<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Na: ����73�49 {�ontinued} Page�S '
<br /> the Property a� the time and place v� sa�e fixed by i� in su�h Notice of Sale, either as a whole, ❑r in ..
<br /> separa�e lats or parcels o�r items as Trustee shall deem expedien�, and Fn such order as it may determine,
<br /> at public auction t❑ �he highest bidder far cash in law�uf maney o�fihe Uni�ed Sfia�es payabie at�he time
<br /> ❑� saie. Trustee shall de���er t❑ su�h purchaser o�- purchasers thereof its good and sufficient deed ar
<br /> deeds �onWeying the property so sold, but wi�hout any co�enan� or warranty, express ar imp�ied. The
<br /> re�i�als in su�h deed of any mat�ers ❑r �acts shall he �vnGlusiWe proof a�the truthfulness fiherea�. Any
<br /> person, in�luding withau�limi�a�ion Trus�ar,Trust��, �r Lende�-, may purchase a�such sale.
<br /> �b� As may he permi�fied by law, af�er deduc�ing a�� costs, fees and expenses af Trus�ee and a� this
<br /> Trust, including casts of e�idence of�i�le in cannectivn with sale,Trus��e shall apply�he proceeds o�sale
<br /> ta paymen�t of �i� a€! sums expended und�r�the terms of�his ❑eed ❑f Trust or under�he�erms af the Note
<br /> no� then repaid, incfuding but not limified to accrued interes� and la�e charges, �ii� all ❑ther sums �hen
<br /> secured herehy, and �iii� the remainder, if any,to the persan o�-persans lega�ly entitled�hereta.
<br /> {�� Trustee may in�he manner pro�ided by law postpvne sale o�all or any�artian of the Proper�ty.
<br /> Remedies Not Excfusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each af them, shall be en�ifiled fiv en�orce payment and
<br /> pe��ormance of any indelatedness ar❑bligations secured �y�his l��ed ❑�Trus�and to exercise all rights and powers
<br /> under�his ❑eed of Trust, under the Na�e, under any ofi the Rela�ed Documen�s, or under any other agreement vr
<br /> any laws naw ❑�he�-eaf�er in fa��e; notwi�hs�anding, some or all af such indeb�edness and obligafiions secured by
<br /> this Deed ❑fi Trusfi may nvw or hereafter be atherwise secur�d, whether by mor�gage, deed �f trust, pledge, �ien,
<br /> assignment or vtherwise. Nei�her the acceptance af �his Deed of T�-us� nvr its enforcement, whether by court
<br /> a�fiivn or pursuanfi to the power ❑� sale �r other powers contaFned in this ❑eed at Trust, shall prejudi�e vr in any
<br /> manner affect Trus�ee's or Lender's right t❑ realize up�n or enforce any ❑th�r secu�i�ty naw ❑r hereafter held �y
<br /> Trus��e or Lender, i�being agreed�kha�Trus�ee and Lenderr and each❑f them, shall he entitled to en�orce fihis ❑eed
<br /> of Trust and any v�her se�urity novu or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such ❑rde�- and manner as �hey or
<br /> either of �hem may in their absa�ute discre�ian de�erm�ne. No remedy conferred upon ar reser�ed ta Trustee or
<br /> Lende�, is intended fio be ex�lusi�e of any o�khe�remedy in�his D�ed ❑f Trus�or by law pro�ided or permitfied, bu�
<br /> each shall 1ae cumula�i�e and shal� be in addi�ian t❑ e�ery ather remedy gi�en in this l�eed af Trusfi or naw ❑r
<br /> hereafte�existing at�aw or in equifiy ar�y s�atute. E�ery power❑r remedy gi�en by�he Nate ❑r any of the Relafied
<br /> Documents to Trus�ee or Lender ❑r t� which ei�her ❑� �khem may be otherwise en�it�ed, may be exercised;
<br /> concurrentfy or independent�y, �rom�fiime t� time and as ❑ften as may be deemed expedien� by Trus�ee ❑r Lender, �
<br /> and either o� �hem may pursue inconsistsnt remedies. No�hing in this D�ed �t T�us� shafl be canstrued as
<br /> prvhilaiting Lender fram seeking a de�iciency judgment against the Trust�r to the extent such a�tion is pe�mi��ed by
<br /> law. Elec�ion by Lender to pursue any �-emedy shall no� ex�lude pursuit a� any other �-smedy, and an elec�ion to
<br /> make expendifiures ❑r to take action �v perfarm an obligation o�Trustor under this Deed ofi Trust, after Trustar's
<br /> fiailure to per�arm, shafC not a�fiec�Lender's right t❑declare a defiaul�and exercise �ts remed��s.
