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' � . .�.• . . . , 1. . . _ �1�.�. <br /> �.,* ..:.-'' •* ^'.rp.. . .�. *,,j^ .. �. . . . . . .,w.,r.:K+q y '-- <br />_ . • ,^� ��9�'�}����'�-�iL.�' �rr., ;�tYC����av,......�� .rrn...,.�.._ ... --_ <br /> '��� — o F - .�.�.l-.�-'-_•-__�_'.-..' ______. <br /> .r�� <br /> v�l[�� ' � . <br /> � � 9$ � .. <br /> -��a� ._ r: '.� "�� R +I� <br /> �1.2�98 <br /> =��,� including floode or flooding, for which I.ender requlres insurancc. Thls insurance shall be maintalned In thc amounta and <br /> ....�.� for the pedoda that Lenderrequlree.The inaurence c�rrier providina the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJcet ta <br /> —_=�= Lender's Approv�l which shall not 6e unreasonably withheld, If Bormwer faUs to maintain coverage descrlbed above, - <br /> =��� Lender may, at Lender's option, obtaln cover�ge to protect Lender'e rightF in the Property In accordence wlth paragraph <br />�i9 7. <br /> All insurancx policlee and reaewals sh�ll be acceptable te Lender and sh�ll include a atAndard mongAge dause. <br />�,;�� Lender shali h�vs tho right to hold the policia xnd renewals. !f Lendcr requircy,Borrower ehs11 promptly give to Lcnder <br /> - all receipu of paid prcmiuns nnd renewa)natices. In thc event of loss, &►rrower shall give prompt notice to thc insurence _ <br />- _y� carrier�ad Lender.Lender may make proof of loaa if aot niade prompdy by Borrower. <br /> Unlesa(ender pnd Borrowe�otherwise agra in wdting,insurana proceede ehall be applied to restoration or repair <br /> - of the Property dunaged, if the reatoration or rcpalr is economically feastble anci I.enda's eecurity is not lessened. If the <br />�-- reatoruioa or repdr ie not eaonamicslly feasible or Lend�r's security would be lessened, the insurance procc�ds sh�ll be <br /> a applled to the e�ma eecured by thls Socurity(nstrument,whether or not then due, with any exass paid to Bonower. If <br /> ���'- Borrower wbAadone the Property, or does nat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurence carrier has <br /> - = offecod to setdo a claim, then Lender mty ca3lat the insurana procada.L.ender muy ux ttu procoeds to repair or ratore <br />� the Property or to pay eume secund by this 5ecuriry Instcument, whether or not then dua.The 30-day period will begin <br /> whrn the nottct is given. <br /> Unleas Lender and Borrower othorwise agree ia writing,any application of pracads to principal shsll uot extend or <br /> _ postpone the due date of the montWy payments teferted to in psuagra��hs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of the payments. If <br /> under peragraph 21 the Property ie acquired by,Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policles and proceeds reaulting <br /> � fmm damage to the Praperty prior to the acquleition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> Inanvment immi,�dietely prior to the Acquieltion. , <br />— 6. Occuppncy, Preservetion, Matntenance sad Protectioa ot the Pro�ty;B�orrower o Loan Application; <br /> La�holds. Boaower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Bocrower s pnncip�l reaidence wlWln sixty dayc <br /> after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal realdence <br /> _ for at least one year after the date of oGCUpancy, unlesa Lender otherwlse agras in writing, wh[ch con�ent sh�l! not be <br /> unresisonsbly withheld,or unless extenuatin circurnatances ezist which are beyond Borrower's control.Borrower sh�l!not <br /> deatroy, dam�ge or impair the Property, al�ow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waate on the Property. Borcower <br /> - shall be in default if any forfeiture action ot proceeding, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's good faith <br /> udgment could result in forfeiture of the Propecty or otherwise materially imnair the lien created by this Security <br /> �nattument ar Lender's socurlty tnterest.Bonower may cure auch a default and ninstate, as