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:;j- I <br /> ' ��.-. � .. _ _. <br /> . •41i,$:_,_ <br /> . ___ _ _ .[r.v��a.--..�...�_ .._�._J.... <br /> ` J'iY•l:N"1�w.=__.____-_ <br /> C4(" '��M..�.IL=Yf V.._=�_-- <br /> ..�.. _ .: ..�.�7.r�-a5�.�1.�.(.Y'r.- <br />....._ .. .... _ _.. ' <br /> 12-1�-1NIt DEED OF TRUST ,. g8- 112�11 P�6 <br /> l.o�n No i4M07 (CoMlnu�l) <br /> ah�wN�nquk�d bY Mw�and slwM b�Ml�dlw whM Rctu�y dMF+w�d�a wMn d�Pa�IMd wHh a naMon�My nca9N»d awrnlGM oourl��a�M <br /> n�l�NwN W dr:md Mhorw wlwn d�PuMrd In th�UnMM BrM�mM Mq al�,oKNR�d a npNM��d TaM�paN�p�P�M+�.diroMd b Ih� <br /> �ddn��hown n�ar 11�b�YM�of Mit OMd ol TruN. d Mw�iioYO�M b o�h�np� P�Nr�ddrN� co�s�noYa�of bfa��ixo'ko�rti <br /> wrNMn noMo�lo th�oMwt 0«�.�R�p��pw� <br /> Fa noMa PurPo�s�TtlMtor opM�to kMP L�rbK�nd TtuafM InfanMp N NI HrtiM d Tr�s�cixnnt�ddnM��nnlnp of ihl�DMd of 4ru1t. <br /> fAtiCalAl0E0U�PROVI{IGM=. TM 101owirp rr�n�o�M Pr�x W�P�01 thM OMd of Trutl: ° <br /> A�MnMd�. TI�M D»d of Ttu�t,�h«w�n,•m�Ma 000�m.r+�,cor+.a��,w.n,.Mu�.u�a.�.��c ena.a«�a»»�n.... <br /> lo IIM rn�tlMf sN fcxth In It�fa DMd d Tnwt. No�Mon t�f or urwndrtwnt to thk f�d d Trtnt th�M b�eM�cMw unMq fi�'�In wrlMnp�nd <br /> Np��ed bY�R�Y a P���M�W e1w0�a bound b�Yh��Ma�qon or�rtNndrtwnt. <br /> AppNeWM taw. 7hM DMd W TruM hw bMn drMwr'�010 LN�rnd�enPMd bY L�r�In qw StM�of fNbrMln. TMa DMd of Tnwt <br /> .nMl w�owm.a oonM�u.a a»wrs a a,.:�.a a M.arwn. <br /> ��p���, GpNon hMdlnp�1�►his p»d d Truct an for conwnknce P�P�o�h'�nd an not to b�us�d to Inl�rprN or dMrN ih� <br /> prwNlorK o1 tl�k DNd o1 Trt»t. <br /> ��. T��w�p rn�qK d th�InMntt Or MLM cxwMd 6y IhNI DMd d Tnitt wllh�ny othsr Int�ntt or MtaM In lIN Propuly at�ny <br /> YrtN Mld by a fa tM bMM11t of Lenda In anY uP�Y.wNhouf th�wrflMn conNmt d I.�nd�r. <br /> Mu111pN�plrtlN, Ap abNpaYo�M of Tnistor undw 1hIY DMd b����«M N�for MI obMp��orK I�n'thft De�d oft Truq. shW m�an�ch�nd <br /> . w�ry Tnxlor. Thk mMrn tfNt MCh of ttM p�norM�Ip ►q <br /> t�1i�r�b�ly. M a oourl of canpN��t l����Y P�^a Ihk DMd af Ttu�t b b�InwMd or unMMaro�aW1 s�b any pwon or <br /> afrowt�r�a,wch Andlnp slr�l nd nr�d�r MM P►��^�^�or urwMorv�M�M�s to�nY o1Mr P��a�"�ti�. II MMbI�,�nY <br /> woh�rKl P�Q��NMN b�dMn»d b b�rtadMd b M a MAt(�d W TruW����� ��� <br /> ou�nol b��o rtWAMd�M�M NAdt�n und M oNMr porMfar <br /> �on�nd/lstipnt, SubJ�Cl to th�NmilaUoin stlt�d In thb O�sd of Trunt on frRml�r of Tru�tor's InMnst,this DNd d Tru�t�h�N b� <br /> wn�ww�a«�sna�n�r+a th.