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.� <br /> x�R'.� '� , . ' . . ';� � <br /> �Y• <br /> .. . + t I I�. '.5.._� - . ............. . . .... . , . . . ... .... ��'•'� . <br /> NNn•v.....�:..l...ti_ � <br /> � <br /> . .�»' . <br /> �! y • ��_��_��y DEED OF TRUST 9$— �12s11 p�ye 6 <br /> Y" Losn No t44407 (CoMl�oued) r <br /> � <br /> � Rlpl{{s AMp qEMEAIl�ON DEFAIN,.T. Upon Ih�oocurr�na of�ny Ewnt of UNaWI�nd d any tlrrM IMi►MIIK,Tru�IN a L�nWr,�1 Hs op�on, _ <br /> • rrMy�x�rdN�ny oM a mon M tM foNowlnp riphb�nd r�nwdlM,In�ddiUon lo�ny o1Mr rfnhb a nrrNdMs p�rovlcMd by law, +�Y <br /> ACeM�Mbn upon DMM1M; AOdltbnU R�nadM�. U�ny�wnt ol drhult oocun a p�r IM Nrrtn of 1M Nob acur�d h�rWy�UnWr rrMY ' 'y <br /> .� d�cf�»�q IndWMdn�u wcund by Ihk DMd o1 Trutt lo b�du��nd p�y�bN�nd tM sarrw sh�M IMr��pon b�corrN du��nd p�►nbl�wllhoul <br /> �ny�ntm�nf,d�m�nd,proMtt or noNw ol any klnd. Th�rnM�r,L�nd�r rrMy, <br /> (�) ENh�r In p�rson or by�p�nt,wflh a wllhoul brinplrq any�ction pr proc»dinp,or by�rooMwr appdnhd by�aaxt�nd wNhoW :. <br /> rp�rd lu IFw�cfoqwoy ol itc caawlty,ant�r upon and take possesslon o}the Properly,or eny pnrt tMuenf,In He own narrw a In tl+�n�rrN _ <br /> , :,�;�t'�� of TrwM���nd da�ny�cb wMch 8 dMrrK rno�ary a dMkWl�lo pr�rw Ilw wiw�muk�blNtY a nnt�bwlY of ih�PropeM,a P+� <br /> of tt�Prop�rty or InMnst In tM Prop�ry;Ina�fM Incoma hom th�PropKfy a proNct tM�icurNy of th�Prop�rfy;�nd,wi�h or wNhou� <br /> �„�� hklnp pae�tslon of ttN Pro�Ay,�u�for a otMrwh�coM�el IM nnb,luwt�nd proffh of Ihe PropKty,Indudlnp fhoN p�ul dw and __ <br /> ���� unp�ld,and�pply the s�rrN,I�cah�nd uq»nsw d op�ntlon�nd caN�ctbn,Indudirq allan��'I�a,ta any IndWt�dnws wcund <br /> by thl�Dwd of Trutt,aM In�uch adK ra L�ntJa may dN�rmirN. Th��nt�irp upon�nd taklrq pounslon of tM Propaty,th�colNatlon <br /> • � � of�uch ronb,issub and proffb,�nd IM�ppNCadon tF►K�of sh�M not cun or wdv��ny d�hufl a neda of d�huH undK lhb D�ed ol Tru►1 <br /> •� ; � a Inv�Nd�k�ny �c1 doM In nspor�to such Mf�ult or purswnt to auch notic�of d�fault;�nd,notwllhstRndirp lM condnwrw�In <br /> � a possasslon of the Property w the codection, recelpt nnd application of rents,fssues a p�ofih, Truslee or Lender shaA b��ntl1Nd lo __ <br /> � exurciss evsry ripht provlded for In the Note or tha Rel�ted Documsnts a by law upon the ceCUrtenc�of any evsnt of dstault,Includinp tM <br /> , �, riyht to exerGise the power of sale; <br /> (b) Comrtwna an acdon to fondos�thfti DNd oi Truit Rs�morlpap�,apPdnt�ncMwr or t�clACaMY��lorw�ny of IM cownanb <br /> . h��ok and — <br /> � (o) D�liwr lo TrusM�a wrltten d�knlbn of tNlaWt and d�mand lor sd�and a wdttan notla of tMhWl�nd eNcdon to cauN Tnnfar� <br /> ' InlK�et In th�Prop�ty to b�sold,wF�lch no1N;�TrustM sh�M c�u�to b�duty M�d Ior ncad In tM�ppropri�M oMa�d tM Counly In <br /> �i. wl�lch Ilw Praputy k IoaMd7 and • <br /> " (d) With rasp�ct 10�II or any put of Ih�PKSOniU Pro�rty,Lard�r sFwN haH ail fhe riqhls�nd r�nwdl�of a racurod pariy und�r tM <br /> NN�nske UnNorm CommKCltl Cod�. <br /> Fa�cbwn by PowN W SaN. If I.