<br /> "cove�an�ax�d a�reen�e���" xs used in Sec�ion �. If BQ�-x-ow�r is obli�a�ed to pay �sc�•ov��I�ems�ir�ctl��, p��rsua����o
<br /> a u�a�ver, and Bor�•ower fails to pa}����e amaunt due f�r an F;scrov��Item, L�nder may ex�rci�e its ri�hts und�r Sectian
<br /> 9 and pa� suc�a a�na�.in� and Btirrc�v�rer s��a�l then be obli�ated u�der Sec�i�}n 9�o repay�U Lend�r any such amau��t.
<br /> Lender ma�r�-e�oke�1�e����.iver as tio any or a�l �sc.raw i�e�ns�.�an��i.�ne�y a noti���iven i��acco�-d�.r�ce��i�h Sectin��
<br /> l� and, upon such r�vUcatian, Borrov�er shail pa���� Lender all Funds, and��� su��� amaunts, �ha�are the�7 requ�red
<br /> under this S�c:�iUn 3.
<br /> I.�ender may, a�anU time, �ol�ec�and hold Funds in an amoun��a}suf�ic�en�t�per���it l.�er�der to app�y�he Fund�
<br /> a�the t��ne spe�:i f�d unde�-R.ESPA, ax�d(b}��a�to exceed the��aximu�n�.moun�a��nd�r�an r�yuire und�r RESP,A.
<br /> Lender shali es�imate the�.moun�of Tunds d�ie on���e basi�af current data and reasanable�s�ima�es of expenditurzs
<br /> af tu�u�•e Fscrav��I�ems ar a�h�r•��ise �n accordanc:��r���� App�iGab]� I.�a��.
<br /> The Fund� s��ai� �e ����d �n �n �nsti�u�ion w�hose deposi�� �re �z�su�-ed bv a federai a�enc��, i��st�•u�nentali�y, or
<br /> entity �inc:�udi��� L�nder, if Lender i� �.n �nsti���tic�n u��hos� deposits are so �nsured} o�- i�� an� Federal Hom� Loan
<br /> t�ank. L�ende�•�hall app�v�he F���c��to pa��the�scro�r�tems n�l�.ter�ha���lae�irr��speci�i�d unde�• RESPA.. Le��der
<br /> sh�.11 ��at c�lar�e�orrovver f���• l�olding and apply�i���he F��r�ds, ax�nuall� anal��ziY��the esc�-ow accQunti, ar verif3�in�
<br /> ���e F�sc�•c�v�f Iten�s, u��less I.,ei�det•pavs Bc�r.rovv�r in�eres# on the F�.�nds a��d Appl�ca�le �a��v perrnits �.�ender to make
<br /> such a c~��ar�e. Unless an a�reemen�is made i�� vvri�ing ar Applic;ab�e La������uires interest�o be paid on t��e Fu��ds,
<br /> .Lender s.hall not b��r��uired ta pay F3�rro���er anv i��teres�or ear��in�s on���e Funds. B�r�•awer and t.lende���an aaree
<br /> in wri�i���, ha�vever, �ha� �n�e�'�5� Sha�� �]�' �3�id C�I7 t�e FUI7dS. I..1end�r �hall give �o Bor�•owe�•, ��°ith�u� char�e, a�7
<br /> annual accau��t�r�� of��e Funds as rea��ired�y RF�SPA.
<br /> If there is a��.�rp�us of Fux�ds held �n esc�-av��, as def�ned under R�SPA, I.ael�der shall acc�un�to Borrower far
<br /> �l�e exc�ss func�s ii�acc�orda��ce wi�h�ESP.A. Ift�aere is a shar�a��o�Fu.pds held in escrc�w, as c�e�in�d u��der R.ESPA,
<br /> Z�ender shall�otif�Borrower as.requix•ed by RFSPA, and�3orro�ver shall pa}�to l.�ender���e amoun#ne�:essar��to make
<br /> u� the sho�•tage in acca�•dance�►rit�� R.E�PA, but in no more��an 3.2 m�r�t��l�� pa}�ments. I�`t�7ere is a defi��enc}� t��
<br /> Fu��c�s held in�scr�w,as de��n�d under R_FSPA, Lender shall notif��Bo�-�-ower as required by RESPA, a��d Borr�v��er
<br /> s��a�l pa�to L�nder the amoun���eces�ary�o make up the defic�eney ir� a�c�arda��c�with RF'.SFA, but in no more i�han
<br /> �? mon�h�v payments.
