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��14��5�� <br /> under the �1o�e and this Securit}� �ns�r��n�e��� sha�l be made i�� v.S. currenc�. Ho�vever, if any check or ot��er <br /> instrumenti reGeived b� l.�ender as pa��men�under the N�t�ar th�s Se�uri�y I��strumenf�5.r.eturped ta Lender unpaid, <br /> i.�ender n�ay re��.�ir�that an.��or al� su�sequent paymen��due u��c��r�he No�e a��d�his Se�uri�����tt•uxn�n�be made in <br /> one o�-�nar���ft���follo«�in� forms; as selectec�b�I�ender: �a}cash;�b}m�ne��arder;�c�cer�if ed check,bank cheGk, <br /> t�-easurer's check��r c;ashier's check,provided a��y such c.hecl�is drawn up�p an izast�tu�io�� w��t�se deposits are insure� <br /> by a federal ag�ncy� instrun�en�ali�y, or entity; ar�d} Tlec�ro��ic�Fui�d� Trar�sfer. <br /> Pay����nts a��e dee���ed.receiWed��� I�ender���e��rec�i�ed a����e location desigi�a�ed �n the Nate or at su��� a���er <br /> �ocation as maW b�designat�d b�Le��de�-�n acc�rda��c���ri�h f��e notice p�-t��isions in Sec�ian 15. Le��der may retur�� <br /> any pa}�men�o�•par�ia�paym�n�i.f���e pay�me��t or partial pavments are insuff cien��o br�n��l�e�.�oa�currer��. �.,e��c��r <br /> mayj acc�pt an�� paymen� or �a�-tial paymer�t insuf#ic;ien� to �rin� �he I.aoa�� curre���, �i�h��� waiver of an� ri�hts <br /> ��ere�.�p der ar pre j u d i ce �a i t� r i�hts to 1-efuse such pa}���en� or pa�-ti a� payn�ei��s i�� t��e future, b u� Ler�der Y s ��ot <br /> obii�ated to appl� s�ic1�payrnael��s a��h�time such paymeY��s ar�accepted. If eacl�Per�odic Pay�ment is applied as of <br /> its sc�edu�ed due dax�, th�n.Lender��eed not pa}�interest on u��ap���ed funds. I:�ende.r may��old su�:��unapplied f'ut�ds <br /> ur�til���er m�kes p��m�ri�t��brinb�he Laa� cur�-ent. I�B�rror��ver does nat do 5a«�ithin a reasonable period of <br /> �ime, I.�znd�r shall eithzr apply such �u��d� o�-�•eturn them to F3o�•rowe�-. If r�at appli�d earl ier, such funds Wvill b� <br /> appliec� to �he ou�s�andan�; prineipal b�.�ance urider the No�e �mn�edia�ei� pria�- to foreciosure. �o o�'fse� or clai�� <br /> u�hich B�.rrt�wer�n ig�at Ma�•�r�ov�r or �n���e fi��ur�a�;ains�L�nd�r shal� .re�ie►�e Borro���er�rom makin��a�men�s due <br /> under the No�� and this Security �ns��ument ar performing �he co�ena��ts a��d agreem�ntis secured by�his Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. App�ica�io� vf Paym�n�s �r Pro�eeds. Excep� as ath�r���se descri�ed in ���is �ect�on ?, al! payn�en�s <br /> a�Cep�ed and appl�ed by I.�znde.r shal� �e a��p�ied i�a the folla�vi.t�g order•of pri�rity: �a� in�e�•est due under#he Note; <br /> �b�pri�cipal due under th�Note; �c}amau���s due under Se�tian�. Such payme��ts sl�a�l be appl.�ed to each P�riod�c <br /> Payment in the��-der ua v�hich it beca�ne�ue. .A.�a�r r��na�ning amau�7ts shall be app�ied frs�ta lat�charges, s�cand <br /> �o an� U�l�er amounts d�ie under�l�is Security �ns�r��men�, a�d�hen�o reduc�the px•in�ipal ba��.nce of the No�e. <br /> �f Le��d�i- rece�ti�es a paymen� fr�n� B�.rr����er fo.r �.de�in�uent PeI-iadic Pay�men� w�aich �ncludes a s��ff cient <br /> amUu���.o p�.v any l��e c��arge c�ue, t��e pay�n�n� ma� be appli�d �o th� delinc�uen� pa��nent and �he �at� ���arg�. If <br /> � tha�� one Periodic Pavmen� is ��u�s�ar�din�, I.