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. '� . - . �. .v+4 'tro. <br /> - .. ., .r. ...'.. ...,_:... ,•u.w..,�rs......,...�.....+. .� ... . .. . _ _ .. . ... .-. <br /> " �` aQ` 11.i�r�i1,Z Pape 2 <br /> � i < 1z_�y,��e DEED OF 7RUST , <br />_ i '� Lo�n No S44A07 �_�_ lCondnwd) �_�� <br /> ,.. -°�°'�_-�.`---_—�- . - <br /> . �,. Pwrpnal PropKly. TM wads "i�enon�l Nropaty' rr�n�II�q u�� nx�ur«,�nd an.r.rnd.s a p.nonu aoi»M now « = <br /> . � cwn�d by Tnutor��nd now a h�fNr �II�cMd a�flbad lo fM Fiwl PropKty� top�ttwr with eN �os�on�� Wrb��nd �ddNlora to��N �•. <br /> r�Mcwm�nb of, �nd �M subslNuMons fa. �ny ol�uch prap�tyi�nd to{�th�r wNh �N ProcMd� (Indudnp wlthout Nmlt�don aN IrMUr�na <br /> ; " p�ocMCh�nd nfund�ol pnmlurta)kom any�N a o1Mr d►�Posibon of Ih�Pra{HrN, . <br /> � PropKty. TM wad"Prop�rfy'm�anf cdNcdvely ths Aal Prop�rty�nd lM P�nonal PropKty. <br /> �,{ RMI PrOp�rfy. TM words"Red Prop�rlV'rt���h�proP�1Y�Inbr�tb�nd r�phn dMUWad abow In 1M"Conwyanc�11nd 4nn1"s�cdon. <br /> " �` RNNW ppopm�nt�. Th� wad�"RWIV!Docurn�nb' mMn �nd Includ� wHhout Iimlt�llon �N promksory notef, cndlt �prNm�nb, lan � <br /> ayrwrMnb,�nvkonrcNn4u�prMrrNnb�Dwn^ti��s�curib'�G������m°rtpapc'',Joeds of truat,nnd nil olher Inetrumenls,�presrrMnl�and �.,. <br /> . �'�'�� docum�nb,wlwtMr now a hKM1Nr�qnp,�x�out�d In conMCMOn wfth tM Ind�bl�dnas. , --- <br /> ���r F1�nla. Th�wad'fi�nh"m�an��M pr�nl�nd fulun r�nh,r�wnwa,IncorrN,ksua,roydti�s,proAb,and othK b�n�fits dwivad kom Ihe � <br />_ �,• ! T1uN�N1.TFw word"frust�s"rt�ns UNITED NEBRASFU BANK and any subsNtut�a eucasscw trustsh. <br /> ,�t <br /> Trullor.TFw word'Trusla"mNtn�any and�N p�sone rnd�nNtl�e szecutlrq thls DMd of Trust,Includinp without Ilmll�tlon all Trustors na <br /> � above. -- <br /> '�' THlS DEED OF THUBT, INp.1J01MO TFIE A881QN��ENT OF REMTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREBT IN TF�RENTS AND PERS�MAL <br /> �`• PflOF'ERTY,IS GIYEN TO dECURE (1)PAYIMENT OF TFE INDESTF.DNESS AN� (2)PERFORMANCE OF AMY 11N0 Ii11.OOL�GATIONS OF <br /> �i TRUSTOR UNDER TF�NOTE,TFIE RELATED DOCUMENTS.AIiD THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUBT 15(i1VEN AMD ACCEPTED <br /> ' ON TF�FOLLOWINfi TERM8: <br /> of Tr�u tMy b�corrM dw�and th�1l�iMcMy a1nd�n a�HpmMY rr�nn�r P� ma aH of�7ruators oblipadomtunMr M Not�thls DMd of T�t�ind t�M — <br />_M <br /> " Rekl�d�xum�nb. <br /> POSSE6EtON AMp MAINTF,�iAIiCE OF THE PROi'�ATV. T�ucta aprMS lhat Truelor'6 pode�ss%on and us�of tM Prop�rty 6haM b�powrn�d by <br /> thi foilowinp provlslOns: <br /> � pp1N�Npn�nd UM. UnUI iFN occurnnca of an Event o}O�fpult,Trustor may (a)remain in posseas�on and co�trd o1 ths Prop�rty, (b)use, <br /> oprate or mannp�the Property,and (c)cdlect any Rents ham the Property. <br /> � 1. <br /> � Dulr to