�nd�r M�cb to londoa by sx�rds�of thi Pow�r of Saio MrNn con4fn�d,I.�nd�r sh�M ndHy TruslN and <br /> �, , sh�N deppsit wfth Trustw thls Deed of Trust�nd the Nob and such receipts�nd eNd�nCe of�xp�nditures madi and srund by thfs UNd ol <br />-. . .. .;� . Trust u Truste�may nqWn. <br /> s (�) Upon r�aipt of�uch noHc�hom Undar,TrusiN shaN causa to b�recorded,pubusMd and dsUwnd to T�uator such NoNa ol DMault <br /> ' ��. `i ` �nd Notla of$aM at tMn nqWnd by kw�nd by thMr Daad of Trust. Trus1M shaU,without d�mand on Trwta,aMr such tlrn�u tryy <br /> tMn b�nquind by kw�nd�flw r�cadaUon of wch Nodc�of D�hult�nd atlw Noda o15W lu�vlrp ban piwn a nquind by ww,tM <br /> th�Prop�rty at lM tlrt►��nd pl�a of af�Ibc�d by H in tuch Noda of Sal�,Nther�s�whaN,or In wpuat�lolR or pucN�or IMms a <br /> TrustM shaN dNm�xpedl�nt,and In wch ordK�s It may dN�rmirN,�t pubNC aucdon to Ihe hiplwst blddM for cuh In kwhil morNy of <br /> a Ilw Unfl�d SUta pqRbN at tM dm�of�aM• Trustw ef►�II dWwrr to such purchaser or pwchas�rs tMnol Ib pood�nd suMlcMnt d»d a <br /> ;� dMds conwylrp IM properfy ao told,but without any cown�nt or wartanty,u�rass or implbd• Tfw rsdtds In tuch dMd of�ny nwtt�t <br /> • . � or}�S shaN p�conclusfw proof of th�Mrthfuir�s th�nof. Any psnon,Indudlnp wHhout Nmitatlon Tru�tor,TrustM,or UncMr, rtyy <br /> " ourcfuw�t such nlo. <br />��..-S ;.--- —- - <br />-r � (b) /b may b�pumltted by kw,4Mr tNducdnp IJI cosb,f�es and expms�s of Trustse�nd of thb Trust,Includirq cab of wldN�of <br /> ;::�..; � Htls In Connocqon with sab,Trustw sh�N apply the proaeds of sab to p�yment of (q all sums e�cpended und«�the tsrms of this D»d o1 <br />-�,�,�,,,,_.,,; 7rust or under iM larms M the Nota not th�n r�pdd,Includinp but not Iimit�d lo ac.Cruad Interast and Inte charp�s� p�)�II olher sums thM — <br />� .� � secund hareby,and (III)the remalnder,ff eny,to tM peraon or peraons bpaNyentllNd thereto. <br />�.: .,n�;.:z: <br />-�':���• ' . (c) TrwfN may In th�rrwnr►K providsd by kw poslporw sab of�p a any portlon of tM Prop�Ay. <br />�"`��,�� p�eMdl��Not ExeWNw. Trust«�nd l.�ndw,�nd�ech of tl►�m,ohaM bo�nHtl�d to�nforc�payrrMnt�nd pefartwrw�of�ny IndYblWna� <br /> ;:`S,.�:,.,�� pr obWpatlons s�curW by thb Dssd of Trust and to exerClse�A tWhls�nd pOwisro under ihfS Desd M'Trust, und�r th�Nol�,unda any of Ih� <br />�'�`r. � RNaNd Docurtwnls,a und�r�ny otMr�prssmmt or�ny laws now ar M�n�fter in forco;notwlths4ndinp, som�or all of such Ind�bMdnat <br /> ;;.. -. :�'1 �nd pt�NpaUons a�clu�d by this DMd of Trusf rtu�y now or h�reafl�bo otherwls�SeCUrW,whether by mortp�po,dMd of hust,pl�dp�,INn, <br />=-s...��. �ssqnm�nt or othsrwb�. NNlhx the�capttna of thls Dsad of Trust nor Ib eniorarrwnt,wMIMr by caxt aeUon or purswM b fh�power oi <br /> -v_,. � �; a�M or otMr pow�rs contaln�d In Ihls I�d of Trutt,shall proJudico a in�ny m�nner�ffect Tnnlea'a or Lmd�s rlpht to re�Mx� upon a <br /> ;'��,y .'