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The wads'Personal Property' mean nil equipment, Nxtures, end olher erlicles of personal property now or hereatter _��.�.., <br /> ownsd by Trualor,�nd now or hereafler ettached a iHixed to Ihe Real Praperty; fopether wllh all eccessions, parts,and additlons to,all ° —� <br /> . npl�c�rrNnh of, �nd 1JI eubftituHono lor, any of such properfy; and topether wllh ail proce6ds (including wilhout Iimltatlon ail insurenr.e �°i.,_i'x": <br /> . procNds�nd rofunda of premlum�)hom any sale or other disposlllon ol Ihe Property. �`^�,: <br /> ' ; pippnrty. TFN word"Propsrt�'me�ns cdlecfively the Resl Property and fhe Personal Property. i�:- <br /> �'�:�1'c,a <br /> Fi�N Prop�rty,The wads"R�I Properly'mean the propedy,Interests and riyhls descdbed ebove in thA"Conveyance and Orant"secHon. �f_Y:� <br /> � qN�t�d ppctx�NnU, TM word�'RN�t�d Documenh' mw�n�nd Includs without IlmlteMOn ell promissory notes, credit apreements, loan ! <br /> ., apresm�nts,�nWronmmt�l�prsamenta,pwr�nlles,eecurity epraemenh,mortp�pes,deeds of trust,and all other Instrumants,agreements and ;� ::. <br /> docurrNnb,wh�ther now a Mredbr sxhlinp,executed in conneclion wifh Ihe Indebtednoss. ' �'�,'- <br /> .x+�� R�nU. The wad'Rents"rt�ns�II present and futuro renls, nvenues,Income,Issues, royaldes,profils,end other heneHts derived hom tha - <br /> �«..�••�^+�`: Propsriy. _ <br /> '` . ; � Tru�tN. The word Trust�e"means U.S.Benk NaUonal AssocfaHon and eny substitute or successor truslees. � <br /> Truator. The word'Trustor"meane any end ell persons and enHtles executinp this Deed ol Trust,includin�wtlhout Ilmitation all Trustors named <br /> ,, � �bove. <br /> 1, THIS DEEO OF TRUST, IHCLWINO THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL �____ <br /> �. •• ppppERTY,IB GIVEN TO SECURE (1)PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEUNESS AND (2)PERfORMANCE QF ANY ANA ALL 09UGATIONB OF <br /> THUSTOR UIiDER THE NOTE,THE RELATED DOCUMENTS,AHD THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST i&QIVEN AND ACCEPTED <br /> ON TIIE FOLLOWINQ TERMS: — <br /> PAYMENT AMD PERFOFiMANCE. Except�s olherwise provided In lhls Deed of Trust,Trustor sheli pay to Lender all amounts secured by this Deed <br /> ol Trust as they bucome due,and sh411 strictly and In s timely minner pertorm ell of Trusta's oblpatlons under the Note,thls Deed of Trust,end the <br /> Related Documente, <br /> { PdSSE8810N AND MAINTENANCE OF 7HE PiiOPER7Y. Truslor eprees that Trustor's possession end use of Ihp Property shall be poverned by <br /> � the fouowinp provislons: - <br /> PoaNlibn Mid UN. Until the occurrence of an Event of Uefeult,Trustw may (a)remaln in possesslon and conhd of tlw Property, (b)use, <br /> operate or m�nafle the Property,and (c)collect eny Rents hom ihe Property. <br /> Duly to MNniMn. Trustor shall malnlain the Property In tenantable condition and promptly periorm all repalrs,replacements,and melntenance =_ <br /> necsssary to prec9rve Its v�lue. <br /> Fiiwrdous Substancas. The terms"harardous waste;'7uzardous substunce;"disposal'"reNas�'��d'threa�ened rekase;a�used In this �_ <br /> � Desd of Trust,shall luve the same me�ninqs es set forth In the Comprehenslve Environmental RespBnse,Compenaation,and LGiblNly Act of <br /> 1880,aa amended,42 U.S.C. Section 8601,et seq.