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' , , . .. .. <br /> . � . . � � '..:��_. .°}:;; <br /> h �,��. . . . ' . . . ��V'�i,�}'r''I`:�J5 I•� �. . . _ . . . . - �a�-.T.r. <br /> •Y'1�-rM �I•� �� �Af ..... . .. ..�.. �.-��__�—___ _-_ ___._.. . <br /> � __ . . . . . ._ .. . _ �� <br />... . . .ry�.. <br /> .�`•�,'j'� . �� <br /> ;,;.,�,�-� � � 98.."��z5 �_ <br />.'_1:,;:1,�y; yvNh�ny md NI`�plac�rt►�nts tl»noi�nd pddltbnr Ihereto(the"Chattds"),�nd Onntorhereby pnnt�Lend�r�sncurity interast In�uch Ch�ltels. The <br />�'�� � I�ndud�d yvNhOr`�M promi�nd Is�to be�fiMd�for r�coro nIItM �d�ft�l���co df of��Chtcounty wixn anyxput o1f,a d t emi�e�(inCludlnpteald = <br /> �.Y�'�� '" . ffxluns)K sNu�l�d. Thh D�W of Tru1t ah�u�Iw 6� �MCtfv��r�fln�ncinp�taNment coverinfl ony other promisea and may be filed in ony other ___ <br /> ' �ppropri�l�fllinp or ncordiny ofAce. A csrbon, pholoQnphic or othu reprafuctbn of this Deed oi Trust or of�ny financiny�taterrHnt rs��tinfl to thi� <br /> D��d of Tru�t shdl b�sufflcNnt�s �fin�ndnp �ut�rrnn►Tor�ny el th�purposes nferred to in thb Pu�yr�ph. The secured party I�Ihe Lendar <br /> d��crib�d �bov�. Upon d�m�nd, �nntor Ih�ll m�ke,�xecule �nd dNiver cuch security �preementf(�s �uch term I� deflna� in t�kl Uniform <br /> �omrrNr�i�l Code)u Lend�r�t�ny time rny d�sm neceu�ry or proper or rsqulrsd to pront to Lender� pedected security intere�t In the Ch�ttsl�,�nd <br /> °=��;�, upon Cinntor'�f�iluro to do so,Und�r is wlhoriz�d to dpn�ny such ayrNrrMnt��the apent oi Onntor. Or�ntor hereby�uthurize�Lender tu fib <br /> �.` � An�ncirp�t�t�nt�(�s�uch tertn I�dsl5n�d In��kl Uni(ortn Commsrcid Code)with re:ped to the Chlttel�,�t�ny time,withoul the�ipn�turs of <br /> ..•' Orantor. Grantor wfll,Fowever,et eny hme upon rpuest o(l.�nder,�Ign nuch finpncinq ataterttents. Oranlor Will bay all fillnp tsea for the filinp of wch � <br /> ��+y.�s�i�i� }M��Gnp�t�t�nb�nd lor th�nfilinp th�nof at ths tkMS fpulr�C,in Ihe opinlon of L�ndar,by���d Uniform Commercl�l Codo. It lho lien of thte <br /> DMd oi Trust bs subJ�ct to�ny Ncurity ayn�mr�l co��n��h�Ch�ltel�,th�n In the event oi�ny dNsuM under thi�Dsad of Trust,�II tM ripht,titk <br />-�_yi� �nd Inten�t of Gr�ntor In�nd to�ny�nd�II of th�ChattlN is Mreby�ssipned to Lender,topether wdh 4M beMfit of�ny deposfts ur payments now or <br /> Mn�R�r made tMnof by Granto►or the pr�swrs urwccr�son in tltb of Gr�ntor in the Propeny- <br /> - 17.REIM!lURSfEMENT OF AMQl1NT�EXPENDED BY LENDER. L�nder,�t Landar'�option,may�xpmd funds(Inciudiny�ttorneya'fees wnd byd <br /> �;,Y �xp�n�)to p�rform�ny�ct nqulrod lo b�t�ken by Oiintor or to ex�rGN�ny rfpht or romsdy ol Lender undsr this DeW ot Trust. Upon demand, <br /> � Onntor thdl Imr►�di�t�ly nknburs�UnWr for�Y�uch Nnounts exp�nd�d by Lendar topether wflh Intereat th�reon at the lower of the hfphesl rete <br />.-�}��'�• -r-� d�ic�ib�d In�ny Oblipalion or lM hiph��t ron ollawed byuw hom the d�te of p�ymsnt unlit Th�dab of roimbunement. Theae�ums ah�ll be InGudsd <br /> t��.. In tM dMnRlon of Oblipalbns Mnin�nd �hNl W Ncund by th�b�neNci�l Inl�n�t pnnt�d 1»roin. If tM Otlq�tbns aro paid pR�r ths bptnniny ot <br /> ,. s. . <br />-..