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.. ._. , ,�-...�.-�--_ .- i <br /> „w , . .... ... . _... . <br /> '' . , ru��:na:° L 'a fr Y.r -� .c R'S - -��"—�.Li.-- <br /> � . ' � . � .•.��i..t.r'S:�k�dLr�`��` - `'�. - -� -- ... ��... . ..__A".��` —. <br /> —��' - x-,..:.-' <br /> ..r�.. . _�....a�.s".' <br /> ,.. -r . • <br /> y�'�_— <br /> � 7. Protection of Lender's piqhu tn the Prop�rty. i� earow.r r.w �o �orm cn. cov�nana and �pn«r�na � <br /> ca�tah�d in thk sacur�ry insuum«�►, a�h�n Is �I�pN procMtS+W tlut rrwY �Ipnffic�nty�fl�ct l.�ndw�rlphb In th�Prop«ty Uuch u � <br /> � proci�dhp h b�nkruplCy. prot�u, fa cond�nntlbn w falNturs a to �nfora kwr a nquMtbn�)� lMn L�ndM m�r do�nd p�Y br <br /> wh�tw�Is n�c��uy to prat�ct th� v�luw of th�PrapKty md l.�ndw� rlGhb In th� Prop�rty. L�+dN'� �ctbns rnliy k►olud�p�Ylnfl � <br /> �ny aims s�cund by �Mn whbh ha�tNiorkY owr thM 3�curUY Inlbum�nt� �PP�� „ court� P�YMW rMSOr►�bM�tlom�Y�� NN �nd <br /> �nurhp on tM Prop�Ay lo m�k� n4ek1. Akhouph L�ndM rr hY�h�M tb�come �ddltbnu d�Mh of Bonor+K Mound by thl� `8�ourlty <br /> My �mounts dkbur��d by Undr unda thM p�rp�aP <br /> InWWm�nl. Unla� Borcovrw and L�nd�r W� to othK arms of piym�nl, th� �mount� •h�N bMr InMnat kom tM d�t� of <br /> dbburs�m�nt�t th�Nob n��nd�hal b�WY�M� � „�t, upon not��hom Und�r to BqrcowM nqt►MtIrW Wlr�tt. <br /> 6. M�ortQ�ps In�uranal. If L�nda nquind mort0�0� h�unnc��s • aondNian of m�kfnp th�bu+ wcwrd by thM 9�ourNy <br /> Intlrurt�nt, BoROwK sh�M p�y th�pnmkintl ►�q�r�d to rt�h�+h th� matp�pa fnwranco In cttact. If, for any reaeon, ths mortq�g� �- <br /> in�uru►c�CovK�p�nquY�d by L�nd�r kp�M or ewNS to b� in MNGt, BoROwu ih�M pay tM prMnium�nqulnd to abah oov�roq <br /> subttantMNy puhnbnt to th�moAp�p hsunnC�pr�vbu�y h �M�ct, �l�cott sub�tantkly �qu�wlrn� ta th�co�t to B4rrow�r of IM <br /> rnoAp�Q� hsurana prwbusy In �M�ct,kom an�k�mat� mortW9� hsunr �pprowd by l.�nd�r. II �ub�t�nt�My �qu�wMM morfpN� <br /> fntunna covK� fs not �vIIMbN, Borrow�r shaM p�y to L�ndu «►ch month � sum �qual ta a►�hwMth o} th� yNrly matp�p� <br /> inwnnc�pnrt0um 1»inq pafd by Bortowx wh�n th� tnsunnc�cownp�MiPs�d a oMNd tp b�h NI��' u^�`"����uM�nd <br /> rauh th�sa payments �s e Wse roa«w fn M�u of monOeD� h�uruic�. Lou ra�rw paY►n�nis rrMy no lonp�r W nquind� at th� <br /> optbn of L�nder� M mortWW inwr�na cowr� (N lF►� unount �nd iar lM p�lod th�t L�ndK nqulrw) provkMd by �n insunr <br />- i�ntura1ncdi hy off�c�r�lo' Pro�ld��qts �rKKw, un 4 h uncWfnrn�nt lor mortp�p� incunnc�inds fn �cc�ord�nc� Nh any wrNMn <br /> �qr�rnnt betws�n Bortow�r�nd L�nd�r or�ppMC�bN�w. <br /> 9. Inspectlon. LencNr a Ra�pent maY m�c� r�s°^ab» �^t�� upon �nd hsp�ctbns ot th�Propwty. L�ndrr �h�M 0�w <br /> 8ortpww notk��t th�tYn�of cr yxior ro an hsp�ctbn s(�oMYh9 na�onabla c�us�lor tl�Insp�ctbn. <br /> 10. Condemnedon� Th� ptooMdl ef u�Y aWUd or cYim tor d�maq�t, dY�ct ot cont�qWntla4 h eonMCtbn wMh Ny <br />: condsr►xi�tfon or other takhy a! �ny put ol the Prop«ty, or far conwy�nce In tfw ot condamnatbn, are hereby aeelpnsd�nd�1►�M b� <br />= paid to Und�r. <br /> In ths awnt of • total takinq ol th� Prop�rty, th� Proc�ds �h�M b� �ppll�d to th� sums Ncund by thk 3�curNy Mtburtwnt, <br />- whathar or not thm dw, wNh �ny oxcass pakl lo Hortaw�r, in tha w�nt of a putl�l takhp of tl» Prop�ty In which tM ht rrwrk�t <br /> vrb� ot th� Prop�rty hwrNdY1.