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��14��377 <br /> sen�ences shall no�apply to the presence, use, or s��rage nn th�Praper�y of small quantities of Hazardous <br /> �u�stances t�at are genera��y recagnizec��o�e appropr�a�e�a normal re�id�n�ia�uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Property�including, bu�not�im�i�ed to, hazardous substanc�s�n�onsu.mer products�. <br /> Borr�vver shal��y ���re Lender wr��te�.nnt��e of�a} any i�ves��ga��a�., c�axm, d��.d, lawsui�ar other <br /> act�on by any governrnenCa�or regu�a�ary agency or pri�ate party�nvol�zng�he Proper�y a.n.d any Ha2ardous <br /> �ubstanc�flr En�iranxnental. Law of vvh��h Borrav�er has actual know�edge, �b� ar�y En�zranm��tai <br /> �ond�tion, including but nat I�muited to, any sp�Iling, Ieaking, d�scharge, re�ease or�hreat af release af any <br /> Hazard�us Substance, and�c} ar�y�andx��on caused by the presence, use or re�ease of a�azard�us Subs�ance <br /> which ad�erse�y affe��s�he value�f�he Proper�y. �f Barrawer�earns, or�s no���ed by any gavernmental ar <br /> regu�a�ory authori�y, �r a.ny private�arty, that any remova� �r o�her remedzation of any Hazardou�Subs�ance <br /> affect�ng�he Prflper�y �s r�ecessary, B�rro�rer sha1�prompt�y�ake a.�� necessary r�mediai ac�ians zn <br /> accordance w��h En�vironmenta� La�. No�hing here�n sha�� create any ob�igat�on on L�nder f�r an <br /> �nviro�nenta�Cleanup, <br /> N�n�Unifo�rr�n �o�enants. Borrou�er and Lender c�ver�ant and agree as foi�ows: <br /> Z�. AGceleratiort: Remed�es. L�nd�r shall gi�e natice to Borr�w�r prior to ac��i�rat�an fo��ow�ng <br /> Bor�o�v�r's breach of any co�e�ant or agr�em�nt in this Se�urity Instrum�nt�but n�t pr�or to <br /> acceleration under Se�t�an 18 uniess App��cab�e Law pro�vides otherw�s�}. The not��e sha��specify: �a} <br /> �he d�fau�t; �b}the a�tivn r�qu�red to�ur�th�default; �c} a date, not�e,ss than 3U days from the date <br /> th�notice�s gi�en ta Barrow�r, by whi�h the defau�t must l��cur�d; and (d�that failur�to cure the <br /> defau�t an vr before th�date specif�ed in th�nat�ce rnay resu�t in acce�eratian of the sums secured by <br /> th�s�ecu�ty�nstrume�t a�d sa�e of the Property. The nati��shall further inform Borrower of the <br /> r�gh�tQ re�nstate after acc�leratian and the right to bring a court action to assert the nan�ex��tence of a <br /> defau��or a�y vther defense of B�rrvw�r t�acceleration and sale. If the defau�t is n�t�ured on or <br /> b�fnr�the d�te�p���ed�n the notice, Lender at�ts option may r�quire immedxate payment in fuil of <br /> aii�ums se�ured by this S�cur�ty Instrument without further demand and may�nvoke the power of sale <br /> and a�y other rem�dies�rmitted by App�icab�e Law. Lender shall be entitied to callect all exp�ns�s <br /> in�ur�red in pursu�ng th�remedies pro�i�ed�n th�s Sect�vn Z2, in�luding, but not�imited ta, r�asanable <br /> attorn�ys' fees and�ost�of t�tle e��d�n�e. <br /> If the pawer of sa�e�s�n�oked, Trustee sha�l record a notice of d�fau�t�n�ach county�n which any <br /> part of th�Property i�located and sha��ma��cop�es of such not�c��n the manner pr�scr�b�d by <br /> App�i�ab��Law tQ Barrower and ta the other persons prescribed�y Appiicab�e La�v, After the time <br /> r�quired by Appl�cab��Law, Truste�shall gi�e pu�l�c not�ce�f sal�to�he persvns and�n the manner <br /> prescribed by App�i�able Law. Trustee, wi�hout demand on B�rrawer, shal�s���the Prop�rty at pub��c <br /> au�tion ta the highest��dder�t th�t��ne and pla�e and under th�t�rxns d�s�gnat�d in th�notice of sa�e <br /> in one ar m�re parce�s and in any ord�r Trustee det�rrn�nes. Tru�tee rnay pvstpane sale of all or any <br /> parc��oF the Property by publi�ann�unc�m�nt at the t�me and�lace of any previously s�hedu�ec�sale. <br /> Lender or��s designee may pur�hase the Prop�rty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt vf payment nf the price bid, Trustee sha�� de��ver to the purchaser Tru�tee's d�d <br /> conveying the Prog�rty. The r�citals in the Trus�ee's deed sha�l be prima facie eviden��of the truth of <br /> the state�ments made th�r�i�. Trustee sha�l app�y the pr�eeed�af the sal�in th�follnw�ng order: �a� to <br /> all costs and�xpenses of ex�rcising the power of sa�e, an�the�ale, including th�payment�f the <br /> Trustee's feQ,s actua��y�ncurred and reasonable attarneys' fe�s as p�rmitted by App��cab�e; �b) to <br /> a�l sums se�ured by th�s S�curity Instrument; and �c) any exce�s to the per�on or p�rsons�egaliy <br /> entitled ta it. <br /> NEBE�ASKA-Sin�le�amiiy-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM 1NSTRUM�NT �orm 3D28 11�� <br /> VMP[�a] VMPfi{N�y�13�2� <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Finan�iaf Ser�i�es Page 14❑f'�7 <br />
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