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, �� . . <br /> � . �._ ' ;, __ -_- <br /> � � - - <br /> . .. . . <br /> ���-.—� <br /> �� <br /> . �..�,.� <br /> .._._. - --------- - � -- Y,. _,..- --- ------- <br /> -_�...k����.� <br /> . . �.-.-_..,:�:..--__._,....._..�.-._.._._ <br /> K .. _ . . - - �-. <br /> - • K•�r <br /> � .r� 8ouow�r may oun eu�h � d11�uN and nhstllt+, �� provid�d h pu�pnph 16, by c�ueinp th� �ctbn or procMdlnp to 1» _. <br /> dltmtis�d wNh 1� rulhp th�l, In L�nd�►'s qood hNh dN�lrmin�tbn,pr�ciud�s forf�Aun of th� 9orrow�r'e ht�r�N h th� PropHty or <br /> Otli�r rt+�t�rMl fmp�Ym�nl of th� Ibn crNt�d by thlt S�curNy In�trum�nt or I.�ntla'� �rcurNy ht�rY�t. B�rroww ah�ll �h0 W h <br /> ., .,.� ' tN1�uN N Borrnwor,durklp th�ban applkitbn prOC�1�, p�w m�l��iy���s�or In�CCUr11t� hform�tbn or st�IMn�nt� to L�ndM ior � _ <br /> ., ,!� IaiNd to provld� L�nd�r wHh any mRtKlil hform�tbn) h conn�ctbn wRh ths b�n evldsnc�d by the Nole, hcludlnq,but not � <br /> IimN�d to, rspnuntatbns concKnfnp BonowK'� occupanoy of th� Prop�rty ks � pnc�ipd nfi.�nc�. If lhls S�curRy <br /> In�trum�nt b on � bas�ho{d, BortowK th�N compy wkh �A th�provhwns of th• Ias�. II Borrower acqukss fee tkW to th• D <br /> • ` � Prup�rty,th�Na��hold �nd ths fM tRl��h�u not m�rp� unNts Und�r�pre�a to ths m�rps►in wrRinp• <br /> 7. Protactlon of Lender'� Alphts In the Properry. u eorrower to perlorm the covenanta and epre�msnte N <br /> '�;w�^�� Cont�insd in thls S�curky InftNmin6 or IhK� K a Ipnl procMdhq th�t mUy efpnHfconty �ffact Lender's riphts h the Property <br /> '�� (euch ae a procMdha h b�nkruptcy, prabate, (or condemn�tbn or}orMkure or ta enfores lews or repulstlon�), then Lender may <br /> ._,� do and p�y lor wh�tsv�r fs nocestary to protect lhe volue of thc Proporty nnd Lender's rbhts In the Property. Lenders ectbns �_ <br /> —,�•- rrNy includ� p�yiny any sums s�CUr�d by a IMn whbh h�s prbrky ovK this Sucurky Instrument, �ppearhp in court, p�yhp <br /> � ' ' � <br /> � r�eeon�bla +�ttomeye' fea and entxhp on the Property to make repairs. Akhouph Lsnd�r m�y toke actbn under this puapraph � <br /> 7,Lend�r doea not have to do ao. <br /> ---� Any amounts dlsburaed by Lender under perapreph 7 shell becoms addRbnal debt of Borcower secured by this SecurRy <br /> �.';?� � Instniment. Unkss Borrower and Lender epree to other tams of paymsnt, these omounts shall bear Interest trom the date of <br /> dlsburs�mont at the Note rate nnd shall be payehle,wkh hterest,upon notbe hom Lender to 9ortower requestinp payment. <br /> •'�'�f 8. Mort�a�e Iniurence. I} Lender riquked mortpaps fnBUrYnce ea o Condftbn ot makhp the beu� secured by 1h15 <br />.�-��': .'`•� S�curky Inatrumwit,Borrowsr ehatl p�y tho pramluma requY�d to mainuh the mortp�ps Insur�nce h eNect. If,for iny rwson,the <br />_�.���_�•�,' mortpwW fnaurance cowr�fle rsqulnd by Lender Vpasa or es�lae to br In eff�ct, Bortower shell pay the pr�niums requksd to <br /> ,.:y.;�;;'�;1:� obtain covaraqe aubstantially equHalent to the mortpaqe Insurance prevbusy in eMect, at e cost substantin!y equlvalent ro the <br /> � r��. ::.. cost to Bortower of the moRpepe hsurenca prevbusly In eMect, hom an akemate martgape hsurer epproved by Lender. If <br />���;;,;n�_�;:� subst:itlally equbalent mortp4pe insuranca coverepe Is not available, Borrower shnll pay ta Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> '-"`S'*'".'�R; oie�twe�th of the yearly moAgape hsurance premfum beinp pald by Borrower when the Insurance coverepe lepsed or cwaed to <br /> ��;�=��•��'�• �' ��be In eMect. Lendx will accept, u6e and retain these peyments as a bss reserve In Ifeu ol moRpafle Insurenca. Loae reserve <br />- ;�� ' payments mey no bnger be requlred, at the optbn of Lender, N mortyepe hsurance coverape (In the amount and for the perbd � <br /> . ,�.