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�-�c,� .;: •�n,..sp�.�.-�sLp`s,t«.is.�.- � <br /> !.'��-:''.N'M1Ni'nPFY�1�!I�riYa.... <br /> � � ,;,��`(�i�aVLf.MrlIVO_Ji�YL:.��Mlt�CR 1:.�Fa�..��. K:#.;i;-C, L}{."_=�.i_'�__... _. <br /> r •���.. ����Y� _ _ r� -�11'1T' ;s-n�o-'.T � <br /> . � 98- 1�3 <br /> 16.Borrower'e Gopy. Borrowcr shall bc givcn nnc contormed wpy af thc Notc end of this Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> 17.TrArufer of the Propert or A Benefkiai Ialerat in Burrower. If all or uny part of thc Pro�ny or any int,erest in it is � <br /> sold or transferrcd(or i�'a bcnc�clal intcrest in Horcowcr is sold or transfcrrcd and Borrowcr is not a natural per�n)wiihout <br /> Lendcr's prior wriucn consent,Lcndcr may, at its option,requirc immc�diatc payment in full of all sums�ccurcd by this Sec;urity <br /> Inspumcnt. Howevu, this oppon sh�ll not bc cxcrcised by Lcndcr if cxe�cisc is prohibi�cd by fcdcrul law as of tho ciatc of this <br /> Sxurity Instrur��enG <br /> I[I.cndu exercises this oplion,L.cndcr shall givc Borrowcr nodcc oF acccicradan.Thc nod�c shall providc a period oF na less <br /> thAn 30 deya from the datc the nodcc is delivued or mailed wi�hin which Barrowcr must pay ell sums sccurcd by this Sccurity <br /> Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails w pay thcsc sums pria w thc cxpiradon of this period,Lcndcr may invoke any rcmcdics perrnitted <br /> by this Securiry Instrument without furthcr nodcc or demand on Borrowcr. � <br /> 1i.Borrower'e Right to Reinatwte. If Borrower mects ccrtain conditions, Bormwcr,shall have thc right to havc <br /> enforcement of this Sxurity Inspument discontinued at any time priur tc�the earlier of: (a) 5 ciays (or such o�her p�iriud as <br /> applicabk law may spocify for rcinstatcmcnt)bcfore salc of thc Property pursuant to any powcr of salc this Security _ <br /> Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmcnt cnforcing this Sccurity InswmcnG Those condidons arc that Borrowcr:(a)pays I..endu all <br /> sums which then would be due under th�s Securi�y Instrument and the Note as if no aceeleration had occurred;(b) cures any <br /> defeult of any other covenant�s or agreements;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but <br /> not limitetl to,reasonnble auomeys' fccs;an�(d)tflkcs such action as Lcndcr may rcasonably requirc to assurc that thc lien of this <br /> Security Instrument, Lender's rights m �he Pro�xrty and Boaower's obligaaon to pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instiument shall continue unchanged. Upon reins�etement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligauons secured <br /> hueby shall remain fully effective as if no acccleration hed occurred.However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of <br /> accelcration undu paragraph 17. <br /> 19.S�k of Note;Change ot Loun Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrument) may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Borrowcr, A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> es the"L,oan Servicer")that collocts monthly payrnents due undcr the Note and this Securiry Instrumcnt.There also may be one or <br /> morc changcs of the Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Notc, if therc is a change of tho Loan Servicer, Borrower will be _ <br /> given wriuen notice of the change in accordance wi�h paragraph lA above and applicable law.The notice wiU state the name and <br />- addr�ss of the new Loan Serviccr and thc address co wh�ch paymcnts should be made.'Itic notice wiU also contain any other <br /> informaUon required by applicahle ls►w. <br /> 20.Ha�Mous Sabstwnces. Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substnnces on or in Uie Propeny.Borrower shall not do,nar allow anyone else W do,anything affecting the Pmpexty <br />- that is in violatiun of an�Envlronmcntal Law.Thc prcceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc,use,or storage on the <br /> Properiy of small quanuaes of Hezardous Substances lhat are generally recognizcd to ba appropnate to no�mal residc,�►aal <br /> and to ma�nW�ance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall prompdy g�ve L.ender written nodce of any investigpdon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agcncy or private pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envaortmental Law <br /> of whkh Sorrower has uctuel knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is nod�ed by any govcrnmental or regulatory authority,tbet any <br /> removal or other remediadon of tu►y Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly talce all <br /> �rr��carv r�medial acdons in accordance with Envi[o[�mental L.uw. <br /> ,qs used in thLc paragrnph 20, "Hazerdous Substances" ace those substances defined as wxic or iiazardous subsianas by <br /> finvironmental Law and the following subslances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tozic petroleum producLS,toak <br /> pesticidw and herbicides,volaale solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacdve materials. As usai in <br /> this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"mcans federal laws and laws of thc,jurlsdiction where the P:opeRy is locatc.d thsitrelate <br /> to health,safety or environmcntal protecdon. <br /> NQN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and.Lcndcr furthcr covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> 21.Accekr�tion;Remedies.Lender sl�oll g(ve notke to Borrower prior to accekration folbwing Borrawer's bre�ch of <br /> any COYlDAOt o� �greement in this See:urity Instrument (but not prior to accekration under pArxgraph 17 unles� <br /> applk�bk law provides otherwise).The nMke s6�a11 specffy: (A)the default;(b)the actbn required to cure the defanit; (c) <br /> a date,not kss thAn 30 days from the date the notke is given to Borrower,by wBicb the default must be cured; ned (d) <br /> that tailure to cure the defAUlt on or before tt�e date specified in the notice mWy result ia accekrAtion of the sums secured <br /> by t6�Security Iastrument s►nd sak ot the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to rei�atate <br /> aner s�ccekratioo and the right to bring A court Action to Assert the non-exivtence of s�default or aay other de[e�se of <br /> BOI'TOiYtP t0 ACClIEI'A11011 ARfI SAk.If the defauk i�not cured on ur before the dstte specified in t6e notice,Lender,�t ita <br /> uptbn,mpy require immed'wte payment in i'ull o!nll sums secured by thi�Security Instrument without further demaod <br /> and m�r invoke the power of snle ond any other remedks permitted by�pplkable Ixw.Lender shstll be entitled to collect <br /> all expenses incurred in pursufng the remedies provided in thi�paraqraph 21,includinq, but not limited to, reASOnAbk <br /> Attorneys'fees and costs ot titk evidence. <br /> If the powe� of sak �S invoked, Trustee sdall record a notice of detault in each county in whkh aey part of the <br /> Property is located and shAll mail copks of such notke in tFt manner prescribed by wpplicabk Iaw to Borrower wnd to the <br /> other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time reqyired by applicabk law�Trustee shAll give public notke ot <br /> sAk to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicabk law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shal! sell the <br /> Property at public auction to the h(ghest bldder►at the time and place and under the terms designated in tl�e notke of sak <br />— Form�02! �/00 <br />— �j -EH(NE)ce2�x�.o� Pap�6 018 i�itiaic C�_�I'� <br /> --^__-�.T°� - __•--- . --�.---- -.;-, — �;r>+a�y:. . . . � <br /> , ,.i���s , ����_�. .�,� . . ..'"� � � <br /> '•. . . . ��,:. <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> , , . . <br />._ . - ' ' . . a.� ;�•t.�wr=• , .c,... 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