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t <br /> �� . � <br /> ..��;t� <br /> �� ., � . <br /> ,�.. <br /> . . ., . , .r '..c�.rr. *.. <br /> .. . .. I .� ....-,;�.':-_.-�. <br /> ��:t]_:... <br /> ".1�1i%-..�._- <br /> ^✓'>.';t . <br /> (';�R <br /> w I ,�ti_ i:� <br /> � IAfiin Mn: lN)R�H)11XH)17i I�ill11 �U: h1.0 j • `�. <br /> �� <br /> 2Z. Reronveyu�ece liy'1'ru�tee. Upon writtcn reyuest of I.i;nder stfliing chat ull sums securcd herohy huvc hccn .4,�,;. <br /> puid und upon surrcndcr of this Sccurity Inctrumcnt und uny note tn Trustcc for c:unu:llation and retcntion and upon , S�• <br /> pz►ymcni by Lcndcr of Trus�ce's fccs,Trustcc shull rcc:onvcy to Borrowcr,or thc person o�persons Icgully cntiticd thcrcto, ,..,.�_=� <br /> without warrunty,any portian of thc Properry thcn hcld hcrcundcr, Thc rccitals in such rccorncyancc c�f any muttcrs ' <br /> or facts shull be amclusive proof nf the truthfulness thercof. Thc gruntee: in any recorncyance may be described us"��C �..� h�;�•' 4�� <br /> �`�.}`�{."��'.�)1eV�Y:.. <br /> � person or persons legaily cnt�dcd thcrcto." Such person or persons shall ppy any rccordation costs. Y„y,�.; <br /> 23. tiubstttute '1'rustee. l..c:ndcr, at its opiiun, may frc�m iime to timc remove Trustee and appoint si suuxssor � "} ��:-�M-� <br /> trustc;c;io any Trustcc appointcd hcrcundcr by an instrument n:cordcd in thc wunty in which this Sccurity Instrumcnt 1 � ,�s�'x!��' <br /> .1'ij:�.�.�. . <br /> is rccnrded. Without c:onvcyancc of thc Property, the successor trustec shull succc;ed to all thc titic, po.ver and duties :.;,,,a,a,�:?. <br /> '��=� �, r.� r:c <br /> confcrrcd upon Trustec hcrc:in and by applicablc law. �,► ;;r,r��=_ <br /> � 24. Request for Notices. Borrowcr,for itsclf and for Bcncficiary, thac cc�pics of thc noticcs of dcPault � _ _ _ --= <br /> and salc bc scnt to Barrowcr's address which is thc Praperty Address. Q ` --- <br /> 25.Trustee I.iability;Compensptlon.Trustcc shall not be liablc for any crror of judgmcnt or act danc by Trustcc, � ;`,� <br /> or be othcrwise responsible or accountablc under any circumstances whatsoever. Trustcc shall not bc; personally liable � - __�.r_� — _ <br /> in casc of cntry by it or anyonc:acting by virtuc of thc powcrs hcrcin grantcd it upon thc Sccurity Instrumcnt for debts , <br /> contractcd or liabiGty or damagcs incurred in the management or operation of thc Property. Trustcc shall have thc rIght � <br /> • to rcly on any instrument,document or signaturc authorizing or supporting any action taken or propascd to bc taken by _ <br /> it hercunder or bclicvcd by it in good fuith to bc genuinc. Trustec shall bc cntiticd to rcimbursement for cxpcnsc:s <br /> incurred by it in the performance of its duties hereunder and to reasonablc compensation for such af its scrvices _ <br /> � hercundcr as shaA bc rcndercd. Borrowcr will,Cram timc to timc,pay compensation due Trustce hcreundcr and reimbursc _ <br /> - Trustcc Far and seve and hold it harmless from and against any and all lass, cost,liability,damagc and cxpcnsc whatsacver <br /> incurrcA by it in thc performancc of its dutics. <br /> All moneys receivcd by Trustee shall, until used or applied as herein provided,bc hcld in trust for thc purposes ._ <br /> . for which thcy wcrc rcccived, but nccd not bc segregated in any manncr from any other moneys (cxwpt to thc cxtcnt _ <br /> required by law)and Trustce shall bc under no liability for interest on any moneys receivcd by�t hereunder. _ <br /> 26. Deed of Tru�t us a Security A�reement and a Flnuncin� StstemenG Borrowcr acknowledgcs that this <br /> ' Securiry Instrurncnt shall be c:onsidercd a sccurity agteement betwcen Lcnder �nd Borrower and shall bc c:nforccable as `,.