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} � <br /> .r 't�l %d !��� .� �� . . . . .�.• " // 1.�•.. ._`u4Aa�i'��•.. <br /> . . .. . - .i•.w�t. {.�1([�:°.__..---- '�i.. <br /> . <br /> . : ., � . ` � � � � _... <br /> . � <br /> � � ��..Il�.��...........�.... ' �. ° - "'..-� ,w,..�.w..,�R..,. <br /> .. (f+rt . . . .. . . _. .. .. _ <br /> ' (+ '�� i�1��..:i _ <br /> , o..• � .�• � _ <br /> � ; � �2_t7_1� DEED OF TRUST- 98_ 112�11 Pp� 3 __ <br /> ��: �. Lo�n No �44407 (Contlnued) - <br /> ., ;� � �,� ,� ��_�— = <br /> . � � undK tM Ihn. In�ny conlMl,T�wta�h�M cbhnd IbNf�nd L�ndar�nd shall atlsty�ny�dv�n�JudprrNnt bNon�nforam�nl apRlrol tf� = <br /> Propwty.Trwta shaN r�rr�L�ncNr a�n addfdonal obNpN und�r any wrNy bond furnbh�d In►h�conlMt proCMdlnpe. _: <br /> .. � Evld�na of Pym�M. Trusta sFyN upon d�mand hxnlsh to Und�r�tbhctory�Hd�nc�of p�yrr�M ol th�laxw a as�rr�nh�nd th�N _ <br /> . wthaixo the�pproprl�p yovunrtMntd oMidal to deNvsr to LontNr at�ny tlme�writfln at�l�rn�nt of lh�taxet�nd a�eurtNnb�pulMl tM _ <br /> . , � Prop�rly, - <br /> V;1 Notla ol ConNructlon. Trwla sfuq noNy UndK at Nut fiftMr(1b)d�yt bNa��nywork is comrrwncsd,�ny aMVfas u�hxnbh�d,a�ny - <br /> mnterleh ero aupnNetl lo the Pro�»rty, il any mechenb's Ikn, meterlelmen'� IMn,or olher Iien could b� ass�rbd on accounf ol tfw�work, <br /> sKVIoN,or rtuN�rka, Trutta wfll upon nqu�t ol L�nder hxnhh to L�nd�r adwnca Assurancss s�dshctory to Und�r that Trutta can�nd wMl <br /> :;�;,, . Pay tM eott d wch Improvsmmb, ' <br /> � � PROPEATY DAMAQE INSURAIiGl, TM IoNowirp provbloin nkdnp to Insurinp ths Properryan�put of lhb Dwd oi Trutl. <br />` _„�.,.,_ MpNdM►r►c�M InMx�na. Trusta sh�A procun and malnWn paNdes of ik�Intur�na with stRndud�xt�nd�d cowrap��ndo�rt»nb on� <br />� . � rpNio�mmt bafla for tfw fuN Inttx�bM wiw cowrinp ul Improwrn�nla on tM Rwl PropKty in an amount auMcNnt to�vdd WpMqlbn d�ny <br /> y cdnttk�na d�us�,and wlth 1 ttandud mortpRgM ckus�In hvor oi Lend�r,toq�ther with such olhe►hwrd and ArblHty Inttunna�s UnWr <br /> x rt�y rMwnaby nqWn. P�s thW b�wrilti:n In lorm,amounls,covera9as�nd buls nasonebly aocsptabk to L�nd�r�nd bw�d by� <br /> Company or companNs naaonlbly acc�plabN tp Lond�r. Trusta,upon requesl of Lendei,will deliver to LandK hom tlme to tlrtH fM poNcls� <br /> ' ' or ewtifkates of Inelx�na In lam satishctory fo Lender,Includinp sHpulaHons Ihet coverapes wIA not be cancelkd or diminbh�d without d <br /> ', � t fwt f�n(10)d�ys'prlar w�itNn notla to Und�r. Each Inswana policy Wso shW Includr an�ndorsortwnt providirp that cowrapo In twor ol <br /> l.�nd�r wM nol b�Imp�k�d In�ny way by any�at,ornbslon or dNauH of Truata or any cM�r pKwn. ShouW tfN Fiwl PrapKty at�rry tlrtM <br /> � b�com�bcN�d In an arw�dMlprrbd by th�Dk�ctor of ttN F�daal Em�rp�ncy Manp�m�nt Ap�ncy a a t(�d�Aood h�d Mw.7rusta <br /> aprMS to obtUn�nd mrJntnln F�al Flood IraurAnc�for thr fuY unpald prir►c1Wl bWna of tM lo�n,up to IFN modmum pdby MnVI�sM <br />- � :i�. ~ unda tM Nallon�l Fbod Insunno�Proqnm,or a qthawiw nquk�d by L�ndw,�nd to malntaln