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,> ., . ..,a, �� . <br /> ...:, . � .,:: '-, . ;;;=�;i�':;:;�' <br /> ..,� . �. . . , ,. .�..�� p�,, �:.. , _;..�,�..e.�.� <br /> � :! (Yt��S• . �E,'.. � ' •.(.' ._ . YI'�tE��wK�''�� . •.�� , .•rt� . - _-'—'���.. <br /> , h:rc5+ 2,�iYa•�- . x_• _�. . .. � r: �':, . --� �._._ -� --- — - <br />-:�.�it� VW-MM�-t._r.n�.:�� " _'_� ' _ " . . . .. �_" <br /> -��� . gg—���lz�2s -�_ <br />:_;:;�� , . <br /> IT�bb to OnntoS for�ny�ctbn,error, mist�ks, omfstbn or dN�y p�rt�inlnQ lo the�dions described in thli pai�ypph or any dam�pes resuttlnfl <br /> �-��:..; tMnhom. Nothin9 contdnW henin will pnwnt Lander trom t�kiny ths adiqns described in this parapraph In Its own nome __ <br />-''^' • 14. INDEMNIFICATtON. Lend�r sh�ll not�nurrw or b�reipon�ibb tor the p�rfortn�nce of any o}Onntor's oblpatbn�with ro�ped to the Property -'- <br /> �'�y' und�r �ny Grcum�t�nce�, (ir+ntor�h�ll Immedil�bly provkle Lendar with writlen notice of and Indemnity end hold Lender and Rs sh�reholdere, <br /> - dineton,ofAars.�mpbysan and�y�nts harmk�s hom�II cl�ims,d�mayes,Ii�bflitb�(�ncludiny attorneyi'fses and leyal expen�a�),causes of octlon, <br /> �,,�.��; ' adlons,wR��nd other bp�l proceedinyo(cumulatively"Cl�ims")pertalniny to lhe Property(Includiny,but nor Umfted to,those Involviny H�zardou� <br /> ,_,�� M��eri�b). Or�ntor, upon tht nqw�t of L�nd�r,shall htr�kp�l counsel to deisnd Lender lrom euch Clahns, and pay tha ottomeye' feea, leyal <br /> � ��� CI Nnnc at Onan orsrcostt C anto�oblig t10 no indemn�Lender u der th(svpanflraph sh�lll survivebth�et e minat oin�r base9or o ec oalu e of thia Deed <br /> =_='�,s� �_ <br />-_-� of Truat. , <br /> . --,..? � <br /> 16. TAXES AND A9�ES3MENT9. Gnnto�fhpll p�y all taxe��nd assesamerrts relotiny to Proporty when due �nd Immedl�tety provide en er <br /> ..a��j eY���p{p�ym�nt of urrM,Up�n the nyuest oi Lender,(3nntor sh�N depatilt with Lendar each month ona twelRh(1/12)01 the eedmded�nnud <br /> -� -�� Inwnnce promium,t�xa�nd�ssss�msnts pertNniny to the Property. So lony as there I�no dai�utt,these amounta�hall be opplisd to the payment <br />� f� a}�px�s,asNCSmsnts and Insurpnca n requlrod on tM Property. In the evsnt of dafauR,Lender shail h�ve The riphl,�t R�sob optbn,to�pph�the <br />"�•7� fund�ao held to p�y�ny bxes or�yain�t the Obllqatbnt. Any funds opplbd may,at Lenden optlon,be applled fn reverse order oT the due d�te <br /> "•"�, thenof. <br />-".i�C�t<', <br />:.,:ESE?�� <br /> �.. 1{, INSPECTION OF PROPERTY, BOOK6, ItECOROS AND RF.PORTS. Gnntor ehall pllow Lendar or Na�9ents to ex�mine�nd In�Qsct t <br /> ��Y;� ptop��ty end ex�mir►�,Inspsct�nd make eopws�t Grantor'�book��nd record�perl�Ininp to tM Propsrty hom lime to time.Cir�ntor�h�ll provfds�ny <br />_T�� ��abt�nce rpufrod by L�ndtr(or ih�se putposes. All 01 tM slyn�turef�nd Intortnatlon contalned In Gt�nton bookt�nd rscords eh�ll b�penulne, <br /> true,�aunts�nd compbte in all rospecta. Or�ntor�hdl note the existence of Lenders beneficial interest in its books and rocorda pertwlning tu the <br /> --- Property. Additionally,Orantor shall roport,in a form satistactory to Lender,auch Informetion as Lender may request roparding Grantor's financial <br /> -'�E°'�"� froqusncy aatle der may d sipnete� Alltintortnetion furnished by G antor toI Lender shallnbertrue,accurate and compbte nhall respecte�a d signed by <br /> ���� C3rantor ff Lender roquests. <br /> �;�� 17, ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATEB.VYdhm(10)d�yt atlsr any requeat by Lender,C3rantor shall deliver to Lendsr,or any int�pded lr�nefsroe o(Lender� <br /> �� rfphts with rospect to the Ob�ly�tbns,�siynW ond�cknowbdyed�totement specifyinp(a)the outatandinp batance on lhe Obliqitb�r,and(b)whather <br />----- ot'f7�orcounte c1l�kns C3r�ntor wlll be cond siv}e Y bou d 6 any roprohsenta�th�t Lendlerpmynm ke to lhe nhe dedrtran�feree�wRh resepect o the�s <br /> — m�tt�n In th�ewnt th�t Grantor f�ua to provids tM reque�ted atatement in a limely manner. <br /> v 2.