^„�c; th�t Lender requkes) provided by en {nsurer approved hy Lender apah becomes available And is obtelned. Bonower shall pay <br /> the premlums requlred to mahtaln mortyepe fnsurance In eBect, or to provide a loss reserve, undl the requPament (or mortgaye <br /> � "' Insuranca ends In�ccordance wNh eny wr�ten epreement between Bortower end Lender or epplbeble law. <br />��'��' 9. In�pectfon. Lender or Rs ayent may make naaonwbb antriea upon and Insp�ctions of the Propsrty. Lender shall phro <br /> ' � �� � 8orrowx notbe et the tlme ol or prbr to en kispectbn specHyfnfl reasonable caus�for the Inspectbn. <br />�'�.���'�T�`• 10. Co�demnatlon�The prcceeda ot eny award or cl�im for danupes, dkect or consaquentkl, In connectbn wRh any <br /> ;:� ;'`� condemnatbn or other takhp o}eny part of the Property, or for conveyance In Iieu of condemnetlon, ara hereby assipnad and <br /> ,,_. <br />= ��• sholl be pald to Lender. <br /> _�`�:�';�:�f.' In the evsnt of a total takhp of the Property, tha proceeds ehall be applfed to the auma secund by this SecurRy <br />- • �Ft Instrument,whether or not then due, wkh�ny sxcsaa pald to Borcowsr. In th�evsnt ot a pertkl takhp of th� Property h wh�h <br />"�,^,ie:�•1,•''. <br /> J:'�1��'� ths faY markst value o(the Property immedlatey bsforo ths t�kinp la equal to or orwter thtn the nmount of the aums eacund <br /> , �'.- �'�'� by thl; °,,,r„^ur:;� !^slr�.^.^.e.^.! !m!.^•ed�-"Ca1Y n�fnr� �h� faklna, unMss Bortower and Lender otherwlse epree In writinp, ths suma <br /> :,:'�r'r7`{•�� <br /> secured by lhls SecurRy Instrument sh�ll be reduced by ths amount o}the procesds muRfplbd by ths folbwinp ksctbn: (�)ths <br /> � ��h��'�"' total amount of the sums secured Immedytaly bafore the takfnp, dHldod by (b) the falr market volue o1 the PropKty knmsdlaby <br /> -��_:a�:?�,i�� <br /> - • befors the takhp.My b�l�nce sh�ll b�pUd to Borrowur.In ths svent of a p�rtiel takinp of the Property In which ths hir mark�t <br />•••°�±�til, -� v�Ua of the PropMty fmmedl�tely beforo ths t�k{np le kae then ths �mount of the sums securW knrtwdl�tsly b�foro th� t�kinp, <br /> --,w°+��;�� unkss Bortowsr end Lend�r otherw►se epres h wrkfnp or unbss applb�bk kw otherwisa provldea, ths prxs�ds ah�N bs <br /> -- -- - applbd to ths sums secursd by this S�curky Inetrument whether or not the sums are then dud. <br /> °':��I� If the Proparty is abandoned by Bortower,or M, �ke►not��by Lend�r to Bortowsr th�t the cond�mnor off�rs to mak��n <br />--;,,�„�c�� award or settls a clalm for darrNpss, Borcowe hlls to reapond to L�ndsr wRhh 30 d�ys ehK th� dab th• not��k pN�n, <br />--=;;�,:-�� L�nder Ia wthorized ro eolNet and appy th� proc�sde,�t ke optbn, skh�r to roetoratbn or npak of ih� Prop«ty or to th� <br /> -"=•�r,*-.�� suma sscund by thla S�curky Inetrummt,wh�thK or not th�n du�. <br /> ==�^���� UnMsf Und�r and Borcower oth�rwh�� �flrN fn wrRinp, �ny �pplbatbn of proce�ds to pnc�fp�l �haN not uct�nd or <br /> ---� postpon�th�du�dat�of th� monthy paymente rNKrsd to In perapnphs 1 and 2 or chanp� th�amount ol�uch paym�nte. <br /> — 11. dorrower Not Rele�d; Forbeer�nce By Londer Not a Welver�Extmsbn of th�tk►w for p�ym�nt or <br /> --- modMlCatbn of emortixotbn of th�nums s�cund by thls SecurRy Inetrument pranted by Lender to any auccN�sor h fnt�nat of <br /> °°=*�•�� Borrow�r shtll not op�r�te to ref�se the IIablHty of the orfpinel Borrowx or Bortower's succ�asors In Int�nst. Lender eh�H not <br />_-_y��� bo rsquksd to commmce proceadfnps �pafnst �ny succasaor h Int�nat or relus� to extend tim� for paym�nt or othKwb� <br /> �'°"�'�� modMy amartizetbn of the eums 6ecured by thi� Securky�nstrument by reeson ol any demend made by the oripfnal Borcowsr or <br />�;`-;��►�� Borrow�r's aucces�ore in htereet. My lorbearence by Lender fn exerclshp eny rqht or remedy shall not be e waiver of or <br /> ��.;Ri�u,� preclude tho exarcisa of any rfpht or remedy. _ <br /> ::�►�:.