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<br />_ � prinGpal emount of the Indebtedness aecured by this Deed oi T20,�OOL�OOding sume edWhlcheverps 0 eate e security of thta Deed of �
<br /> Trust,exceed the orlglnal principal emount stated hereln,or S
<br /> � 18.Mis��ll�n�ous Provlslons. �
<br /> � { (a)Sorrow�r Not Rd��s�d.Extenalon of the tlme for payment or modHicapon of emortlzetion of the siams secu�ed by this �,
<br /> � S Deed ot Trust granted by Lender to any successor In Interest ot Borrower shall not operete to release,In any manner,tha Ileblli- �=
<br /> - ; } ty of the origlnel Borrower end Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shell not be required to commence proceedinge �;
<br /> g agalnst such auccessor pr refuse to extend tlme tor payment a otherwise modify amortlzation oi the surns secured by thls
<br /> Deed of'frust by reason of any demands mada by the oripinal Borrower end Borrower's suecassors In Interest. �`'
<br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Without affecting the Ilablilty ot eny ottier person Ilable for the payment of any obiigatlan hereln men•�
<br /> �� tloned,end without effecting the Ilen or charge of this Deed of Trust upon ony portlon ot the Property not then or therototore' �
<br /> ,.,��.�;,;c5t released es secuMty for the fuil amount of all unpaid obligatlone,Lander may,fi•om time to timo and wi'hout notice (q rolQase �-
<br /> • '�� any person so Ilable,(ii)extend the maturity or alter eny of the terms of any such obligetlons, (III)grant other indulgences,(Iv�►
<br /> ,��r release or reconvey,or caus� to be released or reconveyed et any time et Lender's optlan any pancei, portlon or all oi th�
<br /> Property,(v)teke or releaso any other or edditlonal security for eny obligatlon hereln mentloned,or(vi)make compositlons o�
<br /> other errangements wfth debtors In reletion thereto.
<br />� (c)Forbearancs by Lsnder Not a W�ivsr.Any forUearence by Lender In exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth�
<br /> ' ;� erwise eftarded by eppiicabte law,shali not be a waiver ai or preclude the exerclse ot any guch rfght or remedy.The procure�
<br /> ,; ment of insurance or lhe payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a walver or Lenders�ight to eccelers� �,
<br /> - ? ate the maturity oi the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � � (d)Succ�ssora and Assiyns Bound;Joint�nd 8�v�ral Llabil(ty;Captlons.The covenants and epreements hereln con-
<br /> �. teined shail bind, and the rlghta hereunder ehall inure to,the respective successors and assigns af Lender end TNStor.All
<br /> - �, covenanta and agreements of Trustor shell be Jolnt and several.The captlons end haadings oi the peragraphs of this Deed of
<br />" • �, Trust are for convenlence only and are not to be used to Interpret or deflno the provlsions hereoi.
<br /> _ � (e)Rsqu�st for Noticss.The partles hereby request thet e capy of any notice of defauit hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> of sale hereunder be meilod to each party to this Deed of Truat at the address set forth ebove in the manner prescdbed by
<br /> appllceble law.Except far any other notico roqi�ired under appliceble law to be�Iven In another mannar,any notice provided tor �
<br /> 1 in thls Deed of Trust shall be given by malling such notice by certified mall eddressed to the other parties,at the eddress set
<br /> forth ebove.Any notice provided for In this Deed oi Trust shall be eHecdve upon maiting In the manner deslgnated herein. If
<br /> Trustor Is more than nne person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to all such perscr�s.
<br /> (f)Insprction.Lendar may meke or ceuse to be made reasonable entries upon end Inspections of the Property,provided
<br /> ''�• that Lender shall give Trustar notice prlor to eny such Inspection specifying reasonable cause theretor related tn Lender's inter-
<br />- est in the Property.
<br /> (g)Reconvsyance.Upon peyment of all surns secured by thla Deed of Trust,Lender shali requASt Trustee to reconvay the
<br /> Praperty and shall surrender thla Deed of Trust and ail notes evidencing Indebtedness seaured by thls Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee.Trustea shall reconvey the Property, without warranty arsd without charge to the person or persor►s legally enUGed
<br /> thereto.Trustor ehall pay all costs of recordetlon,If eny.
<br /> — � (h) Panonal Property►; S�curity AyrMm�nt.Aa addltional security for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby granta
<br /> Lender under the Nebraske Uniform Commercial Code a security Interest in atl flxtures,equipment,and other personal property
<br /> _____ ��p���rn�nwr_.H�n wlth the real estate or improvements located lhereon,and not otherwise dectared or deemed to be a part of
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.Thls Instrument shall be construed es a Secudty Agreement under seia c:otle,and the Lerxier
<br /> •� shail have elI the rights and remodles of a secured party under sald Cade in eddition to the�Ights and remedles created under
<br /> end accorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of Truat;provlded thet Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall
<br />- .. be cumulative with,and in no way a IlmitAtian on,Lenders rlghts and remedles under any other security egreement signed by
<br /> �: . Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> " (I)Llens�nd Encumbrancas.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no defdult under the provisions of any _
<br />� mortgago,deed of trust, lease or purchase contract descri4ing ell or any part oi the Property,or other contrect,instrument or
<br /> agreement constituting e Iien or encumbrance against ell or any part of the Property(coflectively,'Llens'),existing es of the
<br /> . date of this Qeed ot Trust,and that any and all oxisting Liens romain unmodifled except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ-
<br />_ ten dlsclosure oi Iiens and encumbrances provlded for hereln. Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustor's obligations,
<br />_ covenents,representetlona and warrantios under eny and all existing and future Uens,shali promptly faward to Lender cop(es
<br /> ' of all notices of default sent In connection with zny and all exisUng or future Llen�,end shell not wlthout Lender's prior written
<br /> consant in eny manner modify the provisions of or ellow any future advences under any existing or future Ilens.
<br /> � Q)Applicatlon of Paym�nb.Unless otherwlae requlred by lew,aums paid to Lender hereunder,Inciuding without Ilmttetlon
<br /> � � payments of principal and Interest, fnsurance proceeds, condemnetlon proceeda and rents end proflts, shall be epplied by
<br />. ' . Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borcower in such order as Lender in Its sale discretlon deems desir-
<br /> eble.
<br /> ' . (k)8�ve►abllity.If any provlslon of this Deed of Trust conflicts with epplicabla lew or Is declered invalid or othorwise unen-
<br /> � forceabte,such contlfct or Invalidity shall not aNect the other provlslons of thls Deed of Truat or the Note which can be given
<br /> . . effect wlthout the wnflicting provlsion,and to this end the provlsions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be sev-
<br /> �. ' • erable.
<br /> �, ' (I)T�rma.The terms"Trusto�'and"Borrowe�'shall include both singular end plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower are
<br /> � -, •• the seme person(s),those terms as used In this Deed of Trust shell be Interchangeable.
<br /> • � ...' (m)Govarnin�Law.This Deed of Trust shall be flovemed by the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> . • ' �:'
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> 1�,.
<br /> i
<br /> l'rustor has executed this Deed of Trust as of the date written above.
<br /> �.�.�-� a �•'��
<br />_ __ _ � �EDWARD A. FARRELL) Trustor ORRAI D. FARRE L Trustor
<br /> - -_ _ l
<br /> �
<br /> � Trustor Trustor
<br /> i
<br /> . ,
<br /> I ` I
<br /> � I
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<br /> I I
<br /> , �
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