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��14��445 <br /> required by RESFA, and B�rrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de�ciency in <br /> accordance w�th RESPA, but �n no more than 1�mon�hly paymen�s. <br /> Upon payment in fu�I of all su�ns se�ured by this S��uri�y Instrument, Lender shall proxr�ptly refund t� <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by L�nder. � <br /> 4. Charges: Liens. Barr�wer shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, �nes, and�mpositions a�tributa�le tn <br /> the Proger�y wh�ch can a��a�n pri�ri�y over th�s Securi�y Instrum�nt, Ieasehold paymen�s or�round rents on <br /> the Property, �f any, and Commun��y Assoc�atzon I3ues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To�he extent that <br /> thes��tems are Escrow ��ems, Borr�wer shall pay th�m xn the manner prov�ded in Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borrower shali pramptl�discharge any lien which ha�priority o��r�his S�curity Instrument unless <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in wr�ting t�the pa�ment af the ab��gation secured�y the lien�n a manner acceptab�e <br /> t� Lender, but�n�y so�ong as B�rro�ver�s performzng such a�r�ement; ��} contes�s the�xen�n goad fa�th by, <br /> or defends agains�enfarcem�nt�f the�ien in, legal proceed�ngs w�.ich in Lender's op�n�an operate�o prevent <br /> the enf�r�ement af�he lien whil�thase prac��dings are pending, bu��n��un�i� such praceedings are <br /> conclud�d; or�c} secures from the ho�der of the��en an agreem�n�satisfact�ry�� Lender subard�na��ng the <br /> lien ta this Secur�ty�n�trurn.ent. �f Lender detern-�znes�ha�any par�af the Prnper�y �s subj�ct ta a l�en which <br /> can attain pr�ori�y aver this SeCurit��nstrument, Lender may g�ve Bflrr�wer a natice iden�ifying the�i�n. <br /> �Vithin ��day�of�he da�e on which that natice is given, Borrawer shall satisfy the�ien ar take ane�r more <br /> nf the aC�ions s��f�r�h ab�ve in this Section 4. <br /> Lender rnay requ�r�Barrav�er to pa�a on�-t�me charge for a rea� estate tax ver�f�catx�n andl�r r�p�r�izag <br /> service used by Lend�r in cannectzon vvith this Loan. <br /> 5. Prvpe�rty lnsurance. Borrower shai� keep the improv�ments naw�xist�ng or h�r�af�er�rec�ed on th� <br /> Praperty insur�d against�ass by f�r�, hazards inGiuded wi�hin the term "�xtende��o�erage," and any ather <br /> hazards �n��ud�ng, but not limited to, �ar�hquakes arid floods, far v�hich Lend�r r�quzres in�urance. This <br /> insurance sh�all b�ma�ntaxned �n the amounts ��nc�ud�ng d�duc�xb�e���el�} and far the peri�ds��iat L�nder <br /> requires. �hat Lender requir��pursuan�to the pr�c�ding sentences can change during the term of the Lflan. <br /> The insurance carrier praviding the insurance shal�be chosen b�Barrower sub�ect to Lender�s right�a <br /> disappr�ve Borrower's chaice, which right shall not be exercised unreasanably. L.ender may r�quire <br /> Borro�ver�o pay, in Gonnection with this L�an, either: �a} a one-time charge f�r flood zon�determina��on, <br /> cer���ca��on and tracking ser�ices; ar�b} a one-�ime Charge for f�ood zone deter�minat��n and cer��f�ca�ion <br /> services and subsequent charg�s each t��m.e remapp�n�s or s�mi�ar changes occur whzch reasona�Iy m�.g�at <br /> affect su�h det�rmina�ion or cert�f�cati�n. Barr�wer shal� axso be responsib�e for the pa�ment of any f�es <br /> �mposed by�h�Federai Emergen�y Manag�men�Agency �n corzn�tion v�ith the review af any flo�d z�ne <br /> de�erm�na�ion re�u�ting from an ab��ct�on b�Barrawer. <br /> �f Borrower fa�ls�o main�ain any�f the c�verages described abnve, L.ender may obtain insurance c�verage, <br /> a�Lender's op�z�n and Barro�ver's e�.pense. Lender�s under�o ob�zgat�on to purcha�e any p�icular t�pe or <br /> amount�f�average. Ther�fore, such co�erage shall cover L�nder, but am.�gh�ar might not pr��ect Barrow�r, <br /> B�rrower's equ�ty in�he Praper��, or the�ont�n�s of�he Property, aga�nst any risk, hazard�r��ab�lity and <br /> m�igh�prav�de gr�a��r�r��sser co�erage than was pre�iaus�y in eff�ct. B�rr�wer ackr�ow�edg�s��at the�ost <br /> of�he insurance c�verage so ob�a�ned m.ight sign��can��y exceed the cast af�nsuranc�that Borr�v�er cau�d <br /> ha�e obtained. Any amoun�s dishursed by L�ender under�h�s�ec�ion 5 sha�l �ec�me additiona� debt of <br /> Barrower secured by�his Securit��nstrument. These amounts shall bear�nteres�at�he No�e rat�from the <br /> da�e of disbursement and shall be pa�able, with such interes�, upan notice from Lender ta Borrflwer <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 34�$�1a1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEy t13Q�y <br /> Wfllters Kiuwer Finar�cial Ser�ices Page B of 17 <br />