('C�RCLA"),the Supertund Amendments and Reauthaizallon Act of 1988,Pub.L.No. <br /> - gg-49g(•SARA"),the Hazardous M�tsrials Transportelbn Act,49 U.S.C.SecHOn 1801,et�eq.,the Resoura Conservatlon and R�cowry Act, - <br /> 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,et seq.,or othx appl�able state or Federal laws,rules,or repulations edopted pursu�nt to�ny of!he fupdnp. Th� <br /> ' terms"hwrdous w�sla"end"h�nrdous substance"shall Uso include,without IImlt�tion, palrokum end petrdsum by-producls a�ny h�cdon <br /> � Ihersof and�sbeslos. Trualor represenb and warrants to Lsnder tFUt: (�)Dudng the perlod ot Trusta's ownershlp ot the Property,fh�n lu�a <br /> ' . been no use,psneredon,m�nuf�cture,stonpe,treatrtwnt,dlsposal,retsase w threstened rebase of sny hazardous waste or tubat�nca by any <br /> - - -=-_--- N:oC;o^,u^dar,cbcs!or!rom th�Prc+pe!ty; !h�'T'nnctnr lue no knowlsdae ol.or reason to belleVe that fhere has bs9e,excspt ls previou8ly <br /> r�N�ass of ti�ny harardo slw�e or substance on�,u�de�r��ebout a hom tha Pr�operty bY�Y P�«wners occupanb of�lr��opw yt�N� <br /> • � �ctual or thrKtened IIHpaHon or clalms ot eny kind by any person relatlnp to such rru�ttxs; and (c)Except as pnvlously dtxloe�d to Rnd <br /> �cknowteclpad by Lendsr In w�iHnp, (I)neitMr Trusta rwr any teruinf,contnctor,eqsnt a olher authorl:ed user of th�Propwly�hall ua�, <br /> � p�nsrd�,manufactura,store,tre�t,dispose of,or release�ny h�urdous waste a substance on,under,about w ham the Prop�rry�nd (il)any <br />° suGh�ctivity ehall bs conducted in compllence wlth�II appllcabk federel,stete,�nd Ixal kws,repul�flono and ordinancss,Includlnp wlfhout <br />"- • Mmlhdon thos�I�we,rpulaHOns,and ordinances described above. Trustor�uthorizes Lender and its a9ents to enter upon the Propsrty to <br /> � � mak�auch InspecHons and tests,ef Trusta's expense, �e Lender may de�m�pproprlate to determine compliance of the Propsrty with thb <br /> • e�cHon of tM Qead of Truat. Any Inspecllons or tests mado by Lsnder nhall be Iw Lendere purposes only and shall not bs conahwd to Cn�b <br /> �ny raponslbility or Ii�bllity on Ihe part of Lender to Trustor or lo any olher person. The represenlallons and warnnlles Contalned MrNn an <br /> r . basotl on Trustor'c dw diliponce in Investlpatiny the Property tu hazerdous weste and habrdous substancs�. Trustor hersby (R)�ylMSa and <br /> . 4 w�lvss any tuture cWims npdnsi Lander for Indemnity or contributlon In the event Trustor becomes Il�hia ta cbanup cx other coab uncf�r any <br /> ,;. � , euch kws, end (b)�flress to Indemnlfy and hold h�rmiess Lender ap�lnst�ny�nd aE clalms, losses,Ilabllitles, dnmapes, p�nNtks,and <br /> �nsss whfch Lender muy directly or IndirsCtly sust�in or euHer resulNnq trom a hre�ch of thb secHon of Ihe Desd of 7rust or u l <br />+"'.-��<<• •�:� conspu�nce of any us�,Wner�Non,m�nuhcture,staap�,dlsposal,rale�sa a thredenad rele�se ol a h�zardous w�ste or subst�na on tM <br /> = propKties. Ths provl�lone of IMs wctlon ot tha D�ed of Trust, Includlnp the obllpatlon to IndamnHy, shall suMw tFw paym�nt o}Ifw <br /> -•�• � Indsbtednes��nd 1M eaHshcNon and reconwy�nc�of tM Ikn et this Desd of Trust and 6haY not be aNected by Lenders aCqulsidon o}any <br /> � � n� Intirat In tM Propaty�whsther by foreClOSUre or otherwise. <br />- Nulw�ee,Wate. Trustor shall not ceuse,conduct a pxmit�ny nuisence na comrtdt, p�rmlt,or suffer any strippinp ol or w�st�on or to the - <br />_��.� Prop�rty or eny porflon of the Property. Wnhcut ummng the yenerai�ry ot the taepdnp,Trustur will not ramove,or qrflnt to any othar party tM <br />_ rlflht to remove,any fimber,minerds(InCludinfl WI and fles),soil,prsvel or rock products wilhout ihe pdor wdRen consent o}Lendar. <br /> :;�, Removal of Improwmente. Truetor shall not demolhh u remove any Impravoments fram fhe Real Propaty without the prlor wdtten cons�nt _ <br /> of Lsnder. As a condlHOn to the removel ot any Improwments,Lender mny require'I'rustor to m�ke arc�nflements satisiactory to LendK to <br />�'= '` �' ' raplace such Improvements with Improvements o}at I�sl eqwl�i41ue. <br /> � ' ' ' � Lender's Rlpht to Enter. Lendx and iis apents and representntive9 may enler upon tM Reel Property et all re�son�ble tlmes to�ttend lo <br />�• � Londer's Interests end to Inspect the Property tor purpose�o}Trustor's compuence with the lerms and CondlHons of this Deed oi Trust. <br /> '.. S <br /> ! Compliwfc�wlth Gowrnm�ntal Requlremenl�. 