�,r��y,t• publlc�Uon M;�Wip of aw,��h�rnln provkW,a in tM sv�nt L�rM�r�h�ll,at Ib wk optbn,psrmit C3nntor lo pi�y�ny psrt of tM ObliQ�tbn�� er <br /> _'"r�,�". tM bpfnninp of pubAcatlon of notios af��M,�s Mnin provid�d,tMn,Gr�ntor shall p�y on der►und�I expense�Incurrod by the Truetee�nd Lendsr In <br />•,-:�y� contMCtlon wkh ufd pubNc�tlen,Indudin�mson�bl� aCOmeri�h��to tM�ttorneys for the Trustee and for tM Lender,and a ro�son�bb fee tu the <br />,=,!:i*•��. . Trusts�,�nd thla Deed oiTrust�holl be security!o►dl such expense��nd teea <br /> •_?:t�?��... <br /> �::,�m�d;, 24.APPLIGATION OF PAYMENT3. The Trustee shal apply the proceeds of the trustee's sale,first,to the coats and expenses of exerclsing the <br /> r W power of�ak�nd of the��k,Includinq the p�ym�nt oi tM Truitee'�fees actuolly incurred not to exceed lhe omount which may be provided for in the <br /> -�'�'•���� deed of truet,eacond, to paymant of lhe oblipatkn securod by the Deed of Truat,third,to the payment of Junior deed�of trust, mortQ�pes or other <br /> '=:��`�_ Iknholdsn,�nd the balana,H any,to the penon or perwns bqally entitled theroto. <br />?:�._..�,._ <br />�-"�""���' Z6, POWER OF AITORNEY. Gronto�Mroby�ppoln►s Undsr�s Ra �ttornay-In•fpd to endorce Orantora nome on oli Instruments and ot er <br /> ��'✓�}$' documents pert�ininq to the Oblfp�tions or Oeed of T�usl.In�ddftion,Lender eh411 ba entitled,but not required,to perfortn any acBan or execute any <br /> -_��� documsnt rpuirod lo A�t�kan or bxewtsd by Onntor under Ihia Deed of Trust. Lenders pertor►nance of such action or exeCUtion of auch documentr <br /> — �h�ll not nNw�Gr�ntor(rom�ny Oblq�t�o�or cun any deGuR unddr thb Dead oi Trust. All powen ol�ttorney described In thls Deed of Trutt ore <br /> _:;;,!�_� coupled wlth an Int�rott�nd�ro Irrevoc�bb. <br /> ��� _ q d��a��hT�S��c�eDd by Lend�reyardb s o(whetheei�these b i�hsecurity int ro ta or othePe clumbrances h ve beenrrobased of rocord� <br /> �*'-����•,� 27.C04LECTION C09TS. To the extent permmed anntor vyrees to p�y Lendara ro�son�bls fees and cotls inGudlnp,but nor tdlbd lo,fas and <br /> �—_Q�=,��5� cosb of attomeya�nd othsr�peM�(Ineludiny w�houl IimNatbn puabpda, Garks �nd conauRante),whether or not euch attorney or�yent Is an <br /> empbyee ot Lsnder,whkh are Incurred by Lender In coYectirp any�mount due or enforclny�ny rlyht, or romedy under thls Deed oi 7ruit,whNher or <br /> � not suk b broupht,Includlnp,but not limited to,all fees and co�ls incurred on appeal,In bankruptcy,md fa post•Judymsnt colbdbn actbn�. <br /> ----- =�� �R ���TI�L RELEASE. LerAer m�y robise N� int�rost fn a portlon of the Propedy by exeatiny md ncordlny one or more Partla l D e e ds o f <br /> � �y Rscc�nvey�na without�}fectlnp Rs Inlerosl In tM rom�Inlny ponwn or tne rroperiy. noininy iiv7oii�6:i3��v:.w t:,^::;z�:�c~'•!�•'•'!^"'!"r tq release <br /> "�� �ny of ib Interost In the Property(except�t requlnd under Panqr�ph 38 or aa may be othenivise raqulred by Iaw),nor�h�ll Lenskr be oblly�ted to <br /> -'---- � nM�N�ny p�t oi the Propsriy H Oruitor b In dehult under thls D�sd of Trust. The Ikn�nd secuMy Inlerest cro�ted by the Dsed of Trutt rom�In In <br /> --���.� Nhd wilh nspsct to thN portlon of the property,u dehad In lhe Dsed of Truat,thst u not the subject of thla or any PaAlal Deed of Reconvey�na. <br /> if.MODIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modNic+tlon a w�Iver of any of Grantor's Oblpatlons or Lender's riphts under thla Deed of Trust must be <br /> ---�:;�� contNnW In�writln�sqned by Lenckr. Lender may p�rtortn any of Bortower'e or Grantor's Obll��tiona,dela/or fAfl to exerdse my of its riphts or <br /> �ecept p�ymrnts from Onntor or anyone dher thm (i��ntw without cAUflny a wafver of those OblipaUons or rlphts. A walver on ona occasbn sholl <br /> --"—'"�: constRuh�watver on�ny otMr occ�sion. Or�ntor�Oblq�tlona under thls Deed ot Trust ehall not be aHected if Lender omend�, comProm�ses� <br /> --- .