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�i_ { ,��...�..�.�'.��+.'•••^�.��� , . <br /> � "w q s.a.'•a.<.irifsll'+�4 vr...� . � . ..v, . � __ . - �..._ .. <br /> � {�.1��1t�{#�(I�K'�� 1y`,�'i . . _ �t . ., �.Yh��.�.�.' <br /> _ ___ _-- 1}. ___ <br /> ���.����_�� <br /> ��. �- ���r��wrw= �_���� _ -- <br /> � �w��w+•��w+e-..�tr^�"-w-..r��-'_-� _�'____���, <br /> -.� __.__.__._-."N�{r :�'.. .. -� .�^"..._� �............. v. . . . ��. <br /> ._... ... _. .. . . _ . .._... .._.. _ . .. <br /> 98- i12s83 <br /> payments may no longer bc rcquircd,nt�t►c option of Lcndcr,if mortgagc insurancc covcragc(in thc amount:uid far thc pericxl <br /> that Lcndcr ruquires)providcd by an insurcr appr�ved t;y 1-cndcr again bccomcs availublc and is abinincd,aorrowcr shall pay thc <br /> premiums required to maintain mongagc insurar►a in effect, or to providc a loss rescrvc, until thc rcquirement for mortgage _ <br /> insurance cnds in accordance with anY wriuen agreemcnt betwcen Bocrowcr und Lcndcr or applicablc luw. <br /> 9.Iaspectbn. Lcndcr or iGs agcnt may make rcasonublc entrics upon and inspccdons of thc Property. Lcndsr shall giva <br /> Bocrower nodce at the time of or prior to an inspecuon spocifying reusonable cause for the inspecuon. <br /> 10.Condemn�tbn. 'Thc prceccds of any award or claim for damagcs,dircct or canscqucntinl, in connccdon with any <br /> condemnation or other talcing of any part of the Property,or for comcyunce in licu of condemnation,are hereby assigned nnd - <br /> shall be paid tn Lender. licd to thc sums sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt, <br /> In ihe event of a totnl taking of the Property,�he proceecls shall be app' <br /> whethu or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of u partial teking of the Property in which 1he fair market <br /> value of the Propecty immcdiacely bcforc the�alcing is cqual to or 6n�eacer than ihc amount of thc sums secured by this Sxurity <br /> Instrument immediately beforc the taking, unless Bortowcr and L.cndcr otherwisc agrcc in writing, thc sums sccured by this <br />- Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mulpplied by tha following fracdon: (a) 1he total amouat of <br /> thc sums secured immediately beforc thc t�lcing,dividcd by (b)the fair markct value of thc Pcoperty immcdiately before thc <br /> taking.Any balnnce shall be Paid to Borcower.In�hc cvcnt of a partial taking of thc Property in which the fair market value of thc <br /> pcoperty immediately bcfore the taking is less �han Ihc amount of the sums secured immediately beforc the taking, unless <br /> Borrower and I.ender othcrwise aBrec in wriang or unless appliceble law a�hcrwise pravides,the prceeccls shall be applied to thc <br /> sums secured by this Securlty Tnstrument wt►cther or not Ihc sums are thcn due. <br /> If the 1'ropertY is abandoncd by IIarcower, or if, aftea notice by Lcndcr to Borrower that thc condemnor offers to make an <br /> ' award or seule a daim for clamages,Bonower fnils to respond to Lcndcr within 30 days aftcr the date il►e noda is given,I..endet _ <br /> is authorized eo wllect end apply the proceeds, at its opdon,either to restoration nr repair of the Property or w the sums secured <br /> by Ihis Security Ins�ument,whethec or not then due. _ <br /> Unless I.ender end Bonowcr otherwise agree in writing,any application of procceds to principal shall not cxtend or postponc <br /> the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of such payments. <br /> 11,Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Exu:nsion af the time for payment or modification <br /> of amoni•r.ation of the sums securcd bY�1►is Securiry Instrument granted by L,ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not opuace tn release the liability of thc original Boaower or Boaowcr's successors in intcresG Lcndcr shall not be requind to <br /> commence pcoceedings against any succcssor in interest or rcfuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizadon of <br /> the sums secured t�y this Security Inswment by reason of any demand made by the original Boaowcr or Borrower's successors <br /> in intuest.Any forbearnnce by Lcndcr in cxcrcising any right or rcmcdy shall not be a waivcr of or preclude the exGrcise of any <br /> righi or rC+i�y. <br /> 12.Successors And Assigns Bound;Jofnt and Several Liability; Co-signers. 'R�e covenants end agreemcnts of ihu <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and bcnefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Horrower, subject to ihe provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Borcowe�'s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but does not execute�t►e Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> Barrower's intenst in the Propercy under ihc tcrms of this Securlty lnstn�mcnt; (b) is not personalty obligated to pay thc sums <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt und(c)agrces thet I.endcr end any othcr Borrower may agrcc to extend,modify,forbear or <br /> �nake any accommodadons with regard co the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrowu's consenG <br /> 13�Loaa C6arges. If thc loan sccured by lhis Security Instn�ment is subject to a law which sets maxunum loan chacgts, <br /> end lhat law is fuially interpreted so that lhc interest or other loan charges collected or to ba collected in connecdon wiU�the Eoan <br /> ezceed the pem►iuecl limits,then:(a)any such loan charge:shall be reduced by the am�ount nocessary to reduce the chnrge to the <br /> pum�tted lim�t;and(b)any sums already collecred from Sorrower which excecded permi►ted limits will be refunded to Borrowu. <br /> i.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a d'uect payment W <br /> Borrower. If a refuad reduces principal, the re4ucdon will be treated as a partia�prepayment without any prepayment charge <br /> undcr thc Note. <br /> 14.hotkes. Any nodce co Bonowcr providcd for in this Sccurity Instrument shall be given by dclivering it or by mailing it <br /> by first class mail unless applicable luw requires use of another method.'The notice shall be d'aectcd to the Propercy Address or <br /> any otltet address Bortower dc:signates by notice W Lender. Any notice to I.i:nder shall be given by first class mail to I.endu's <br /> a�idress stated herein or any othcr address Lendcr designates by noGc;e to Sorrower. Any noticc provided for in this Security <br /> Instrument shall be daemecl to have becn givcn w Bocrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Lww;Severabiltty. This Sccurity Instrumcnt'shall bc govcmcd by fcderal law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the PropertY is lceated. In Ihe event that any provision or clause of ihis Security Insaument or the Note <br /> — conflicu with applicable lu��v,such contlict shall not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect wilhout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of U�is Security Inswment and the Note are declared to <br /> = be sevcrable. <br /> _ Farm� q�'� <br /> — �•6q(NE)�c2izl.o� rnp•�m e inmeu�.,l�b' <br /> ,� <br /> j� � :.: � . , �� "'_'�' t <br />� . • � . • - <br /> ' . ' � ''1t,. � � `}� '� . . i a l L}.i, <br />:'� . . u . . � .. : ' <br /> �'., , n . . <br />�- ., tZ. �7 �ftrt-�� �- 1.� � -�' � �. <br /> _ ._ � ._. � __.. .� _}lt',�,��_'�.r r� ' • ` 4 .r,• _'. <br />.__.._._'. _.__..___- ..__.. __.___. ...._ _.. . -_:-_ .__._ __'_-.�..-� �..-,�7� _-_T �._ _. .._ .� -,. - <br /> ' <br /> 6 -� -:. _ ." '- • 1 ���r <br /> _Y . , .- �••- <br /> .. �� . <br /> .t i� . ' � . . . .�. .. �h. .. .. - . 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