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.. _ �. <br /> .. _ �, _ _ <br /> 14. Nottces. Any noticc to Barrowcr prnvidcd for in this Sccunty Instrumcnt shi�ll hc givcn hy Jclwcnnµ i1 ��r � <br /> by muiling it by first class mnii unler,s applicablc law rcquires usc of ainothcr mcthod. 'fhc no►ire shull hc dirccicd in thc <br /> ' Property Address or uny othcr udJress Borrowcr dcsignsncs hy noticu�o Lc:ndcr. Any noticc tn lxndcr+hall hc tirvcn hy �_ <br /> tirst class muil to L.endcr's address staicd hcrcin or any othcr uJdress l.�:ndcr dcsignutcs hy no��cc u� 8arrc�wcr. Any - <br /> naticc provided far in this Sccurity Insirumcnt shall bc dccmcd to havc hccn givcn tn Bc�rrowcr or L.�nJcr wh�:n hrvcn <br /> as providcd in this paragraph. �Q — <br /> , 15. Governfng Law;Severabllity. This Security Instrument shull bc govcrned by fcderul luw and thc law af thc '^�1 v <br /> jurisdiction in which thc Property is locatc,�l. In thc cvcnt that any provision or cltiusc of this Securiry lnsirumcnt c�r thc � <br /> � Notc conflicts with applicablc law,such conflict shall not affcct othcr provisions of this Sccurity Instrumem or thc Notc i <br /> which can be given effc;ct withou� thecontlicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Seeurity lnstrument und � • <br /> thc Notc ure dcclarcd to bc scvcrablc, � :�:�� <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc given anc conformcd copy of thc Notc and of this Sccurity Instrumcnc. Q , _ <br /> i 17. 'Pransfer of thc Property or a �3eneticial Interest in Horrower. If all or any part of thc Property or any � <br /> interest in it is sold or transferrcd (or�f a beneficial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold or transferred und Borrowcr w+ not a � <br /> � natural person)without L.cnder's prior written conscnt, Lcndcr may,at its option, require immcdiatc pann�:rn in full of � , _ <br /> � aU sums secured by this Securiry Ins�rumcnt. However, this aption shall not bc exercisc:d hy Lcnder if cxercLse is �t. ,,.:.M1. <br /> I prohibitcd by fcdcral law as of thc daie of this Sccurity lnstrumcnt. � �'•t� <br /> If Lc:nder cxcrciscs this option, I.cndcr shall givc Borrowcr noticc of acccicration. Thc noticc: shall providc a ';,s"z=� <br /> � period af not Icss than 30 days trom ihe datc thc noticc is dclivcrcd or mailcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sums �%.'�`;��+ <br /> i. �:��!- <br /> securcd by thi.s Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the cxpiration of this period, Lcndcr ` `��"�" <br /> � i may invokc any remedies permittcd by th45 Sccurity Instrumcnt withaut furthcr naticc or demand on Barrowcr. _ <br /> IS. Borrower's Rlght to Relnstate. If Borrowcr mcets ccrtain amditions,Borrowcr shall ha�c thc right to havc <br /> i enforccment of this Security Instrumcnt discontinued at any time prior ta the earlier of:(a) S days (or such �ther period .ir.:� <br /> as applicable law may spccify for rcinstatcmcnt)bcfore salc of thc Property pursuant to any powcr of salc wntaincd in , <br /> � this Securit Instrument; or (b) c:nlry ot a judgment cnforcing thu Seeurtty Instrument. Those conditions are that __ <br /> Borrowcr: �a) pays Lender all sums which thcn would bc due under this Sccurity Instrument and the Notc �s if no l <br /> � acccicration had occurred;(b)cures any dcfault of any othcr cavcnants or agrccmcnts; (c) pays all expenscs incurred in I <br /> enforcing this Security Instrurnent, includmg,but not limitcd to, reasonable attorneys'fees; and(d) takes such action as <br /> l.cndcr may rcasonably rcquirc to assurc that thc licn of this Security Instrumcnt, Lc:ndcr's rights in chc Property and <br /> Borrowcr's