such Inturana fa tM Mrm of tM lan. <br /> � � AppllcMbn of P►ocNdt, Trustor t1uM prompty notly Lond�r of�ny loss a dameps to Ihe Property. L�nd�r rrwy m�k�proal of Ioq H Trusta <br /> T faib to do so wilhtn Iffl�n(16)daye of tlw ca4ua4y. Wfwthar or not Landvr's sacu�ty h imp�)rad,lender may,at Ih ebcHan,rxNw�nd nt�ln <br /> th�proaais o1 any Iruurnna and apply th�procs�d�to tM roducdon of tFN Indebtednssa,paym�nf of any Il�n aM�cdrp tM Prop�rfy,or iM <br /> " nsta�qan and npak d the�Propaiy. If LsncMr N�cts to�pply tlw proce�ds to reeloratlon and repak,Tnnta�h�N np�k or npl�a tM <br />� danwp�d or destroy�d Improwmmis In a manna e�Uslsdory to Lend�r. Lsnder sIW, upon s�dshctory proof of such�ndNix�,pay a <br />- " reimburs�Truslor hom th� proc�da fa ths rnsonabls cost of npak or rsstor�tlon ff Tru�ta Is not In dehwN und�r Ihl�DMd of Tnnl, Any <br /> •'.::,•,• ."�� proowd�wlwch haw not bMn db6urs�d wflMn 180 d�y��eK 1MIr nat(�t and w1Ach Unda ha�not commlH�d b tM ropalr or n�fonlbn al <br /> tFN PropKty ah�N b�t�d flnl to p�y Yny amount owlnq to Lender under ihb D�ed ot Vusf,then to pay�ccxwd Inbnst,and tM rmwlndK,M <br /> sf; .,;,.-,.,,,,,� , any,�h�N b��pplMd to th�princlWl balana of tM IntMbtadnest. If Lend�r holds�ny proc�ds�Ma'p�yrtwnt In fW of th�Ind�bt�dn�st,tuch <br /> proo»da nh�N b�pdd to Tnnlor�s Trusta't Inbnsb maY�PP�r. <br />-.r:���` lJn�rpk�d In�ur�na M SaN,A�y unsxpind I�swana shall Inun to th�Mr�et of,and pau to,lh�purchaar of th�Propwty cownd by thN <br /> De«i of Trust�I any trutNs's wl�a othsr saN held undsr the provfslons of this D�ed olTrusl,or at ony fonclosun seN of�uch Prop�rty, <br />.�i,'•' ��{�. Compil�ne�wlfh E�dstMp Indrbt�dMN. Ourirp the period In whlch�ny E�dsHnp IntNbtedness describ�d bNow Is U�ff�cl,compll�na wflh <br /> � ' ` tha Insunr►c�provlslorn conWrwd In th�Instrumant avidsnclrp auch Exlsdnq Indat�IWrnss sh�A consdtuu compflarwr wNh tM Ir►surana <br />_^���:'r'�F�` provislon�und�r this Ds�d olTrwt,to th�extant Compll�nco wRh fFw larms of Ihls DNd of T�ust would constltuN a dupMcatbn of Irnurrna <br />..� °��,h��R.� i f�QU1f�IMflt. �f Rny proc»de from i'r�insurarwr uiii;0iiw p«yruw or���,55�i�'i8'yi'uL'�w'vRa�1�=i7�S�'.wC�.^.�TfL."'.Z!.^,:L�:'w.�OR 0!=?lL���t!�M � <br /> '���A ���•� o to th�t portlon ot th� rocwd�not ay�bN lo ths hddar of 11w ExfsN IndebNdrfess. <br />-- ...., . .,, �PPb M' P P ^0 <br /> `--�av�'�r?�. <br /> " 'Y. TAX AND INEURANCE RESERVEI. SubHct to any YmlUdons sst by�plkabl�law,Lsndu rn�y nquke Trustor fo rtµlnt�in wNh I..�nd�r nNrvM <br />_�i�;�.��i''�.� Y P�►ym�nb of t <br />;:�:-�•,��-�r fa paynwnt ol annwl tax�s,asseumenk,and Insurance premlums,wh�h nserws sh�Y b�ueal�d by�dwnce p�yrr�nt or monthl <br /> �-�-•`�--' sum�sUrt�Md by Und�r to b�sulM1cisnl fo produw amounts�t I�ast pwl to th�1WS. �sm.enb,and Usurar►q pnmlurru to b�pald. TM <br /> w_ .r:�,��. <br /> =�•r'�. ...t�� ra�w lunde sh�N b� hMd by I.�nd�a a p�nwal d�paFt hom Truator,whbh L�nd�r m�y s�ds}y by paY�nt ot th�tax�,aa�am�nb,and <br />-��" insurana pnmlurm nqulnd to W pald by Trwtor a tMy b�coms dw. Under sh�N haw tM rfpht to dn�w upon th�r�vr funds lo p�y such <br /> .'