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� m.r��9Mf�tl*.}hM1�e... . . . <br /> �M '�'/IAi. . .. _ .. - <br /> �.���M!I��. •l. .- .. . ... -. . " __�_ .._. . . __ <br /> "__._._.. __.__._ <br /> ._______- . ..... . <br /> .___. .__. ._.. _. . _...._..-.......... . .. <br />.. . ..___ . ..______ _. A� <br /> : 9G��'11�s�9 2002835� <br /> __ Upan riceipt of piyment of the price bid, Trustee sFudl ddlver ta the purch�.+er Trucfa's deed conveying tix _ <br /> Property.Tbe recitAls in the Truttee's dad ah�ll bR p�ima [�cie eridence of the truth ot the sMtements made therein. <br /> Truetee�hwll�pply tMe proc�ls ot the awle In the tolbwi�urder:(o) to all cost3�nd expenses of excrcising the power of <br /> wk,And tbe�ale,Includl�q{the p�yment ot the Tn�eNee'a fees�ctually incu�red�not to exceed <br /> 5,00 96 <br /> of the princip�l amouet at the nMe s�t the time ot the decl�ration of ckt�ull,And rensonable attorncys'fces�.s pe�mitted <br /> by taw; (b) to Wt sums secured by thts Security I�utrument;rnd(c)wny exc�ese ta the person or perswu legally cnttttcd tu <br /> it. <br /> 22. Reconvey�nce. Upon payment of all sums secural by this 5scurity Instrument,,Lender shall roquest Trusta to <br /> reoonvey the PrQperty and shall surrender this Security Instrumcnt and all notes evidaxing d�bt secured by this Security <br /> Instrument to Trusea.Trusta shali reconvey the Propeny without warnnty and without charge to the person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons ahall pay any raorclation costs. <br /> 23. Subetltute Tnatea Lendtr, at its option, may from time to time remove Trusta and appoint n successor tntsta to <br /> any Trusta appointed hercunder by an inetcu►»cne�rxorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recarded.Without <br /> conveyance of the Propeny, the successor trustee shall succeea to all the title, pawer and duties cunfern;d upon Trustee herein <br /> and by applic�ble law. <br /> ?A.Req�wt[or Notices. Borcower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address <br /> which is the propersy Adiiress. <br /> 25.Wdas to thi�Security Instrument.If one or mon riders are exxuted by Borrower and recorded tagether with this <br /> Securicy Inatrument,the coven�nts w�d�grcements of each such rider shrll be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br /> the rnve�unts�nd sgramenta of thia Savrity Instrument us if the dder(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. <br /> {Check�pplicable box(es)] <br /> Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Cu�Mominium Ridar ❑ 1-4 Family Rider <br /> Gradwtai Payment Rider Pl�nned Unit Devclopment Rider ❑Biwakly 1'tyment Rider <br /> &Iloon Rider �Itete Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider <br /> [�V.A.Rider �u(s)[SP���S'1 <br /> BY SIGNiNO BELOW,Borrower accepts and agreas to the ternu and covenants contairxd in this Security Insteument and <br /> . .. • <br /> in�ny naeriaj osocuiai uy i�invwei iuiu icwT - i.%lu ii. <br /> Widreaaes; , � <br /> (�) <br /> L NN I E D DAV I S -Horrower <br /> (�) <br /> -Hotrc�wer <br /> _ (SEaI) (Se�1) <br /> -Borrower -Normwer <br /> STATE OF IYEBRASKA, Couaty se�: HALL <br /> The foreguing inatrument was acknowledged before me this 18TH day of DECEMBER , 1998 , <br /> by LONNIE D DAVIS • <br /> Witnesa my hend and notxrial seal at GRAND I SLAND, EHRASKA in sald County,the date atbresaid. <br /> My CommisRion P.xpires: ��,���� .£ <br /> �6AIK E I�fEN Noary Publ <br /> M10�8�.Ar/.1�.l00! <br /> vp�e oi e Fam 302e 9180 <br /> _ —=m,Y��;= <br />