<br /> Request for No�ice. Trus�or, on behalf of Trustar and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy af any Nv�ice of Default
<br /> and a cvpy of any N�tice vf Sale under�his ❑eed o�Trusfi be mailed t❑them a�t�he addresses se��orth in�he firs�
<br /> paragraph❑f this Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender insti�u�es any suit or actian to enforce any of the �erms of this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti�led�❑ recoWer such sum as the c�urt may adjudge reasonalale as at��rneys' fees a�t�rial
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Vllhefiher or na� any �vurt action is in�o�ved, and to the extent no� prvhibited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time for the pro�ec�ion vf its
<br /> inte�-est or the enfvrcement vf its rights shalf become a par�of the lndebtedness payable on demand and sha�E bear
<br /> interest at the Nate rate�ram the date a�the expendifiure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph inc�ude,
<br /> withou�t [imitation, however sulo�ect�o any limi�s under app�icable law, Lender's att�rneys' fees and Lender's �ega[
<br /> expenses, whe�her vr no� �here is a lawsuit, including a��orneys' fees and expenses far bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> �inc�uding e��orts to modify o��acat� any automa�ic s�ay ar injunction}, appeals, and any anticipated post judgment
<br /> cvllec�tivn serWices, fhe cvs�af searGhing records, abtaining title repvrts �in�luding €oreclosure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> repvr�s, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and �ees �ar �he Trustee, �❑ fihe extent permi�ted by applicable faw.
<br /> Trus�vr afs❑will pay any court c�sts, in addition�o all o�he�sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trus#ee. Trustee shall have all ❑f�he rEgh�s and duties o�Lender as set�orth in�hss section.
<br /> PpVIlERS AND �BLIGATIDNS �F TRUSTEE. The�Fvllowing provisians relat�ng to the powe�s and ohligations of Trusfiee
<br /> are part of�his Deed a�Trus�t:
<br /> Pvwers o�Trus�ee. �n addi�i�n ta all pvwers ❑f Trustee arising as a matfier of law, Trustee shall ha�e the power to
<br /> take�he�vllowing actions wifih respect to the Proper�y upon the wr�tten �-eques�❑f Lender and Trustvr: �a} join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ❑r pla� of the Real Prvperty, in�luding the dedication of s�reets or �ther righ�s tfl the
<br /> public; �1a} jain in granting any easement or crea�ing any restric�ion on �he Real Property; and �cy join in any
<br /> subordinativn or other agr�ement affecting this Deed af Trus�❑r�khe interest vf Lender under fihis ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Trus�ee. Trustee shall meet a�! qua�i�Ecations required -�vr Trustee under appli�able Eaw. ln addition �o the rights
<br /> and remedies set far�h aba�e, wi�h respect�o all ar any part ❑fi the Prop�rty, the Trustee sha�� ha�e the right to
<br /> �vreciose by notice and sale, and Lender shall have fihe right to �fnreclose l�y judicial tvreclvsure, in either �ase in
<br /> accordance with and ta the full exten�pra�ided by applicable law.
<br /> 5uccessvr Trustee. Lender, a� Lender's ❑ptian, may�rvm time fio�ime appoin�a su�cessar Trustee�ka any Trus�ee
<br />