�+� ftsms,�nd L�th�N not t»nqulnd to dN�rmirw tM wMdity or aocuncy of any INm b�fon paylrp II. NotNnp In th�DNd ol Tnxt� b� <br /> �;a <br />=_'-�'-�;�.r� <br />_��.�,,�,, conskwd as rpulrMp UnWr to�dvano�otMr monNs fa�uch purpo�,�nd LsnrMr slul not Incur�ny II�bAlty fa�nylhlrp R may do a amlf lo <br />- ,,� do wHh r�,i to 1M r�w�xount. SubJ�ct to any Nmit�dons e�t by appNc�bN law,N tM raa�rw huxfs dhclos��shahp�or dMcMrw;y,Trusta <br /> _-?�';...'��'_.":'�.. sh�N p�y such shata�a dslldx+cy as nquk�d by Lender. AN �mounls In tM nsenr aecount an h�r�by pl�dp�d to furtMr Ncun tM <br /> Intrubt�dn�a,and LsndK la henhy �ulhorixrd to wNhdnw and�pply such tmounb on thw Indsbledr�upon fM oocun�na ol�n Ewnt of <br />-�."'f"`�:'�`�' Dehult. l�nd�r sh�N not b�nquk�d to p�y�ny Intenat or wrnirps on tM n�rw funds uri�as r�qulnd by 4lw a�prNd to by I.�nd�r In w�1Urq, <br />-�";L+�'+° LendM doM not hdd th�r�s�rvr lunds In hust for Trustor,and L�n Wr b not Trustor'��Q�ni for payrrMnt ol iF»hx�s and arsM�m�nb nquYW to <br /> _-__�`�-'��„"� b�p�ld by 7ruttor. <br /> -__.m„�--�� <br /> --�•�._,__'"R'+�n��' EXPENDITUHES dY LENDER. II Treista hlis to compy wlth�ny provfslon of!hh D�sd of Tnnt,Includlrp �ny oblipatlon lo malnWn E�tlrq <br />_:,'�i::�`;� Indebt�dna�In yood standinq as nqulnd bNo►�,or M any�ctlon or procMAlrq Is comrtwnad Ihat would mal�ri�Ny afhot L�ncMfs InUnsb In tM <br /> _-_.x.�.�,�� Prop�rty,L�ndK on Tnntore b�MM rrwy,but thaN not b�nqWnd to,fak��ny actlon th�l Lend�r dMrta�ppropri�t�. Any amount lh�t Und�r <br /> r-��n-�• ^^- e�nd�In to ddrp wiM b�u InMnst d 1M nt�provld�d fa In tM Nota hom th�d�to Incurnd or pOd by L.�nd�r to tl»dal�of ►paym�nt by <br /> ��i�}''�, Trusta. AN euch�qwra�s,at LoM�r'=opNOn,wlll (a)b�p�yabN on d�rn�nd, (b)W�dWd to th�b�l�rx�ol fFM Nob�nd b�1�ppoAlor»d�morq <br />-.fc '•.�, ; , <br />.t,�`• •.�'` and bo p�y�bk wfth any Imt�Mm�nt paym�nt�to b�com�dus durinp MtMr (q tlw t�rm of��ry apPlk,abl�insunna poNcyr or (N)th�nrtwinirp t�m <br /> � �?�:�` � of th� NoM,a (c)b�h�at�d as� b�Noon paymsnt wF�ch wiu b�ds�and payabM at tM Nol�'s matudty. TMi DNd W Truot atso wiN wcun <br /> �� payrrNnt of th�amounb. Ths rqhts provld�d for In Ihfs panpnph tlutl ba in addiNon to�ny olhK�iphts or�ny romsdNs!o whkh L�ndK may b� <br /> "�';,�t� ontltl�d on�aount ot tM dehWt.Any euch�odon by Lendsr shaN not b�constru�d u curNp th�dN�ult so a to bu Landa kom any nm�dy thd <br /> - =w� It otherwis�would havs had. <br /> � -�"�' WARRANTY;DEFENE�OF TI77.E, TM fdlowlnq provislons nlaBrp to ow►Nrshlp of tM Props�ly an a part of thb D»d of Trust. <br /> ��-�,,.,--_,.�� <br />_; 7.-'"':.": TItN. Trusta wunnb that: (�)Trustor hdds pood and mukNabl�tlfM of r�cad to Ih� Prop�rty In fN simpN,irw and cMu of dl INn��rxi <br /> -�+.+T�.:: . : <br />--- encumbnnca otMr lhan tho�sel fath In ths R�al Prop�rly daecripflon a In the Existlnp Ind�bbtfn�tt�cUOn bNow or In iny UN�Iruurana <br /><<.