�,;,;� 10. DEFAULT. Gr�ntor shNl bs In default under this Deed of Trwt and the Truatees power ahall become operAtive In the event lhat Orantor,Borrower <br /> =_;,�� or any quanntor of the Oblpatbns: <br /> (�) (aila to pay�ny Oblip�tbn to Lander when due; <br /> - (b) hlb to psrform�nY Oblfp�tbn or bro�che�any warnnty or covenAnt io Lender contained in this Deed oi Trust or any other prosent or future <br /> �nsmsnt; <br /> - (cj ci�simrs,iu:::��d:�+�:,i��������F=�'��=•"•%'s•°�"`1A1`"'D°�or subNas the Properly to selzuro,confiscation,or condemnatbn; <br /> --- (d) wek�to rwoke,brtnin�ts u otherwl�s Iknk Rs II�bi11ty under any pu�nnty to Lender; <br /> -- ��� d���y�s�pidy Incompft�nt,I�diawfv�d or I�min�ted,bacorr�e�InsoNsnt,moke��n asstpnment for the benefit of crodRon,fafl�ta pay <br /> = d�bts u tMy b�coms dw, fibs�P��bn under ths tedenl bankruptcy I�w�, has an Involuntary petRbn In b�nkruptcy filsri In wh�h Gnntor, <br /> gorrorwr or any pwnntor b nsmsd,or h�s propertY taken under sny writ a process oi court; <br /> (� �Ibw�pood�to��h��!Q�i°���rt���o�suro a�unde�t��ny Obliy�tbn�witho t hs w tten conse'nt o`f Lelnder;or <br /> (0) Wfowa�nY WKY <br /> — (h)c�uNS L�nd�r to dMm itsalf���ecuro due to a tqnfficant deGine in th�vatue of the Property;or it lender,in yood fakh,for any reason,believea <br /> th�t tM proap�t of Paymsnt or perfortn�na is impdrsd. <br /> -- 19. RIGHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. Ii there la a default under this Deed oi Trust,Lender shall be entitled to exercise one or mors of the <br /> fo�low{np r«sNdfa without nollos or demand(except ae requirod by Isw): <br /> (�) to d�n the Obllp�tion�knmsdiately due end payable in full; <br /> (b) to ooNsd ths outst�nd�ep Ob�lpatbn�with or wNhout rosortiny to JudlG�l process; <br /> (c) to nquln Or�ntor to dNiwr�nd m�ks�wlisble to Lender any psrsonAl property or Chattels constftutiny tM Property�t�place ro�wn�bly <br /> convenMrrt to Grsntor�nd LencMr; <br /> (d) to�nt�r upon�nd t�ke posse�sbn of the Property without�pplyin9(a or obtalniny the appoinlment of o receiver and,at Lenders option,to <br /> �ppolnt a noeiwr wKhout bond� without first brinp�ny suk on the Obliy�lbns and without otherwise treatiny ony statuto�� condkion� repardinq <br /> naFwrs,k bNnp Inlend�d that Le►xNr shNl h�ve this contrYCtual right to�ppolnt a recefver; <br /> (e)to smpby�manpinp�pent of the Properly�nd bt ths same,sRher in Trustee'e owrt name,In the name oi Lender or In the nsms of Gnntor,�nd <br /> --�� -- naN�th�nrits,Incort�s,issueo�nd profits oi the Property Ind aPP�Y tM same,aRsr pAyment of ell necesaary charyea and sxpenae�,on account <br /> _ — of ths Obllp�ti0ns; <br /> �_____ (f� to pry�ny sums In�ny fortn or manner deemed expedbnt by Landor to protect tha security of this Daed of Trust or to cure eny dehuh otMr than <br /> -- — p�ymsM oi Intersst or princip�l�n ths Ob�ipatbns; <br /> (p) ta foncloss thh Desd o!Trust JudicJ�lly or nonJudidally and to direct tM sab of the property throuyh exercise oi the power ot�ab�a roferonced <br /> In panpnph 20 hsroof in aoordance with�ppl(cabb law: <br /> ---=-- (h)to wt-otf Grantors Oblfyitbns�yNnst any�mounts owed Grontor 6y Lender fncludiny, but not Umited to,monbs, Instruments,ar�d deposR <br /> �6�--� �aounb