provided in paragraph 16. by <br /> cawing the action or pmcoeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good futh deteiminAtion, precludea <br /> � forfeltun of the Borrower's inuc�est in the PropeKy or other material impairn�ent of the lien creuted by this Security <br /> Inatcument or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall elso be in default if Bormwer,during the loan application procesa, <br /> �ave m�teri�lly false or Inaccurate infomtation or statem�nts to Ixnder (or failed to provide Lender with any mAteri�l <br /> mfom�ation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limttcd to. representations concetning <br /> Borrower's occupuscy of the Propeny we A pruwij;«I rcvid'a'ri.a.lf i�is�,;,,ur:t;:astruz�:is en a!•*Q•�oL,Rr,rmwer�hall <br /> c�ly with dl the provisione of the lwe. !f Borrower acquires fa title to the Propaty,ihe leasehold wd ih�fa title <br /> stull not merae unleas L.ender agrecs to the merger in wdting. <br /> 7. protecdon o[Leader'�R1�hb in the Propaty. Tf Bonower f�ils tu perfo�m thc coven�nW and reanec►u <br /> contalned in thi� Socurity In�trumeat, or there ie�k��l procea8ng thyt mAy eignificantly affxt Lender'a ri�ita la the <br /> property(�uch iu a proc.eeding in builuuptcy,probite, for condemnation or forfettun or to enforee I�we or reguluiom), <br /> t�hrn I,ender may do u�d pay for wh�tever I�neceuary to protext the value of the Prope�ty �nd L.a�der's ngt►u in the <br /> prqxrty, l..ender'i �ctloae mny include p�ying u►y suma eecured by � lien which hu priority over thfi Savrit <br /> Icuuument. �ppei►dn�in couct, pAyina rcuo�uble utorneys' fees u�d entering on the Property to m�ke repdr�. Althou� <br /> Lender may u�ce acNon under thiep�ra�r�ph 7,L.ender doe�rat�a�v 110���i�ioad debt of Borrower secured by thir <br /> Any unounta dieburaed by Lender under thie pu�graph <br /> Securiry Iastrument. Unlaa Borrower uul Lrnder�Bra ta ather torm+of p�yment. thae unaunta shdl bear interat from <br /> the datc of diebureement at the Note rote ancl sh.�ll be pay�ble, with interest, upon nodce from Lender to Borrowa <br /> nq�eating p�ytr�ent. <br /> 8.Mort�a�e Insunnce• If Lender required mottgage insurana es a condition of m�lcing the loan secured by thie <br /> Sxudty Instnunent, Borrower shall pay the pcemium+requirod to maintain the mortgage insuruic�in effcet. If, for any <br /> rea�aon, the mortgage inaurance coverage reqarr�d by Lender lapsea or ceasw to be In effect, Bocrower shall pay the <br /> precnium� requited to obtain covorage subauntially equivalent to the mortgage insurmce previously in effect, at a coat <br /> eubstantidly equiv�lent to the cost to Bonower af the moctgAge insurance prevlously In�ffxt, from ut ultemau moctgage <br /> insurer approved by I.ender. If subatantiellyequivalent mortgage insuranc;e coveragC ia not available, Bormwer shall pay <br /> to L.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly nnortgage msurance prem[um being paid by Iiorrower whrn <br /> the insurance coverage lapsat or ceased to be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retdn these paymente ns a loss reserve <br /> in liEU of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be requiral� at the option of Lender, if mottgage <br /> insuru�ce coverage(in the amount and for the period that L.ender requires) provlded by an insurer approvod by Ixnder <br /> again becomes available and is obtainod. Borrower shell pay the premiums required ro maintain mortgage insuraxe in <br /> effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requicement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written <br /> agrament between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. Form 3028,9/90 fPaye 3p�61 <br /> _._-�� BANKER9 6VSTEMS,INC.,6T.CLOUD,MN 60702 I1-000-397•4�111 fOHM M��t•NE 2/6181 <br /> :�,� �7 <br /> -:�� <br /> �C� <br />=__7�� <br /> ..s� <br />- _«rky <br /> �yJ <br /> ._f,'� + <br /> �� <br />.-_ �.-__�-r_e_ <br /> ,,� <br />