br /> _ •.lr`. '. <br />`�'�'�._` velue of tho Property irnmediately before the takHg Is equal to or groater thar. the amount of the cums �acund by thls S�cudly <br /> - =4� Instrument immed�atey belore the takfng, unless Borrower and Lende� otherwfse sqree h wrklnfl, the cums secured by thls SeCU�Ny <br /> ��s� Instrument Shall be reduced by the �mount of iho procet3ds muRipl{ed by the followhp ���tefy booretths tnkhp.oAny bw4nc� <br />"-`;���� secured immediately before the taking� dbided by lb) the fak market value ot the Property knmedWlly <br /> ��,�c shall be paid to Borrower. in the event of a partal takfng ol the Property in whfch the far market valus oi ths PropeRy <br /> _;Y;;;�,. before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured knmedktely beforo the takhp, unless Borrower nnd Lender olhsrwBe <br /> �t.,. <br />-;,r�T,� BQ�� � W�g�e or unless appliceble taw otherwBe provides,the proCeeds shall be appNed lo the 6ums s�curid by thfs Sacurky <br /> Instrument whether or not the sums are ihur�uue+. <br /> "_',�� If the Propeny is abendoned by Bortower,or k, after notko by LencWr to Borrower that the condemnor o}Isrs to rruk� �n�ward or <br /> -_�=��';� settle e claim lor damages, Borcower fafls to respond to Lender wkhh 30 days RRx the date the not�e Is pNsn� LsndK R� athoriad <br /> �—.�,1 ro collect and apply the proceeds, at ks optbn, eRher to resrorstbn or repair ot the PropertY or to the sums securod hy this SeCUrkY <br /> ���' Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> ='�'-�Y•� Unless Lender and Borrower otharv,ise egree h writing, eny epplbation of proceeds to prfncipel shnH not extend or poatpone the <br /> '^!���� due date of 1he monthly payments referred to h peragrephs 1 end 2 or change the amount ot such payrnents. <br /> — <br />