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�r <br /> ,_.� �;:� --_- — — <br /> ._ _,..�`...�....�..,..,.�.,..���:.:_.s�R_ �� — <br /> , suhstantially cquivalent mortguge insurancc covcra�e is not uvailuble, fi�rrower shall pay to Lcndcr cuch month n swn cqual ro <br /> ane-tw�elflh of the yearly rr�ongege in�urunee pren�ium being pnid by Borrower when the insurunce cover;ige lapsed or ceased t�� <br /> bc in effect. Lcndcr will uccipt,use luxl retain thexe paynunts us u loss rescrvc in licu of mortg.�gc insur.mca I.��ss rescrvc <br /> payntcnn may ho longcr ix:rr.quircd,at thc��ptinn of I.cndcr, if mongagc insurm�cc covcragc(in thc umoimt and f�r thc period Cp <br /> that L.e�xier reyuires) pnwided by a�y in�urer approval by l.c►xler ugain heconxs uvuiluhle:�ixl is ohtaincd. Horrower�hull puy �O <br /> the premiumti rcyuirecl tu maintuin mortgage in�uronre in ofPcct,or ta providc a loss rescrvc, until the rcquiremcnt for mongagc. � <br /> in�urance ends in ucrnrdunce with uny written ugreement between Hc>rrower and l.endr.r or i�pplicablc law. , <br /> 9. In.vpectlon. I..cndr,r or hs agent muy muke reasonablc cntrics u�i�und inspectionti of tlie f'ruperry. Lcndcr sh,ill givc"' � <br /> Ikirrowcr ni��ice a1 th�time of or prior ta un inxpcction specifying rcusonublr,cuusc far thc inspcctfon. <br /> 10. Cnndemnatlnn. 'fhe proceecis of i�ny awurd c�r cluim for dumubes, direct or cunseyuentiul, in coiuicetion with uny <br /> cnndemnntion or otlier t��king of i�ny pnr� of ihe f'roperty, or fe�r c�nveyaince in lieu of condemna�ion. are hereny ussi�ncd and <br /> shull be paid to I.encler, <br /> Tn thc cvcnt of u total taking of thc Property,thc prcxecds xhall bc applicd to thc sum.r•s�curcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess Puid ro Borrowcr. ln thc cvent of u partiid taking of the Pmperty in wliich the fa�ir <br /> nwrket vnlue nf the Propeny� immecliately beforc the taking is cquul to or greiUCr thun the amount of the sums sccured by this <br /> Security Instrument immediately befbre the taking, unless Ii��rmwer uncl�er otherwise agrce in writing, the sums secured by <br /> �his Security Instniment shall be recluced by the amount of the proceecfs multiplied by the following fractian: (u) the totul <br /> a�nxiunt of�he sums secured immeclialely t►efor�the Iaking, divided by (b)the fair mnrket value of the Property immediutely <br /> beforc the taking. Any bulance shall be paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial tnking of the Property in which the Psir <br /> markct valuc oF the Property immcdiately beforc th�taking is Iess than thc amount of thc sums sccured inuncdiately beforc the <br /> tnking, unlcss Borrower.utd Lendcr otherwise ugrec in writing or unlcss applic;thlc luw otherwisc provides,thc procecds shnll <br /> bc applicd to thc xums sccurcd by this Securiry Instrumcnt whcthcr or m�t thc sums.uc then duc. <br /> If the Property is ubandoned by 8orrower, or if,after nutice by I.endcr to Borrowcr thut thc candemnor uffers to make�ui <br /> •rwurd or setde a cluim for dumages, Borrower Fuils to respnnd to Lend�r within 30 duys t�ftcr thc dute ►6c notice is givcn, <br /> Lcndcr is authori�ed to collect uncl apply thc procceds,at its option, cithcr to restoration or repair of thc Property or to the swns <br /> secured by this Security lnst•runxnt,whether or not then due. <br /> Unlcss Le��der atxl Horrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> post}xene the due date af the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or changc the amount of such payments. <br /> ll. Borrower Not Relmsed; ForbearAnce By Lender Not a Wplver,Gxtension of tlie time for'pay�nent or modifira►tion <br /> of nmonization of the sums secured by this Security Instivment grant,xf by Lcndcr to uny successor in inter�st of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to release the liability uf the original Borrower or Horrower's successors in interest. [.ender shall not be required to <br /> conunence pr�xec.�dings ugainst any successor in interest or refusc ro extend time for payment or otherwise im�dify umortiu►tion <br /> of the sums secural by this Security Instrument by reation of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrowcr's <br /> succcssors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be u waiver of or preclude tt�e <br /> exercise of any right or remedy, <br /> 12. Succcesssors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liablllty; Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> Security fnstniment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigitis of Ixnder and Borrower, subject ta the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Ir;�r!lr:Pr� �1�!d�� ��r nrn�stn f�n NnM; !nl ic rn-ciail!!1� !llis C(�[`II(I(V jfll'fr1lO1P�11 fIIIIV t�m�rtenn.e; erant and convey that <br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Prupeny undcr thc tenns of this Security Instivment;(bj is not personally obligatal to pay the swns <br /> secured by this Security Instrunxnt;and(c)agrees that I.ender und:�ny other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear or <br /> make any accommodations with rcgard to the terms of this Security[nstrument or the Note without that tiorrower's consent. <br /> 13. Loan Clwrges. If tlie loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to;�law which sets maximum loan churges, <br /> and that luw is finully interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or ta be collected in conneetion with the <br /> loan exceed the permittecf limits,then: (a)any such loan chargc shull be reduccd by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted Umit;and(b) any sums nlready collected from Borrower which exceedeci permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lcnder muy choosc ta mnkc this refund by reducing the principal owecl under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Borrowec If a refund reduces principal, the reduetion will be treated as a partial preplyment without any <br /> prepayment charge under the Notc. <br /> 14.NoNees.Any notice ta Borrower provideci for in this Securiry Insirument shAll be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methai.