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*rr`i <br /> �� . � �k�N1'11 <br /> I �..`�',�_---.. <br /> �.•�.��,�s�tl�.��Y..'�-j�.wl�t�3r�-�t�,;���'.-:'i.�:,�,•�4:���;`t�=—== <br /> ' Borroww'� Kcrow �ccount und�r th�l�d�nl Rwl E�t�N S�tt�t Prac�durq Acl of 1974�s un�ndW kom ttn� to Ihtr,12 U.S.C. � <br /> 2601 M sp.('R�SPA"),unl�u anoih�r M�.w that�ppMN lo th�Fund� iN� a Mts�r unount. If so,L�nd�r may,H�ny tkn�,eoM1�e1�nd � <br /> hold Funds h �n unount not lo�xcwd!h�M��M nmounl. UnWr nuy at6nH� tM iunounl ol Nnds du�on th�baiN af curtwd d�N� � <br /> �nd rw�on�bl�alfm�tK ol�xp�ndMurn of IuWn��crow tqmt a oth�rwko h iccordYnc�wkh�ppifcahM yw. <br /> Th� Fund� �haN b� h�ld in Iln In�tNutlwi whoN d�po�Ns w Inwhd by � I�d�rtl p�noY, In�lrum�ntlUfly, a mNry(Inoludwq <br /> L�nd�r, M l.snd�r M suoh �n fn�tMutbn) or h �ny F�d�nl Hom�Lan B�nk. L�ndK sh�M�ppy ths Funcb to p�y tM Efaow INrra. <br /> L�ndK m�y not chup�Borrowu for holdhp snd�ppykq th�FunM, �nnudy ar►�y�rq tfN�acrow �ccaunt, a wrMylr►p Ih� k�crow <br /> It�m�, unMu Undw p�y� 8urow�r InMn�l on tM Fund��nd appN�abM law p�rtMl�L�ndK to m�ko wah�ofwp�. HowMr. Untfa <br /> may rpuln Borrow�r ta p�y � on�tkn� ohup�lor�n Ind��ndMit nd�tt�M fax nQorthp�MVic�uNd by l.�►tMr In co�n�otion wkh <br /> thM ban,unfni�ppMCabM Mw provkN� olherwiw. UnIN� an prMrn�nt is mech a�pplfo�6w ww r�qulrw Iniwat to Ya p�ki. UndK <br /> •h�ll not b�nqulr�d to pny QorrowM�ny in1MNt d'MmhQ� on tM Funds. 8ortow�r�nd L�nd1r rtNly prN In wrklnp� hOwwlr,t�t <br /> fntsrat •h�N b� pa{d on th� Funds. L�ncNr �h�N plw to BortovrK, wkhoul chup�, �m m�wl accountM9 0l tf» Fund1, showinp <br /> cr�dN� �nd dWkt to th�fund� �nd th� purpo��for whbh �sch d�bk lo th�Fund�wa� m�d�. Th�Fund� �n pNdp�d u acldklon�� <br /> acurky tor�M�ums s�cund by this S�curNy In�qum�nt. <br /> It th�Funds hNd by Und�r excNd th��mount�pKmkt�d to bs hNd by app�CabM Mw,L�ndK�h�N�CCOUnt to BorTOw�lor tM <br /> uccNS Funds h �eeord�nc�wkh th�nquP�n�nit of �pplie�bh kw. II tho amounl of tha Fundc h�kt by L�ndK�t�ny ttr�M not <br /> wfffCf�nt to p�y th�EsCrow It�ns whan dw, L�ndK may so notMy Bortow�r h wrilhp,�nd,In suCh C�N Borrow�r�h�N p�y to LM1dK <br /> th��mount n�csstuy to mak�up th�ctMckncy. dorrow� �IuiM r�k�up tlw Wf�f�ncy In no mor�than hvNw monthy q�rrwM�, �t <br /> L�ndK's toM dkcntbn. <br /> Upon paym�nt h IuN of�N aums NcurW by thN S�cuHty InsWm�nt, L�ndK ih�M promptly nlund to Borrow�r any Furbs Mid by <br /> L�nd�r. If, und�r parapnph 21, UnrMr �IuiN�cquin or NII tM PropKty, UndK,prbr to lM �cqukklon or saM nf th�PropKty,�h�M <br /> �ppy�ny Fund�hNd by L�nd�r�t th�tkn�of acquaNbn w s�M u�ondk pafn�t th�sums s�curod by this S�cu�ity Insbuir�d. <br /> 3. Applicatlon af P�yrmenb. Unlq�appNCa61�law provid�t othlrwiN,�N paymw�te r�c�NW by Und�r und�p�rap�ph� <br /> 1 and 2 shoW ba appll�d: Iksl, to �ny pr�paymmt chup�a dua undw th� Nou: srcond,to�rt�ounts pay�bM und�r p�nprph 7,lhkd <br /> to fnlsrest dur faurth, to prfncip�l du�;�nd kst,to �ny kt�ohup�s du�undM th�Nob. <br /> 4. Chsrye�; Llens. BorrowK sh�M pay aA Wua, a�s�o:m�nts, chupa, f�nss �nd NnposNbn� attributabM to tM Prop�wty <br /> wh�h rn�y �tteln prbrky over thls S�curky Inauummt, �nd Mas�hold pRym�nts or pround renb, R �ny. Borrovwr thal pay tl� <br /> abMp�tbn� fn th�m�nn�r provid�d h parapnph 2,or M not pald In th�t m�nna, �araw�r sMN pay th�m on tMrw dk�cty ta d►�pusan <br /> owed payment. Bort'owK sh�N prompty lumbh to UncMr�N notkM ol�mounts to b�pald u�dM�thb pluprnph. If BorrowK m�kM <br /> th� paym�nts dt�cty,Borrow�r�h�N prar�ty fumkh to Undw nc�pt� �vkNr�chp th�p�ym�nb. <br /> BoROwar�haN promply dkcFwr�any Nm wh�h ha�priorRy ovrr thls S�curNy Inspummt unbas Barowar:(�)aprNS B wrthp lo <br /> the p�ym�nt of th�obMp�tion eecund by th� Mm In �m�nn�r�captWw to L�dK;(b)conusb h pood hkh tM Mm by,or tNMnd� <br /> .yah��.nrorc.m«�c of�no usn ti,Ipd prOCMdMp� whbh in tt1�Und1�� opinb�opK�t� to p►�v�Mlt tM M110rCMMnt Of ttN fM1;or(o) <br /> f�CUf�i If0111 I�N t10�M Of 1� MKI MI �QIMf11N1I Mll{�IIC�Of�/ [O ZW1oK suouica:�:i'r�y ii�e i'w� 2^v i=ii� �.iiiwj =lSCZiiiTw:ii. ���...�'S�." <br /> deturnk�a th�t �ny put of th� PropKty b subJ�ct to � Nen wh�h may att�h prbrity mtir thY Sxurky In�tnxnmt, Undr rrwy 0� <br /> Borrow�r a not�� Id�ntMyfnp tM NMi. Borrow�r�hall utky th� INn ar tak�ono or mun of lh��ctlon�s�t forth�bovr wAhh 10 dRyt <br /> of th� qHhy of not�e. <br /> 5. H�zard or Property Insurance. eorrower shall k�ep ms Ynprown»nic �ow ak��ny or n.n.n.r .r.cNd on en. <br /> Pro�rty haurad tpainst was by firo, hazuds Includad wNhfn the torm "extand�d cowraps"�nd uiy olh�r hwrde, IncWdYp floods or <br /> fbodinp, fa whlCh LM�d�r rpuirss insunnc�. Thk inwr�nC� �haM b� rtrMtakNd h th� urwunts �nd hx tM p�rbds Iha! LM�dK <br /> nquins. Th� Mwranc�cartfM provkf„p th� intunnC� �hRN b�ohoa�n by BorrowK wbJ�ct to L�ndws Ilpprawl whbh Mall not 6� <br /> unn�sonaby wlthhNd. It BarowK h4 to rrµlnfah Cowr� d�acrb�d �bow,Land�r nxy,�t l.�nd�t optlon, oW�h Covwp�to <br /> proNct Und�t rlphts h tM Prop�rty h �eCOrd�nc�wkh pwqnph 7. <br /> AN Inaunnc�polfcMs�nd nnew�M slwN b�accept�bM to L�nd�r and sh�N includ�a sWdud morlp�clwa. l�nda ch�l haw <br /> th�rip��t t0 hOW th� pONCf�s nnd nnwvdl. If Und�r r�qulr�s, Borcow�r th�N �ompty o�. to�.nd�r�r raapn o�P+a p.«dunn <br /> end ron�v+d notb�s. In th�went ot bsa, BortowK ahaN pNe prompt notk� to tM hsuru�c�cartNr�nd L�nd�r. Und�r may m�k� <br /> proof of bas M not mad�prompty by Bortow�r. <br /> UnMss Landvr and 8orrower othuwiss�prae fn wrilinp,insunncs prxerds sluN b��pplMd lo netontbn or np�P of th� Prop�ty <br /> �y�d, N th�roatoration or npak k �eonomfcaly iwtbw �nd Undrr'a Wcurky k not Ins�n�d. I}tM nstontfon or npat k not <br /> econombaNy is�slhl� or Undar'� securRy would be Naaen�d, th� fnsunna p�awds �haN b�applNd to th� wma Mcunci by thN <br /> S�curky Instrum�nt, wheth�r