��.t"'"�'`;�'', , policy,tlIN nport,a flnal tltt�opinion issu�d In hva of,and�Captsd by,L�ndK In cauiectlon with thh Ds�d o}Trust,�nd (b)Trustor has th� <br /> .. full dpht,power,and nuthoritylo execufe�nd dellvsr thfs Dsed of Tru�t to Lender. <br /> D�Nna�of TItN. SubJ�ct to lhe exception In the panyraph above,Trustor werr�nis and wul forewr deknd the title to the Property�pelnst the <br /> lawful c41ms ol�II pesons. In ttN ovsnt�ny�cdon or procs�dinp Is commsnced th�t questlons Trustor'e titb or the Intarest of Trust�e or <br /> L�ndK uncNr Ihb OMd of Trutt,Trustor�IwN d�Nnd th�acdon at Trustor'e ezpans�. Tmsta may be tha nnminal puty In such procMWrp,but <br />;. ' Lond�r thall be �nNtNd to puHclp�t�In ths procwsdlnp�nd to ba ropras�ntsd In tM procsedlnfl by counsN of Lsndera own chda,and - <br /> Trusto�wNl d�Nver,or cau�lo b�dNiwnd,to Under such Insuurt�nb�s Lend�r mayrsqu�st kom drn�to drtw to pemlt such puUdp�tlon. _ <br /> • �` CompNr►c�With Law�. Trustor wamnh tFul tl»PropKty�nd Trustor'a us�oi tM Proparty compNSS wHh aN exisdnp appNabN lav+i, <br /> , r ordirwnas.�nd npukdons d powrnrr� authorllln. <br /> ;.� D(ISTINQ INDF�TEDNESS. Th�followinp provlslons concerninp e�dstlnp Indebtedrwss(Ihe'Existinp IndW�tedness'�are�put ot this DNd of <br /> , � Trust. <br /> ExlMinp LNn. TM INn of 1Ns DMd of Truat s�curlrp the Indabladnsss may b�wcondary and Intsrior to�n sxbdrp INn. Trusta�nssfy <br /> � •' � ; cow�anls and�proas to p�y,or e1a to tho paymant of,tM ExlsNrp Indobbdness�rsd lo prwant�ny dNault on such Ind�btWnase,�ny dafautt <br /> _ undx tM instruments eWdendnp euch Indebtedness,or�ny dehuR under any securitydxumenb lor such Indabtednv�e. <br /> Da}wlt If thn payment o!any inslrllmenl of pdnclpU or eny Infersst on the Exfsdrp Indebledness Is not rrwd�withln tlw drtw reqWrad by tM <br />_ nob avidsnclnp such IndsbGdness,or should a defwlt occur under tha InsMUm�nt suurirq such Indebtedn�ss ond not be cund dwirp any <br /> applicabw qnce perlod ther�in, than,at Ihe optlon of Le��der,tho Indebtedr�?!!�cund by thls Deed of Trust shall become ImrnedlaMly dw <br /> � ' and paytble,tnd thls Deed otTrust shaA qs In d�hult, <br />- 1ip Mpolflc�lbn. Truator slul nW anfer Into nny aqroarrNnt wlth the hdder ot�ny malqape,deed of trust,or other secudty aQrMm�nl whlch - <br /> " hu prlaity owr lhls Deed olTnnl by whlch flut apn�msnt h modiflod,un�nd�d, axNndW,or renswotl without tho prior wrftt�n conNnt of <br />_ LencNr. Trustor dhall nelther raquest nor accdpt any fulure advancss under eny such sacwity�preement without ihe prior written conssnt of <br /> LendYr. <br /> CONDEMNATIbN, The tollowine provislons reletlnp lo condemnatlon proCeedings ere e pad of Ihis Deed of Trust. <br /> , AppllCtllOn Of Net Prxeedi. II all or eny pert ol tho Proporty is condemned by eminent domnin proceedings or by any prceeedinp or <br /> , purchaH In Neu of condemnHon,Und�r may tl fts olectlon nqWre th�t dl or�ny putlon of the net proceods ot the award be applhd to tM <br /> Ind�btedness or the rsp�lr a rsstastlon of the Property. 1'Fw nel procoeds of tM awud sheH rr�n the�werd dler p�ymenl of�N rMl�n�bq <br />