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�j� _i k��In.?;�'Ai4]!Vi,.�.�►�ux------- <br /> �f�EZS�F%�L; . .. '- _ __ ___._'. '_ . , <br /> . .._ .._. _ . . --- -� - --- ._ . . <br /> _-.._._ . ----._ '_ _._ . <br /> . ...___. . . ___. <br /> _ __ 98- i 12�7�:� <br /> 17. 'l'r�n.vfer ot the fhy►perty nr w Nenrflclwl Inlerr+d In IN►rrriN�rr, t f nll ur ni�y pw�ul'thr Ihupcny��r+my intcres�in it <br /> is sold or transfcrrcd(ur If u hcne(iciul intcretit In Hnrrnwcr I+nold��r irxnrti�rrMl niKl Iw�rruwcr is it�H n nwund pertion) wiihout <br /> Lcixlcr'� prior writtcn conscnt, Lender mxy, u� it.r u��hm, rcyufrr fmn►rallut�� �MynkiU In fuU ul' idl hum� xcur�vl hy thls <br /> Sccuriry l�isirument. N�►wcvcr,IhiR u{xlon nhall nitit hc excrclnwl I►y 1.c�Klcr ii cKCrriu• Iw pinhfhl�cd by Icdrrnl luw ns nf thc dulc <br /> of thf�Security histrunxnt. <br /> If I.c��lcr cxcrclscs thln apUon. I.cixlcr shull Kivc ti�►rruwcr iH�tlrr uf u�•cclrrnilun.'I'hc n�dirc,hnll rrnvlde n�xrhKl nf not <br /> Icss than :�0 duyw from Ihc dwte Ihc �x►Ucc ix dclfvcml i►r mullcd wllldn widcl� Iwu ruw��r n►u�t puy ulI nums �rcur�til by thls <br /> Sccurity Inslrunxnt. If li�irr��wer 1'ufls to puy th�se aumr prinr lu Ihr c�plrut�un��f Ihiti�xrl��l, l.cixlcr nniy Im���ke uny reuK�lles <br /> permitt4�d by ttii+�'CUI'ily II1�ilUllil'tll W{IIk�UI �UIUICI'I1�11I1'i�ur�lcmaud un N�,ii���ti��r <br /> 18. Borrnwer'n I�Irht tn Rdt►stNlt. If Flurruwcr n�rc�.r rcrtaln �•uiNlliiun�. INnrnN•cr til�ull huvc d►4 righ� to huvc <br /> enforcement of ih9� Scc:uril� Instrunknt dlx�►nlliwai �it uny Ilnw p�f��r lu Ilw .;ull�•r ul': U�► g du��+ lur +udi n�her perl�K! ax <br /> upplicublc law muy �pcci(y for rcfnstatcnKn�) hcG�rc �ulc uf �hc I�1"U�kU�' �HII�IINI11 1�► IIIIy �NIM'CC III yIIIC L'OIIIUIIIIYI III (IIIti <br /> 5ecuriry Instrwixnt:or(h)en�ry of a Judgn►cnt rnfi►rcing Ihin tircurUy In��i unkm.'I huu r��iNllifun�nrc U►ut ii�►rrowcr: (ul pays <br /> i.encler ull sums which then would t►e due urxler thi. S�v:urlry ImlrunKnl ��iMl�Ik N.dc u+If �u� ncccicruUun hi�l �xcurr��l; (h) <br /> curcs at►y defuult oP uny o�lur coveiwntti ur ugr��ntcn��� Icl puyy ull e��x•rtiu� liku�t�rl in��nli�r�iug �his ticcurlty h�+trunxnt, <br /> incluiling,but iwt Iimited to, reusmiablc ullonteys' f��cs; uiK! !d)tuF�c� �urh iHleun u� Ixiwlcr muy rcu�unnhly rcquire t��usxurc <br /> thut the lien of thia Security htstrunxnt, lx�Klcr's rlghts in Ihr Iho�x�ly iu►cl IA+�ruw�r'+ �d+likwllun Io��uy �hu +tuns+rttucd by <br /> this Securily Instrument hhull continue unrhungal. U�xm refn,iu�enKn� hy IMn�uN•cr, ihl� kcurlly Inslnui�cnl nixl ihe <br /> obligutionssecurect hereby shall remuin fully effecUvc u� 11 nu ikreicru�lnn hu�l IK'iIIU�YI. II��N'l:��cr, lhia right lu rclnslute shull <br /> nnt apply in the cuse of ucceletuuon uixier puragruph 17, <br /> 19. Swle of Nute; Chpnge of I.uwn tirrvker. '1'he Nule nr n �r,u�iid In�cic�t In �hr Nwc li��gedicr with ihis ktiurity <br /> histrumcnq muy bc�Id onc or more limc9 without prlor iH►�icc tn IA�rrowcr.A .