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�.. � - - . : .,._. .<. .. . . �_.._ - ",'7i��s.� - <br /> !� rM .a 3r , s�f�r a. c-�v�4i,•� r ,.,sr --_.-- <br /> ��,., � � 'r A�'�:1.�tC�,`',`�`� •��t-��.>�.���t ,�.t`����►,• . �f�" :'.ry,�'3 �,� s __ --- <br /> . <br /> ,,. . <br /> _ _ � <br /> . , <br /> , � <br /> =-- - -.__...._�,.,,,,,---� _ <br /> , . . - <br /> � � . <br /> 9�� 112a698 � .. , <br /> 9.Inipectlon.. Lendcr or lu agent may mdce rason�ble mtrics upon cnd inapectlone of the Property. L.ender shdl <br /> give Borrower notice at the titne of or prior to�n inapection spoclfy ing rwwn�ble cAUSe for the inspection. <br /> i0. Condann�tion, The procoeda of eny�ward or claim for dunapes,direct or c�nsequendal,in connection wlth <br /> my condemn�tion or other taking of any part of thc Property, or for conveywna in lieu of condemnutlon, wre hereby <br /> usi�ned and ehall be pdd to Ixnder. <br /> In the evrnt of� total t�lciug of the Property, the pra:eede shdl be appliod to the euma sxurod by thi�Security <br /> Inetrument. whether or not 1hrn due,with any exceea pud to Borrower. In the event of a partisl t�lcing of the Property in <br />� wlifch the falr macket valuc of the Property lmmrdlntsly before the taking i� cqu�gl tn or greeter than the arriount of the � <br /> eume secured by thia Secudty Inatnunent 4mtneciiuely before the talcing. unless Borrower And Lender oeherwiee agree in <br /> wdtin�, the eunu�ecured by thie Security Iaatrumrnt sh�ll be ceduced by the unount of the ptnceede multiplied by the — <br /> followmg frACtion:(a)the totel cmaunt of the sume eecund immedlately befon the taking,divlded by(b)the fdr muket <br /> vdue of the Property Immediately before the t�icing.Any balance ehNl be pdd to Borrower.In the event of a putiel t�lcing <br /> of the Property in whlch the fdr mukec vQue of the Property imnudi�tely before the t�lcing is lesa than the�mount of the <br /> sutna eocurod lmmeciiuely before the taking,unlesa Botrower and L.ender otherwix agtee in writing or unless applicable <br /> law otherwise provida, the prnceeds ehall be applied to the sum�sccurod by thls S�curity In�trument whether or not tlie <br /> sums are then due. <br /> Jf the Propert,y le abandonal by Borrower,or if, after nodce by Lendec to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br /> malce an awazd or settle a clalm for dam�gea,Borrower fails tnnspond to Lender within 30 days after ttie dete the notIce <br /> ls given,l.ender ie authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property <br /> or to the sumq securcd by this Security Instrument,whether or not then dua <br /> Unl�ss Lxnder end Banower othetwise agne in writing,any applicadon of proceeds to principal shall not extend ot <br /> postpone the due date of ihe monthly paymenu refecred to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the�unount of such paymeats. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Rdew�M; Forlxarance By I.eada� Not a Wriver. Extension of the tfine for payme�tt or <br /> modification of amartization of We sums securod by this Sa:uricy Insttument grpnted by Lender to Any successor ln interest - <br /> of Borrower shall not operete to nlease the liability of the origu�al Borrower or Bonower's suc:cessors in intercat. Lender <br /> shall not be required to wmmence procoedinge against any successor in interest ur refuse ro extend tia�e for pa t or <br />- othenvise modify arnottization of the sums secured by this Securlty Instnunte�t by reason of any demand e by the <br /> original Borrower or Bormwer's successors in inureat.Any focbeuAnce by L.ender in exe�reising any rlght or remedy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or preclude ttte exercise of eny right or remedy, <br />° 12. Succee�on Knd Asal�ae Bouad;Joint pnd Several LiabiUty;Go-ei�nere. The coveawnts and agreements of <br /> this Security Instcument ehnll bind