�ende.r r��a�� applyr a��y pay�nel�t receiued from �3orrower to the <br /> repaym ent of the Periodic Payn-�er�t�if, �r��to tihe �x�ent ���a�, e�ch payn�en#can be paid i.n fu�l. To�he ex�ent t��a� <br /> any�xcess��is�s after th.e pa��men�is applie��c�tihe full payz�ent of on�or more Peri€�d��Pa��nents, such�x�ess Yr�ay <br /> be appli�d�a an��lat�char�es c�ue. Val��n�ar-y p�•epayments shal���e ap�lied�rst t�an��prepaymen�cl�ar�es and���en <br /> a5 d�s�t•i�ed in th�No�e. <br /> A��y appliGation of pay�ments, insurance pr�ceeds, or�'v�i5cella��e�us Praceec�s to principa� due under t}�e Nat� <br /> s��al� ��at ex�end�r pos�pone�h�due da�e, or�ha��e the atx�flunt, of���e periodic Paymer��s. <br /> 3. Fund� for Escr��° I�ems. Bor1-��er shall pay to Lel�de�•or�t��e day Periodi� Payments are due under the <br /> N��z, until �he Note is paid �n full, a suzn �the "F�.�nds"}�o pro�ide f�.r pa��rnent af a���aunts due fo�•: �d}taxes and <br /> assessments a��d other items�fhic�a c~�.n a�#ain p�-iori� over�hi� 5ecurit}� I.��s��•u��.et�� as a l�en or e��cu�nbran�e oi�the <br /> P�-aperty; �b} lease��f��d payments or ground �-en�s a�� �he Pr�per�y, if any; �G} pre��i ums .fo�• any� an d all insurance <br /> r�quired by I.�ender��nd�r Sectian 5; and�d}N�ort�age�nsural�ce pren�iums, if�.ny, or an}�sums paWable b�y F3arrovver <br /> �o L�en�er in l ieu c�f the pa��nen� of Mar��;age �ns��rai�c�premi u��s in accorda��ce��i��� the pro�isions of Sec�ion 1�. <br /> These i�ems a�-�cal�ed"�scr�w Items." At a.ri�inat�an or at�ny durin���e term of�he L�ar�, I�ender may require <br /> ���a��an�muni�y�Assc��ia�ion �Du�s, �'ees, and.As�esstn.ents, if a��}�, be escrowed b�Barrawe.r, and suGh du�s, fees and. <br /> ass�ssm en�s shali be an F scrQ�nr.I�e�n. �3orr�wer s��a�l p1-��r�p�ly �urn i s.h t� Lender a�1 ���ices c�f am oun�s ta b�pa�d <br /> unde�- this Sec:�ior�. Borrc��uer shall pay �.�ender �he Fu��ds for F�scro� Iten�� unless I.,e��c�er �nra�ves �3orrower's <br /> o�����.tian to pay the.Tu�nds for ar�y �r a�l �scro���tem�. Lend�r ma��v�a��e Borr�v�er's obli�atia�� �o p�.y to L�nder <br /> Fun��for any o�all EsGrow Ite��s a�ar�y�ime. Any such wai��er may onl��be����•ri�in�. It��he eWe����f s�.�c��waive.r, <br /> �3a.rro�er shall pay �iirec�l��, w17en and vvh�r�payable, �he an�oun�s due for an��Escro�v�tems far w�iich pay�m.en�of <br /> F��nds has b�e���raived b� I.1e��d�r ax�d3 if Llender requi�•es, s�hall furni�h to L.�nder re�eipts e�idenci���such paymen� <br /> wi�hin s�zch�ime periQd as Lender n�ay reyui�-e. Ba�-��o��e�-'s obliga�ion��ma�.e s���h pavmen��and to provic�e re�eipts <br /> s��a]1 for ail purposes�e deemed t�� ��e a co��e�ant and a�ree�ment�an�ained in���Ys Secu�-i�y l��s��-u��er�t, as���e phrase <br /> IVEBRASKA--Single Family--Fann�e MaelFreddie IVlac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT - MERS p������� , <br /> Form 3�2$ �ID1 Pa�� � �� '�� www.c�ocmagic.cofn <br /> . . <br /> . <br />