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WHEN RECORDE�MAIL T0: Q <br /> ;:.�,.'�..., <br /> '>- lr.i J\.. <br />.,__fi��(<<f. ��E�fdf NN ga1�A�Y0Ck11�Of1 <br />���..:���*�" Llneoln,NE 016oa <br /> -_ /..;.G7-.b <br /> a9 r�,,t �. r <br /> c`��°� � <br /> .. �-.�.'i::{ <br />,���„��y:� SEND TAX NOTICES TOt + <br /> ��;:':�:::�;; l.�non Con�IrucUon�I�x. � <br /> t_.��• 606 U�flen Av�. �. <br />- _�*�� Qrand Id�nd�NE NW1 <br /> S'��,;: � <br /> _��i�i,� <br />-=�:��:.�� 9g- ii�� <br />--�_:�:r <br />�;z�_�_�� <br /> �:�:.iv,,� <br /> ry�j"' <br />_�;`�1�,'.W� <br /> _ '.�♦ <br /> =r:'-'_ <br /> _ _r:�� <br />����� SPACE AsOVE THIS LINE IS FOFi RECORDER'S USE ON.Y <br /> .�-�z r- <br /> —��};J;� <br /> s��� D�ED OF TRUST <br /> -��<�c"'�� <br /> -�'}� THIS DEED OF TRUST IS A CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AGREEMENT <br /> °`"�;� WITHIN T11E MEANlNG OF THE NHBRASKA CONSTRUCTION LIEN ACT <br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST IS DATED DECEMBER 7, 1988, emonp Laraon Con�tructlon, Inc., s Nebr�uke <br /> ,��_�.a� Corporation,whoae addrou la 606 Linden Ave.,�Grand Island,NE 68a01 (rebrred to betow as "Trustor"); U.S. <br /> Bank Netbn�l As�ocl�tion, who�e addresa is 233 South 13th Street, Ltncoln, NE 6850a (refened to below <br /> -�,�:�� sometime� at"Lender" end aomeUmes es "Beneflcisry"); and U.S. Benk Natbnal Asaocl�Uon,whoas addroa <br /> -;,;;;;;oo��,� ts 1700 Famem Street,Omehe,Nebnske 68102(robrred to below es "Truatee"). <br />----�;r,:�� <br />�„_--�,,�',� �ONVEYANCE AMD GRANT. For vduable conNd�r�tlon,Truila convsys to Trwtee In truq,WITH POWER QF SALE,for tht benefN of <br /> -i'�-• Lander er B�mfklery,all ot Trustors riqht, NBe, �nd Interest In and to the followlnp drsCribed raal property, topslMr wllh �N exlsUrq or <br /> ���...�.• subspWnqy e�eCNd ot l}flx�d buNdlnps,Improvsments end flxtures;�II easemenb,�hls ol way,and appurtanarwes;all w�t�r,watar rlphb�nd <br /> L,_`-'— <br /> --- dNCh rfphb(InCludirp atack In utilitles wllh ditch or IrrlpRNon riphts);and ell olh�r hb,r�oy�Hks and rofits rNatlnp to tf►�nal prop�!y,Includl�?Q <br />����— wflhout Bmliadon�N mlMtalY,oll,pas,p�oth�rmal und slmllar maHsrs, locete� In FIl111 G�OUII�I� SiKe Of ('Ie1X�ik� (�h0 ��ROa� <br /> _�--?�--- <br />_ ��.' <br />-:�;,,�:r•�. Propertyr"): . <br /> ..,v�wrawry_,. . <br /> .._.ia�,�ttif��, ;. <br />.y.{:���'k <br /> '���`�� ' Lot Fourteen (14),Indienhead Second Subdivialon in the City of Grand Islend.Hall County, Nebraske, <br /> � .l� The Real Property of Ita eddreaa is eommonly known es 4168 Indlenheed Rd., Grend Islend, NE 68803. Ti►e <br />� ReU Propxty tax IdentlAcation number Is unknown. <br /> Trustw presontfy�asiflm to Lender(slso known as BeneNciary In this Deed of Trust)sll of Trustor's riyht,tltle,a�d interest In ond lo aIl present�nd <br /> . �; future leases of the Property ind all Rents from lhe Property. In addition,Trustor grants Lender a Uniform Commercial Code securiy Interast in thu <br /> • i Rents and the Personal Property deHned below. <br /> ! DEFIHITIONS. The}ollowinp words shell have the lollowlrp meanlnps when used In this Deed ot Trust. Terms not ofherwlse deNned In this Deed of <br /> �. 7rust shnll have Ihe meaninps nttributed to such lerms in the Uniform Commerciel Code. All references to dWlar amounts eh811 mean amounls In - <br /> _ lewlul money o1 the Unitod States ot Americe. ° <br /> � B�n�}Iclqy, The wad'Ben�ACiary'meane U.S.Bank National Assoclatlon,Its suCCessors end assigns. U.S.Bank Nelional Associaflon also Is F= <br /> � I retarred to es'Lender^in Ihis Deed ot Trust. <br /> " Deed o}Trwt. The wads"Deed o}TrusY mean thls Deed ol Trust amonq Truslor, Lender,and Trustee,end InCludes withoul Ilmitadon a0 � <br /> ' esslpnment�nd securtty Interest provisions relaAnq to Ihe Personal Properry and Rents. �. <br /> � Gwrantor. The word"Guerentor" means and Includas wlthout Iimitatlon eny and all puaranton, sureHes,nnd sccommoaaaon parnn in � <br /> conn�cHon wilh the Indebtedness. f <br /> Improvementt. The wad 'Impravements"means and Includes without Ilmitatio�all existlny end future Improvemenls,buildin9s,structures, �[ <br /> moblle homes�H1xed on Ihe Resl Property,tacilitias,edditions,replecemenls and other constructlon on the Real Proparty, !� <br /> Indebtedne�. The wad"Indebtedness"means all princlpel end Interest payable under the Note end eny amounls expencted a advrnad by � . <br /> Lendar tu discharpe obliqatlons ol Trustor or axpenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to en}orce oblipations ol Trustor under this Deed of Trust, _ <br /> topelher wllh interest on such amounts as provided In Ihis Deed ol Trust. ° <br /> Lender. Tha word"Lender"means U.S.Bank Netfonal Assoclation,its successors end essigns. <br /> Note. The word"Note"meene the Note dsted December 7,1090,In the principel emount of 5150,000.00 trom Trustor to Lender, - <br /> lopelher wilh all renawols, extenslons, modlficadons, reBnancings, and substituAons lor the Note. NOTICE TO TRU5TOR: TNE NOTE - <br /> CONTAINS A VANIABI.E INTEREST qATH. _ <br /> � <br /> ' 1 -- 1 <br />