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��14��S9S <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'i�73�49 ' �Cvntinued} Page � <br /> rela�ed ar unre�ated fia �he purpvse a� �he Nate, whe�her vo�un�ary �r otherwise, whether due ❑r not due, direct or <br /> indirecfi� de�ermined ar unde�termined, absolute or ��n�ingent, liquidated or unliqutdated, whether Barrower or Trustvr <br /> may be liable indi�iduaily or jain�ly wi�h ❑thers, whether o�ligated as guaran�ar, surety, accammodation party or � <br /> ❑therwise, and whefiher reco�ery upan such amounts may be or herea�ter may becvme barred by any sfiafiute vf <br /> limitatians, and whe�her the ❑bligati�n �o repay such amounts may be or hereafter may become a�herwise <br /> unen�forceabie. If the Lender is required to gi�e natice of the righfi'�v canc�l under Truth in Lending in connec�ian wi�h <br /> any additionai loans, extensians af credi�and other liabi�i�ies ❑r obliga�tions ❑f T�ustvr to Lender, �hen this Deed vf Trust <br /> shall not secure addi�ivnal Ivans vr ob�igations unless and until such notice is gi�en. � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�ion to the Note, �his Deed of Trus� secures all �u�ure ad�ances made by Lende�- tv <br /> Borrower or Trustvr whe�her❑r nv�the ad�ances are made pursuan�t❑ a commi�men�. Speci�ica��y, without limitativn, <br />, �his ❑eed ❑f Trus�secures, in addition t��he amounts spe�ified in�he No�e, all �uture amoun�s Lender in its discretion <br /> may loan�o Barrawer❑r Trustor, �oge�her with all Fnt�res��hereon. <br /> Trus�or presently assigns �a Lender �alsa known as Beneficiary in fihis Deed af Trus�� all o� Trustor's right, �it�e, and <br /> �nterest in and �❑ all present and future leases o� �he Praperty and afI Rents #�-am the Praperty. in additian, Trus�or <br />� grants to Lender a Uni�orm Comme�-c�ai Code se�urity infieres�in the P�rsonal Proper�y and Rents. <br />; <br /> TH1S DEED DF TRUST, �NCLUI3ING THE A55[GNIVIENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br />. PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS GIVEN T� SECURE �A} PAYMENT DF THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br />� ANY AND ALL ❑BLIGATIQNS UNDER THE NflTE, THE RE�.ATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. TH1S <br /> DEED DF TRUST 1S GIVEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE F�LL�V1J[NG TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATlDNS AND WARRANTIES. Trus�or wa��-ants that: {a} this Deed o� Trust is exe�uted afi <br /> Borrower`s request and na� at the request ❑� Lender; �b� Trus�or has the full power, righ�, and au�hor��y t❑ enter into <br /> this Deed v�F Trust and fio hypothecafie fihe Proper�y; {c} �he pro�isions o� �his ❑eed a�Trust do not cvnflicfi wi�h, or <br /> result in a defau�t under any agreement❑r other insfirument hinding upon Trus�or and do not result in a viola�ion ❑f any <br /> iaw, regula�ion, caurt d�cree ❑r ord�r applicable to Trustor; �d} Trusta�- has established adequate means a� olataining <br /> �from Barrower ❑n a cvntinuing basis infvrma�ion about Borrower's �inancial �onditian; and �e} Lender has made n❑ <br /> representat�on to Trustor abaufi Borrower�including withau�limita�ion�he creditwor�hiness of Borrower�. <br /> TRUST�R'S V�AfVERS. Trustor wa��es all rights vr de�enses arising by reason of any"one ac�ian" or "anti�deficiency" <br /> law, ❑r any vther law which may pr��ent Lender f�-om bringing any actian agains� Trustvr, in�luding a claim �o�- <br /> deficiency to the extent Lender is otherwis� en�i�led ta a claim �or deficiency, be�or� ar a�fter Lender's �ommencement <br />� ar comple�ion of any forect�sure action, e�ther judicially ar by exe�-cise❑f a power�f sale. <br />. PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Ex�ept