<br /> All �nsurance po�icies required by Lender and renevvals of such polic�es shai�be subject to L.�nder's r�gh�to
<br /> disappro��such p�licies, shall �nclude a standard mortgage claus�y and sha�I name Lender as mor�gagee
<br /> andlor as ar�additi�na� �oss payee. Lend�r sha�l ha�re the right to hald the policies and renewa�cer�if�cates. �f
<br /> Lender requires, Borrawer shall pr�mptl�gi�e to Lender all re�eipts of paid premiums and renev�ra�nfltices,
<br /> If Bar�rower ob�ains any form of insuranc�coverage, na�otherv�►�ise requ�red by L.ender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruc�ion of, the Prop�rty, such pol�cy sha�� inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause and shall name Lender as
<br /> mor�gag��andlor as an add�t��nal loss payee,
<br /> �n the even�of loss, Borrovver shall g��e pr�mpt no�ice to the�nsurance carr�er and I�ender. Lend�r ma�
<br /> make proof of�oss if no�mad�prflmp�i�by Borrower. �]nl�ss I.lender and Borrower other�vi�e agr��n
<br /> writing, any in5uranC�prDC�edS, whether or na�the underl��ng �nsurance was required by Lender, sha�.I he
<br /> applied�o res�ora�ion or repa�r of�he Property, if�he res��ration�r repair�s e��namical��feasible and
<br /> Lender's securi�y �s na��esse�.ed, Dur�ng such repair and restora�i�n period, I.�nder sha��ha�e the righ�to
<br /> hald such�nsurance praceeds until Lender has had an opportuni���o inspect such Prape�y�o ensure�he
<br /> work has been comp�e�ed to Lender's sa�isfac�ion, pro��ded�hat such inspe�ti�n sha�i b�undertaken
<br /> promp�ly. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for�he repairs and restora�ion in a sing�e payment or�n a s�ries of
<br /> progress paymen�s as�h�v�ark�s con�.pleted.. Unl�ss an agreemen�is made in wri�ing ar Ap���cah�e Law
<br /> requires �nt�res�t��e paid on such�nsurance proceeds, Lender sha�I nat�e r�qu�red�o pay B�rrower an�
<br /> interest or�arnings on such proceeds. Fees for pub��c adjus�ers, flr other third parties, reta�ned by Borrower
<br /> shali not b�paid ou�of�he insurance praceeds and shall be th�so�e ob�igati�n of Barravver. If the res�ora�i�n
<br /> or repa�r is n��econ�rnical�y feas���e flr L�nder's security wou�d be�essened, the insurance prace�ds sha.��be
<br /> app�ied�o�he sums secured by th�s S�curity�nstrumen�, whe�h�r or not then due, v�ith the�xcess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrovver. Such insurance proce�ds shall be app�ied in�he arder pro�rided for in Sec�ion 2.
<br /> If Borrovwer abandons the Proper�y, Lender may fi1e, nega�iate and set�le any a�a�lable�nsurance c1a�m and
<br /> re�ated mat�ers. �f Barrower does not respond w�thin 30 da�s�o a notice from Lender tha�the insurance
<br /> carrier has offered t�se��le a claim, �h�n Lender may n�gatiate and settle th�claim. The 3D-day per�od wxl�
<br /> begin when the no�ice is gi�en, In ei�her�vent, or�f Lender acqu�res the Praper��under S��t�an 22 or
<br /> otherv�ise, �orrower��reby ass�gns tv Lender�a} Borrnwer's rights to any �nsuranc�proceeds in an am�un�
<br /> not�� e�c�ed the amounts unpaid under the Note or�his Se�urity �nstrument, and��} ar�y oth�r�f
<br /> Borrower's rights�other than�he righ�ta any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under a1�
<br /> insuranc�pol�c��s co�ering the Praperty, insofar as su�h rights are app��cable�o�he co�rerage of��e
<br /> Pr�perty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds ei�her to repair or res�are�h� Praper�y ar to pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under the Note or th�s Securi�� �nstrument, vvhether ar na�then due.
<br /> 6. �ecupancy. Borrower sha11 occupy, establ�sh, an�use the Proper��as B�rrow�r's prinG�pa�.resid�nce
<br /> within 6�days aft�r the execu�i�n of�h�s S�curi�y �n�trumen�and shall �ontznue to accupy the Praperty as
<br /> B�rrov�er's principa� res�dence for a�Ieast one year after the da��of��cupan�y, unless Lender o�herwise
<br /> agre�s in wr���ng, wh�ch consent shal� nat b�unr�asonabl�wi�hhe�d, or uniess ext�nuating circum.stances
<br /> exis�wh�ch are beyond Borrower's c�ntr�l.
<br /> 7. Preserrration, N�a�ntenance and Rrotect�on of the Property; Inspections. Borr�wer sha�� n�t des�ro�,
<br /> darnage ar�mpa�r the Proper��, al�ow the Propert�to de�eriora�e or�omm��was��fln the Propert�. VL�hether
<br /> �r no�Borra�nrer is residing in�he Praper��r, Borr�wer shall main�ain�h�Prop�r�� in tirder to pre�en�the
<br /> Propert� from deter�arating�r decr�asing �n va�ue due�o i�s condition. Unless i�is de�erm�n�d pursuan��a
<br /> Section 5 tha�repair�r res��ra��on�s n��ec�no�ica�ly feasibie, Borr�wer sha��pr�mpt�y repa�r�h�Praperty
<br /> if damag�d to avoid fur�h�r deter�arat�on or damage. If insurance�r condemna��an proceeds are paid�n
<br /> �onnec�ion wi�h damage�o, or the�aking of, �he Proper��, Borrower shali be responsib�e for repairing or
<br /> res�oring�he Proper��nniy if Lender has re�ea�ed proceeds for such purposes. Lender may d�sburse proc�eds
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM 1N5TREJMENT Form 3a28 11�1
<br /> VMP Q VMP6(NE}{13D�y
<br /> Wafters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 7�f 17
<br />