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by noticc to l.ender. Any noticc to [..endcr shall bc given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or�►ny other address Le�xlr,r designates by ��otice to Eiorrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Sccurity Instrument shall be deemed to liavc been given to Borrower or Lemler when given as providcd in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Law; Scverabillty. This Security Instrurr�cnt sliall bc govcrnecl by fcderal law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts witli applicable law, such canflict shall not affect other provisions nf this Security Ynstrument or tlie Note which cnn be <br /> given effect without the contlic�ing provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and�the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shxll be given orie conformed copy oFthe Note and of this Securir.y Instrument. <br /> 17.7'ransfer of thc Pnsperty or a Beneficlal Interest in Borrow•cr.If all or any part of the Pr�perty or any intcrest in it <br /> is sold or transfcrrcd(or if a bcneficial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold or transfcrrcci and Borrower is not a natural person)without <br /> Lc:nder's prior written conscnt, Lendcr may, at its option, rcquirc immediatc payment in full of UII sums secured by this <br /> Sccuriry Instrument. Howevcr,this op:ion shall not bc exerciscd by L.endc:r if exercise is prohibitcd by feJcral law as of thc datc <br /> of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shnll provide u periai of not <br /> Iess 30 days fmm thc dale thc notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrowcr must pay all sums sccurcd by this <br /> Securiry Insttument. If Bon•owcr fails to pay thcsc sums prior to thc expiration of this period,Lendcr tnay invoke uny remcYlies <br /> permitted by this Securiry Instrument without furtlicr noticc or Jemand on Aorruwer. <br /> 1$. BorroK•er's Right to Rclnstate. If Borrowcr mcets certain conditions, Borrowcr shall have thc right to iurvc <br /> cnforccmcnt of this Sccurity Instrumcnt discontinucci ut any timc prior to thc carlicr of: (a)5 days (or such other period os <br /> applicable law may specify for rcinstatcntcnt) bcfore salc of thc Property pun�ant to uny pu�+-cr of salc a�ntaincd in this <br /> Security LisU�ument:ur(b)entry ut'ajudgment cnforcing this Security Instrument. 'I'hose conditiems are that E3orrowci:(a)pays <br /> Lr►zdcr all sunu which thcn would bc duc undcr this Sccuriry Instrumcnt and thc Notc as if no �cccicration had ocrurrcd: (b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenants or a�reements; (�) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. <br /> including, but not limited to, reasonablc attorneys' fces; and (d)takcs such ac►ion as Laid�r may masonably require ro assurc <br /> that thc licn of this Sccuriry Instrument, Lcndcr's rights in thc Propc��ty a��1 E3orrowcr's ubligation to pay thc sums sccurcd by <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt shall continue unchanged. Upon �cinstatcment by Borrowcr, this Security Insuvment and the <br /> ..l.l:..orir.n� ��.+rurcul harnhv diull rrmuin fi�llv rffrrtivr:ic if nn arrc�lrr.uinn h:id nc•currcii. Hnwevc�'. this riLht to�cin�tatc sh:l�� <br /> ,,.,..�.........._----__.._.__, _.._.._..._... ----. - .. ._ ..._ . _ <br /> not apply in thc cnsc of acccicration undcr paragr�iph 17, <br /> 19. 3alc of Notc; Chnnge of Loan Ser�lcer. 't'he Notc or a partial intcrest in tlic Note (rogcther with this Sccurity <br /> Instrumcnt)may hc sold onc or morc times without prior noticc to Borr�iwcr. A salc may resul�i n a chan�;c in thc cntiry(known <br /> as the "1_oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under d�e Note�uid this Sccuriry Instrumeni Therc ulso may lm one <br /> or nwrc changcs of the Luan Servircr unrclatcd tu a�alc of the Nute. If th�:rc is a changc uf'tlic Scrviccr. Burrowcr�vill bc <br /> givcn writtcn noticc of dtc rhangc in accordancc with paragraph Id abo��c and applirablc law.'I'hc nuticc�vill statc thc namc und <br />- adJress uf thc new Loan 3crviccr and thc adJress tu���hich paymcnts shotdd bc madc. 'I'hc uoticc will alsu ronlain any i�th�r <br /> inforrnation rcyuircd b}�applirablr, law. <br /> 20. Hazurdous 5ubstainccs. Borr��wcr shall not cau�c ur permit thr presrnrc. utic, dispu+.d, stora�;c, ur relra.c of any <br /> Hur,�rdous Substanccs on or in thc F'ruperty. Nurruwrr shall nut da, nnr alluw anyi,nc clu tu do, anpthing ufl'ccting thc <br />- E'r�iperty thut is in violation uf;uiy Envirunmcntal Law. 'fhc prccr�lin� t�vu scntcnrcti tihall n�u apply tu thc prc�cnrc. usc. ��r <br /> sturage un thc Property ul'sn�all yu,tnlilics af HcitarJuu.Sub.tanrc� thut ar� !!cn�rdly rer�ignircJ tu be ap��rupri,itc 1u norm:il <br />" rcsidrntial uses,mt1 to maintcnancc uF thc Pruperq•. - <br /> v,�,•a,�a f•orm 3028 9190 <br />