�;;,. 12. Successors and Autgna Bound; Jotnt and Several Llebility; Co-slgnera. rns coven�nte and <br />"'"_??���_• opnern�nts of thls Secvrlly Instrument 6hoY bind and benefit the successors and asslpns ot Lender end Borcow�r, subJ�ct ro the <br /> - -��� provlsbns of paraflreph 17. Bortowera coven�nts �nd aqreenwnts shall b� �olnt end Severai. AnY Borrower who co•sbn6 this <br />=�;�� � Securily Instrument but does not exeCUte the Note: (u)is Co-slpning thls SeCUrky Instrument ony to mortp�pe, qrant and Ccnvey <br />�-.!eMhtta�r•-' � that Borrower's intere9t Ni lhe Property under the terms of thls•SecurRy Instrument; (b) Is not personaly oblfpated to pay the <br /> ;�.�^��� • sums seCUred by thls SecurRy Instrumenh, �nd (c) eprees thst Lender and eny other Borrower mny epree to extend, modBy, <br /> .,"lJr�:• 4 �a��r or make eny eccommodntbns wRh reperd to the terms of this SecurRy Inotrument or the Note wkhout that Borrower't <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Loan Chargea. I} the loan socurad by thl4 SecurRy InstrumAnt Is subJect to fl law whiCh sets max�num ben <br /> , Charpos, antl thnt law IS finally Interpreted so that the hterest or other ban charpes callected or to be collected In connectbn <br /> � �� wkh the ban exceed the perm�lod IknRs,then; (a) any such ban chorfle shall be reduced by the emount necossary to raduce <br /> � the Charpe to the permkted Iimk; end(b) any sums akeady collected from Borcower whbh exceeded permltted Iknks will be <br /> �� refunded to Borrowor. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the princ�al owed under the Note or by makinp a <br /> , , � dirOCt payment to Bortower. II e relund rgduCes principal, the reduCtlon wfll be treated fls fl partial prepayment wkhout nny � <br /> prepayment charpe under the Note. <br /> 14. Noticea. My notbe to Borrower provided for in thls Securky Instrument shall be gNen by delNering it or by maiiinp it C <br /> � by fkst cless mail unless epplfcabla law requkes use of another method. 7he not{ce shall be d�rected to the Property Address r <br /> � or any other oddress Borcower desqnates by notfce to Lender. My notfce to Lender shalt be pben by first cless mail to � <br /> + Lenders eddress stated herefn or any olher eddress Lender designates by not�e to Bortower. Any notfce provided for tn this <br />- ' ce,.��.a„ ���e��R,a,t at,all be deamed to heve been ONen to Bortowor or Lender when piven as provided In this paragreph. f <br /> -^— ----..., ..--- - - <br /> 16. Governing Lew; Severebility� This SeCUrfty Instrument shell be govemed by federal Iaw antl the �aw ot tne r- <br /> )urisd�Ctton fn whfch the Property Is bceted. In tha event that any provision or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note � <br />� conflicts with flpplfcahle lew, such confl�l shell not aHect other provisions ot thls SecurRy Instrument or the Note whfch Cen be ! <br /> gken eHect wkhout the conflfcting provisbn.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument end tho Note are declared to � <br /> • be severable. <br /> 16. B�rrower's Copy. Borrower sheil be glven one conformed copy of the Note flnd of this SecurRy Instrument. <br /> � <br /> .- Fly70.LM0(10/9E) Paq�� ol 5 � <br />. � <br /> , 8E216 <br />. _ .. . . .. . . . ... .,.. -._ . ... � «L <br /> - <br /> s :.�iiS�.._+�' ----�=''_-._ <br /> � ° '" _ . .. .:... �. �... .,�_ . <br />