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��14��5�� <br /> under this S�curi����stz•u�nen#u�aless L�nd�r abree�ta such rel�ase i��w�•i�ing. `The covenants�.nd agreer��ents of this <br /> Sec��.ri#y lns�rurr�ent shall bind �ex��pt �.s pro�id�d �.n Se�tian 2�� a�d be��ef����e successc��-s and as�igns of��.ender. <br /> �.�. Loan �:harge�. �..,e��dex•n���.y�har��Barrower fees for ser�vices pe�•f�r��ed in cor�r�ection z��ith Borrower's <br /> defau�ti, ft�r �he pu�pos� af�r•otecf���b i.�ender•'s interest in ���e Prope�•�y and �•i.�,���s u��der this Secu.rity instr-ument, <br /> i��c�ud����;, but not lin�i�ed to, ��t�rneys' fee�, p�•ope�-t�inspe��i���and�a]uatio�� ��es. �n re�;a�c��a an��o�I�er fees, tMe <br /> abse��ce of express au���ority in �his Secu�•ity �ns�rument fo c�aar�e a specif c fe��o:I�arro��er shall no�b�cons�rued <br /> as a pro��ibitior� an the char�i���cff'Such fee. I_,ender m�y not c�aar�e fe�s tha�are exp�-es5��pY-ohi��ted by�his Securitv <br /> ����tr u��n ent or b�' APp l.i c�ab l e L a��. <br /> Tf���e�i:�oan is su�j�c��a a law whic��sets ma�.i�nu:�� lo�z�charges, and th�.t �a��T is f��a�ly in�e�-p.reted s�that t��e <br /> in�ex-e�t nr ot��e�- Ioan c��ar�e�co�lected Qr ta be coliec�ed i�� cannectio�� wi�h th� Loan exceed t��e pe�-mit�ed limits, <br /> t��en: �a�a��y such�oa��char��shall be reduc�d byr the am�unt n�cessary to redu.ce the char�;e to th�pe�-Ynitted lixni�; <br /> and �b� ar�y� sums alr�ady colle€:ted �h-om �3orra��ver �vhich �xceeded permi�ted limi�s will be�nded ta F3o��1•ov�e�•. <br /> Ilender�nay cho�se tt�make����s refund b��1•�ducin����e pri��cip�1 otived under t��No�e c�x-b��mak�x��a direct paymen� <br /> �o �3orra�nrer. I.f a refund r�duc�es �rincipa�, �he reduc��on v��ill be �x•eated as a parti�� prepayment ��ri���o�.�t any <br /> prepa��men�char�e���hether or not a��•e�a�rment char�e is�ra�id�d for under�t���No�e�. �3orro��er's accepfiance of <br /> an��such refiind made by direc�pa�m�nt to F�a.rrov��er���i�l �ans�i����e�v�aiWe�•o�'any ri�����of ac�ion Borrower mi�h� <br /> l�a�e ar�s�z��ou� of suGh ov�rcl�arge. <br /> 1�. No�ices. A�� n��1C�5 �;l��n b�' �3orro«'��"U�' LenCl�r In CDnn�L'�1�317 �1���h1S SeCL1�"1� �pSfrLi11`�.�1��171US�b�1n <br /> v��rit����. Ar�y na�ice t� Borr����r in connectio�� wi�h this Se�uri�� Instru���nt sha�l�e deetned�a have beep�i�en to <br /> B�rro�ver w�hen ma�led b�� �irs� c�ass m�.i� or �nrhen ac�ual�y d�livered to ��3or�•o��er`s not��e add.ress �f sen� by <br /> means. Natice to an�one Borrower shall�an�ti�ute noti�e to all�3o�-ro�vers u���ess Applicable�.�aw exp�•�ssly re�ui.res <br /> other�r�se. Th� noti�e address sha�] be the Prc�per�y Address u��l�ss S�rrc�we.r has d�si�nated a subs�i�ute n��ice <br /> add�•�s�b}� na�i�� tQ Lender. Bc��•ror�e�- sha1� pz•axnp�ly z�c�ti f�� Lender c�f�3or.rov�rzr's chan�e of address. I.f Lset�de�• <br /> specif es a proced«r�far reporti�b Borrcav►��r's chan.