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- ...�_..r�_..._��;hr..•.._�.,_..-_. - . .'__ -... <br /> . . .. . ..... . .._... . _ ....._.__ ._ - t <br /> . . . �. 98-a�s�s2 <br /> • ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 20028353 <br /> p Yar Trcit�ury Index•R�te i:�p�i — <br /> . <br /> 18TH �Q �f DE�EMaER <br /> 199$HIS AD]U5'I'ABI.F RA1'E RI�ECt i5 madc thls Y ' <br /> .rnd is incorporated into ara! shol! be damed to umerxl arxi nupplen�euc ilie hiortgagc, DeeJ of <br /> TruEt ar Security Deal(thc"Sec:uiity Instrument")of the samc date given by the undersignad (�hc "�rrc�wer")to <br /> t�iure�e�or�o�vc 's Ad�j��teble Rate I�4te(tt�"Nc�te" to <br /> Eq� ta�i� � l�i�� � ott A��oef� �o� o On� [�I��d, M�br��t�, A ��lu�l 1��i�i�la�l <br /> (the"Lender')of the same date arw covering the properly described in tiu Security Instrunxnt and locatal et: <br /> 2422 VP LAMAR (3[tAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68803 <br /> (Pmpeny Addrcss� <br /> THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVI&IONS ALLOWIIdO FOR CHANQES !N THE INTEREST <br /> RA7'E AND THE MON'fHLY PAYMENT. THE N01'E LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE <br /> BOAROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANQE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE <br /> Il"AXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> ADDITIONAL COVFNANTS. In acidition to the covenunts and agreenxnts nuidc in ihe Steurity lnstrument, <br /> Borcower and L.ender funher covenant und agra as follows: <br /> A,INTERE,ST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> The Note provides for an initial Interest �ate of 6. 3 7 S �'o.The Note provides for chanqes in <br /> the intcrest rate and the monthly payments,as follows: <br /> 4.INTERFST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> fAl c:h.nste Daces 3.r���ny ?ncs4 <br /> The inter�st ratc I will pay may change on the first day�f ^' , .a�xi u��uwi <br /> day every 12th month thereafter. Fach date an which my interest rate could change is culled a"Change D�te." <br /> (B)The Index <br /> Beginning with the first Change Date,my inttrest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the wakly <br /> avet�age yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 yar. as made avail�ble by <br /> the Federel Reserve Board.The most rocrnt Index Cgure available as of the date 45 days beforo esch Chxnge Dete <br /> is calltd the "Current Index." <br /> If the lndex is no longer available, the Nde Holder will choase a new index which is basod upon comparab�e <br /> information. 'I7ie Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br /> (C)C�Icuytiou o[Chw�qes <br /> Hefon eacn Change Date,the No1e Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding ���o�Cunent <br /> �p percentege point(s)( 2•� <br /> Index. Thc Nae Halder will then round the result of this addition to the neerGCt one-eighth of one perantage <br /> point(0.125%). Subjoct to thc limits statai in Stxtion 4(D)betow, this eounded amount will be my new interest <br /> rate until the next Change Date. <br /> The Note Holder will then determicu the amount of the monthly paymer.t that would be sufficient to npay the <br /> unpaid grinc:ipal that I am ezpectod to owe at the Change Date in full on the Marority D�te at my new interest tate <br /> in substantially equal payments.Tha result uf this catculation will be the new amount of my monthly paymaie. <br /> (D)I.Imits on Interest Rate Changas <br /> The intertst rate I am requiral to pay ut the first Changc Date will not be greater than 8.375 `1� <br /> or less than 4.3 7 5 9b.Thcreafter,my intercst rate will never be incrosai or dacra.sed on <br /> any single Charege Date by more than two pe��centage points(2.0%)from the rate of imerest I t�wve ban paying <br /> for the prcceding twelve months. My interest rate will never be greater than 11.3 75 `�• <br /> My interest ra�te will never be lower than 4.375�G. <br /> (E) Effective D�te of Ctui�es <br /> M} new interest rate will be�:ome effective on each Change Date.I will pay the ama+.nt of my txw monthlY <br /> payment beginning on the first monthly payment clate after the Cliange Date until the amount of my monthly <br /> payment changes again. <br /> (F� Nutia oi Changes <br /> The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of any changes in my interest r�te and the a�iwunt of my <br /> ���.. �_ <br /> monthly payment before the effective date af:uiy change. The not►ce wiii inciude in;om��io����y����..�� ,o�:� <br />-- be given me and also the tide and telephone number of a person whu will answer any question ( may have <br /> ;. regarding the notice. <br /> � <br /> _;, <br />,_� MULTISTATE aDJUSTABLE RATE RIDER -ARM 6-2•Single Farnily- iMx�Ma�IFr�ddie Mac Udtwm M►ttrun+�+t <br /> _ iForm 3711 31f6 <br />'f 97 <br />��._�� �-82��4JU�1 VMP MOHTGAGE FORMS�IBC01521�7191 � P�MtM m McrclW�p�r <br /> � <br />