<br /> U�on pa��ment in f�.ill�f all suzns secured�.�y this Secu�-ity�nstrument, �.�ender�hatl prompt�y ref��nd�o�30�•�•owe�-
<br /> a���� F u��ds held by �.�ender.
<br /> 4. Cha�r�es; Lien�. Borrf�vv�r sha�l pa.�all taxe�, assessn�e��ts, char�es, fi��es, and�mpasi�i�ns a��r�bu�able t�
<br /> �he F�-c�p�rty� w��ich can �.�tain p�•iari��� �ver �hi� Secu.rity� Instr�f.m���t, ��asehold �avments or g�•au��d �-en�s Qn the
<br /> P�•opex•�y, if any, a��d �;ammu���t�.Ass�cia�ia� i7ues, �'ees, and.�ssessments, if any. T� �he exten�����.t t��e5e�tems
<br /> are Fscrow it�m�, Bo�-�-owe�•shall p�.ti•the�n in the I��a����er provided in Sec:ticar� 3.
<br /> Bo�-ra��e�•s.ha.l� p�-o�np�ly c��scharge any lien ��hich has priori�y oWer �}ai� Securi�y Inst��.�n�����un�e�s Bo�roi�ver:
<br /> �a}agr�ees i�� r��r�ti����o�he payr�ent af���e o�bl��atian s��ured b�th�lien in a�na����er a��~ep�able r� Le��.er, bu�o�ly.
<br /> sa �ang as �orro��ver is pet•form in� �uch agreement; �b} contes�s �h� l ien i n �ood fai�h bv; n�- de�ends a��i�st
<br /> enfoi-ce�nent afthe lien in, le�ai proceedin�s wh�c�ir�Lepder's opinion op�rate�o preve���tl�e�nfor�ement af�he lien
<br /> v�h�le those proGe�dings are pendin�, ��u� anly ul�til s�.�c1�p�-oceediza�s are cc���c�uded; �r �c.�� sec��res�•o���l�e���lder
<br /> of th� l��n an a�r�emen� satisfac�oryr �� Lender subordin�tiz�� the �ien �a this Secu.rity Ins��-ument. If I..ender
<br /> determ�nes tl�at an��part of���e P�-opertyr is �ubje�t to a �ien rn�hic;�� �an atta��� priori�� ove�-�his Secu.�•ity Instrume���,
<br /> Lend�r may�ive �orra��e�•a n�tic�e i�.entify�z�� th� lien. �ithin �� day�s of t��e da�e an whic:�����at ���tice is�iven,
<br /> Borrower shall satisfy �h� lien o�•�ake o�1�or rnore a�'tih� actian� se� far�h abo�e in t��is �ec�iar��.
<br /> Le��der may�-equire Bot-�-o���ex-ta pay a on�-time cha�•�e fa.r a r�al esta�e t�.x verif cation andlor�•eportin�ser�ice
<br /> use�by�.�e�der in cc�n.nec�i�i� ���t�h ���is I�oan.
<br /> 5. Pr�per�y �r�surance. �3orr�«�er s��a�l keep the improvements naw exis�i��� or hereafte�- erec��d an the
<br /> P�•oper��� insur�d a�a���st �ass by fire, ��azards��cluded �v�thin the�er�n "ex��nc��d �overa�e," and anv ath�r hazards
<br /> inc�udin�; bu� no� limi�ed to, eart��y��ak�s and floads, far which 11end�r z•equ.ires ins�f.rax�ce. Th�s i��surance s)�al� be
<br /> maantai��ed in the amo�in�s �ii�c�uding deduc��ble le�e1�} and for �he p�r�ads t��at L���dez• reauires. �V��at Le��der
<br /> rec��.�ires pursuant to the p�-ece�ing se��tences can char�g�d��rin�t��e term af�he I�aan. T��e insuran�e ca.rrier pravidi���
<br /> ���e insu�•ance shall be���osei�b���3orro��er su��ject ta I.fender's ri���t to disappY-av��3orro���er's c��aic�,wh�c��r-i���t s��all
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fanni� MaelFreddie iVlac �NIF�RM �NSTR�MENT - MERS Doc�lagt���►►�. �
<br /> Form 3a�8 11�1 Page 5 of 1� www.dvcrrragi�.�orn
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