�N bNor� tM Wch� k �qwl to a p�tK than th� urwunt of tFu wms NourMW by th� 8�curltY <br /> ImburrNnt knn'�sdMtsy b�fon th�twklnp, unla�Bortow�r�nd I.�nd�r oth�nvk� apn� h wrltin9, th� aums wcwtid by MN S�c�xky <br /> InsWmmt �haN b� nduc�d by th� �mount of th� procMds muklplMd by tM (oNowinp hactlon: (�) th� tobJ �mount of tM sum� <br />� s�cund hwmd�tNy bMor+th� Wchy�divld�d bY�b)ih� hlr mukN wlw of tl►�Prop�ty M�wnadMtNY bNon th�WcinO.My b�l� <br />'-- eluiM W p+ild to BortawM'. In th� �+hnt ol n pwtlal tnklnq of th�Prop�rty In whbh th�hY muk�t vrlw of th� Pro(�rty YmNdi�NY <br />- tiefora th� ukinp Is bcs th�n th�arnount of tM sums s�curod Ym�sdlataN b+(on tha t�klnq, unbas BorrowK�nd I..�ndK othKwia <br />- aqree In wrkhp w unkss �ppNc�bM M�w oth�rw�fs9 provldes, tha prxwds shaM b� �ppNad to th� cums acund by thM S�curky <br /> Inswmmt whathw or not th�sum� an tMn dw. �, �� ,���Rn►rewr Ihat th�Cond�fmor oM�fi t0 rtl�lc��11 lwMd W <br /> If th�Prop�ty is�b�nao��d oy norrow.i. w�.:�••• na,.,...b;l..�s-- -- -- <br /> aenM �ckin for d�mpas,Bortower kYs to rwpond to Und�r wthh 30 dsYa aRK th�date th�notic�is qiwn, LmdK K wtho�i+e�d <br /> to colNct�nd appy tha proC�ds, �t Ms optbn,NthK to nstoration or npalr of th� Prop�rty or to tl►�tum� s�und by thft S�curky <br /> Inftrummt,wh�lhK or not th�n dw. <br /> UnNsa L*nd�r and Bortow�r othlrwiN��M I^wrkh9� �Y�PP�llon of prxMdi to prholp��thall not roMnd ot po�lporl�tM <br /> dw dato of the monthy paym�ntt rskrtrd lo in pa��pnPh� 1 �nd 2 a oh�np�th�unount o}such payrtants. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbesrance By l.ender Not s Wdver. Exansbn ot �h. crr» tor paym�+t a <br /> modMb�tbn of �mortiralbn of th�wmf s�cund by lhN SauritY Inauumrnt pruit�d by UndM to�ny succM�a In MtMwt of Barow�r <br /> 6h�M not opKate to nlw�f�th�YabWty of Ih�alpfnd Borrow�r or Borrowk� suCC�s�on In fnt�nst• l.�ndK�Iw��not b�nquUrd ta <br /> comrt��c�procNdin��p�lnst �ny wccasor In Inunst or rMua to at�nd tim�lor p�Yr�^t a otMrwls�modMy�uraAl�tbn of tM <br /> sums s�cund by thb Sacurity InsWmont by roaaon oi �ny demand rrwd� by N►� oripk►ll Borrow�r or Borrow�r's wcCMwn In <br /> inbnst. My toibwnnc� by L�ndK h�archhG �^Y rklht a ronNdY ehaM not b�a waMu of or pnclud�th��Is�of�nY riph4 or <br /> r«rwdy. <br /> - 1�. Succes�on and Msipns Bound; Jolnt end Severel Lisblllry; Co-elqners. 'rn. eovwnnu �nd <br /> �pnertMnta of thfs S�curMy Inawm�nt sh�M bad �nd bm�fit th� succ�asoro uid �s�ipns of l.�nrf�r �nd Borrow�r, aub�ct to tM <br /> provisbns of pan��ph 77. Borrower� cownaeto and��M�nsnte sh�N b�Joht�nd swwal. My 8orrowK who oo�slpns thk S�c�xRy <br /> Inatrummt but does not nncun th� Not�: p) 1� co-slpnhp thb S�curlly in�trummt ony to morlp�0�� �t, and conwy th�t <br /> Borrow�s Mtaresl in th� Proparty undK th� t�rms ol thk Socurky Instrum�nt; (b)k not p�nonaMy obNp�Nd to pay th�wmt t�cund <br /> by thk S�curity Insln�mant; and (c)�pna th�t L�ndK �nd any oth�r Bortow�r rt►�Y i0�'N to �xtwid, modMy� forbMr a m�k��nY <br /> �ccommodalbn�wRh raq�rd to term�of thK Saurky Instrum�nt or tM Not�wkhout th�t Bortow«'s con�ent. <br /> 13. Loan Char�e�. If the lo�n Wcund by thia S�curky InsWment ia cubJ�c! to a kw whfch s�tc rt�»um ban ch�r0��, <br /> �nd that kw b fin�Ny Int�rpnbd so that ths Inl�+t w othK bui ch�rp�M col4ct�l or to W caM�chd In conrnctian wkh tM � <br /> excesd the permktsd I�mks,then; (�)�ny such bwn ch,upes ah�N b� nducW by th�unount neceasary to nduc�tM clwp� <br /> . pennkted ifmk; �nd (b)sny sums alrNdy colbcud hom Borrow�r wh�h sxc�led psnnNt�d NmRs wM b�roNnd�d to Borrovwr. l..�nd�r <br /> rrKy ch0os� to mak�lhf6 rotund by ieduciny�h� Dnc�ip�� o� und�r th� Nob or by m�khq � dinct paym�nt to Borror+K• If a <br /> refund rsduc�s pnc�ip�l, th�r�duction wM b� trMt�d as �P�yl P�MKy�t wkhout iuty propayrr�lt Ch�rp�undK tIN NOb. <br /> 14. Notiees. My notic�to BorrowK provkMd for In thb S�curky Inttrum�nt�haN b� ph�n by d�MrKY�y k or by rn�lfnp It by <br /> ' tirst cyss rnail unlvsa app�c�bN 1aw roqufns usa of anothsr m�thod. Th� notfa shaM W dlrscNd to th� Propuly Adclrw� or mY <br /> othe� addross Borrower desipn�les by nolfcv to Laider. My notic� to Lendsr shaN b� plwn by wst claos rtwfl to l.�ndK�addna <br /> stated hereln or any other address Lender desynales by notics to Borrowsr, My notics provfd�d la In thls S�CUrky strummt�h�M <br /> - be deemed to have been qlven to Borrower or Lenckr when ONan�s provkied In lhkS puapqph• <br /> 16. Governina Lew: Seversbility. Thk SYCUrity InStrum�nt ah�M b� powrMd by fedeel law �nd th� law ol ih� - <br />� jurisdictbn h wh�h lhn Property is bcat�d. In th��vent that any provbbn or c�uae of thh S�curlty InsMum�nt or tM Nob conlNCtf _ <br />� wkh epplic�ble kw, euch Contlict sh�M not a}hct othK provlsbns of thls Socurlty Instrummt or th� Note whlch can bs pN�n Mhct = <br />� without tha conflictiny provkbn. To thls�nd tIN provisbns of thfs Socurky Instrumant�nd tha Nat�an d�cl�nd to b��w�nbl�. _ <br /> � 16. Borrower'� COF1y� Borcovwr sh�d be 9hron on�conlom�d copy of th�Not�u�d of thb Socurky Inshummt. <br /> _e_..�a..�.i In��rwat In Borrower. If a1 or �nv put ot tM Prop�ty or anY - <br />= 17. i renirte� vi "sne �fv�+���y�: • t <br /> -- hterest fn R is sold or trensterted (a M�benMfcf�l'ht�nst h BarowK Is sold or truuf�nd �nd BarowK b not a rutunl p�rson) � <br /> wAhout Lende�'s prior wriden consent, Lander rosY��t ks optbn,requke Ynrtiedkte payment h tuN of aA sums a�cursd by thM S�curkY f <br /> Instrurt�t. Howevar,this optbn sh�M not be asrcfsed bY�e^d�k�°����S P�ohbked by tsclKal kw aa ol th�dats ot thM S�cu�iqr � <br /> Instrum6�lt. <br /> II Lender exercfses thfs optbn,Lender sh�N qNe Borrower notiCe o} �ccelentbn. The notfc� shlN provlde � period of not Nse � <br />� then 30 deys hom the d�te the notiCe b delivKed o� �w�d Wkhin whbh th� Borrow�r must pay �N sums s�cund by thk S�CUrky _ <br /> Instr�ment. If 6ortower faHS tn pay thesa Rums prbr to the explr�tbn of thh perbd,Lender may hvoke Rny rs�r�dles pKmkt�d by ihk _ <br /> SecurRy Instrument without further not�Ce or dema�d on BOR6wBf• Form:ws�aoo = <br /> K,osv.una��oio» Prp�]ol S <br /> no - <br />