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� <br /> � ��14��S9S <br /> C�EEa �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: ��'i 273'149 {��ntirl.ued� Pag� 9 <br /> appointed under �h�s ❑eed ❑f Trus� by an instrum�n� executed and aGkn�wledged by L�nder and recarded in the <br /> o�ff�ce of the recorder ❑f HALL Caunty, 5tate of Nebraska. The instrumenfi sha�i c�ntain, in additian t❑ all ❑ther <br /> mat�ers required by s�ate law, �he names of the ariginal Lender, Trusfiee, and Trustor, the baak and page {or <br /> �omputer sys�kem r�feren�e} where this Deed of Trus� is recvrded, and the name and address o� the successor <br /> �rustee, and the ins�rumen�shall 1ae executed and a�knowledged by all�he beneficiaries under this Deed ❑f Trust❑r <br /> �heir succ�ssars in in�erest. The successvr trustee, wifihout conveyance o-�the Praperty, shall succeed to all the <br /> ti�le, power, and duties canferred upan�he Trus�ee in�his �eed o�Trust and by a�plicable law. This procedure fvr <br /> substitution of Trustee shall go�ern�o�he exclusion of all o�her pro�isians�For suhsti�u�ion. <br /> NnT10ES. Any natice required to be gi�en under this Deed af Trust, including without limitation any na�ice ❑f de�fau�t <br /> and any no�ice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effecfii�e when a��ually deli�ered, when actually received <br /> by tel�facsimile �un�ess otherwise required by �awy, when deposited wi�h a na�ionally recognized o�ernight courier, ar, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in�he United 5tates mail, as first class, certified or registered mail postag� prepaid, direcfied ta <br /> �he addrssses shawn near�he b�gFnning o�this Deed vf Trust. All capies a� not�ces of-�o�eclosure �r�m the halder o�f <br /> any lien which has priori�y ❑�er�his Deed ❑f Trust shall 1ae sen� ta Lender's address, as shown near�he beginning o� <br /> this Deed o� Trust. Any par�y may change its address for no�ices under �his Deed af Trust by giving �fvrmal writ�en <br /> natice �❑ the o�her parties, speci-�ying that �he purpose o� the no�ice is �o �hange �he party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustar agrees �o keep Lende�-informed a� all t�mes vf Trustor's currenfi address. Unless otherwise pro�ided <br /> or required �y law, if�hers is more�han ❑ne Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender�v any Trus�or is�deemed �� be natice <br /> gi�en�a all Trus�ors. <br /> IUIISCELLANEDUS PRaVlS1DNS. The following miscel�anevus pra�isions are a par�of this Deed af Trust: <br />� Amendmen�#s. This Deed ❑f Trust, �oge�her with any Rela�ed aocumen�s, constitutes the entire understanding and <br /> ag�-eement vf fihe par�ies as to the mafiters set��r�h �n �his Deed a�Trust. N❑ alteration vf ❑r amendment ta this <br /> Deed of Trus�shall be effecti�e unless gi�en in wri�ing and signed by�he party vr par�ies saught�a be char�ed vr <br /> bound by the a�te�-ation ar amendment. <br /> Annua[ Repvr�s. �f the Property is us�d far purposes other �han Trustvr's residenc�, Trustor shall �urnish �ko <br /> Lender, upan reques�, a cer�i�ied s�atement af ne� ❑pera�ing incvme recei�ed �from the Prvperty du��ng T�ustor's <br /> pre�ious fiscal year in such �orm and de�ai� as Lender shall require. "Ne�t ❑p�ra�ing inGome" shal� mean a�l cash <br /> re�eipts�rom the Property less all cash expenditures made in connec�ton wi�h the❑peration❑f�he Praperty. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Caption headings in this ❑eed ❑f T�-ust are far con�enience purpos�s only and are na� �a be <br /> used to interpre�ar define�he pro�isians vf fihis I�eed o�Tr�ust. <br /> Merger. There shall be n❑ merger o�f�hs interesfi or estate created by�his Deed vf Trust wi�h any o�her interest or <br /> es�a�e in�he Property a�k any time held by or tvr�he bene�i�❑f Lender in any capacity, wi�haut�he writ�en consent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This Deed of Trust will he governed by federal !aw app[icable to Lender and, �a #he extenfi not <br /> preempted by federal �aw,�he laws of the State of Nebraska wi�hvu�regard tv its conflicts of law prvvisions. Tn�s <br /> Deed of Trus�has been accep�ed by Lender in�the Sta#e vf Nebraska. <br /> Chvice of Venue. lf there is a �awsuit, Trustar agrees upon Lender's request to submit�v the jurisdictivn o��the <br /> cou�ts of Ha�f �ounty, State❑f Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Severa� Liability, A!� obliga�ions ❑� Bvrrawer and Trustor under this I�eed ❑f Trus� shall be joint and <br /> se�eral, and all re�erences�o Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery Trustor, and all refierences�o Barrower shal� mean <br /> each and e�ery B�rrower. This means that each Trus�or signing below is responsib[e for all obligativns in�his Deed <br /> vf Trust. <br /> Na V�laive�hy Lender. Lender sha�l not be deemed�❑ ha�e wai�ed any rights under fihis ❑eed of Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. No de�ay or❑missivn on the par�of Lender in exer�ising any righ� <br /> shall ❑perate as a wai�er a�F such righ�or any other right. A wa��er by Lender v�a pro�ision a�f this Deed v�T�-ust <br /> shall not prejudice or const�tute a wai�er of Lender's r�ght otherwEse �o demand sfiricfi comp�iance wi�h that <br /> pro�ision ar any ofiher p����sion o� �this Deed ❑f Trust. N� pr�o�r wai�er 1ay Lender, nor any cvurse of dealing <br /> be�ween Lender and Trustor, shall �onsti�ute a waiver �f any of Lender's righ�s or of any vf Trus�or's oh[igafiions <br /> as to any fu�ure transa��ions. Whene�er�he cansent v� Lende� is requEred under this �eed of Trust, the granting <br />� ❑f such cansent by L�nder in any ins�ance shall no� consti�ute �vntinuing cansent�❑ subsequent instances where <br /> such consen�is required and in all cases such cansent rnay be granted ❑r withheld in�he sale discretion of Lender. <br /> 5ewerahilt�y. lf a court ❑� competent jurisdiction finds any prvvision of this �3eed af Trust to be illegal, in�alid, vr <br /> unenfar�eabl� as fio any person or circumstan�e, that��nding shaEE not make the offending pro�isivn illegal, in�alid, <br /> vr unenforceable as ta any other person or cir�umstance. [�F feasible, the offending p�-o�ision shall be �ansidered <br /> modified so thafi �t be�omes legal, �alid and en�orceable. �f�he a��ending prv�isivn canno� �e so modi�ied, it shal� <br /> be considered deleted #rom this Deed of Trus�. Un[ess ❑�herwise required by iaw, the illegality, in�alidi�y, or <br /> unenforceabi�ity vf any prv�ision o��his I3eed vf Trust sha�! not affec��he legality, �aCidi�y a�r enforceabili�y of any <br /> a�her pro�ision of this ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> 5u�cessors and Assigns. SubjeG�t� any limitations stated in this Deed of Trus�on �ransfer af Trus�vr`s interest, <br /> �his Deed of Trust shall be binding upan and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successars and assigns, I� <br /> ❑wnership of the Property hecomes Wested in a person other than Trus�vr, Lender, wi�hout nvtic� to Trustor, may <br />