or not thM due, wkh �ny ucc�sa pald to Barowu. If Bortow�r�bandan� th� ProMrty. a cloM not <br /> �nswK wkhin 3U day� a nottc� kom L�nd�r that th� Insunna carrMr hu oM�d to tMtl� � CMMn, th�n UndK may cowct tM <br /> insura.ha prxMds. Lmd�r rrwy u�� th� proc»d� to npak or raton th� Prop�ty a to pay sums acwtid by thk S�curNy <br /> InsWm�nt,wtwth�r or not tMn dua.Th�30�day pKlod wIN bpin wh�n th�notic�le piwn. <br /> UnIK�L�nder rnd Borrow�r othKwM�� In wrkhy, �ny�ppNcatbn of proc� to prkicipal th�N not�ocbnd a patpan� tM <br /> du�dat�ot th�monthy payrtbnta rMo�nd to In pu�pryohe t and 2 or chinge tM �mount ot tM p�yrtNnts. N undK pn�pnph 21 <br /> tha PropYrty is aCqukpd by L�nd�r, BMrowM's ripht to�ny kltunnC�poYC{N�nd proCMds nsukhp kom d�rt�t0 th� W�ty prb► <br /> to thq acqulakbn thaN p�st to L�ndw to th� �xt�nt oi th� wms t�cund by thM S�curlly IneWmmt YnrYMdMMy p�br to tfi� <br /> acquiskbn. <br /> 6. Occupency, Preservatlon, Malntenance md Protectlon of the Property; Bor�ower's Lean <br /> Applicetion; Leaaeholds. Bonower sh�ll xcupy,eatabNsh,pnd usa th� Property ae Borrowers pnc�lp�l nsWmc�wlthh sbdy <br /> days aker the exxutbn ol thb Sec;urRy Inatrument �nd shaM contSnua tu oaupy th� Prop�ty �e Borrow�'s prt►olpd rssld�nt�lor�t <br /> least on� ywr aftK th� dat� 01 xCUpa,�cy, unksa L�ndw otMrwls� aqn�s In wrkYW� whbh Conant bh�M nOt b� unrwmebly <br />_ wkhh�ld,or unMss�xtmu�tinq circumotanc�s�xNt whbh�n beyond Borroxw'a control. Barow�r ohaN not datroy,d�m�p� a M�p�Y <br /> the Property, aMOw the Propwty to dNsr{onts, or commk waats on the Property. Borrow�r thaN b� h d�huk M any Mrf�kun aCtbn or <br />- procs�dhp,whether cMN or crimin�l,b bpun th�t In Landsrs poad hkh judqnsnt could nsuk in forNkun of tM Prop�ty a oMwwiN <br />- matKkHy fmpslr ths Ibn creulW by lhb Securky Instrum�nt or Lender's eecuriry hterest. Borrow�r may cun such �drfwk �nd <br />= rehstate, as provkkd In paropr4ph 18, by caushp the ectbn or proceetllnp to be alsm�ss�o wen e ruiny in�i, n ��ndsi��vw w:�� <br />- determfnatbn, precludss forfskur� e} the Borrowws int�nat W tl» Prop�rty O� OthK mabrial Yr�hnmt Of tha M�n C�I�d by thlt <br /> SecurRy Instrumenl or Londer's securily interost. Bortower shaN also be In dehuk M Bortower, durhq the lom applcatbn proc�a, <br /> pave meterM�ly f��se or h�ccurate hformatbn or staterr�ents to Lend�er (or IaNsd to provkfe Lendsr wRh �ny mabrMl inkrm�tbn) h <br /> : connectb� wilh the loan c+vkknced by the Noto, hCludhg, b�t not limd�d to, representatbns conceminfl BorrowK's occuancy of tM <br /> � Fropsrty es e prtncipal rosldence. If thfs Securily Inswment Is on a leasehold,Borrower shaM compy wRh aN ths provkbna o} the <br /> lease. If Bonower acqukes (ee tkle to the Property, the laesehold �nd the fe�tk�e sh�N not mw�ps unNss the L�nd1r apne!to tM <br /> merper 6i writinp. ForR, z:��roo <br /> � F101o.LM0(10/07) P�g�4 of 6 <br /> � D60 <br /> I __.._—_ .. . . <br />