� �nfaa any otMr s�curlty now or h�naMr Mld by TrusN�a Undsr,it bairp�pr�sd that Tnn1N and Lend�r,and Mch of ttMm,thatl W <br />_����- �nGtNd to�nlora thb DNd d Trust�nd any otlwr s�curfty now a Mrw�Ru hNd by Lsnder a Trust«In euch ada and rrwnn�r�a►h�y a <br /> .. �.-;`?'',"` Nth�r of tMm m�y In M�N►�bsoluN dlsaMbn dM�►mlrN. No nrt�dy conhrc�d upon a�es�rwd to Trust»or Undw,b InMnd�d to W <br />�_�`y'�` �xclusiur of any otM�r nrtNdy In thb DMd of Trust ar by kw provid�d a pwmltNd�but Mch sh�M b�cumul�Uw�nd�h�M M In adtNtlon to <br /> �y��y_:u� _ ww�r oftwr nrt»dy Ofwn In fMf ONd of Trust a now a hsrnM�r udstlrq�t yw or in�quity or by�4tuU. Ewry pwwr a nm«!y pfwn bY fM <br />-�,,;:��,.;�' NoM or �ny of th� FlN�Nd Oxum�nb to TrwtM a L�nd�r a to whlch attMr o}tMm may b� oIF�wIN sntNNd� m�y b� �x�rds�d, <br /> -.-` •• concumntly a i�d�ntly,hom tlrrw b brrw and at oMn ae may be dNm�d sxpWi�nt by Tnes1N or UntfK,�nd MIMr ol tMm nry <br />"�>` 'r�'`f pwsw Incon�hNnt nrt�rJMs. NotNnp In thls D»d of Truat sh�M 1»conahu�d�s prohlbltlrp Und�r from sMlcinp �d�AcNncy judpmont <br />���` � . �pdndi tM Truata to tM sxNnt such�cdon i�pumftlad by kw. <br />'y � q�qw�t For Noqq. Tnnta,on behaM Of Truator Rnd L�nd�r,ha�by nqwsb 1N1�Copy ot any Notla of D�h��1 and a copy of any Nodos _ <br /> ,_ � . of SaN und�r this D»d of Trusl b�rtwfled to tt»m at tM addr�ssa t�t fath In th�Arst pu�praph of lhis DNd of Trutt. <br />`--.`.� WMvK; EN�tfon of Rar�dN�. A w�W�r by�ny pady of a brMCh of a provhlon of thb I�d of Trust ah�N not conadlut�a waiwr ol or <br />',,�,,�'��' pnJudio�1M putya riphb ottwrwfs�to d�mand shict compliana wfth Ihat provfalan or any othsr provi�lon. ENctlon by L�nd�r to punw�ny <br /> - nrtNdy provldW In thb D�ad of Trutl,tt�Not�,in any RWt�d Dxutn�nt,a proNdad by kw�h�N nd�xclud�pursult of�ny ofh�r nrtroy, <br /> '.,':�'''' ' """ and�n N�ctlon to rtwk��xp�nditurss a to Gk�actlon to pKform ap obUp�tlon d Truslor undor tMs D�W of Tnnt afMr taNUn ot Tnutor lo <br /> ,t�K.... <br />`��:• perform shaN not aMset Und�r'e rlpht to d�du��dNwR�nd to�x�any of Ns nrr�. <br />-� - `r A�q�rNya�p�q;D�a. If I.�nda Imtltul�a any suft or�cdon to�nlora any ol tM tKrt►s ol ihls DMd d Tntst,L�n��h�M b��nWNd tn <br /> rscowr such sum u tM court may�dJudpa nasonabw�s altansys'Mes at trl�l and on eny�ppsd. WMther or not�ny Court�ctlon kc <br /> Involvsd,all reasonabb sxp�nsss InCUrrod by L�ndx wh�h In Lendws opinlon are necsssary at any fim�lor Ih�protecHon of Hs Inl�nst or tta <br /> enforam�nt of Ns righls shall bscorrw a put of IIw Ind�bt�dnese payabb on donxnd and sh�ll bsv Inlersst�t th�Nok r�b trom tM dat�of ___ <br /> � sxp�ndltun untN npald. Exp�nsos cownd by this pu�praph Include,wRhcrut AmitRHon,howwer SubJ�ct to�ny Amib und�r appik:�bb kw, t_ <br /> � Lendar's aRarwys'fe�s whattwr or not th�rs fs�I�wsult,Includlrp attaneys'taa for