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� ... .. =r,^ <br /> - _ _ _ _ <br /> 9$_ i�zs92 <br /> B.TRANSFER Ol�'THE PROPERTY OR A B�:NEFICIAI.INTFRF5T 1N BOR�i.OV1►ER — <br /> Unifc�rm�ovenu►t 17 of the Secudty Instrument is amendod ro re�i eis fallows; <br /> 1'nn�ter ot the Property or a BeatAd�l Ypt�1 in Borrower. If el! or any put of the Property o� any <br /> intere�t in it is sold or tnuuferred(or if�beneficl�l intercst in Horrower is eold or tnuwferral+u�l Bo�-►ower ic �x3t <br /> a ru�turel pereon)without I.ender'e prior wrltten consent,Lrnder m�y.�t ite optfon,re4uirG immediue pnyma�t in <br /> full of dl wmE socurod by this Securiry Initrument. However, this option shall not be exerci:ed by [.ender if <br /> exe�cik is prahibited by feder�l law as of the date of�his 5ecuriry Instcument.L.ender deo ahall rat sxercl�e thl� <br /> optlon if: p) Borrower caiueea to be aubmittcd to Lender infomution requirod by Lender to evdwte the intended <br /> trmsferoe�s iP�new loan were being mde to the trsnsferee;and(b)L.�ncler rws°nably determinrs that Lender's <br /> sxudty wlll rwt be imp�iral by the iwn assumption u�d th�t the riek of a breach of nny covecwnt or a�rament in <br /> thi�Security Ir�umenc is�captable to Lander. <br /> To the extrnt pecmitted by applic�bla l�w. l.�nder may chuQe �rason�ble fee u p condition to L,ender'� <br /> conaeat w the lan auumption. Lenda may alao requim the tr+uisferee to si�n an�sumption+�reement that i� <br /> aooejx�ble�u Lender ud tluc obliQua the trsnsferee to kap all the promices and a�roementa mede in the idote <br /> uxl in thls Sowrity Irnttn�ment. Borrower wip continue tc� be obligated under the Note �nd chi� Secudty <br /> Instcument unlaa L,cnd�r relauzs Borrower In writing. <br /> If Lender exercieea the option to rcquin immodiue payment in full, I.ender s1W1 give Borrower notir.e af <br /> axeleration. 'Ibe notia shall provide�pe►iod of not less than 30 days from the date ehe notice i�deJivened or <br /> meiled within which Borr:�wer must pay all sums securai by this Securiry Instrument. If Barrower faile to p�y <br /> ttkse sume prior to tht ezpiration of this period, Lender may invoke sny �emedi�s permfttod by this Security <br /> Instrumont without fucther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> BY SI(iNING BEIAW,Borrower rccepts nnd agrees to the temu and covenants containod in this Adjustable <br /> Rue Ridet. <br /> r L�.Y �iL��fON-/ (StxU (Sul) <br /> � . � -8orrower •t�irro�e� <br /> ��� ($C�) <br /> ^ -Borrower -Borrowor <br /> a <br /> Foem 3111 3l86 <br /> — _ . � <br />,� <br /> :� <br />