m�Int�iMt1 wRh LerWer or�ny curronUy existir�or tuturo tlfiliata of Lender;and <br /> —��`� (q to sxercf�all othsr rfphts w�llable tu Lender under ony othar written�qroement or applicabk law. <br />-�_' � L�ndera riphb�ro cumul�tMe�nd m�y bs exerGtad topether,aep�nlely,md In�ny ordec In the svent th�t Lender In�titutes sn�otbn seefclny the <br />�{�1�",��. �r�ry o}any of th�Prop�rty bY waY oi�proJudpmsnt romedy in�n�dion �y�inst Gnntor,Grantor waNa the pc»tiny of any bond whkh mlpht <br /> ^' ... othsrw}se b�nqulr�d. Lsndv or Lender'e desipn�e may purchue the Propedy at�rry��b.Proceeds of my Tru�be's ub FNrounder sh�ll be applbd <br /> ����i��,,,' � fint,ro the cosb�nd�xp�nNS of�xsrdairp tM power of sab�nd of the We, indudiny the p�yment of the TrustN'�teN actualb{ncurred�nd^ut to <br /> ' '-��% exoeed ths�mount whkh my be provld�d for in thb De�d of Trust,�econd,to p�ymsnt oi the Oblfp�tiom e�curod he►K�Y,lhfrd,R°t►� oa�nnynp A <br /> �'',�.� Junbr trust d�sd�,mortCaOe��or othsr lisnlr�ldsn,�nd tM b�unce,N�ny,to the penon or penonf kpally entRNd tMroto. The prop�Ay <br /> • thereof moy be aold�n one parcel,or In such parcels,menner or order as Lender in its sole discrctlon may etect,and one or more exercises of the <br /> power horein qtanted shall not extinguish or exhaust the power unless the entira property ia sold or the obligations are paid In full. - <br /> •- ��� 20. TRUSTEE'S EXERCI9E OF POWER OF 9ALE ON DEFAULT:If Lender bbcts M sell Grantor's interest in the Property by exercise of the power = <br /> , T o}�oN heroin contained,Lender shall notityr Trusteo in the manner then requfrecl by law. <br /> ,�c�''`~ �,� I Upon reoefpt of such notice of Lender and at the diroctlon of Lender,'Truslee shall cause to be recordetl.publishad ond delivered such notloes of - <br /> 1 dehuR�nd notkes oi sab a�may then Ix requfred by law and by thia Deed of Trust. Trustee ahall,only at the directlon o}Lender ond without dema�d <br /> ��.n..�......�.��h,,,,u�.�i dwta��n and atter notfce oi s�k h�viny been piven if <br />. --------�--;_� on Granror�Y}lEf 6UCh tiR1E iS�Il�y t00n De re9uirvd`uy iiii iin+:�.o7�o.................�__...'-•---.-- � _ <br /> roquind by law,sell the Property at tM ifine end place of sab fixed by it in such notice of eob,either es rrhob or In aep�nts bts or parcals or items aa _ <br /> � Lender shall deem expedbnt,and In such order as ft may determine,at public auction ta the hghest bidder for cash in lawlul moriey of the UnRed = <br /> St�tes piyabb at the time of a�b,or as olherwise may then be requlred byl�w. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasero then+of ka pood <br /> and sufficbnt daed or deed�conveyinp tM property so sold,but without any covenant or warranty,express or implied. The reatuls In such deed of any <br /> pt�uch aab�Trustoem a�tM mon er prov{ded by few p shtpone�efe of�Ilor�ey portion oi he Propertyn,Grantor,Trustee or Lender,my purchase <br /> 21, REQUEST�OR NOTICE3:Grantor requests that a copy of any noCke o}detault and e copy ot ony notice of sah hereundnr be mafkd to each <br /> penon who is a party hereto at the oddress ot auch person set foRh herein at the same time and in the same manner required oa ahough o separate <br /> request Ihereof h�d been filed by each such person. <br /> 22.SECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM CQMMERCIAL CODE. This Deed of Trust shall be considered and ba effective es a financi��g <br /> cover gnfi turos,chattelslln nd art cbs oi tpersonwl properly"now owned or hertaRer z t ched to ortto bei us�rd Snaco nectlon w thpher�perly together <br /> Psp�J ol a <br /> NEOOtDRev 7187 <br />