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If Bottower fails co perform the covenants and agreemencs - <br /> cont�ined in thi�Security lnetrument, or then is a legal proceecling that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the <br /> Property (such ae a procading in bank►uplcy, probate, ior condemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or <br /> rcgulations), then L.cader may do ancl pay for whatever is ne,cessary to pmtect the value of the Property and Lender's <br /> rlghts in the Property, l.ender's acttons may Inciude paying any sums secured by a lten which has priority over this <br /> Security Inatrument, appearin� in court, p4ying reuonAhlG attomeys' fees and entertng on the Property to make repairs. <br /> Although Lcnd�r may take xction under this pazagraph 7,I..ender docs not have to do so. � <br /> Any unounts diebursed by Lender under thts puagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower sa:urcd by tbis <br /> Security Instcument, Unless Porrower and l.ender agree to other tern�s of payrrrnt, thrse amounts shall bear interest <br /> frocn the date nf dlabursement at thc Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from I�nder to <br /> Bonower requesting paymtnt. <br /> 8. Mortg�e lnsuraooe• 1PLender required mortgage insurance as u condltion of making tlie loan secured by this <br /> Security Instrument, Rorrower shall pay the premlums required to maintain the mortgage ins�uancc in effect. If,for <br />- any reason, the mortgage insu�ance coverage required by l,ender lapses or ceases [o be in effect, Dorrower shall pay <br />_ the pren�lums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage lnsurance previnusly in effect,at <br /> a cost subsRantlally equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage lnsurance previously in effect,from an alternate <br /> mortgage insunr approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covcraqe is not availablc, <br /> Borrower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeazly mortgage insurance premium being <br /> paid by Bonower when the insurance wvenge lapsed or ceased to be in effxt. I.ender will accept, use snd retxin <br /> these paymenty as a loss tescivc in li�u of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be requirecl, at <br /> the option of l.cnder, if rnoRgAge insurance wverage(in the amount and for the period that I.ender requfres) provided <br /> by en insurer approved by I.endcr again becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the premiums required <br /> to maiutein cnorcgage insurana in effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortg�ge insurance <br /> ends in accordance with anY written agnernrnt between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. <br /> g, In�poction. Lender or its agent may uvike reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, L.ender <br /> shall glve Borrow+er notia at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for tl�e inspectlon. <br /> �p, Coodpm�tion, '!he procoeds of any awerd or claim for dan�ages,direct or consequential, in wnnection with <br /> any condemnation or ather taking of any part of the Property, or for wnveyance in lieu of conclemnation. are hereby <br /> useigned and shall be paid to Lende.r. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property� the proceeds shall be applied to the sums ser.ured by thi� Sei:ucity <br /> Insinu�w«i, whctl�cr or nc: :l::n �se. �!�!h any excess paid to Borrower. ln the event of a parcial takln8 of the Property <br /> in which the fair market value of the Prolxny immediately before the taking is�equal to or greater thm �ne u��wuut <br /> of the sums secured by this Saurity Instnimnt immediately before the taking,unless Bonower and Lendes otherwise <br /> agra in writing, the sums sxured by thia Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds <br /> multipli�d by the following fr�ction: (a) tlu total amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking,divided <br /> by(b) the fair market value of the Property irnmedlately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partial teking of the Property ln which the fair market value of thc Pruperty imn►edluely before the <br /> taking le less than che amount of [he sums secured immediately before th P taking, unless ��o'� to the sums <br /> otherwise agrx in writing or unless applicable law utherwise provides, the rocceds shall be app ' <br /> secured by this Security [astnunent whetY�er or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is aband�ned by Borrower. or if,after notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor offero ta <br /> make an awArd to settle a clwn for darnages. Borrower fails to respoi►d to Lender within 30 days after the date the <br /> notice Is given,I.ender is authorized to wllect and apply the, at its option, either to restoration or repair of <br /> the Property or to the sums secured by tt�is 5aurity Instrument, whother or noc then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowex otherwise agree in writtng,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br /> or postpone the dus dats of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 an� 2 or change the amount of such <br /> pAyments. <br /> 11. Botm�ver Not Rele�od; C'o�be�u�ooe BY I.�ader Na • Waiva. Extension of the time or payment or <br /> modiflcatlon of amortization of the sums secureci by thiy Security Instrument gran[ed by L.cnder to any suceessor in <br /> interest of Bonower shall not operate to release the liability of the originel Borrower or Bonower's successors in <br /> interest. Lender shall not be requlred to co�nce proceed'engs against any successor in interest or refuse to extend <br /> - Uti�+ONN[ INSfRU1�1I3I�Tf Porm 302�9I90 <br /> - lI�RASKASin�le F�mlly-PN�[AIPlflJ�C PagC 4 uf B <br /> Dunrnee Sy�tem.Irc.(l001 bIR1�1 <br />-_� <br /> .1 <br />= l <br /> � • . :, v �..:., . t ..--�.�r-�..`�3ya��W�'if;hi�k'nl°1i�:1�'' <br /> .. • ' -�. .,1 + z 3 �`}�.�'� <br /> . . . . •. y�4' 1 ��y !, t - <br /> � • .�,�v,yy��.� 'R�'� �iEY. �2��: nF ��_ __ <br /> _ . .. -_ . :i`�""'fi., 'f� -.7 ^ti t �• �: ��...�1.�;��+Y!Xc� - : <br /> . , . ` <br /> - , � �r� �,,�,�I.�+� <br /> . <br />:_ _. ___.. -------_. --� --__--�-'-----'?-" �"��'�'+�7'-' , --- �c!',±�5� .' y;1�fMi�Ril'Q_t�i�"4 - <br /> - ____ . _._ __._.____.. ___ ._ _-__. . _. __ _. ____.. .-__. _ - - � -.-_ � <br /> _ . -.--- .-� ... ..r - _ _ <br /> � -.. . 71 �.�'��:�"y � ��.,yLr'�, � - �,C,�� .�r ' <br /> � . � � . � ,� . ;aa��"vP'�';� . . �- - -� i ��f�+:� v. �M'?�C- <br /> .t . . � , . � , . . . _ . _ �. <br /> �� ' � . � , , ' ,� '��tf��a <br /> ► �. ..� ;ti. <br />- + - , - . . - .r ' - � ' .. . 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