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. -� �� <br /> "''� � .. --. <br /> .....��i` '4 � � �...,... .. ... . . _. ...:.,"� ,,,_,'J_ __ <br /> ' � �. ' _—_ <br /> � , 'Procaeds')In connectlon with condemnatlon or othr.r taking of the Property or part thereoi,or tor conveyance in lieu af condemnation. .�tL===� <br /> ,.�,�,� <br /> � Lendor shall be enNtled at its optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In Its own neme any acUon or procaedings,and shell also J�:;.;�y__- <br /> be 9ntltled to make any compromise or settlement In connectlon with such teking or damage. In the event any portion al the Pr�perty is �' <br /> so taken or damaged,Lender shell heve the optlon In Its sole end obsoluto discredon, to apply all such procf,eds, after deducUng -,�.�.° <br /> therefrom ail costs and expensos Incurred by it in connectlon with such Proceeds, upon any indebtedness securetl hereby and in sucf�p � <br /> � order as LAncler may determine,or to apply all euch Proceeds,efter such deducqons,to the restoretlon of the Property upon such con-� '� - -�.�_- <br /> ditlons as Lander may determine.Any appllcatlon ot Proceeds to Indobtednesa shell not axtend or po�tpone the due datA oi any pay� <br /> ments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shall be paid to Trustor. ',,.��r,h�-= <br /> 8. Performance by Lender.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder, or if any act is takenar legal proceedin� 'r.��r�,�, <br /> commenced which materialty affects Lender's Interest In the Property,Lender may in its own discretion,but vrithoul obligatlon ta do so • �� •�°' "-' <br /> • �� � and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without releasing Truator from any obilgation,do any act which Trustor has agree� -�-�-`���-����� <br /> ,,,,; ; but failed to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Trustor shall,irnmediately upo� �''r"`�--=- <br /> �...., �x_;�o;__-- <br /> N. „*, ti demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender ali costs and expenses fncurred and sums expended by Lender in connection wilh the exer� _ <br /> clse by Lender of the foregoing dghts,together with interest thereon et the deteutt rate provided in the Note,whkh shail be addod to �� <br /> the indebtednass secured hereb .Lender shall not Incur an Ilabll(t because of an hln It ma do or omit to do hereunder. ��'=�� <br /> Y Y Y Y� 8 Y �c�.�.-,.. <br /> 9. Huardous Mate�lals.Trustor shail keep the Property In compliance with all appllcable laws, ordinances and regulatlons <br />