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��14��445 <br /> B�RRD'U�ER C�VENANTS tha�Borrotiver is la�vfull� seised of the estate hereby conv�yed and has the right t� <br /> gran�and convey the Property and that�he Pr�p�rty is unencumbered, e��ep� far encumbrances�f record. <br /> Borra�er warrar�ts an��nr��� defend generally the ti�Ie to the Prop�r�y against all Giaims and demands, subject t� <br /> any encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> TH�S�ECURI'TY INSTRUMENT comb�nes un�f�rm cav�nants f�r na�iona� us�and n�n-un�farm co��nants wi�h <br /> ��mi�ed var�at��ns by jurisdict�on to con�titute a un�form s��urity �nstrumen�ca�er�ng rea�prop�rty. <br /> Uniform ��v�nants. B�rr�w�r and Lender covenan�and agree as fa��aws; <br /> 'f. Payment of P�in�ipat, �nterest, Escrow �tems, Prepayment �harges, and Lat� �harges, Borra�ver <br /> sha�i pay when due the principal of, and�nteres�on, the debt evidenced by the Na�e and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the N��e. Borrower sha�� a�so pay funds for Escrow �tems pursuant to <br /> S�cti�n 3. Payments due under�h�Not�an�.this Security Instrum�nt shal�be mad��n U.S. currency. <br /> Hawe�er, if any ch��k�r o�her�nstrumtn�received by L�nd�r as payment under the Note or�his Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�is re�urned to Lender unpa�d, L�nder may requ�r�that any or all subse�uent payments due under <br /> the Not�and this Securi���ns�rument�e mad��n ane ar mare flf�he f�l�owzng fornis, as s��ected by Lender: <br /> �a) �ash; ��b}money�rder; �e} eert�fied check, bank�heck, treasur�r's cheGk ar cashi�r's check, prov�ded ar�.y <br /> such check is drawn upon an institution whase deposits are insured by a federal agency, �ns�rumen�ali�y, flr <br /> entit�; or�d} E�ectronzc Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts are deemed r�c�ived by Lender v�►�hen received at�he�ocat�on d�s�gnated�n the Nate or at such <br /> other�aca�ion as may be designated by Lender in accordance wi�h the na��ce pr��ris�ans in Sect�on �S. <br /> L�nd�r may return any payment or par�ia�payment if the pa�ment or par�ia�pay�nents are insuf�c�ent t� <br /> br�ng the Loan current. Lender may acGep�any payment�r partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> curre�t, wi�hout wa��er af any r�ghts hereunder or pre�ud�ce to its rights to refus�suCh payment ar partia� <br /> paym�n�s in�he future, but Lender�s n��ob���ated ta app�y such paym�nts at th�t�me such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Perz�di� Paym�nt�s app��ed as of�ts scheduled due date, then Lender need nat pay in�eres� <br /> �n unapp��ed fund�, Lender may hold su�h unappl�ed fund�un�il Borr�wer ma.�es paym�nts to brzn��he <br /> Loan current. �f Bnrrov�er does not da sa wi�hin a reasonab�e period of time, L�nd�r sha�� eith�r apply such <br /> funds or return them to Barr�wer. Zf not appl�ed earl�er, �u�h funds will be appiied to�he�ut�tanding <br /> prin�ipa�balance under the Nate�mxn���a�ely pr��r t� forec�osure. N�offs��or��aim wh�ch B�rr�wer might <br /> have nov� �r in the future against Lender sha�� rel�e�e Borr��er fram mak�ng paymen�s due under�he Note <br /> and thxs Secur�ty Instrument or p�rforming the�ovenan�s and agreenr�en�s secured by�his Securi�y <br /> Instrument. <br /> �. Applicatian vf Payments vr Pr�ceeds. Ex��pt as a�h�rwis�described in�hi� Se��ian�, all paymen�s <br /> a�c�pted and applied by Lender sha���e app��ed�n�he f���owzng ard�r�f priar�ty: �a} �nterest du�under the <br /> Nn�e; �b}principal due under the Note; �c} a�moun�s due under Sect�on 3. Such payments�ha��b�app�ied�o <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order in�hich �t became due. Any r�n�.ain�ng amoun�s 5ha11 be app��ed f�rst�o <br /> Iate charges, second�o any other amaunts due under this Se�urity Ins�rument, and�hen to reduce�he <br /> prin�ipal bal.ance of the Note. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment from Barro�ver for a delinquent Perzad�c Paymen�wh�ch �nc�ud�s a suff�cien� <br /> amoun��o pay any late�harge du�, the payment may be app�ied ta the delinquent payment and�he la�� <br /> charge. �f more than�ne Periodic Payment is outstar�ding, L�nder may app�y any payment received from <br /> Barrfl�ver to the repayment of the P�rifldic Payments if, and�o the extent tha�, each paym�n�Gan be paid�n <br /> fu��. To the ext�nt that an�r excess e�ists af�er the payment is applied tn the ful�payment nf one or more <br /> Period�c Paymtnts, su�h excess may be app�ied to any �ate char�es due. V��un�ary prepayrn�en�s sha�l b� <br /> applied fxrst ta any pr�paym�nt char�es and then as des�ribed�n the N��e. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-�annie MaelFr�ddi�Mac 11N#�ORM iNSTRUM�NT Forrrf 3D�8 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE���3D�� <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financial Ser�i�e$ Page 4 vf 17 <br />