<br /> in�he Propert�and rights under this Se�urity Ins�rument; and (d} �akes such ac��on as Lender may
<br /> reasonabl�require to assure that Ilender's �n�eres�in the Proper�y and r�gh�s under th�s S�curi�y �ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Borrov�er's abliga�i�n to pay the sum�secured by�h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�, sha�� continue unchange�.
<br /> L�nder may require tha�Borro�ver pay such reins�atemen�sums and e�penses �n one or mare�f the fo��ow�ng
<br /> forms, as selected b�Lender: (a}cash; �b} money order; �c�c�r��fi�d check, bank check, treasurer'�chec�or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an�ns��tu��on whose dep�sits are insur�d l�y a
<br /> federal agency, ins�rumentality or entity; or�d} Elec�ron�c Funds Transfer. Up�n reinstatemen�by Borrower,
<br /> �h�s Securi�y�nstrum�nt and ab�iga�ions secured hereby sha�� remain fully effec�i�ve as if no acce��ration had
<br /> occurred. H�we�er, this right to rein�ta�e shall no�apply �n�he case�f a�ce�era���n under Se����n 1.8.
<br /> ��. Sale �f Note: Change af Laan Ser►r�Ger; Nvt�ce of �r�e�ance. The Note ar a par�ia� interest in�he
<br /> Na�e���gether v�ith�his Securi�y Instrumen�}can be sald one or more times wi�haut priar riatic�e ta
<br /> B�rrawer. A saie m.i.ght resu�t�n a change in the entity �k�.own as the "Loan Servicer"}tha�cal�ec�s Per�ad�c
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and�hi�Secur�ty Instrument and performs o�her mor�gage x�an serv�cing
<br /> obligatians under the Note, this Secur��y �ns�rumen�, and App�icable Law. There a�so nr�ight be on�ar�more
<br /> changes of�he Loan Ser�ic,�r unrela�ed ta a sa�e af th�Na�e. If there�s a change af�he I.oan Servir.�er,
<br /> Borrower wil�be given written noti�e of the change�v�rh�ch w�1� s�ate the name and address af the ne�v�an
<br /> Ser�icer, the addr�ss to�hich pa�ments should�e made and any other�nforma�z�n R��PA requires in
<br /> �onne,c��on w�th a not�ce�f�ransfer of s�r�ic�ng. If�he Nate is so�d and thereaft�r�he Loan is ser�riced by a
<br /> Loan Ser�v�cer o�her�han�he purcha.�er of the Note, the mortgage loan serv�c�ng abliga�ions�a�orrower wi��
<br /> rema�n w�th�he Laan Servicer or be transferred�o a successor Loan Servicer and are n��assumed�y tlie
<br /> No�e purchaser un��ss o�herwis�provided�y the Note pur�haser.
<br /> Neither B�rr�wer nor L�nder nr�ay cammence,�o�n, or be joined�o any judicial ac��on�as e��her an
<br /> indiv�duaX l��igan�or the m�mber of a��ass}�hat ar�s�s from�he nther par�y's actians pursuant to th�s
<br /> 5ecuri�y �ris�rumen�or fha�aiieges�hat the o�her party has breached any provision of, or any du�y ow�d by
<br /> reason of, this Secur�ty �nstru�nent, unt�1 such Borr��crer or Lender has no�if�ed�he other party�wi�h such
<br /> n�tice g�ven xn camplianc��uith�he requ�remen�s of Se��ion �S��f such a�.�eg�d breach and affarded�he
<br /> other par�y here�a a reasonab�e p�riad af�er�he giving of such notic�to ta�.e corre��i�re ac�ian. �f Applicable
<br /> Law provid�s a time period which must elapse before cer�ain act�on can be�aken, that time period will be
<br /> de�med to be reasonable for purpases of this paragraph. The notice�f ac.c�lera�ion and oppar�unity�o cure
<br /> given to Borrovver pursuan��o Sec��on�2 and�he n��ice of accelerat�on g�ven�o Borr�wer pursuant�o
<br /> Sect�on �8 shall be de.�med to satisfy fi.h.�not�ce and oppor�uni��to take correc�i�e ac�ion pro�isior�s of this
<br /> Sec�ion 2D.
<br /> �'I. Hazardous Substances. As us�d�n this Sec�ion 2�: �a� "Ha.zardous►Subst�ances"are those sub��nc.es
<br /> de�ned as�axxc ar hazardous subs�ances, pollutan�s, or wast�s by �n�ironmental Law and�he foliov�ring
<br /> subs�ances: gasal�ne, k�ras�ne, a�her flamamable or taxic petroleum praducts, �oxic p�s��c�d�s and herb�cides,
<br /> vola�i�e solven�s, rna�eria.ls c�n�aining asbes�os�r formaldehyde, and radiaacti�e ma�eria�s; ��}
<br /> "�`�viror��nental Lr�w"means federa� laws and�aws of the jur�sdi�tion vvhere�he Proper�y is�acated�h�t
<br /> re�ate ta health, safe�y ar�n��ranmen�al protec�ion; �c} "Environmental�'lear�up"�ncludes any res�v�se
<br /> a�t�on, remedia�act�on, ar remaval actifln, as defined in�n�ironmental Lau�; and (d� an "En�ironmen�al
<br /> Canditinn"means a�and���on�ha�can cause, contribute�o, ar a�herw�se�r�gger an En�iranmen�ai C�eanup.
<br /> Borr�wer sha��na�cause or permi.t�he presenc.�, use, disposal, storage, or release�f any�azardous
<br /> Substances, ar�hrea�en ta reiease any�azardous Substanc�s, on or in the Property. Borrower sha11 no�do,
<br /> nor a��o�v anyone eise�o da, ar�ything affec��ng�he Froper�y �a}that is in v�oXa�ion of any En�ironmental
<br /> Law, �b} which cr�ates an Env�ronmentai Condi�zon, or��} wh�ch, due�o the presen��, use, �r rel�ase of a
<br /> �azardous Substance, crea�es a condition�hat advers���r affec�s th�va1u�of�he Pr�p�r�y. The pre��ding two
<br /> N�6RASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNl�ORM tNSTRUM�NT Form 30�8'�10�
<br /> VN1P� VMPfitN�3 f 1302y
<br /> Waltsrs Kluwer�inan�iaf Ser�i�es Page 13 0#'�7
<br />