MMntMn. Trustor sh�ll melntaln tFw Propsrty In tanantabb conditlon and promptly perTOrm a11 repalrs,rep4aments,and rtu n eru�nce <br /> ' n�assuy to proserve Ils v�iue. <br />_ , .,�:•! ��g�qi. TM twma"haz�udous was1�;"har�rdous subsianc�;"disposal,""rNaas�,"�nd"thrwt�n�d rNws�,"as uwd In thts <br /> QMd of Trust,sh�N haw th�surrN m�anirq�a�at foAh in th�Compnh�nsiw Environm�ntal R�spo�ao.ComP�n�atlo^�and U�bNity Act of <br /> • " � 19E0. aa arn�nd�d,42 U.S.C.S�ction 9601,�t sp.('CERCLA'�,11»3up�rfund Amsndrtwnts and Rauthari:aHon Acl of 1898, Pub.L.No. <br />�_ ,' ' gg.46�g�Sp,qA"),th�Hwrdous Md�rkb Tnnspatadon Act,49 U.S.C,S�cdon 1801,�t a�q.,tM R�soura Com�rvaqon�nd Ftaowry Act, <br /> 42 U.S.C.S�cdon 8901,N a�q.,or otMr�ppNc�bN ek►�or f�dKtl laws,ruloe,ar rpul�dons�►dopbd Punuant to�ny ot tM fonpdrp. Th� <br /> � +. ilrms"�rdous watW'�nd"haxudous subs t ar�"�h�q d so Indud�,w�lhout NmHatlon,p�frobum and pMroMum by-�produch a any fr�Clbn <br /> flwwf ind asbata. Trustor npnwnls and wuranb to UncNr that: (a)Durinp thr p�rlod of Trusta'e o�+vnKShIP ot th�Propwly�tl►��has <br />". �,--- ----- h..R r.��w�,�wnTr.Mon,�a��hwtm�nt.dbPaal�reNas�a Ihroat�nsd reNaw of any hazudous wuM or s!,bat�na by�ny <br />-';�;:-.. -- pMtpn On,undK��b0ul Or kOm iFN P�OpMty� (b)Truttor hu no knowwdp�of�or r�asai iu uw�°Jo!��!lh:t�!tt'b�.^.,�!rn�n}w�nrwviously <br /> ?;��'_: dbdowd to and�c�cnowNdp�d by Lond�In wrfdnp, (I)any ua�,p�ner�tlon,rrµnuhctun,stonpo, traetment,dFsposal,rel�asa,a 1hrMNn�d <br />_ .., nlw�s�of any hwrdous wuM or aub�tRna on,und�r,about or hom ths Prop�ty by any p�ior ownera or occtuP��.��y��� to��nd <br /> v��'' ' acluRl a thnNsnW Mdpatlon or clalrra of�ny kind by any p�rson rN�tinp to such maM�rs;and (a)Exc�p <br />-�` �.,. . <br />��;�.'.;'r-• adcnowhdpsd bY l.�ndK In wrtHrp, p) n�fth�r Trutta nor�ny Mn�nt,conhaCta,apant or othK aWhorix�d usK of tM Prop�rty sh�N us�, <br /> pnKaW,rtwnuhctun,stws,fnat,dispoM of,a rNese�any hwrdous w�st�or subsur�on,undar,about or hom 1M Prop�rty��d (II)any <br /> =o= .' such �ctivlty shaN b�conducNd In Compl4�nc�wi�h���PPIkabN fsd�r�l,state,Rnd local lawe,rpukdons�nd adlnancss,IndudUG wllhoul <br /> ^F:«+��.."...$:' <br /> ;�. .. IlmHation thos�I�ws, rpul�Hons,and ordin�nc�s dMCrib�d abow. Trusta auth o ��o dNKmin�C�ompAana of thi Pr'op�rly�h�s <br /> ; '�:� ��:< mOc� such Irapactlor►s and l�ab,at Trusta's�xp�ra�, u l�nda may d�sm�PP p <br />�;;:�. �•. s�cdon of tM DMd o}Trust. Any Insp�ctions a testa mad�tY L�ndor sh�q b�for L�ndws purposss onlY snd sFwY not b�canlrwd to a�M <br /> �ny responsibllity a II�bIAy on ths put ot Londsr to Trustor a to�ny other p«son. TM nprawftatlons and warttndM conhln�d hKMn�n <br /> %"""v'�;��fr buad on Trustor'a du�dAlp�nce In Investiqadnp ihs Prop�rtY for hwrdous w�sb and luaardow�ubsync�s, Tructor Mnby (a)rMras�s�nd <br /> ','�'"' �a. w�ves eny fulure daims apuinst Landx tor Inciemnity or conMbullon In fho�wnt Truator b�corr�IIaW�for d�anup or othar cosb und�r lny <br />�:;:...",�. <br />�..