�Ic��wy �c�uU in n chunpc in Ilic cnllty (knuwu <br /> us the"L.oan Servicer")that collectx monthly paymeniti due uixler tlie Nu�i� uiNl lhl�ti�rurfiY In�lnnixnt.'fNcre ulsu may he oi�e <br /> or more chmges of the Loun Scrvicrr unrelut�Yl tu u�ule of thc Nntc. if thrrL la:i ch:�siFe ed�He l.t�,�n Servlcer, ���rruw�er will be <br /> �iven writttn notice e�f the chunge in uccorJunee with purugraph 14 nlx�ve�uxl uEipllcuhle luw. 'I�I14 INIIII'C WIII K1AIC 1IIC IlU11K'N�NJ <br /> address of�he ncw [.oun Servicer uncl the aJdress to which puyukn�+ +hu►dd Ix�mu�le, 'I'hc nu�lce wlll uIM�cumuln uny olher <br /> infoniuition requlr�vl hy upplicublc luw, <br /> 20. Hwz�rd�►us SubetwnceH. Hormwcr shull not or p:�rmil ih� prexikc. u►c, dfn�H►sul, �turugc, ar r�:lcutic nf nny <br /> Huutrdous Substunce+ on or in the Aropeny. f3orrower shull not ilu, n��r �J1uw s�ny��►ik clx� �u do, anytliing uffecUng tho <br /> Property th�t iy in violadon ��f uny Bnvironnxntul law. 'I'he precMlfiig�wu,en�enccc shull n+�� u�►ply to�lie pre.reiKC, uu:, nr <br /> storage on thc Property of�mall quuntitics��f Hn•r.unlous Subsiuitices thn� urc Kc�►crully rc�ugnti�ti a� tx upprupriatc to n��rnu�f <br /> resldential uses and to maintenancc of the Pro{xrty. <br /> Borrowor shall prompNy givc I.cndcr writtcn noticc af uny invatidgu�ion, cluUn,�lrn�;��xl, luw,uit ��r�Nhcr ui•Aun hy uny <br /> governmental or regulutory ugency or private party involving Ihc Propcny uiMl uny Nuiarduus tiubstuikc ur Nuvlrunnkn�ol Law <br /> of which Horruwer has ucwal knawlc�igc. If Borrowcr Icarns, or is noillicJ hy uny govcrnnkutul ur rcKufutory uulhority, thrt <br /> any rem�val or other remalietion of uny Hwr.urd�ius Substance uffecting ihe Pru�xny i.h ixcrx�ury, Ii�irruN�er yhull pr��m�lly lake <br /> all neeessary reme�iai uccions in ucconiance witii�iiyi�r�rr-�rta;f.a�. <br /> As used in this puragrxph 20, "Huxurdouc Subrtunces" ure thu�e suhslunce�detin�til u+ ���xlr ur huianl�rus �ubntuncex My <br /> Environmentul and the following substunces: gux�line, ken�kix, ��ther Ilwnmwhle ur loxlr pe�r�deuui pn�luclx, toxic <br /> pes�icides end herbicides,volxtilo solvents, materiuls contuining uslxstns ur fnrmuld�hyJe,uixl ru�lluucllve n:�terinls,Ar uscd In <br /> this puragnph 20, "Environnxntul Law" mcans f�crul luws und Iwws of Uic Jurf�Uctinn whcrc �hc {'ru�rty ix I�ku�cJ tluit <br /> r.elute to health,safety or cnvironmentul protectinn. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVLNANTS. Borrowcr anJ L.endcr furthcr cavc��am u�xlugr�r as fullows: <br /> 21. Acceler�tlon; Remrdl�. Ixnder shwll Rlve notice to Ibrn�N�cr prlor In �reler�tl��n f�►Iluwlr►R !{orrowrr•r►bre�ch <br /> ot wny rovenpnt or agreement In thls Security instrumrnt (but m►t prlor lo wccderrlk►n under parrKrMph �7 unkw <br /> yppllcable I�w provld�.w otherwlse). The notice,hwll specl(y: (w) tbe det�ull;(b)Ihe wctl�►n n�yulred to cure Ibe defMUlt; <br /> (c)a dHte,not I�s thAn 30 days fmm the date the notice Is glvrn to fM►rmwer, hy whkh llw+def�ult muw�Ire cured;�»tl <br /> (d) that fwllure to cure the defpult on nr befure the d�te specllled In the n�dkr mwy re+►ult In rrcdrrnlM�n ot the wumN <br /> secured by Rhls Security Instrument wnd s+ilc ot the Prnperty. The notice �Fudl further inG►rm Hnrmwrr n�Ihe rl�hi iu <br /> relr�stAte�tter accderatlon wnd the rlght to bring w court rctlon to � �n� �►�+-�xi��:C ,►r� drr.�u ��r Wny �Nher <br /> detense of L�urruwer to wccelerwtlon wnd wle. It the defwult ir not cured on or f�etnre the dNte Kper.lfled In the nMlrq <br /> I.ender, at its optiun, may reyuire immedl�►te pwyment In tull of wll �+umy Fecu�ed by th1M tircurlty InKlrurnen/ wilM�ut <br /> turther demand and mWy invoke the power nf�le wnd Wny other nmedle�► perndlted by�ppI(rMt�le I�w. I.rndrr�11 I�e <br /> entitled tocollect�11 expenxt,w Incurrrd In punulnK the remedl�w prnvld�d{n Ihl�prr�Kr�wph 21��ix�udlnK,trut iN►1 Ilmlted <br /> to,rex.�n�ble�ttorneys't'ees�nd cnst+�of tltle evldence� <br /> If the pnwer of �le ly Inw►krd, Trutit�e shAll r��cord w nollce of det�ult In e�ch cnln�ty c i wh;�h����pMri�tf�tl�r <br /> property Is IucAted�nd sh�ll mail'��ble Iww�ARer the'timeer��ulr��cf„y�+ppli�i Ylww�l'ru.rtrr Nh�ll Rivr puMk mNke <br /> the other persons prescrlixd by Kpp <br /> of s+ile to the persons And In the manner prescrllxd by wppllcwbl�e Irw.Tru.�fce.N•itM►ut dnnwnd un llorn►Mrr. «Iwll�rll <br /> the Pr��perty wt publfc�ucNon to the hlKhest blddcr wt the Nme and pl�ce wnd undrr thr trnn�de+lknxtrd h�Ihe n��llre of <br /> srle in ��ne or blte an ouncen ent ut the tlme und pl�ce nf�xny�pre iou Iy �ule�d wlr�'I.rnder��r Ilw�k IK���fin� <br /> PmpeMy by pu . <br /> purch�se the Property wt any sale. <br /> Ftnm S02• �IM <br /> P�qo G oi 0 <br /> -'-...�,.��-.-�..t.�-- _�-- _-.n-- _.. — <br /> . .__. . _.__ .._-- _-� ��-r-� - -: .- - - - ---- - <br /> . .. . .. . . � � - x,_._ _: w�1���_ ..'�'°"��"°°'�'� . ..=_..°_� _ <br /> . . 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