�_.._ <br /> a sccurity agreement ac:cording to the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Codc�and the Nebraska Certificate of Titic Act]. �_i_ <br /> Borrower shall cxccutc and dclivcr all financing statcmcnts or othcr documents that Lendcr may nccd to establish and ,;;,,•, <br /> � �• ������ <br /> maintain Lender's securiry interest in the property described in this Security Instrument. <br /> 27.Deed of Trust as a FinancinR Statement.This Security Instrument will be eff'cctive as a financing statcment ., .. �-"' <br /> �. filcd as a Cucturc filing with respcct to all fixturas includcd within thc Property and is to bc�lcd for rccord in thc rcal .': ; <br /> cstate records of cach county wherc any part of thc Property(including said fuctures)is situatcd. This Security Instrument 't;;�-���"" <br /> spaii aiso bc rCfu:tive as u fnar,cing statcme•"•; c�`•'c*:•"•o anq nthcr rremita and may be filed in any ather appropriate �� �"�n <br /> filins or rccording ofticc. A carbon,photographic or othcr reproduction of this Sccurity Instrument or ot any nnancing '� �:-- <br /> � tl��3��'_-- <br /> statement relating to this Security Instrument shall be sutficient as a finAncing statement for any of the purpos�.c referred ;�� <br /> to in this Patagraph. �{`� <br /> 28. A�reement ro Medlate or Arbitrute. Exce:pt us set forth bclow, all claims. counter-claims, disputes, Iegal �-� s;: <br /> wntroversics, and othcr maaers in qucstion arising out of,or rclating to the cxtcnsion of creciit(thc"Loan")by Lcnder :�,� <br /> to Borrower which is evidenced by the Note,this Securiry Instrument and all other instruments executed in con�unction �, � <br /> . with them (collcctivcly thc "Loan Agrccmcnts") shull bc MEDUTED by thr. Borrowcr and thc U:ndcr. This mcans _ 7: <br /> Borrowcr and I.cndcr will usc an impurtiul third party(thc mcdiator) to try to resolvc thc disputcd muttcrs instc:ad af filing �• <br /> a lawsuit. If Borrowcr and I.cndcr cannot agrcc on thc scicction of a mcdiator for c► dis utc, thc mcdiator shall bc � �, <br /> selccted as follows: within S businGSS days of the notice that either Bonower or Lc:ndcp huve de;cided to mediatc, _ __�� <br /> � �+ Borrowcr and Lcndc:r shull c:�ch namc u mcdiator und notify that mcdiuror nnd thc othcr purty of'thc sclection. Within "---v <br /> S busincss days of thcir scicction the mcdiators shall jointly scicct an indcpcndcnt mcdiator�� mediutc thc disputc. Thc �� <br /> ;� �.,�,a,. <br /> mcdiation shall occur at u timc and plua; mutually wnvcnicnt to ail partics within a fifly-milc rudius of Borrawcr's �� <br /> � rc.�idcncc but no latcr thnn 30 days aftcr thc mcdiator is selcctcd. ,.-�,:_ <br /> Borrawer and Lcndcr ugrec to participate in the mediatian in good faith with the intcntion of resolving the dispute, =f9 _ <br /> if possiblc. L.cgal counscl may, but is not nquircd to, rcprescnt Borrowcr or Lc:ndcr at thc mcdiation. P.II mcdiation "�1��_ <br /> '� sc;ssions will be privatc, and ull information discloseci during thc mediation will bc confdential. Thc mcdiator may :.