obligation to pay thc surnssccured by this Security Instrument shall wntinuc unchanged. Upon reinstatemcnt <br /> � • by Borrower,this Securiry Instrumern and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effecuve as�f no acceleration <br /> i had occurrcd. Howcvcr, this right to rcinstate shall not apply in thc casc of accelcration undcr paragraph 17. <br /> � � 19. Sale of Note; ChunKe at Loan Servicer. Thc Notc ar u partiul intcrest in the Notc (togcthcr with this _ <br /> " Security Instrument) may be sold one or morc times without prior notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a changc <br /> � in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects monthly payments duc under the Note and this Security • ��► <br /> Instrumcnt. Thcrc also may bc onc ar morc eh�ngcs af thc I..oan Scrviccr unrclated to a salc of thc Note. If thcre is � �_�- <br /> ; a changc of the Loan Servicer,Borrower�vill be given writtcn notice of thc change in accordance�vith paragraph 14 ubovc, �, <br /> - and appuc:uoia iaw. Tiii: rioiiw w-i�;siate i.".� nar.:e a.^.d ad�*c�s ^f rrr new Inan Servicer and the address to which _,_ <br /> � payments should be made, The notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. ; •:�; <br /> � Z0. Hazardous Substances, Sorrower shaU not cause or permit thc prescnce,usc,disposal,storagc,or rcicasc �. <br /> � ' of any Hazardous Substanccs on or in thc Property. Borrowcr shaU not do, nor aUow anyone clsc to do, anything �'� %�� <br /> �� atfccting thc Property that is in violaiion of any Environmcntal Law, Thc preccding two sentcna:s shaU not apply to the ,, <br /> ` prescncc, usc,or storagc on thc Property of small quuntitics of Hazardaus Substanccs that arc gencrally rccognucd to S•. <br /> bc appropriatc to normal residential uscs and to maintenance ot thc Property. �� <br /> � Barrowcr shall promptly givc I.c:ndcr written notia: of any invcstigation,claim,demand,luwsuit or othcr action � <br /> , � by any governmentul or regulutory agency or privntc party involving the Properry and any Ha�.ardous Substcincc or <br /> Environmcntal of which Borrower hes ucwal knowlcdgc. If Horrowcr lcarns,or is notificd by nny govcrnmentul or <br /> � rcgulatory authority, that �iny rcrnoval or othcr rcmcdiation of any Hazardous Substancc: affcctin� thc Property is • — <br /> neu:ssary, Borrc�wer shall promptly iake a►U neccssary remedial actions in uc:cordana:with Environmcntal I.uw• � <br /> As uscd in this paragrapn 20, "1-Iurardous Substanccs" urc thosc substanccs dcfincd us toxic c�r har�+rdous �;�;• <br /> � e�►�mr-:. <br /> substancc:s by Environmcntal Law and thc; following substanccs: gasolinc,kcrosenc,othcr tlammablc c�r toxic pctrolcum <br /> � producGS, tox�c pesticides and herbicides,volutilc solvents, materials conta�nins uxb�.stos or formuWchydc,und raJ�oacxive `.�—`.'�°�,,,��—..` <br /> matcrials. As uscd iu this paragraph 20,"Environmcntul Law" mcans fuicral Ixws and laws of thc jurisdiction whcrc thc L'=��: <br /> � Properry is locatcd that rclatc to hcalth,safcty or environmcntal protcction. � ��;'- <br /> I NON-UNiFORM COVENAA'[5. Bormwcr and Lcndcr further c;ovcnAnt and agrcc as follows: •';�;,r:,-...--- <br /> -� 2 1. Acce lera t ton; Rem e d i e�. I.e n d e r s h a l l�l v e n o t l c e t o B o r r o w e r p r t o r t o a c c e l e r a t l o n f o l lowin g Bonower's r t:�9 e°r <br />� breach of uny covenunt or agreement fn this Security Iustrument (but not prlor to uccelerntton wider parn�raph =,- <br /> ��'�r: .�,�.- <br />= 17 unless uppllcuble luw provldes othenvtse).'fl�e notice shall specify:(n) ihe defaulh (b)the acNun requlred to cure `� ��_;.