�a m.w�«�thNr auoo»sas and asfqrn. If owrnrshlP M th�Pra(�ty b�com�s wtNd In a p�rton <br /> olha tFMn Truqor� L�. wklwul noYa b Tniqor� �Y� wNh Tn»tar� sucoK�as with nhr�na to thl� DMd M Tn+�t �nd Ih� <br /> IrwNbbtlrMK by way ol fo�bMraria or�otMrrion without nlMS��O Tru�ta kom tM oWlp�Uo�M ol U�Is D»d ol T�u1t or M�bNkY urkfK fh� <br /> IrK11bMd1MM. <br /> TI�I�of MN tMM�.ThrN M d th�NNrwy In ih�plAorminc�M thb Owd of Trus1. <br /> W��wW Ca�Mnts. L�ndnr slrr nd b�dMnwi fo han w�fwd�ny riqhb und�r thk DMd of Tru�t(or undK th�F1M�Md Docurtwnb) <br /> unM�t wCh w�N M rrtiYnq and�1prnd bY L«�. No tMky or ortihsion on fh�PaA d I.�nd�r In�arcbinp�nY dOM tIW op�nM a� <br /> wYw�of N�Ch ripM or�nY otMr�. A wNwr by anY P�Y a a provMbn ol tf*OMd of Tnut�h�M not con�tituM a wYvM af ar prijudlo�ifM <br /> � p�rt�lt�Ipht othMwlM to d�rt�and itiCt conmpM�no�wNh Ihat provMion Or�ny WhM provi�lon. No prlor wdwr by LM��nar�nY oouM d <br /> dwNrq bNwwn l.�rwiu�uid Trtpla. �iWl�nNltuls�w�iwr of�ny ofl t�l+•�ntl��iahof uct�cons�nt 6��In ny I�nqana�hM naR <br /> 1r��1NC�OfN. 1MfMf1W�M CofMNI�bY i.�tq�r a i�yti:�u e�!��d 0!Tsl._..-�•-�- - <br /> oomWuM oonYnulnO co�d fo sW�i�IrMhnoK w�I1K��uch coo�nt h nqukrd• <br /> WMwr of FkMMMMr De�pMOn.Tnnlor MnbY►M�M�s�nd wvva aN riphlt and b�r►Mls of tM hom�lw�d�umplbn Mtwi d Ih�9t�M of <br /> N�bnM�a a b�Ind�bMdr�Mt Mar�d bY thk DMd d Tnnt. <br /> EACH TRIMTOH ACKNOMILEOQE=HAVMIO READ ALL TFE PfiOV�siON�OF THIb DEED OF TRU=T�AMD�ACH 7AUITOR AO�!TO ITR <br /> TERIAf. <br /> TRl15TOR: <br /> x C� �P. �_�-�• x�i 1.���v .cr�M•c-- _ <br /> — o ue�� K�� �u"" <br /> ' INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br /> sr�r�oF�A�^�,� ► <br /> � ..X�+ I�s <br /> couKrY OF � <br /> On 1h1�day Mlon n►��Ih�und�slDn�d NoluY PubMc�P�MN�PP�b DOl1QLA=D LIENEMIIMN Mld Kd1.EY L l.1111EMAM11�to trN known <br /> to w th�IndhrWuw dMabd�n.nd who pac+�d���Tn�t,and adu+owMdp�d d��t�Y sfpn�d th�t�d a rnwt a qMlr hw.nd <br /> valurduY�ct�nd W�d�for th�tn�and PurP�� (�{( _, <br /> Gh/M uad�r�ny h�n0 rnd OflielM�MI lhl�_ ,. �— <br /> GENERAL NOi�RY•Sltle ot Nehusk� � P� �� <br /> �+e pYECetnm E P.SeP�2l,1999 <br /> R�MdNtO M <br /> M��rt�INlon�t�kw — � <br /> a <br /> - ------------__._.._ _ <br /> ......... ----� - �..aiwrsvn.�r..�v--.--.-..�,..���,- ----- ---- <br /> . . . ._..._.._.,...... .... ..rcr•+�.�ne.- <br />