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� <br /> . " ,, . , _r.��:,. <br /> , ;�1p�►:� ........ , . : . . .. . - . . . . r. .. ....�.,�,.-.����_ �_. <br /> , . . �_ <br /> ...�. <br /> , �y . �7. T«nsfer of the Prop�rty o� � Beneficlel Interest In BorroWE�. II all or nny part ol the Property or _ <br /> ,. � �ny Intlnst �n R h �oW or tnnd�rnd (or R �b�nNb41 Int�r�st h Borrowsr le soldo�innalered and Borrower Is not e netunl -- <br /> � p�reon)wRhout Lsnder'�prbr wrmsn aon�snt,l�ndsr Rs uptbn,rsquk� Irnm�di�le paymont In fulf of �N sums escured by <br /> thb S�curRy Instrum�nt. Howw�r, thk oplbn �ha9 not b� �xMCis�d by Landlr N�»rc,ls� Is prohidRed by federai lew as ol the � — <br /> r dat�of thls Sse:urky Inslrurteml• � e <br /> , � II L�nd�r �x�rcis�s thle optbn. L�nd�r ehlll QN� Borrowsr notb� ol eoakralbn. The nottce 6h1�11 provide e psr�od of nat � — <br /> � wsl lh�n 30 d11ye from the d�t� th� notfc� i� tNliv�red or malbd wRhfn whlCt'�Bo�ower mu6t pay ��I sum! sacured by thls � <br /> S�curfty InslNm�nt. if B�rrow�r I�fle to pay th�s� sum� prbr to th• �xpk�tbn al I�is parbd, l.onder may hvoke any remedNs <br /> �:� p�rmktod by lhh S�curky Initrum�nt wRhout furthw notbs or d�m�nd on Borrow�r. •-- <br /> 18. Borrower'a Rlpht to ReIn�1�tO� II Borrowsr m�te csrt�ln oondibre, Borrow�r shall hsw th• rlpht to hwo — <br /> .e;p.�. snlorc�rn�nt o} tnb Securky Inatrumsnt dtacont6ivad nt any ttmo prlos to the aerrtr oL• (.) 6 deys (or such olher perlod es _ <br /> a;�pNOahM Mw m�y sprcNy for nlnst�tM�t)b�1or� s�M ol th�Prop�rty pureuant io any pow�r•of�oM cont�hod h thla S�curRy �; L <br /> . :a�� Inetrum�nt: or (b)entry ol a�udqm�nl�ntorchp thls S�curky Inatrum�nt,Tho�s ca�diTbne �ie that Borcowsr:(a) paye Lend�r dl <br /> �p"'�"Cr sume whleh thon wouW bs due und�r thVs S�eurlly Inetrument �nd th� Note as ano icceleratlon had nCCUrred; (b)eurss eny <br /> �-.. . <br /> deMuR ot any othK covennnt or ayrsementa; (c)paye sll expenaea Incurrsd h enlorcinp thls Secur{ty Instrumant, InCludlnp, ut <br />, ,. Y not IknR�d to, reason�ble attomeys'fees; and (d)takes such actbn �s Lender rru►r�sornby roquke to assure th�t the Ilsn ot <br /> ' •l� thle S�curky Instrument, Lender'a riphte In ths Property �nd Borcowsr's obll�atbn !o pay tha eums secund by thls Sscurity <br /> ,. v.. <br />- ° Inalrum�nt shall continue unohanpsd. Upon rsin�tat�msnt by Borrow�r, thK Suur:ty Inslrument and tha oblipatb�?the Cass <br /> henby ehaN rsmain fully�ff�clNe as B no accelsntbn had occurnd. Howevsr. the �qht to relnst�te shall not spply <br /> � ,,, of�caebratbn undsr putgreph 17. -_ <br /> 19, $ale of Note; Cheinpe of l.oan 5ervicer. The Note or a e ptrtial fnterest h the Note (topether wkh this <br />_,, ' SeCUrRy Instrument) may be Bold one or more tknes wRhout prior not�Ce to Bo�oxx_ A sale may resull h a chanpe In the entky _ <br /> (known as the "Loan ServlCer')lhat colbCts monthly payments due under the NoUand thls SecurRy Instrument. There also may <br /> � he one or mare chanpes of the Loan Serv�r►r unrelated to a sale of the Nole. It there is a chenye ot the Loan 5ervber� <br /> Borrower will be pHen written notbe o}the chanpe in accordance wkh parepraph 14 abovo ond eppl�able law. The notbe will � <br /> st�le the neme and address of the new Loen Servber end the addres6 to whfc�PQyrnents should be made. The notfce will also <br /> contaln any other hfortnation requked by appl�able law. <br /> . ;:r� 20. Hazerdour Substencea. Bortower shall not cause or permft the prasence,use, dlsposal, storsqe, or release of <br /> any Hazardous Substences on or In the Property. Borcower shall not do,nor�bw onyons else to do, �nythhp aMectinp the <br /> PropeRy that Is fn vlolatbn o� any EnvYonmental Law. The precedhp two sanl�ncss shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br />;, •, storafle on the Property of small quantitfes ot Hazardous Substances thflt ue qnarely recopnized to be eppropriate to normal <br />- residential usss end to malnlenance of the Property. <br /> ,~ .,,, Borcower shnll prompty plve Lender wrkten notbe of eny InveatfpatWn. cYlm, demnnd, lewsuk or o►her actbn by eny <br /> � qovemmental or repuktory syency or prNate party hvoNfnp the Property and any Hanrdous 5ubatance or Envkonmental Law of <br />- whfCh Bortower hes ectual knowledqe• If Bortower learna, or Is notHbd by an�pn�menta�Bortower sh Ilaprompty tt ke all <br /> � removal or other remediatbn of any Hesardous Substance aBectln0 