<br /> In th��Went of a t�ta� takin�, �ES�'uG�l�n, �r �os�i��va�ue�f t��e Pr�pe�•��, t��e Misce��aneaus P�•c�ceeds shal] be
<br /> app�ied �o the sums sec��.red b}�this S�c�.�rit� Ins�ru��nent. w��eth�r or r7�t th.�n due, �i�l� the excess. i#'any, paid to
<br /> Borro��er.
<br /> In�he ev�p� of a partia� ��kin�, de�tructi���, ar Iass in �a�u� o�f the P�-operty ip �vh�c}� �he fa�r mark.eti value of
<br /> ���e Prop��•ty in�media�eiy be�c�z•�the partial takin�, des�ruc�i���, or loss in�a�ue�s ec���al ta or a�•ea�er�han t�ae am�un�
<br /> of the s����s secure�by t��is Securi�y��r�str•ument immedia�elv befo�•e t}ae part��� takin�, des��-uction, or lass �n �alue,
<br /> u��less Bo�-ro��e�'apd Le��d��'oth�rt��Se abree in�frit�x�g, �he sums secu�•ed�y�this�ecuri��ns�r�in�e��t Shall be re�u�ed
<br /> by the al�o�mt of the M�sce�Ianeous P.r�ceeds mu�tiplied �by t��e f�l�ov��in� fracti�n: �a�t}�e�ota� am�unt of the sums
<br /> sec��red in�n�ed ia�ely�efore���e par�ia�takin�. des�-u�ti nn, or�oss i��value di��ded by�b}�he�air�r�arket val ue of�he
<br /> Proper�ir�media�ely before�:he par��a� �ak�n�, destru�:�ion, or loss i��Wa�ue. A��y �a�ance sha�l be pa�d�o F3a�-rov►�e�•.
<br /> Ix�t��e e�en�of a�artial �a�.ing, dest�-uc�ion, ox• .lass i�� �value of��e P.raperty i�� w��ich �he fair n�a�-ke�Wa�ue of
<br /> �he propert}�� ��n�nedia�el� bef�re�he�artia� tak�n�, des�ruct�an, or lo�s in r�fal��e is less tha���he amount af the sums
<br /> secured immediate����efa.re th�p�.r��a� takin�, des�ruction, or lass i�� �a�ue, unl�ss �3orrawer and Lender������rvv�se
<br /> a�;ree in��ritix�b, t}��Mi�ce�la��e�us�roce�ds shall�e app�ied��th�sums 5�cured by���is Sec�.irity Ins�ru�r�e��t v�rheth�r
<br /> or no�th�sums are�he�� due.
<br /> If t��e P�•apert��is a��andc�ned by l�o�-�-ov����-,or if, aft�r n.atic�by Lender t�F3c�rrow�r�hat the�p�asing Part��as
<br /> de�Yl�ed �n t�e next se����nce} o�f�rs �a make a�� award �a s���e a �la�r� fox• �ama�;es, B�rravver �ai�s �a �espond�o
<br /> I.�ender��i�hin 3�da�s after t�e daf��he natice is�i��en, Lender is au�horized�o col�ect and a�p�}�the Misce��aneou.s
<br /> Proceeds eithe�-to restaratia�� or repai.r of�h�Propzrt}� or �a�he sums secu�-ed by�his Security Instrumen�, �het��er
<br /> or no�t�1en d�se. "4p�ao��n� P�rrir'� me�ns�he�h�rd par�y tha� awes Rori-ower M�scellap�aus Pro�eeds or the party
<br /> a�ains���hom �Borro�er 1�as a ribht a�f action in re�ard t�� Miscel�a��eou� Proc�eds.
<br /> Borro«�er sha�] be in defau.lt i f at�y� ac��op o�-prUceedi i��, whet��er c�Wi� or c�•im inal, i s be�ur� that, in Le��der's
<br /> judgment, could res�.���i��.f�rfzitu.re of the�raper����r ath�r mate�•ia1 irnpaxr�nent of.Lender's in�e�-est in the Proper���
<br /> ar ri�hts under t��is Se�:uri�y��ns��rum�n�. Borrov►�er can cu.re such a defau�t and, i.f accel.era�i�x�has occurr�d,reifls�a�e
<br /> as provided i�� Sect�o�� 19, by causing �he ac�ion o�- p�•oceedi��� t� be �i�missed rnrith a t•uli�a� t��a�, �i� I.lender's
<br /> judg��en�, px•ec�udes forfeiture �f th�P�-opex•ty ar o���er mater�a� impairn�ent��Lend�r's interest in the Proper�y �.r
<br /> �•i�;��ts un��r t��s S�c�.�rity Ins�rum�n�. T`��e praceeds of an� award or cl.aim far d�ma�es t��a�are a�tributable �a the
<br /> impai�-�nen� of L.e��der's int�r�st i�����e �'ropert� are here�y assi�ned �.�nd shat� be pd�id�a L�nder.