azM brneflt the succeasoro and asaigns of Lender. uid Borrower. eub�oct to the <br /> proviaions of paragraph 17. Borrower's coveaants and agranxnts sh�ll be jomt and eever�l.Any Borrower w o co-signe <br /> rh�s Security Inatn►rnrnt but does not exe�:ute the Notr. (a)is co-�igniag th[s Socudty Inauument only to martg�ge, gruit <br /> u�d convey that Borrower's interest in the !'rop'rty under the terme of this Socurlty Instnunent; (b) ie nnt perwnally <br /> obligstod to pay the�uc►v eocured by thla Sxurlry Inatrucnenr And (e) �g[eee th�t L�mder wd wy other Borrower may <br /> a�ree to extead,modtfy, forbear or m�lce any accomrnod�tiona with regard to the tem�a of thia Security Iiutn�meat nr the <br /> au•��i:hont thrt�^�:Ltt's=4a!�ns. <br /> 13. I.o�n C2�r�a� If tho lo�n eecurod by this Sxudty Inatn►mrnt ie�ubJoct W a l�w wqlcu kta rtuuimum ioaa <br /> chargen, and th�t law is finally interpretod so that the inteirat or other lo�n chugee colloctod or to be collected in <br /> cocu�oction with the loan exceed Wa pem�rtted limiu, then: (A) any such lan chuge ah�ll be roducod by the urauat <br /> nec�asiuy to roduce the chuge to thepemutted llmir utid(b)wy �wn� already colle�ted Crom Bomower whicb exceaded <br /> pemutted limits will be retuadal to Borrower. I.ender m��choose to m�ke thu refund by reducing the princlptl owed <br /> under the Note or by malciag a dlrect payment to Borrowec. If�nfund roduca princip�l, the roduedoa wiU be tnatod ao� <br /> putilal prepaymrnt witbout�ny prepayment chuge under the Note, <br /> 14. Notica. Aay notla to Dorrower provlded for in thla Security lnauument ah�ll be givea by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by firot c1�ss mAll unless applicable x�w roquires use of another method. The aoti�shall be directod to We <br /> Property Adrress or Any other address Borrower designaces by notia to Lender. My notia to I.endet stWl be given by <br /> firat claas mail to I.ender's addnse stated hecein or any other address I.endtr deslgaatea by noNce to Borrowa.My notice <br /> provided for in this Socuriry Insuument shall be dxmed to hAVe ban given ta Borrower or Lender when glvea aa pmvided <br /> W thiy ppragraph. <br /> 1S. GovanlnR L�w; Severabllity. This Security Instrument s6a11 be governed by fedcr�l law And the ltw of tt►e <br /> lurisdiction ln whicb�he Property is located.In thc event that any provialon or clau�r.of this Securiry Instrument or We <br /> 1Vote conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affxt other provisions of this Security Inatrument or the Note <br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of Wis S�curity Inst�umeat�nd the <br /> Note are declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrowa'i Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thi�Security Ittsuument. <br /> 17. Transfer o[ the Propaty or a Beaeflcial Interest in Borrower, If all or any ptut of the Property or any <br /> interost in it is sold or trenafernd (or if a beaeficiel intecest in Borcower is sold or uansferrod atid Bortowa is not a <br /> natural person)without Lmder's prior written consent, I.ender may,at its option, roquire immedlate p�ymat in full of nll <br /> sums eecured Uy thie 5ecurity Instrument, However, this option ehall not be exercised by Lender if exet+ciee �e prohibited <br /> by federsl law as of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> If I.ender exercises this option,Lender shell give Borrower notice of acceleretion.'Ihe notice shall provide a perlod <br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notice 1s delivered or mailed within which Dorrower must pay all sumg secured <br /> Form 302,8'^8190 fpape 4�o1f 61 <br /> EAHKERS SVSTEMS,INC.,ST.CLOUD,MN 60702 11-800•397•23411 FORM MD•7•NE 2l6/81 =Y 1-4�/-- <br /> 1 <br /> . ,�.,. ... .... ."'" .� .... -...���•W:-.�:,iVY4"4'.—x�'�'::i:_ '" _.' 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