as o�herwise pro�ided in�Chis ❑eed a�Trust, Barrvwer and Trustor shall pay ta <br /> Lender all lndeb�edness secured by �his Deed of T�us� as i�t becomes due, and 6orrower and Trus�or sha�� s�ric�ly <br /> per�o�m alf their respe��i�e❑bli�afiivns under the Na�e,�khis aeed o�f Trus�, and the Related �ocuments. � <br /> PD5SES51DN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PR�PERTY. Bvrrower and Trustor agree �hat Borrawer`s and Trusfior's <br /> possess�an and use a�the Prvperty shall be ga�erned by the follow�ng pro�isions: � <br /> Possession and Use. Un�il fihe accurrence ❑f an E�en�k o� ❑efault, Trustvr may {�� remain in possessivn and <br /> con�kro! ❑�the Proper�y; �2} use, ❑pera�e ar manage�the Praperty; and {3} col�ect th� Ren�s fram the Praper�y. <br /> Duty ta Mainta�n. Trustor shall maintain the Praperty in �enantable condition and promp�ly perform a�l repairs, <br /> replacements, and main�enance necessary�ko preser�e its�alue. <br /> Cvmpliance Vlrith Environmen�al Laws. Trus�kor represen�s and warrants to Lender that: 4�} During the per�ad of <br /> Trustar's ❑wnership of the Prope�ty,�here has heen nv use, generation, manufac�ure, storage, treatmenfi, disposal, <br /> release ❑r threa�ened re�ease of any Ha�ardous Substance by any person on, under, abvut ar from the Prvperty; <br /> {�� Trus�vr has no know�edge of, ❑r reason to �elie�e tha�there has been, except as pre�iously dfsclvsed �v and <br /> a�knowledged by Lender in wr�ting, �a} any breach v�- �iolat�on of any En�ironmental Laws, {b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture, s�orage, treafiment, disposal, release or threatened release ❑f any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> ❑n, under, ab�u� ❑r firvm the Praperty hy any privr ❑wners ar oc�upants of �he Prope�ty, or �c} any actual or <br /> �threa�ened lit�ga�ian ❑r c�aims o�f any kind by any persvn re[ating t❑ su�h matters; and 43} Exc�p� as pre�iously <br />� dis�losed t� and acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, {a� neither Trustor nar any tenant, cantractvr, agent or�ther <br /> auth�ri�ed user a�the Property shal� use, genera�e, manufacture, store, treat, dispase of or release any.Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�ance on, under, abou�❑r fram the P�-oper�y; and �b} any such ac�i�i�y shall be �onducted in �ompliance with <br /> all applicalale federal, s�a�e, and loca! laws, regulations and ❑rdinances, inc�uding withvu� limitation all <br /> En�ironmen�a! Laws. T�ustar authorizes Lender and its agents �❑ enter upon �he Proper�y �o make such� <br /> inspections and �ests, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine campliance of the <br /> Proper�y with this section n��he �eed of Trust. Any inspectinns or tests made by Lender shall be �for Lender's <br /> purpvses ❑nly and shall nv� be construed to create any respvnsibility o�-Eiabilifiy on the part❑f Lender to Trus�or❑r <br /> to any ❑�her person. The representativns and warranties contained hereEn are based ❑n Trustor's due diligence in <br />� in�estigating the Property for Hazardous 5uhstances. Trus�or hereby ��} releases and wai�es any fu�ture claims <br /> agains� Lender for �ndemni�y or contribu�ian in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable for cleanup ❑r afiher �osfis under <br /> any such laws; and �2� ag�ees tv indemni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender againsfi any and all c�aims, losses, <br /> [iabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirectly sus�kaEn or suffer resulting from <br /> a brea�h ot fihis sectivn vf the Deed o�Trus� or as a c�nsequence o� any use, generafiion, manufacture, stara�e, <br /> disposal, release ar threatened release occurring privr fia Trustvr's❑wnership❑r in��res�in the Prop�rty, whether or <br />