�__ <br /> prescribe other rules for the mediation. Expences of thc mediution including the mediatot's fec shall be:shared equally . - <br /> � bctwccn Lendcr and Borrower, if allo�ved by applicublc I.iw. Attomeys' fecs and relatcd expenses arc c�ch pArty's ._����_ <br /> � responsibiliry. <br /> This Agrecmcnt to mcdiatc is spccificaUy cnforc:c:ablc and is cntcrcd into voluntarily and willingly by Borrowcr. __ <br /> If For any rcason the mcdiation is not complctcd within 4S duys after thc mediator is selectcd, or if aftcr thc _�__ _ <br /> mcdiation,thc disputc is still unresolvcd,such dispu[c shall bc resolvcd solely and cxclusivcly by arbitration in accordancc � ,�. °�,,,�;i <br /> , with the Commercial Arbitrntion Rul�.s o[the Americ;an Atbitration Association then in eftect to the extent allowed by , � ' <br /> r:. : . <br /> ; upplicublc law except as set forth below. TIiF. ARBITRATION WII,L TAKE TI�E PI.ACE OF ANY COURT l-' -r•�' <br /> PROCE$DING INCI.UDING A T12IAI.131?FORL A JUDGI:OR A JUllGE ANll JURY. ANi'SUCIi ARBITRATION "�%.'.�°"r.'"r:",.. <br /> ± SHALI. BF CONDUCTED ON AN INUIVIAUAI, I3ASiS, AND NO'l' AS PART OF A COMMON OR CIASS �"=':��.;"' <br /> i AC'I'ION. IT Ifi F.XPRESSLY ACKNOWI.I:DGI:D ANll AGRELD BY BORROWf:R AND LGNUF.R '1'IIA7'ANY :,;`:}a�_.^ <br /> YURPOR7'ED COMMON ISSUF;S OF I.AW OR FACC 5tiAl.i,BF.RI?SUI VI;D ON SUCIi AN INDI�'IDUAI,BASIS. <br /> � 1 ll� TEiE AYPOINTF.D AItRI'1'I2A'I'OR UR 1'ANI�.I.OF ARI31'I'RA'TORS S1i0UI,D AWARD ANY AAMAGIS,SUCH <br /> i DAAiAGFS SIIAI.I. 13Ii I.IMITH:D'f0 AC'I'UAI.AND llIRI:CT DAMAGES AND SIIALI,iN NO i:VF�:NT INCI.UDF. <br /> ' CUN5F.QLIEN'fIAI,, PUNPPM?, F.XI:MPI.ARY OR '1'RNBI.L DAMAGI�S AS 'PO WfiICII BURROWIsR AND <br /> � I.A;NDH:R I�.XPRF.SSI.Y WAIVI;ANY RI(Tii'1"f0 CLAIM TO'PIiE FUI.I,I:ST 1�,XTI:N7'1'F.RMITTED BY I.AW. This <br />_ � agrccmcnt to arbitrutc shall bc spccifiwlly enforccablc and is cntcrcd irno voluntarily and willinbly by Borrowcr. Thc <br /> � ,�ward renJcred by thc arbivation shall bc final,nonappcalable and judgrncnt muy bc entcred upon it in accordanu:with <br /> � applic;iblc law in any cnurt having jurisdiction thcrcof. 'I'hc lawx applicablc to thc arbitration proc:c:cding shafl he thc la���s <br /> ; of thc statc in which thc Property is loc::ucd. Thc arbitrators shall h�vc no powcr ro vxry or modif'y any of thc provisions <br /> ' , of the Loan Agrccmcnis. .__.,:_..., r;.�...,�c„i Thr infnrmation <br /> ; .._.. ...... ....... .... . . ., <br /> Borcowcr and Lcndcr agrcc tnat �nc mcdiaiion anu ttro�i�a����� iar,:...�..,��b.� ............�_ r -- - <br /> ' disc:loscd in such procccdings a�nnot bc uscd in subscyucnt litigation which may result from thc disputc, I <br /> Borrowcr and Lcndcr agrcc that thc l.oan Agrccmcnts cxccutcd in conjunction with this loan for onc or morc <br /> - of �hc fouowing �ondiiions invc�l�•cs intcrstatc rommcrec hcc�lusc thc Borrower's loan is hcing (i) providcd by a lcndcr I <br /> • . ory�anizcd undcr thc I�iws oi. :ind �vith iis principul plac:c of buxincss in,a statc diffc:rcm than thc statc in which thc I <br /> � f3vrruwcr residcti and thc property is luratcd; (ii) maJc with t�unJs provid�d hy an institutton chartcrcd undcr thc laws of <br /> ' cithcr thc Uniicd Stutcs c�r of anci�hcr statc und physically I��calcd in anoihcr�tatc; (iii) madc to bc,c�IJ to cmc ur morc i <br /> invcslc�rs�ttp;anvcd unJcr Ihc la�vs of and phpsf�ally IocatcJ in c�thcr statcs; (iv) madc to hc poolcd to back �ccuriurs I <br /> i+tiucd hy;i trust undcr thc la���s of � <br />, I <br /> 4196 (Pngn 5 of 6 Pr�gos) I <br />