�.�.:..• .` such kws, �nd (b) �yreea to Indsmnlfy�nd hold lurml�ss Lender epalnst any I�nd dl clalms, Irnsss, II�bllitNs, d�ms0es�P�nudss��^ <br /> • -�en'r�..• ` <br /> ze��r�p �ns�s whbh L�n<Mr may dk�cdy or Indirscdy sustsln or suHsr rssWtinp hom a brsach ot thb sacllon ol tls D�sd of Trus or ns a <br />��.i.--„,..._� conWqwna of�ny us�,p�nKalbn,manuhctw�,eta�p�,dispos�l�ral�as�or thrwt�n�d rsl�a al�hwrdaui wasu a eubstana on t1w <br />�:-',,�_--.., propertl�s. Tt� q'ovlelons of this aacUon o} Ihs D»d of Trust, Includinq tM oblk}�Non to Indsmnlfy, �hall wrviw 1M p�y��t of lM <br /> __;:;�f��. Ir�d�btxln�ss and tl»sadshcdon and reconvey�nca of the Ilen ot thla Deed o}Trust and shall not b�aHecbd by Lsnder's�cqulslUon ol any <br /> . InNrsst In the Prop�rty,whsther by fonclosur�a oth�rwis�. <br />-;;r:e z 4`.:�,, <br />-'"t pr�a�n�y portjon p}rtha Pr�opxtyu Without mtia�y irw�nKau��ol tFw forepdnpt Trus olr�will not remove„a yre tf to t y�ntMr party the <br />'--".�.,,+,,,,•, iqht to nmow,any dmb�r,min�rals(Inciudlrp ol and pas),adl,prl�vsl or rock producb wlihout ihs prior w�lfl�n consonl o}L�nd�r. <br /> ��1h;�;l' � diUrtw�ofAS i condidonjo th�romo�I of�ny Improwrn�b,L�n�rt y raquk�Trust hta ma'k��n��np�m�nts�hctory�o�l.�nder to <br /> ._......,�,. ., <br /> �-;_.� <br /> r�plaa cuch ImprovarrNnb wlth Improvsrthnb of at least pual wlua. <br />—���' L1nWr'a Rlyht to EntK. Undsr�nd!ls aQ�nb�nd repra�nt�dwi may�M�r upon Ih�R�I P�op�rfy�t�N rMSOrwbN Hm�s fo�tbnd to <br />��rr��� LMder's Int�nsb and to Insp�ct 1M Propv.ry for purposYS of Trustor's compliu►o�with 1M tarma�nd conditlons d thla D�sd of Trust. <br />�l�p.«. .. <br /> ' .�. • CanpN�r�c�with Gov�rnm�nfM R�qulr�nU. Trustor tluW promptly compiy wlth aU I�wa,adlnanas,and reyu�atlons,now a MrwMr In <br />� �Mct,of�A powmn»nhl�uthaitl�s appNc�bN lo iM us�or occuP�ncY�tM��y. Trustor may contsst In qood hlth any such kw. <br /> adinanos,or ropulaNan�nd wlthhdd compNana durlrp any procaadinp,Inciudlnp app►cPriaN�PP��so lonp a Trustor lus notlA�d LendK <br />� N writlnp prior fo ddrq so and so lonp ae,In I.�nd�r's aoN opinlon,Londars Intsrosh In Ihe Props�iy�n not Jaopudibd. Lender may rsquks <br /> Trusta to post adeqwte securlty or a surely bond,re�son�bly sdisfactory to Lender,to prolect Landars Intx�st. <br /> Duty to ProNct. Trusta�prass nNlher to abandon nor Is�w unatt�nded the Prop�rty. Trustor�hall do all othar�cb,in addltion to thos��cts <br /> g sd forth�bow In thls sxtlon,whbh hom tha cheracter and use of tha Properiy are reesonably necessery to protect and preserve the PropertY• _ <br /> �'� DUE ON 3ALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,et Its optlon,dec�are immediately due and payable all sums secured by thls Daed ot Trust - <br />- � upon Ihe bile o+trflnsfer,without the Lender's pr�or wAtten consent,of ell or eny part of the Real Property,or any inlgrest in ihe Reol Propsrty. A r� <br /> ,' � a Inrd nury~wh�tMr b ouhlpht��d»d�Irat�ll�in�n�ua conk�ct,I�dl ConVa�cth conh�ct for dN�d.INwnhdd�^�t wlth�tKm pnaMr th�n E <br /> i three(3) y�rs,leasa-oPHon contrect,or by s�k,�sslpnmant,or tnnsfar of any banNfclal Intanst In w to any land trusl hddirp tHN to the Real _ <br /> � �• PropKty, a by any other melhod oi conveyanca of Haal Property Intenst. If�ny Truslor Is a corpatUon,Rart^wshlD a HmNed uabNity comp�nY� _ <br /> � � transpr also Includes iny chanpe In ownsrship of mae thnn lwenty-fiw percant(26'%)of the votlnq stodc,putnarahlp Inlaresb or Nmit�d Il�bllfty = <br />� comp�ny Inler ts�a�,the case may be,of Trustor. Howw9r,lhfs optlon shall not be sxerclsed by Lenda if such ex�rCls�Is prohlbN�d by hderal _ <br /> ����ILu . �- <br /> ._.__.___. __—' �6�i�ivj i��av�w..��... '. <br /> = TAXE9 AND LIENS. The followiny provlslons relatlnp to tM Laxes and Ilens on th�Properly ue s pari of this Deed of Trust. _ <br />� P1ym�nt. Tru�ta shall pay when due (and In ell events prior to dellnquenCy)all texes�sPeclal taxes,assessnwnts,charpes(Includlnq water <br /> �nd sewer),Nnes and Imposltions IeNed�981nst or on account of lhu Property,and sha11 pay wFwn due all claims lor wak dona on a for <br /> savicos rendered or materinl furnlshed to lhe Property. Trustor shall malntain the Prope�iy ftee ot ill Ilens havinp p�lorlty over or equal to lhe <br /> - ; Interest of Londer under this Dead of Trust,except fa the Ilen ol taxes end essessmenls not due,excopt fu the exlstinp Indebtedness ralxred <br />_ � lo below,nnd except as othe�wise provided In thls Daed of Trust. <br /> � A10h1 To Cont�sl. Trustor may withhold payment of any lax,assessment,a clalm In connectlon wllh a good}ellh dispute over Ihe obl{pation <br /> � lo pey,so lony as Lenders Interest In the Property b nol Jeopardized. If e Ilen arlses a is filed as e result of nonpayment,Trusla eh�q within <br /> fiAOen(16)days aMer ihe Ilen arises or,N a Ilen Is flled,withln fifleen(16)days efler Trusta has notke ot the tllirq,secure lho dhcharpu of the <br /> fen,w If requested by Lender,deposft wiYh Lender cash or a 6utNCient corporate surety bond or other seCUriry satisfactory to Lender In an <br /> tc , <br /> emount suHiclen►to discharpe the Iien plus any.osts and attorneys'fees�r other cherpes that could accrue as e resull of s toreclosura a Sa�e <br /> ; ' <br /> � <br /> .. _ . _ .. . -' d3rlE��. - - <br /> . . .. _. __ .. _..... _ � --- ...... ._ . . . ... <br />