b�nkrupicy procNdinps(Indudinp�tla�ls to modMy or �_- <br /> '� vaql� Rny aufomatfc afay a InJunction), �ppab �nd any anticlpd�ct post�udpmenl coMecdon servlces,Ihs cost of aeucMnp ncords, <br /> • ob4lMrp dti�repats(InCludlrp foreclosuro repo�ts)�surveyors'repc�rb,�ppralsd lses,Iitle insurance,�nd feu for the Trustw,lo tM exMnt <br /> ; � permtttsd by eppNcable Iaw. Trusta elso wiq pay�ny court costs,In additlan to�II olher 5ums proWded by I�w. <br /> Rlpht�of Trua1N. Trustee shdl have all of tF►s rlghb�nd dutiss of Lendw�s sat lorth In thls s�ction. <br /> _ ' � POWEAS AND OBI.IOATIONS OF TRUSTEE. Th�Idlowinp provfslons rel�Bng to the powers and obllpaUons ol Trusbe ue part ol thb Dwd of <br />- Trust. <br /> . • � Powx�of Truatw. In additton to aA powws of Trustw ulr�iny�s e mnfter of kw,7rusts�ahall h�ve th�pow�r 10 lake lh�fouowinq�ctions <br /> _ ' .j wfih r�sp�ct to th�Propwty upon iM writNn roqu�st o1 LandK�nd Trustor (R)Jdn In prspadrq�nt!111np�m�p or pl�t of th�Msl Propwty. <br /> .. . . . ..�__�_..�._.�__..�u_. iu w.,i........x....�n�r�uin�eJ N NO�XM rnv r�eMr.tlen en(lf�RYI PfOD�f�Y: ---- <br /> .--.. ��--- ---�--�- IfIC1Udf1Q tIN W01CaLOn m 6tr�c6 a otr�� nw�v u� w.v, <br /> , �Y M �w n.......�.�.._..��..� �_..._..._.��-..�__• __ _ . . . -_.. <br /> �nd (c)Jdn In any subordin�tlon or otMr prwm�nt�fhctlnp tM![�d of Trust cx th�Int�nst of Under und�r thls DMd of Trust. <br /> Trus1N. TnntM sh�N msa�t aN qwliAcaUons requksd lor Trust«uncl�r�ppWCabN law. In addltlo�to the riphts and nmedN�sat forth�bow, <br /> wilh rap�.i to aN or�ny parl of tM Pro�»rty,th�TrustN sh�M 1►�w thr riyht to tonclos�by noHa�nd sda,�nd L�ndw sh�N havs the ripht lo <br /> foreclos�by JudWal forodosuro,In�ilhK case In�ccord�na with�nd fo t!�fWl�xl�nt provlded by�pptlubk I�w. <br /> - gua�aor Trua1N, Under,al Land�r'c optlon,may hom Nms fo Urt►��ppdnt�suocssaor Trustaa to iny Trustee nppdntad hanund�r by an <br /> .. a» <br /> ' Ins�rurr�nt oxocul�d and�cknowl�dp�d by Lendx�nd rocud�d In tM offk�ot tM raador ol HALL County,Nebnsk�. TM Inskum�nt Sh�N <br /> conta;n,In addiUOn to�N other maHKS rsquk�d by sWe law,Ihe namas ol the aiyinal Lender,Trustae,and Trustor,Ihe book lnd p�pe(or <br /> � computdr system reference)where Ihls Doed o1 Trust fs recaded,and the n�me�nd address of the successa lrustee,and tlw Instrument ahail <br /> - be execuled and eCknowledped by all Ihe benefC�arles under the Deed of Trust a their successors In Interesl. The suCCessor trustee,wHhOUt <br /> conveyance ot the PropoAy,shnll succeod to ell Ihe title,power,end duties conlerred upon ttie Trustao In th�s Deed of Trust and by epplicable <br /> lew. This proCedure(or substiiutlon of trustee shall Qovern to the exclus�on ol all olMx provislons la substilution. <br /> - HOTICES TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARYIES. Any�otice under thfs Deed of Trust shaN be In wriHnq,may be sent by tektscslmik(uMess <br /> - � I ., <br /> i <br />