�e of_add�•e5s,���en 13orro�ve�•s��all onl�repor�a�hange of address <br /> th�-ou�h �hat specifzd pro�edure. T�h�r�may be ol�lyi one desi�na�ed nc��ice addre�s u�7de�- this S�curi�y �nstrumen� <br /> a�an��one ti�ne. Any notice to I..fer�der�hall ��e�i�en by delivex•in� i�ar by mai�ing i�by frs�class mail to L,ender`s <br /> address stated h,e.rein ur�less Lex�der��as d�s��na��d anothe�•a�dress��}���aticu tQ�orro���er. Any na�ice i���on�ection <br /> ��ith �his Secu�-ity ��s�r��men� �ha11 r���be d��m�d to have been gi�vep �o Lender u���il a��ually reCe���d by L��Zde�•. <br /> �f aY�y r�o#ice .re�ui�•ed by �h is �ecur-it�� �ns�rument is also �-�quired under Ap�lica��e I.�aw, tl�e .A.ppl�cab�� Law <br /> re�ui.remen�v��i�l �a�isf� �hE corr�sp�n�ir�b requ�reme���under�}�is Se�~uri� �nstr��men�. <br /> lG. �a�erni�g L�w•; �e��erabi�it��; Rule� of Cons�ruc��an. This Secur��y �.��sti•u�ne��� shal� �� �oWe�'i��d b�r <br /> federal �a►�v �nd the la�.�of t��e�r��'15C�1C���3`1 1Tl VLrhi��7 t��e Prop�rty is�oc:at�d. A�l ri�hts and abli�a�io��s contain�d in <br /> t��is Secu�-ity���s�•u�n���t are sub�ec�to a����r�yu�remex�ts and l�m i�a�ions of App��cabie i.�aw. App]ica�le �.Jaw mi�ht <br /> �xp�ic��ly o�- implici�ly al io�r� th� parties ta a�ree by c��n��-ac� �i• �� might be silen�, bu� such si�ence shall i�o� be <br /> �or���rued as a pro��i��itio�� a�aiz�s�a�reen�ez��by �a��t��act, ���t��e e�ent�hat any�ro��sion or c�a��s�af�his Securi�� <br /> ����tru�ner��o�•��e Note conf�ic�s w�th Applicable .Law; suc��on��ict sh�ll no�affec�ot��er prarrisions of tihis Se��.�ri�y� <br /> �ns�rument ar�h�No�e��hic;l� �an t�e�i�en effec�witihout �he coi�f`�ic�in�;p�-o�r�s�on. <br /> As used ix��l�is S�cU.rity� instrumer��: �a}words of the masc�i���7e�ender sha�l mean and ir��:�ude correspondin� <br /> ��eu�er wo�•ds a.r ���rds af the fen�in ine����c�e�-; �b}wa�•ds �n �h.� s�n�ular sha�1 lnean aT�d incl ud����e plura� a��d vice <br /> ��rsa; and �c}the«��rd "�nay" �i�es sole discre�ic�n ��vif��aut �ny ob�i�;atic�n �o tak�any �ction. <br /> l7. :�3orro�er's �fl�y. �3or�c�wer sha1� be given oi�e copy �f the No�e and�f this Securi�y instrurnent. <br /> t�. Tra�sfer of t��e Froper�y or a B�neficial .l nteres�in Borrovver. .A�s used in �his Sec��on �8, "I�7t�C�5� lp <br /> ���e P�-op��rt��" means ai�}� le�al or benef cial in���•est �n the P.rope�-ty, i.nclud�ng, bu� no� l�:m i�ed �o, those beneficial <br /> in�e�•es�s in a b�n� for•dee�, co��t�-a�t for deed, �n�tall�nen� sales con�rac�or escrow a��-eetner��, �he ir�tent <br /> af�vhi��� is the tra�sfer of tit�e by Borrower at a futu�-e da���n a purchase�•. <br /> If a�l ar at�� par�of the Pr�per#� o.r �ny I�terest in the Prop�rt}r i s sold or��-�.nsferrec��or i f�Qr�•o��er i s �Z�t a <br /> ��atura���n and a�benefic�a� i��ter�st i�� Borr���rer is s�ld ar t�•ansfe�-red}wi����ut �.�ender's ���•io�- ��ritten �:onsex��, <br /> �Len�er ma}�rec����mmedia�e pa�m��t in ful.l �f al� s��ms s�cu�-ed by this Secua•it�Tnstrumen�. Horn���er,thi5 ap�ion. <br /> s��all ��a� be e�er�is��b�� �.ae��de�- if s��ch �exercise is p.rohibi�ed by App��cab�e I.:a�. <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie hllaelFreddi� Mac UNIF4RM 1NSTRUMENT - MERS ���g�C , . <br /> Fom� 3a28 �!D� P2�ge �0 of 15 w�vw.docmagi�.corrt <br /> . . <br /> w <br />