7rusta shaN promptly Comply wlth di uws,adinances,�nd requlaHons,now or hereafler In <br />-- eknct, of all povernrtwntal authaities applicable to the use or occuponcy of the Properly, Including without IlmltaHon, the Amerlcans Wlth <br /> � Disabllitl�s ACt. Trustor mey contest In pood falth �ny such liw, ordin�nce,or repulatlon and withhold compllance durinp any proCeedinp, <br /> y Includlnp approprkfe appenls,so lonp es Trustor hes noHMed Lender In writlny prior to dolnq so and so lony as,In Lender's sole opinlon, <br /> lender's Interests in the Property are not Jeoperdlzed. Lender mey requlre Trustor to post edequnte securlty or e surety bond, reesonably <br /> utlsf�ctory to Lender,to protect Lander'9 Interest. �� - <br /> Duty to Prot�ct. Trustor aprees neHher to ebandon nor leeve unnHended the Property. Trusta ehall do all other ncts,In additlon to Ihose acts ���--_ <br />-., �i set}orth ubove tn this sectlon,wh�h trom the chuacter and use of the Property ere reasonobly necesury to protect and preservo the Property. '=;r:- <br /> # CON6TRUCTION LOAN. If some or all of the prxeeds ol the loan creatinq the indebtedness ere to be used to construct or complata constructlon ;. �,; <br /> of any Improvements on the proparty,the Improvements sheY be complsted no loter than the maturity data of Ihe Note (or such earlier date ns , <br /> � Lender mey reasonably establish)and Trustor shell pay In full etl costs and expenses In conneclion wlth the wak. Lender disbune loan proceeds <br /> Uf1d�f 611Ch lAfltls�Iltl COfIdItIOn3 fls LBnd6f iney d9em not955ary to Insuro Ihat lha Intt�rost croa�od by this Dood of Trust shall havo priodty ovor oll <br /> poseible Ilen�, Includinp those of ineleriel suppllero and wakmen. Lendar may requlre, emony other thinps, that disburaement reqwsb he <br /> � supported by recaipted btlls, expenso aMdavits, waivers of I�ens,constructlon propress repals, flnd such olher doCUmentaBon fls Lender mey <br /> ' reasOnably request. <br /> _. _ DUE ON SALE-COM6ENT BY LENDER. Lender may,el tts option,declare Immediafely due and payeble all 6ums secured by this Deed ot Trust <br /> upon the sale or trensler,withaul the Lender's prlor written Consent,of an or nny part o�me i+eai �roperiy,or any iniernsi in intl nnai�r6puriy. A <br /> "saia or transfer"means the conveyance of Real Property or any Aeht,title or inleresl Iherefn;whelher legal,beneHClal or equlteble;whether voluntary [ <br /> - or Involuntary;whether by outright sete,deed,installment sale contract,land contreCt,contract lor deed,leasehuld Interest with e term preater th�n <br /> three(3)yaar6,lease-optlon coniracl,or by sale,essiynment,or tronsfer o}nny bBneHcial Interest In or lo any land trust holdiny tille to ihe Real <br /> - Property,or by any othvr method o1 conveyance of Real Property interesl. II any TrUSbr is e corporatlon,pertnership or Iimlted Ilabllity company, <br /> lransler eiso Includes eny change In ownership ot more than hventy-Nvo percent(2695)of the voting stock, pertnership Interests or Ilmited IIabIIHy <br /> = company Intarests,es Ihe case may be,ot Trustor. However,Ihls option shall not be exercised by Lender If such exerclse Is protiibiled by lederel <br /> law or by Nebraske law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The followine provisions relatlnp to the tezes end Ilens on llie Property are a part of this Deed of Trust. <br /> � Payment. Trusta shall pey when due(and In 611 events prtor to delinquency)all texas,spec�al taxes, assessments,charges(Including waler <br /> Iand sewer),fines and Impositlons Ievied egainsl or on eccounl of tho Prope�iy, and shall pay when due all clalms for work done on or for <br /> I <br /> � I -- .�_ . . _ <br />