� excfisrp�s,hlls to exsrdss,knpaln,or rob�se�of anyof tM Oblqatbm bebnpinp W�nY Grantw,Borrower,or thlyd party or�ny of itt riphta appinst <br /> � �ny Gnntor,Borrower,or thlyd pArty or �ny of tM Property. Lender's fallure to Inslet upon atrict perfortnence of any of the Obllyatlona shell not be <br /> -W-- ' dNm�d�wafver�nd Lender�hall h�ve the ripht�t any Iirne thereofler to fnslst upon atrlct performance. <br /> -- - �0. SUB9TITUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LIABILITY;COMPEN9AYION.In csse of the deAth,In�bilily,or refusal to act or pbsence of tha 7rustee <br /> � from tha st�ts wMro tM rs�l propedy i�bcated or In Caie the holder oi the ObII��tlons�hall desire for any reason to rsmovs the tru�tee or my <br /> •ubstdut�troftee�s truitee Mrounder and to t�ppant�new lruatee in hls place and stead,the holder of the Oblly�tlone fs heroby 9r�nted full power to <br /> �pppfnt fn writlnp�subltRuts trustN for uld Trustee,nd the aubstftute trustee�hall,when�ppolnted,become�uccessor to�II riphts ot the Truttw <br /> h�rwntf�r�nd tM�ome�hdl become vested In hkn fathe purposes�nd objecte o11hls Deed of Trust wdh�II the power,dutkf,«nd obHpwtlon henln <br /> -- conf�rt�d on die Trustae. Tru�tee�hUl nol be Uibb tor�ny error of judpment or�ct done by Truatee,or be otherwloe ro�ponnibls or�xountabb und�r <br /> � �ny dreumthncsa wh�boaver. Trwtee�hall not be peraonNly liibb In case of entry by k or anyone�ctlnp by vlrtue oi the pow�re herofn pr�rded <br /> �----�--�� uppn the[?�ed of Trust lor debts coMr�ded or Il�bflity a d�mayee Incurred fn the manayament or operotlon of sald promisea. Truetee ah�ll h�ve the <br /> ,�f��,� ripM to ny on any InstNmsnt,document,or siyn�ture�uthorizing or aupportlny eny adlon taken or proposed to be taken by k hsreunder or belkved by <br /> R In yood hNh to be yenulne. Truitee shall be entitled to rolmbursement for expenaea Incurred by it In the performancx of dutbs hereunder��d to <br />— � Mnuedsr�ndmelmbsune Trust cforond�avel�ind hoflduft harmlesa froma d ogalnat a y and allllloss,cost�l�bifity,d�mapend expenae wh�teoev�eer <br /> ---=;� Incurrod by R In tM psrtorm�nce oi N�dulb�. <br /> � v� A��nprby�noslved by Trustne sh�u,until used or appYed os he�eln provkled,be hald in trust for the pu�pose�for whk,h they wero received,hut need <br /> .,;Zi1�^�s� not b�s�yrop�tsd In�ny manner f ran any o t her mon e y�(e x c e p t t o t h e e x t e n t r e q u i r e d b y I a w)a n d Trustee sh�ll be under no Il�bll'rty tor Interoat on pny <br /> -. ,:�-� moneys n►osivsd by R herounder, • <br /> ,��"'"��'i 51.9UCCES80RS AND ASSIGN9. Thla Deed of Tru�t ahall be upon and Inure to the benefit o}Orentor pnd Lender�nd thelr rospective auccesson, <br /> s:�-`a.' aslpns,trusbes,rooeivsrs�adminlsV�ton,penonal ropreaentativas,kq�tees and devlsees <br /> �;�`•a :•. <br /> •�,+f� 52.NQTICEB. Excapt�s othsrvvite roqulnd bY law•�ny notke or other communtatbn to bs provlded under this Dead of Trust ehall be In wrking�n <br />.