<br /> A.�l N��sc��laneous Praceeds tha�� a�-e r�at appt�e� to r�stora��a�7 nr repair r�f t��e Pro�z.rty sha�� b�applied in the
<br /> ord�r provided f�r ��� Se�ti.on Z.
<br /> �2. B�rrav�ver N�t R.ele�sed; F��-b�earanc��3y Lender N�t a �V4�aiWer. �Fxtensio�� o�`the ti�ne f.ar paymen�ar
<br /> modifica�ion of amor��zatian Ufthe sums secured by this Sec;u�•�t� Ins�rumen��ra�a�te�by ��ender�o Borr�v��er or any
<br /> Suc�ess�r in 1���erest of�3orrower shall r�fl� operate to r�lease�he liabi[ity �f F�t�rro�ver or anv S��ccessors ir� �nterest
<br /> of l�a�-i-o��je�•. I.aender s��a�l no�be�•e�uired�U comm���c�e proce�dinbs agai��st an�� Succ�ssor in�n��T-est of Borro���er
<br /> ��r to refus� to e�tenc� time fo�- �a��men� ot� othervvise m�dify a���orti7atian of���e sunis se�urec� b�� this Se�uritv
<br /> ���s�•ulnent by reasax�of an�r de�nar�d��.ade by���e�ri�inal 13c��•r���vex•or any Su�:cessa.rs in�nter�st af Borro�ve�•. �n��
<br /> forbea�-ance by l.aznder in �xercisin� any ribl�t or remedy inciudin�, ��i���out �i�nita�ion, laende�•'� accep�anc� of
<br /> pa��ments fram third per�oz�s, er��itie� or Suc�ess�rs in:intie�-es�of Bo.rro�er or in a�nou.nts�ess�han the amau����hen
<br /> due, sha�i no��.��a��aive�-of or pr�clude tihe ex�rc�s�of any ri���t ar�•emedv.
<br /> �13. .�oin�anc�S�vera�L�ab�li�y; �o-s�an�rs; �uccess�r�s�nd Assigns I�au.n�. Borra�ver c��ena��ts a��d a�rees
<br /> t��a�Borra��er's obli�atiops and lYabili��shall be jaint and se�i��•al. Howe���r,anv Bor1-flwer r�.ho ca-signs�his Securi��
<br /> Ix�sti-u�nent bu�does nat exec��te�he Note�a"co--si�ne�•"}: �a}is co-si�nin��his Securi��InS�rume��t a��ly�o�n�.rt�abe;
<br /> �r�nt an� convey �he Gc�-si�ner's in�e�•est in th� Property under t�ae �ern�s of this Security �n�t�rume��t; �b� is �ZQt
<br /> persona�l�� obl.�gated �o pa� �he sums secu.r�d b�t��is S�c��r��� In��rument; and�c) a�re�s t��at Le��der and any o�he�-
<br /> Barro��er can agre��to���end, m�dif}�f, forbear or���ake an�accornmadati�ns�ri�h re�ard��t}�e tern�s af this Securitti�
<br /> I.ns�t�•uxnen� or th�:Note «��thout �he cc�-si��ner's c�nsen.t.
<br /> Su���ec� ta th� p�•av�sions of Section �.S, a��y Succ:essor in Ir���.res� af BorrovUer ��v�zo assu.mes Bo�.rav��r's
<br /> obli��tions under�h�s Secu�-i���nstrumen�irt�ritiin�, �nd�s appra��ed by Lender, sl�a�l obtain all af Borrawer's rights
<br /> and be���fts und�r t�is Securi�ty Ix�strument. Borro�.�er shal�nat be re�eased frain Borro���r's obli�atians a��d]iabii.ity
<br /> NEBRASKR--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT - IVIERS D�c�Vla�ic � ►.
<br /> Fo�m 3��8 �11�1 F'age 9 of �� wvvw.dvcmagic.ca�
<br /> . .
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