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_ _*_ ,,..�..r,.. - <br /> . . ....�.,.,..� � ._ <br /> .p ,� ;,�... . _. _ <br /> -- <br /> _Y,-- <br /> "�[��ifi�` y'"�±-�._,._ - <br /> __ _ _ ---_ <br /> _ __ <br /> - _ _ <br /> 98- �tii�29 <br /> Borrowcr shall prumptly give Lcnder written nu�ice of any investigation, cluim, Jenwnd, luwsuit or othcr ncdon hy uny <br /> governmentaf or regularory agency or privAte pany involving the Property aixl any� Harnrdouti Substunce or EnvironnKnt�l l.uw <br /> of which Borrower has ucwal ktwwledge, If Borrower learns, or is nouti��l by any govcrmnentul ar rcgulutory authoriry,that <br /> any removal or other renxdlation of any liiva►rdous Subsiunce affccting thc Prop�rty is neccssary,{iurrowcr shull promptly tuke <br /> ull nceessary remafial actions in accordance with Gnvironmentul Luw, <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Ha•turdaus Substances" are tho.�e substances defined ns toxic or hazardous substunces fsy <br /> Environmental Law and the fallawing sub3tunces: gu�line, kerasene, ather flummuble c�r taxic petrolcum pr«luc�s, toxic <br /> {xs►icfdos and herbicides, volatile solvents, materlols containing aslxs�os oc fornuldehyde,und r:�di��uctfve materiuls.As usal in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means faferal luws end laws of the)urisdiction where the Property is lacutal that <br /> relnte to health, safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&>rrower and Lender funher cavcnunt:�nd agrec as follows: <br /> Z1.Acceleratlon;Remedtes. I.ender shall give notke to Borrower prlor to �cceleratbn fallowlnR&►rrower'A brcACh <br /> o[any covennnt or rgreemmt in this Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to wccelerat(on under pwrng►.�ph 17 unlava <br /> applkable IAw provides otherwlse). The natice studl speclty: (A)the detoult;(b)the actiun requlred t�cure the defwult; <br /> (c)w dete, not less thAn 30 dAys from the date the notice Is&lven to AorrowK, by w•htch the default must be cured;And <br /> (d) thwt fwilure to cure the detAUlt on or betore the dwte specitled in the notice may resalt in acceleratlon of the sums <br /> secured by thls Securtty Instrument pnd sale o[the Prope�ty. The notice shwll turther inform Borrow�er of the right to <br /> reinstate a(ter s�ccelention And the rlght to brin� o rnurt octlon to �.c9ert the non-exlsts�xr. of p defwult or wny other <br /> de[enee o[ Borrnwer to acceleration and sde. [f the dehult ie not cured on or before the date specltkd In the notice� <br /> l,ender, at 14s optlon, m�y require immedlnte pwyment In tull of wll aums secured by thls Secudty Instrummt wlthout <br /> fbrther demaad�nd may Invoke the power of sak and�ny other rtmedlea permitted by appBcAble Irw.Lrnder sh�ll be <br /> mtltled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pmvided in this pwragreph 21, including,but not Ilmtted <br /> to,re�sonable attorneys'fe�s ond costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record p notice of det'ault in each county in whlch any pwrt ot the <br /> Propert,y is locatett And shall mAil copics of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicubte Iww tn Borrawer and to <br /> the other persoas prescribed by AppUcnble law.A(ter the time required by applir,�ble law,'l'rustee shall give public nutice <br /> ot sale to the persoas and in the manner prescrlbed by ap�,llcable law.TruStee,without demand on Borrower, chxll sell <br /> the Property at public Auction to the highest bldder At khe time a�d place and under the terms deFlgnrted(n the notke ot <br /> sale in one or more parcels �nd ln Any order Trustee delermines. Tnutee may postpone sale of all or any prrcel o[the <br /> Propaty by publk announcanc�t at the Nme and plACe ot wny previously scheduled s�la I.ender or its deRfgnee m�y <br /> purehase the Property at Any sale. <br /> _ Upon raYipt o[ppyment ot the price bid, Tn�tre sludl deliver to the punchwser Trustce's deed canveying the _ <br /> Property. The recitals in the Trusta'a deed shall be primA f�cle evidenc�e oY the truth o[ the statements made ttrcrein. <br /> 'Cruata shall apply the procads ot the sale in the[ollowing order: (A)to all costs and expenses ot xercising the power o[ <br /> sale,pnd the Rwle,including the poyment o[the Trusta's tees actus�ily incurnd,not to exceed the f �5 Q.00 0� �$ <br /> ot the princlpa�l amaunt of the�wte pt the Nme of the dcelaration af dcfanit,wnd reasonAble atto ys'te�s ea perm�tt�d <br /> hv lAw:(i�l to all sums serured bv this Security Instrument;and(c) any excceccs to the person or persons leg�lly endded to <br /> it. <br /> 22. Reconveyat�ce. Upor� payment of all sums secural by this Security Instrument, �ender shall request 'I'rustee to <br /> rxonvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Jnstniment and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Insttument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> 23. Substitute Trustce. Lender,at its option, may from timc ro timr,remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to <br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in whicl� this Security Instrument is rccorded,Without <br /> conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein <br /> and bY apPlicable law. <br /> 24. Request for Notkes. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and salc bc sent to Borcower's addrrss <br /> which is the Property Address. <br /> 25. Rlders to this Securlty Instcument. If one or more riders are executed by Horrower and recorded together with this <br /> Security Instrument,the covenants and agrcements of each such rider shall be incorporated into ArKI shall a�nend and supplement <br /> the oovenants xnd agnxments of this Secur�ty Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of thls 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> [Check applicable box(es)] <br /> (��,djustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �l-4 Family Rider <br /> ❑Graduated Payment Ridcr ❑Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwakly Payment Rider <br /> C]Balloan Rider �Rate Improvement Rider 0 Second Home Rider <br /> ❑V.A. Rider []Other(s)[specify� <br /> BY SIQNING BELOW,Borrowor accepts and agrces to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and <br /> in any rider(s)executed by Bonower and recorded with it. <br /> Witnesses: <br /> X "'� ��` _(Scal) <br /> Paul Thomas Byker c, Jr. "A01�"'" <br /> X (Sea�) <br /> D ane M. By er .aorTOw« <br /> �. (Seal) (Scull <br /> b.. <br /> ' -BOROWC� -w...._... <br />— STATE UF NEBRA�.SKA, Ha 1]. County ss; <br /> Thc forcgoiug iustrument wAS acknowledgcd bcforc mc this 13th dny of November • 1998 � <br /> byPaul Thomas �ykerk, Jr. and Diane M. Sykerk, husband and wife � <br /> Witness my hand:ind notari:d scal at Grand Isl�nd� Nebra a in s ' . nty,th tc af res�i . <br /> My Cummission Gxpires: � � �.�— • <br /> � � `J1�� Nulnry P Ilc <br /> GENERAI M01AR�•Sl�t!01 NebnsM� <br />- � KAREN 11•BORTZ Pepe 4 0l� Form 3Q7e 9/80 <br /> Ary Comn.E�p.Oct.1�2000 <br />