�-'��:-�:d�`., sent to ths p�rtle��t the addro�se�described In thls D�erJ ot T�ust or such other addroa��e the p+dies may de�ipnen In wrRtny from time to dme. Any <br /> _ ' �,,•;; �uch notla w piven and�ent by fint Gas�mall,pc�stpe propaid,ehall be deemed qlven tM eadbr oi Ihree(3)doya aRer such notko ia sent or when <br />'='^` � ' , rocafved by the p�raon to whom such notke is befny qNon. <br /> ��.r ' � � <br /> 3�,$EVERABILITY. Whenever possfbb,each proviebn olthis t1e�d of Trust shall be Interpreted so aa to bo eNectiva and valld under appllcabb stete <br /> lew. If any provlelon otthls Deed otTrust vlolates the I�w or is unenforceable,the rest oi the Deed of Trust shall continue to be valid and eniorceable. <br /> ' �` otheArwfse!Gr�tor co ent hto t�rlsdTctbn ood venue�o}ny courth elected byhLendere,nhts s b discretionlln hte�state.les�eppllcabb law provides <br /> + � 36.MISCELLANEOUS, Grantor and Lender ayroe th�l time Is oi the esaence. Grantor waives prosentment,demand fo�o payment,notice of dishonor <br /> . ,t. <br /> p and aa requlred by law. All roteronces to Grantor In Ihis Deed oi Trust shall Include all persons aignirp below.If there Is more th�n one Grantor,thelr <br /> ;;,�-• } Oblg�tbns shsll be Jolnt and ssvenl. Thla Deed of Tmst represents tM compbte inteqrated understanding between Grentor ar�d Lender pertolning to <br /> +�" : ' th�tsrms rnd conditfon�hereoi. <br />- -�-- _ _.__..___...�......,.,.s �......,...�.N.h,o�a rhlyd oartv benet�cl�rv of ony provlsion oi this Deed of Trust,All provisbns of thle Deed at <br /> .__. .------- ---7-�- 7 30.fN 1�I�RU rn�.�nwn.... �...�.....�...__._.._--- � <br /> � iTrust In favor of Lender pre!ntended soby for the benefit ol Lemkr,end no third paity shall be enlitled to assume or expecc tnac i.ender wiii nvi w:�.o <br /> 1 or consent to the modircatlon of ony provlslon of this Dead of Trust,in Lender's sok dfscrotlan. <br /> � S7. PRESERVATION OF LIABILITY AND PRIORITI. Wrthout offectiny the Il�bility of Borrower,Gr�ntor,or eny querontor of the Oblqations,or eny <br /> other penon (except�penon exprossly related in writinp),for the p�yment end performanx ol the Obligotlona, and without eNecting the rights of <br /> � Lender wRh rospect to ony Property nnt expressly relried In writinp,and without Impairing In any way tl�e priority of thls Deed ot Trust over the Interest <br /> of�ny penon acqulred or tirst evldence�J by recordiny subuquent to lhe recordiny uf this Deed of Trusl,Lender may,either before ur afler the meturity <br /> oi the Ob;ip�tlons,and wflhout notke or Consent: reklse�ny pereon Ilabb for payrnent or performance of�II or any part of the Obllyallons;moke any <br /> oyroement�Reriny the terms of p�yment or pedorm�nc�of all or any part ot the Oblipotlons;exercise or refrain trom exerc�sing or wsHe any right or <br /> remedy that I.�nder may hwe unCer the Deed of Trust: except additlonol security of eny kind for any oi the Oblpatlone;or rebose o�otherwise deal <br /> � sh�1 be deemed by ocqu nng suchn tere s or rccordup any evldencesthe eof,to h�va con en ed to all o any such actlons by Lenderre In the Property <br /> 3E.DEFEASANCE AND RECONVEY/1NCE BY 7RUSTEE. Upon the peMormance In full�f all oithe Obli4lation�,Lander will exeaite end deliver to <br /> Grantor th�se dauments that may be roqufred to rek�se Ihls Deed of Trust oi recrnd. Grantor sh�ll be respons�ble to pay any coste ot recordotlon <br /> � ape+as <br />! NEOOTO Rev I197 <br /> 1 . . . . .. ... -..��,�n......�,. .� .._— — ----=. <br />