� <br /> ' the defaulh, (c) u dute, not less than 30 duys from the date the nottce is given to Borrower� by which the deit�ult y,�.,:?�&�;�._ <br /> - ' must be cured; und �d)thut fnflure to cure the default on or befare the date spec[fied tn the notice wlll result[n �� <br /> - _���,,.,r�._ <br />' uccelerntlon of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notlee shall further _ <br /> - inform Borrower of the ri�ht to relnstute nfter uccelerutlon und the rt�ht to bring u court uct[on to usserl. the non- .��`�:;�Y.'^• <br /> existence of a defunit or any other defense of Borrower to uccelerntlon und snle. If the defuult Is not cured on or '. � <br /> i be[ore the dute speclfied in the not[ce, Ixnder nt its opt[on moy requfre i►nmedinte puyment In full of ull sums , . <br /> � secured by this Security Inctrument wlthout further demsnd t►nd may invoke the power of sule and any other , <br />� I remed[es perrtdtted by uppllcuble law. I.ender shall be entitled to collect ull expenses incnrred in pursain� the , <br /> •' remedles provtded In thts pnrn�raph 2l, Includin�, but not limited to, reusonuble attorneys' fees and costs of title <br /> � cvidence. <br /> ; If IAnder elects to sell Korrower'�;interest in the Property by exerrise ot the power of sule herein contulned, <br />� • I,end�r shall notify 'Crustee In the munner then reyuired by lutiv. <br /> � Upai rece[pt of such notice of Ixnder und ut the direction of I,ender,'I'rustce shull cause to be recorded, <br /> published und dellvered snch notices of defuult und notices oF sale ns mny then be requlred by luw und by thts <br /> Security Instrument. '1'rustce tihull, only nt the direct[on of I.ender i�nd without demnnd on Borrower, uRer such <br /> time us muy then be required by luw und ufter recordi�tion of s�cl� notice of defuult und ufter notice of sale huvin� <br /> been �iven i�s reyuired by luw, sell the i'ropr.rty ut the time und pluce of sAle flxed by It in such notice of sule, � <br /> either us whole or in separare lots or purcels or ltems us Ixnder shull deem expedient,und in such order t�s tt mny ' <br />- .._�__ ..._..�.�,.........,.,..�.. .�,<hiohvct hlddnr fnr cach in lnwful monev of the United Stutes payuble ut the time ; <br /> .._._ <br />_ uc�c�uuuq u. t..,.....««........� _..-'°„----- �--� • � ' - <br /> � of sule,or us othenvhe ms�y then be reyuired by Imv. 'IYi�stee tihull deliver to such purchuser or purchnsers tnereof � <br /> its �;ood und suflicient deed or dceds conveyln�the property so sold,but wtttiout any covenant or wurrunty,express <br />— or implied. 'Che recituls in such deed of uny mutters or fucts tihull be concluslve pruof of the truthf�ulness thereof'. <br /> Any person,includln�;,withont Ilmiuition, liorro�vcr, 'l'rustee or Ixnder, muy p�rchuse ut such sale. "1'rustc:e muy <br />— in tlte munner provided by luw pastpone sule of ull or uny portton of the Property. '1'rustce shall upply the prnccedx <br /> of thc sule in the followln� or�er: (u) to all costti und expenses of excrcislnk the power of sule, and the snlc, <br /> includin�; the puyment of the 'I'rustee'ti fees xctuully incurred, not to exceed in the n�y;re�ute fifty dallurs or one- � <br />— hulf of �mc percent of the prtnrlprsl umount of the Note ut the time of the declurution oF defi+ult,whichever is � <br />� };renter, und r�us��nable uttnrn�ys' fces us permttted hy lnw; (b) to ull sumti secured hy thi.r• tit�curity Instrument; i <br />-� (c) tn the puyment of Junior dceds oP trutit, mort�;uges or other lienh��lders; und (d} uny excess to the person or I <br /> persons le�!ully entitled to It. <br /> �. 4196 (P:igo 4 0!S Paqes) j <br /> I <br /> _� � <br /> __�__. _ _ _ ____ <br />