FraPerty <br /> - necess�ry remedkl acNons fn nccordance wkh Envkonme�tai <br />=�,��•..,;.. , As u6ed fn this parepraph 20,"H�zardous Subatancea" are those substar+ca cNihed as roxlc or hwrdous subatancss by <br /> •�-" ` Envkonmental Lew end ths folbwiny subatances: yasoline, kerosene, otl�er tlammabk or toxb petroNum products, toxfc <br /> �`��'�°� `-�� stfckles and herblCides,volatfle saNents, materlsls contahfnfl asbestos or fomu�dehyde,�nd radbective rrwtwkls. As ussd h <br />~n: ' `' . p rapnph 20, "Envkonmsntel Law" rr�ns ledxd laws end lews of the Judsdklan where the Property Is bGated tha► rakte to <br />�°��f���}'•�•t hNkh,s�laty or�nvlronm�nl�l protectbn. <br /> s. r�1 '•h�� <br /> '`.��•, <br /> ;.�;�;; NOP:•UNIFOPIVI COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further cownnnt and �p�» ae folbws: <br />'='��uy;�.;: - 21. Accele�Adon; Remedlea. Lender shaU yive noUce lo Borrower prlor to ecceler�don <br />- -° '�•`° � bllowinq BorrowePo breach of eny covenant or ayreement In lhls Security In�umsnt (but not <br /> s���.�.'�".. prlor to accelereUon under pera�reph 17 unlea �ppllc�ble uw provides otherwl�s). The notice <br />�==��'�j <<: thall ecl a the default; (b) the actlon requlred to cu�e the defeult; (c) e d�te, not leas th�n <br /> -_,.,�: sp t1►� ( ) <br />=:�;li�,�' 30 dsy� trom the dete the notice Is qlven to Borrower� by whlch the defsult mutt be cured; end <br /> � d thAt is�lure to cure the default on or betore the deta �pscltled In ths notics m�y re�ult in <br />!r__:r�;:.�-,,,_ l ) <br /> ;;;_�=�;"��!� , eccaleretion of the eums secured by this Security Instrument�nd sale of the Property. The noUce <br /> .;• •.�; �; ahall further Inform Borrower af the ripht to relr�stete atter ecceleretion and the riqht to brinp a <br /> ;�,... .:.� � court ectlon to esart the non-existence of s defeult or eny other defense of Borrower to <br /> ecceleration end aale. If tNe defeult is not cured on or belore the dete specifled In the notice, <br /> • � � Lender et Its option msy requlre Immediste peyment In fu 11 of ell aum� secured by thls Securlty <br />_�_, u L� Instrument without further demand end msy invoke the pow�r ot eale end any other remedle� <br />��••''�'�µ� permitted by eppliceble lew.Lender shall be entitled to collec!ell expensea Incurred In pursulnq <br />- �'°���' the remedles provided in this psreqreph 21, inc lu d ing, bu t n o i I f m i t e d t o, r e e�o n s b l e a tt o r n e y a' <br /> - ..�yr.. <br />_ • •� feea and coata of title evldence. <br /> If the power of sale Is Invok=d, Trustee ahell record e notice of defeult In eACh counry In <br />- which eny part of the Property Is loceted end shall mell coples oi such notice �n I ceble Iew. <br /> � prescribed by epplicable lew to Borrower end to the other peraons prescribed by epp <br /> i Aiter the time required by eppliceble lew, Truate� shall give public notic� of sale to the persono <br /> �, � end In tha menn�r prescribed by appliceble lew. Truste�, without demend on Borrower, shall sell <br /> � the Property et public euction to the highest bidder et tf�e tirne and plece end under the terms <br /> dealgneted in, the notice of �le In one or more parcels end In eny order Trustee determinea. <br /> 1 Truotee mey poatpone sele of ell or eny parcel of the Property by publfc announceurchese the <br /> ' � time end plece of eny previously scheduled aele. Lender or its deaignee may p <br /> • Property et eny aeile. <br /> ' Upon recelpt of peyment of the price bid, Trustee shell deliver to the purcheaer Truatee'a <br /> deed conveyinq the Prapsrty. The recitels in the Truatee'�deed ahell be prime tecle evidence of <br /> �_.�_ •�.�.��.. Tr���f�� ahall AeolV t11! nroceeds of the sele In the <br /> ---.--�..� � <br /> 1hE 1fUL�1 OT L�C eiaierii8nia niauc u���..��•� ���-.-_ --•--- �- . - <br /> tollowing order: (e) to ell coata end expensea of exercl�lr�g the power of aale, end the aade, <br /> Including the peyment of the Trustes'a fees nctuelly Incurred, noo�of the princlpel emount of the <br />- � note et the time of the declaretion of default, end reasonable attorney's feea as permitted by law; <br /> ; (b) to ell aume aecured by thia Security Inatrument; end �c)sny exceas to the peraon or peraons <br /> =' legelly entitled to it. <br /> � � F1JtB.LMO(l0l9e) Pope 4 0l 5 — <br /> . �I <br /> I <br /> . { 9E215 <br /> ' � <br /> . ` � _ . . . . . . .. . _ .. ... <br /> ' ._. •�.�.__ �� -___. ._ . <br />